
Witnessing the monster that he created with his own hands, Mu Feng showed a satisfied smile.

Mu Feng dug out Steve more than a month before S.H.I.E.L.D.

But you have to admit, Captain America itself is a thing of little value.

Although he is the only person in the world who has theoretically perfected the super soldier potion, this super soldier template can be regarded as cutting-edge technology in World War II, but in this era of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods, it is really nothing special. s things.

But Steve himself, is a very interesting material.

Although the super soldier serum failed to turn him into a superhuman warrior, it made his genes have a strong adaptability.

He can accommodate almost any kind of modification to his body, or the super soldier serum gives him a biologically-based high adaptability to secondary modification enhancement!

Mu Feng gave Steve a special makeover.

Hybrid Kryptonian bloodline transformation.

The power of Kryptonians from the DC world is beyond doubt, and although Kryptonians are aliens, they are one of the few biological enhancements that can be highly adapted to humans.

Because there is no reproductive isolation between Kryptonians and humans, just from this perspective, the genetic similarity between humans and Kryptonians is far beyond imagination!

Before the transformation, Mu Feng slightly moved his hands and feet on Steve's brain, and through the intrusion and guidance of psionic energy, he divided his soul and consciousness into two parts.

One, the original Steve Rogers, Captain America, the Immaculate God of Righteousness.

The other one belongs to the biological transformation of Kryptonians, which can fully stimulate this power, Steve from the motherland!

It is not difficult to do this, it can only be said that the human will is never something indestructible.

What if he was a perfect man who could lift Thor's hammer perfectly to meet Odin's exacting demands? The things that the base mixes with the brain and the senses, and the memories of the hippocampus to produce emotion and personality, are only an insignificant part of the objective material universe.

And Steve is never perfect. He will be angry, angry, and full of killing intent, and if these negative emotions are separated out, they can create an opposite Steve.

Dictatorship, authoritarian, ruthless, efficient

A completely contrary to the idea of ​​freedom advocated by Steve, but the pursuit of absolute power, the existence of absolute order.

Motherland, Steve Rogers

bump! ! ! ! !

The turbulent, tearing sound of the atmosphere rolled up a terrifying sonic boom, and the dark shadow hit the huge steel fortress on the sky like a sharp arrow shining in the sky!

That huge impact actually flipped the top of Chamblot, who was guiding the earth's crust, in an instant!

The constantly guided changes in the crust were suddenly interrupted, and the soldiers of the ground troops in despair also stared at Chamblow who rolled over in the sky.

What is that black shadow? Is it their secret weapon? !

"No...that's a person!"

A soldier with an optical telescope pointed to the voice in the sky with excitement and panic and said loudly

There is no doubt that it is a figure, wrapped in a dark tights, with a scarlet cloak fluttering, like a **** on earth.

"Like eating fists? Then eat enough!"

Steve, a native of the motherland, roared, and tilted his mighty power toward the huge Chamblow without reservation.

The power of stars that exists in almost every cell has turned into a majestic force that stimulates this fleshly body to climb to a new peak!

There is no doubt about the power of Kryptonians. These are the races that can obtain the power of the stars by absorbing the sun, and they are the true darlings of the stars.

Moreover, Steve is a good experimenter, not only because of his quality, but also because of his 'luck'

In the Kryptonian bloodline transformation that Mu Feng carried out for him, the Kryptonian gene that perfectly matched was the gene of the 'General'.

For the most efficient operation of society, Krypton implements the most extreme genetic screening laws. Every child is born with the best job for him because of his genes.

Conversely, this gene is also a factor in determining the upper limit of a Kryptonian's abilities.

Different from the special circumstances of natural birth like Carl El, the genetically rewritten Steve was perfectly suited to General Zod, the genetic trait of Krypton's highest force!

Thus, he obtained the perfect fighting genes.

The surging power gathered in his body, but this sudden expansion of power did not let him smash everything around him like a runaway racing car!

The power was contained in this tiny body by him, but it made it explode with 300% of the power!

The fist that ripped apart the atmosphere and set off a sonic boom fell like raindrops on Chamblor's huge bridge.

The roaring mobile fortress gathered a huge amount of vibration energy in this uninterrupted blow, but within a few breaths, it reached the upper limit of the collection.

The huge Chambrol let out a whimpering sound.

Even though Zhenjin is uniquely endowed with metals for kinetic weapons, he is not physically immune, and his ability to withstand power is at an upper limit.

Vibration gold turns power and stores power, and when this data reaches an upper limit, the characteristics of vibration gold itself are no longer reliable.

