
"A third-rate arms dealer will sell his weapons to his own people, a second-rate arms dealer will sell his weapons to the enemy and his own people, and a first-rate arms dealer, they will control the war."

Norman raised his wine glass and gestured slightly to Mu Feng, with a wicked smile on his face that could not be concealed with ferocity and happiness.

"You are without a doubt a first-rate arms dealer!"

"It's not a bad thing to provoke a war between Wakanda and the United States." Mu Feng shook the red wine in the glass, looked at the swirling red liquid, and smiled happily

"At least it can wake up the Americans, let the Wakanda people see the world more, and then... let the loose weapons evolve a little bit."

"Are you bullish on Wakanda?"

"Unless it uses nuclear weapons when it comes up, it will be impossible for the United States to take Wakanda for a while." Mu Feng said softly.

Don't look at Wakanda's weapons, such as the rhinoceros wearing vibranium armor is so...fantastic, but the real thing in their hands is the level of technology that surpasses modern times.

Just the fact that it can hide the truth and create an illusion, and at the same time have a protective barrier that the vanguard under Thanos can't tear open for a while, is enough to give the Yankees a headache.

But to say that the war is won or lost, it is undoubtedly the inevitable victory of the United States.

The current situation in Wakanda is like a little Japan in World War II. The only possibility of victory is to beat the other side and force the other side to come to the negotiating table to make peace.

However, the idea of ​​the Showa staff was only successful for a wasteful Qing Dynasty.

And Wakanda is not even as good as the little Japan in World War II, even if Wakanda has explosive vibranium mines - but so what?

War is not so naive and simple that having a particularly large amount of ore can decide the outcome.

Not to mention that Wakanda's "brilliant" technology tree is actually a bit crooked to a large extent. The study of weapons can be described as tragic.

Unless Wakanda suddenly points out the technology of the continental shelf oscillator and sits down to full practicality, he has absolutely no chance of winning the war.

But having said that, the war between the United States and Wakanda is unlikely to be the same as the crushing of the Middle East oil guy.

There is even no doubt that it was the Yankees who were crushed in the early days of the war.

Such a situation is simply not too good for Mu Feng and the others.

Protracting a protracted war in this way, not to mention the fact that the Yankees are bound to be shriveled in the early days, will definitely inspire the military to ask for more funds from Congress and place orders to arms dealers on a larger scale.

And who is the largest arms dealer in the United States today?

It is Mufeng's Palm World Technology and Norman's Osborne Industries. These two companies almost completely dominate the market for high-end arms development!

At its root, Osborn and Zhanshi can be regarded as one company at all.

At the beginning, Stark could rely on World War II to become the largest arms family in the United States, and Mu Feng could also take this opportunity to completely bind the company to the United States.

Of course, making money is not Mu Feng's goal, and he doesn't care about those numbers and waste paper. What he cares about is that under the influence of this, the technology will fully control the direction and goals of the US military's weapons development.

The wreckage of the Kshatriya he threw out was taken by the military, but even reverse engineering a copy of the knockoff was not that simple.

As the war is imminent, he will inevitably be invited to guide the progress of research and development of weapons, and such behavior will inevitably lead Mu Feng to gradually control the direction of weapon development of the US military.

This development process is a perfect replica of Anaheim.

Unless Tony Stark steps up to restart the closed Stark Arms Factory, all this will be completed 100% step by step.

"Wakanda will lose, but we want them to lose less ugly. It's better to kill more people and let the war stretch long enough."

Mu Feng raised his wine glass and smiled.

It's best to stretch the plot of Avengers 1 and stretch it to the Chitauri airdrop to New York.

Only one war after another will allow them, the arms dealers, to earn more, and the more and more consumption of the military's power is equivalent to increasing the chips and power they control!

"Hope the Wakanda gods can protect them, under our bullets and missiles," Norman laughed.

"No." Mu Feng smiled playfully

"Their God is with us."

59. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Alexander

"By the way, how's Harry doing?"

Mu Feng chose to change the topic, instead of delving into the issue of Wakanda and the United States, he switched to another topic of interest with great interest.

