They have been at peace for too long.

The last time I traced back the war of the Wakanda people was more than a hundred years ago, and it was still a civil war. And the war of outsiders has no reference value for them.

In a sense, Wakanda is equivalent to living in a Garden of Eden isolated from the world, with an absolute beauty that is compared with outsiders.

Beautiful things always easily cover up the rotten and ugly reality, especially when the beauty lasts, people will forget the ugly and cruel reality, and forget that it is actually a piece of stinky meat that will continue to rot.

"We may need new weapons." Su Rui gave an answer based on her researcher's identity

She doesn't understand war, and she doesn't want to understand the international situation. She only understands that if a war breaks out, Wakanda's current armament is far from enough.

Many times the weapons of the Wakanda Defense Forces are the same as jokes. For example, the border tribes like to raise rhinos and put them in vibranium armor. This behavior cannot be described as peaceful for too long.

Basically, the brain has been stepped on by a donkey a hundred times to have such a genius weapon design concept.

Su Rui is not good at developing weapons, or she has almost never been exposed to this aspect. But she's a genius like Tony Stark, who...

There will always be a way.

"I will do my best not to let the worst happen." T'Challa said firmly

But he also knows that the outbreak of war is not the worst thing. Since Wakanda has been exposed, it is inevitable to show his strength.

In this world, strength always speaks!

Packed up and ready, T'Challa came to the King's Hall, where the elders of the five major tribes had already sat down.

Breeding war rhinos, Vicapi, an elder of the frontier tribes who disguised themselves as farmers and hunters to deceive foreigners.

Nakia, the elder of the River Tribe who rule over all the flowing waters in Wakanda.

Mbaku, the ape clan elder who refuses to use any vibranium technology while worshipping the white ape **** Hanuman and refusing to recognize the black panther.

Ankoka, the elder of the mining tribe responsible for vibranium collection in the country.

And finally, the royal family of Wakanda, the elder Tchaka of the Golden Tribe.

These are the five tribes that make up Wakanda.

And it has not been the time for the five major tribes to gather like this to discuss issues in nearly a hundred years, but such a rare gathering is obviously a trouble that most people don't want to see.

"Prince T'Challa."

The shaman of Wakanda, the shaman Zu Li, whose head is covered with white spots, greeted T'Challa slightly, and T'Challa also returned the etiquette to his own mentor.

"T'Challa, speak your mind."

Tchaka looked at his son, and when he came up, he directly cut to the point of the question.

The discussion of the five major tribes has long since ended, and their respective positions have reached a draw under T'Challa's intentional checks and balances, and now it's up to T'Challa's meaning.

T'Challa looked at his father, and obviously understood the good intentions he did. But before he could speak, Mbaku, the patriarch of the orangutan tribe, made a loud noise.

"What else can you think? War! War must be waged! The Yanks must be shown how great Wakanda is!"

"Then what to put together to start a war, your spear?" sneered Nakia, the elder of the River Tribe.

"The wrath of the White Ape God will tear you to shreds, little girl!"

"Showing the power of Wakanda is a must, and my people have had enough of pretending to be what Wakanda should be in the eyes of those white people all day long." The elder of the border tribe, Vika will interject.

"But the war will seriously deplete the domestic vibranium reserves, as well as our equipment problems - it will take time to fully activate those factories!" The elder of the mining tribe, Ankeka, objected.

T'Chaka, on the other hand, remained silent, just waiting for his son's answer.

The current situation is maintained by him, a cunning and cunning politician, to a standard balance. Opposing and agreeing two to two, logistics and front lines confront each other.

"Elder Verkabi is right, Wakanda must show our strength to the outside world."

Facing the gazes of the four clan elders, T'Challa pondered for a moment, then said solemnly.

"Wakanda has been exposed under the circumstances of insufficient preparation. If we show the slightest cowardice or weakness, we will only be pressing step by step."

"So you're going to fight?" Mbaku licked his tongue, his face full of excitement

"No, we should hold the vibranium in one hand and the dove in the other." T'Challa shook his head.

"The International Court of Justice has been urging me to go to the trial, and I think I can go there under the protection of the Royal Guard. At the same time, I think Wakanda should be in a wartime state, if I don't come back or something happens Surprisingly, then..."

T'Challa paused and said softly.

"We Wakanda and outsiders must bleed."

To sum up, T'Challa's meaning is to increase military spending, reduce livelihood projects, increase diplomatic strategies, and be prepared to fight while fighting.

There is almost no concept of currency in Wakanda, but the tilt of Zhenjin resources is necessary. This behavior of T'Challa is equivalent to increasing the resources of the border tribes, weakening the resources of the river tribes, and at the same time comforting the ape tribes and mining tribes.

"The War Dogs have gathered some outside intelligence."

At this moment, Tchaka finally spoke.

"We are almost certain that the initiator behind this conspiracy is an American, not necessarily the U.S. government, but most likely one of the following people."

Tchaka swiped his fingers, and dozens of different names appeared on the screen projected in the air.

This includes Jin Bing, Stryker, Osborn, Stark, and... Mu Feng.

The collection of the above information is enough to make all spy organizations in the world, including S.H.I.E.L.D., ashamed - this is the ability of Wakanda's secret police force "War Dogs".

Although I don't know what a big country wants to organize such a powerful secret police force...

"If you're not sure who it is, then kill them all!" Mbaku said irritably

But unfortunately, no one paid attention to this irritable guy. After pondering for a while, T'Challa crossed out a few names and said.

"Let the War Dogs focus on the remaining people. I will take Okoye and the others to the United Nations Headquarters in person... I hope everything will turn around."

Having decided to be seated, Tchaka was very satisfied with his son's performance. Except for Mbaku, who was always dissatisfied and always scolded, he was relatively satisfied.

At the end of the meeting, several elders got up and left, but Tchaka and Zu Li stayed behind.

"What do our allies say?" Tchaka asked seriously

"Our allies will not interfere in our war with the United States, but if there is an accident, it will be another matter." Zu Li whispered

"But the great Black Panther God shows the true meaning of war... Your Majesty, this is not a good thing."

"Yeah, it's the worst."

T'Chaka sighed, and ancient Wakanda was not without allies. At this time, their allies were not superficial organizations like the Warsaw Pact and NATO. The real allies of Wakanda were ancient organizations like Kama Taj and the Brotherhood of Aegis.

If there was a choice, T'Chaka didn't want his allies to help. Because generally by that time, it means that the behind-the-scenes mastermind will most likely be a product beyond human intelligence, something that human beings cannot deal with.

"What else does the Black Panther God predict?"

"War, death, destruction, and... ravens."

63. A ghost of the past

Steve Rogers is a ghost.

He is a sculpture that lived in the past, died in the past, and should be buried forever in history.

But he was awakened, summoned, awakened in this strange world...

This traffic is busy, and the flowers are blooming. This is his longing for the rare peace ushered in after the defeat of the Nazis. But everything here made him feel uncomfortable.

Life is always easy to be assimilated by the environment, rather than changing the environment. An old man who has spent decades in prison, even if he has the opportunity to leave the prison, he will try his best to stay in the prison.

The unfamiliar freedom is more frightening than the **** of captivity.

bump! ! !

The irritable thoughts sounded like countless buzzing flies in his mind, and the irritable Steve couldn't control his strength, and punched the sandbag in front of him with a punch.

"Can't sleep?"

Nick Fury, who appeared in front of the door at an unknown time, said

"I've been sleeping for sixty years." Steve whispered

"You shouldn't wake me up."

"The world needs your strength, Captain." Nick Fury said earnestly.

"I'm just an old-fashioned antique." Steve responded indifferently

Although Captain America looks very stupid because of his full of loyalty and patriotism, he is not stupid, he understands his status and meaning very well.