"It's okay, it's just that he can't fully control his abilities for the time being." Norman whispered

The development of the X gene in Harry Osborn has either failed or failed, and I should say... a mixed bag?

The good thing is that Harry has successfully developed his own mutant ability - proliferation while maintaining his genetic integrity.

This is an ability to replicate based on the ontology, and its characteristic is to completely replicate a hive individual that is the same as the ontology, but with a shared consciousness. Harry can infinitely separate his individual if the conditions are met, and achieve this Thinking-sharing on abilities like a shadow clone.

This kind of ability is actually very valuable for development. If it is developed properly, it can be a powerful ability to replicate the Gestalt civilization with a single player!

But unfortunately, this mutant ability of Harry belongs to the Gamma-level ability.

The classification of the Marvel mutants is not necessarily the same as the strength of the ability.

Harry's proliferating mutant ability is such an uncompromising gamma-level ability.

Harry can freely proliferate and separate his own individuals, but when the number exceeds ten, his consciousness will fall into chaos, so that some proliferating individuals become vegetative-like and unable to move freely.

Moreover, too many dissociative proliferators caused Harry's self-consciousness to be confused, so that he could not determine which one his own identity was.

Excessive proliferation will cause mental problems, which is why it is extremely difficult for Harry to develop his proliferation ability to a level sufficient to create a Gestalt civilization by himself.

"Harry is slowly learning to control the division of proliferators."

Norman whispered

"He works hard, this kid works hard, and I believe the results will come soon."

Mu Feng narrowed his eyes and touched his chin slightly. Norman... is hiding something.

Regarding his son, he withheld some information, and to be honest, did Norman himself withhold some information about himself after being eccentric?

The answer is yes, with Norman's cunning and cunning character, how could he tell the truth?

However, don't worry too much. For villains with deep personalities such as Kim Bing and Norman, it is not a good thing to bind them too tightly.

Mu Feng did not have the urgent need to turn these people into obedient puppets. What he really wanted was a partner, a good partner who could fully change the world.

These villains are full of unbridled self-motivation, in short, a very special spirit of inferiority.

Backlashing the superiors and then going further is nothing to this group of people, and it can even be said to be commonplace. But this is not a bad thing, diligence, change and challenge are the embodiment of their ability.

A superior who cannot tolerate the ambition of his subordinates is unqualified.

"If that's the case, then I'll say goodbye first."

Mu Feng stood up and walked into the portal behind him. And after Mu Feng left, Norman's expression immediately darkened.

Mu Feng is right, villains like him always have the courage to 'move up'


Wakanda's fighter jets disappeared completely after rising into the sky, and when the radar could not penetrate the electromagnetic barrier at all, the Defense Air Force could not lock the opponent to intercept.

Wakanda used their crushing technology to recklessly leave the United States after hitting the government in the face, and this behavior is undoubtedly trampling the military's face.

Of course, the more important thing is to fill these guys in the army with fear and anxiety.

They have always relied on advanced technology to crush others. When is it their turn to be crushed by technology?

Such fear and agitation are like the daily anxiety when facing the red bear during the Cold War, a formidable competitor, an opponent who may surpass himself technically at any time.

Not to mention that Wakanda has surpassed it!

In the military, the hawks who declared war instantly overwhelmed all the doves, and in the final analysis, the military's doves are essentially hawks in disguise.

And more importantly, Wakanda has vibranium, very, very much vibranium!

The technology exposed by their Royal Guard, anti-gravity sailing, energy weapons, and the extravagant use of vibranium to build their own armor is enough to make the military drool.

They can attack other countries for oil, and naturally they can attack a country for the more precious Zhenjin, which can be said to symbolize the future!

The military's war application to Congress has arrived, and Congress is busy dealing with the commander-in-chief.

By the way, this term's leader is a Republican.

This may seem irrelevant, but a Republican leader means he must have a die-hard Republican vice-chairman.

The chief commander can jump between party ideas at will, but the deputy commander cannot. The position of deputy commander means that they must be the iron core of the corresponding party, and their behavior is infinitely close to the party style.

Compared with the Democratic Party, which is more and more inclined to use underhand tactics such as public opinion warfare, the Republican Party is undoubtedly more inclined to the war.