After Dr. Erkins created the only one-of-a-kind product of his own, he was worth playing the clown on stage selling bonds for those capitalists. Even if he gets his own Roaring Commando, he's still an insignificant super soldier at heart.

Maybe his country needed his strength on the battlefield of World War II, but in this peaceful world, he didn't need himself.

Even the dead self must be more useful than the living one - veterans don't die, they just fade away.

"Our country may be about to face a war. At that time, Captain, you will be our flag." Nick Fury said seriously

He's actually reluctant to tell Steve about Wakanda.

Because unless they reported this incident one-sidedly, almost everyone would think that this is another American-style hegemonic oppression and persecution of small countries.

It is true that under such a war background, Captain America, who has almost become the embodiment of patriotism, will definitely become the most powerful flag flying. But...who asked what the flag thought of itself?

Steve left without a word, Nick Fury looked at the broken sandbag on the ground, thoughtful.

In fact, after digging up Steve, they conducted a comprehensive physical examination on him. The results obtained seem to be a bit special.

Captain America's physical fitness seems to be much stronger than it was during World War II.

Perhaps it was because the measurement standards at the time were inaccurate, or the prolonged freezing stimulated the serum in Steve's body, but in any case, Captain America became stronger.

The King of Agents always likes to complicate one thing and then deduce the countless possibilities associated with it in his mind.

Perhaps before them, Steve had been taken away, remodeled and brainwashed and stuffed back under the ice?

Nick Fury had the idea, but quickly put it out of his mind.

After all... that's really unlikely.

He couldn't see the value of transforming Steve and then stuffing it back. Of course, the goal might be to humiliate justice in America.

If so, he Nick Fury thumbs up!

In short, the information from Natasha has always been stable, and everything is under control.


It is not so easy to start a war.

It would be fine if one side of the war was a war expert as crazy and conceited as Killian Zabi, but if both sides were old Yin Bi, then it would be a little troublesome.

All, killing Lao Yinbi and letting the country be ruled by lunatics is the best way to break the deadlock!

A real political game, like a business war, is unremarkable.

If you can directly attack your opponent, you will never be soft! Killing opponents directly is more reliable than any plan!

Wakanda finally gave a reply after a long silence.

The news that Prince T'Challa will be sued by the International Court of Justice as a defendant has spread all over the world in a very short period of time.

In an instant, some of the enthusiasm that had been suppressed was copied up again. Of course, under the hegemony of American public opinion, most of Wakanda's remarks were extremely unfriendly.

Alexander is very happy, his efforts have not been in vain during this time, and Wakanda does not seem to want to fight!

Tony also breathed a sigh of relief. Since it was from He Tan, Prince T'Challa and King T'Challa seemed to be calm adults no matter what.

When the time came for the day of the trial, not surprisingly, the court was filled with all kinds of protesters.

These guys who like to block people when they have enough food and nothing to do all day hold up signs and bed sheets that are hung up and set on fire, showing that they stand on the moral high ground and condemn the happiness of others.

"Murderer!!!" "Shame on black people!!!" "The devil who should be burned!!!"

All in all, it's all about the same thing, and it's all such boring, nonsense with people's mentality.

The military personnel are highly vigilant, and they scan the sky pervasively to ensure that their airspace will not be invaded again like no one else.

But such behavior is always in vain.

The only person in the United States who has the ability to break through Wakanda's electromagnetic barrier technology is Tony, and Tony's position will not be on the side of the military.

He would like to lavish Wakanda's technological superiority to ensure that the **** in the Pentagon don't start a war easily.

So, when a streamlined Wakanda fighter jet suddenly appeared like a ghost in the open space outside the International Court of Justice, the military almost all went into a frenzy.

The plane equipped with the advanced anti-gravity engine descended slowly, T'Challa, who was wearing a royal costume, walked out first, followed by Okoye, who did not leave.

"Get out! Murderer get out!"

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