And it is impossible to hide the death of the chief commander.

The fact that the commander-in-chief was bombed in front of the White House had already exploded national public opinion, and now he was assassinated and killed by people from other countries in the White House.

Although Americans always insult their leaders, it does not mean that they can accept that their leaders are casually assassinated by people from other countries.

As a result, parades, riots and other things happened all over the country, public opinion inciting war became more and more high, and the government and Congress were even more troubled by this.

War is not so simple that it can be surrounded by public opinion, or a war surrounded by public opinion is precisely the least likely to happen.

The United States maintains international condemnation and pressure on Wakanda, but the problem is that Wakanda, which is almost isolated from the world, basically does not have any problems with international standards.

At this time, with the atmosphere of war becoming more and more high, who is the last person in the United States who does not want war to break out, and who is trying to persuade upstream and downstream to prevent war?

Exactly... Alexander Pierce.

As the most powerful one in Hydra at the moment, Alexander is the least hopeful for a war to break out.

The reason is simple, if war breaks out, what will happen to his Insight plan?

The insight plan is based on the big data analysis of the Zola algorithm and the weapons reserves of the aerospace aircraft carrier. Both are indispensable. If a war breaks out, it means that the aerospace aircraft carrier is very likely to become a backward technology.

If the aerospace carrier has become a backward technology, then the insight plan is still executed? Wouldn't his Alexander's lifelong plan become a joke?

Therefore, Alexander must do his best to prevent the outbreak of war, at least until the Insight plan is fully implemented!

So during this time, Alexander has been busy jumping up and down to prevent the outbreak of the war, so Nick Fury still feels ashamed of his former boss.

have a look! Look what a peaceful old man this is! Those who speak ill of Alexander should be dragged out and shot!

But having said that, the driving force behind this incident is beyond Alexander's control.

The culprit of all problems, Ulysses Crowe, is now clearly staying in Hell's Kitchen, but the problem is that Alexander has no ability to arrest him, let alone expose him.

Although I don't know the reason why this lunatic Jin Bing did this, he must have been involved in all of this!

After all, the snake head and the snake head are equal, and Alexander did not have the idea to risk damage to attack Jinbian.

But fortunately, Alexander is the biggest snake head of Hydra after all. With his own strength and relationship, Alexander abruptly delayed the war resolution.

In manipulating the direction of popular opinion, Alexander chose to concoct a lot of fake news to confuse the masses. At the same time, a lot of questions are raised to change the essence of things.

No one really thinks that a small African country has the ability to assassinate the American commander? No way? No way? !

The American people under the pan-intelligence education are indeed full of questioning spirit, so the wind direction has gradually been changed about Wakanda's declaration of war.

Until...until that video went viral.

In due course, the video of that tuning fork fighting the Black Panther went viral.

The news that T'Challa is a criminal with superpowers is endless, and the doubts concocted by Alexander are instantly self-defeating amid the distant din about Wakanda's conspiracy to subvert the world's regime and trigger a world war.

And worst of all, there is no doubt that T'Challa's battle with Crowe caused the Great London Earthquake.

Even though T'Challa in the video is basically in a situation where he was beaten by Crowe, this is not the most important thing in the eyes of most people.

The important thing is that the fighting between the two foreigners indirectly killed millions of people.

This time, the public opinion that Alexander worked so hard to suppress exploded again, even more terrifying than before!

In order to overcome the turbulent situation and transfer internal conflicts, the newly formed cabinet of Da Yu immediately protested to the United States and made a gesture of preparation for declaring war on Wakanda, and declared that if the United States did not follow up, they would leave NATO.

His attitude was very good, but with the few aircraft carriers in their hands that were leaking and on fire, whether they could fight or not was two things to say.

The atmosphere of war was imminent.

60. The Master of War

"Tony? Tony!"

Rhode broke into his friend's laboratory. Tony Stark, who was always high-spirited, was lying on a chair like a disheveled homeless man.

"Pepper said you locked yourself in your room for a month!"

"...I can't think of a good way to get here."

Tony took off the towel covered with oil on his face and said bitterly

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