That would be the talisman to tear apart the molecular composition of this metal.

Empty, empty, empty! ! ! ! !

In the midst of impatience, the energy particle cannon in the center of Chambro gathered a huge brilliance, facing the motherlander Steve in front of him.

"Be careful!!!" the soldiers of the ground force couldn't help shouting

The turbulent particle energy cannon spewed out like a sea of ​​light, and in the eyes of countless despairing eyes, the voices of the people of the motherland were covered by the sea of ​​light.

But the next moment, a scarlet hot sight tore apart the blue sea of ​​light.

The heat sight shot out from Steve's double sun carries the mighty power of a fiery star, and the pure heat energy line of sight of tens of thousands of degrees is like two sharp lightsabers, cutting above the muzzle of Chambrow, and in the blink of an eye Cut the muzzle down!

Traces of crimson molten fire still remained on the fracture, and Steve's almost unscathed gesture declared his absolute victory.

He did not make any pause, but flew directly into the inner center of Chamblor along the cracked muzzle.

The surging heat gaze was like two knives cutting a cake, and Steve, who entered the interior, destroyed it all the way, and finally killed the control center.

Here, no driver exists.

In other words, what exists here is just... the brain

Dozens or hundreds of brains are arranged here like stacked dominoes, placed in a culture tank, connected to a VR device and a mind bundler, replacing the special "wetware" of artificial intelligence with human brains

This is the secret inside Chamblow.

Eric is a cluster mind control core made from the brains of Wakanda who oppose him.


Steve, a native of the motherland, said coldly, his voice broke out once again with the super speed that easily shreds the sound barrier, destroying everything in this sinful place in an instant.

In the eyes of the ground troops and the Second Fleet, the huge mobile fortress that destroyed Washington and created countless deaths, slowly fell like the sun sinking in the west.

Under the glow of the setting sun, the pitch-black human **** descended from the sky, his cloak and the gust of wind rattled.

He looked at everything indifferently, like overlooking an ant colony

The soldiers of the ground force opened their mouths slightly to look at this figure, and an indescribable and indescribable sense of moving and admiration poured out of his heart.

The worship of strength, the worship of salvation, the worship of the divine.

At this moment, to the final worship of the **** among men.

80. Hydra and Destiny

Less than two months after the Wakanda Accords were signed, the war broke out as planned.

This kind of behavior is simply throwing another handful of soil on the appeasement policy that has been nailed to the pillar of historical shame. Of course, it is set off by frantically hitting those politicians in the face.

But having said that, those politicians don't really have to think about the complexities of a PR crisis.

Dead people don't have to think about these things.

Wakanda's raid on Washington took down the country's current leadership in one fell swoop, and instantly brought many senior Republicans to the pot.

Although the American political arena has been under the control of the big chaebols for a long time, even they do not know what to do with this sudden annihilation.

But that's not really the point of the matter.

In the fierce war that took place in Washington, the most striking thing was that man.

Captain America Steve Rogers!

A veteran who was supposed to go missing seventy years ago was dug out of the ice. Not only that, but he also gained power like a **** on earth.

He took down the surreal weapons that ravaged Washington and slaughtered the army and navy. Every soldier who witnessed him fighting heroically regarded him as a thing of faith and worship.

Of course, the most distressed of these people is Nick Fury.

Those agents who were trapped in Wakanda were second, and he was worried about the sudden power of Captain America.

Obviously that's not an ability that can be acquired overnight, so does this mean that Steve has been watching out for them?

Once again, the Pentagon generals saw the infinite prospects of the super soldier serum from Steve. These greedy people tried to order Steve to surrender his abilities, but Steve's response to this was a resolute 'NO! ’

The Steve Rogers of this moment is not the old Brooklyn boy you used to be.

cruel, authoritarian, ruthless, domineering

He was shaped like the opposite of Steve Rogers, a man of steel.

He advocates freedom, but only his own freedom. What he wants to build is a solid, strong and indestructible motherland!

Wakanda denounced the Americans for sending assassins to assassinate their king, and all this was true.

But at this point, the reason is completely irrelevant.

The important thing is the war, and the important thing is the outcome. Only by winning that one can we have the power to interpret history and truth!


"I will never change my mind, your presence has disgusted me from start to finish!"

Steve Tu stared at the few people in front of him with cold and sharp eyes, the indifferent Jin Bing, the shrinking Strucker, the speechless Zola, the silent Whitehall, and the prostrate Malik!

They are Hydra, Captain America's sworn enemy!

But they are not nazi, or NAZI is just a part of Hydra, the collective established in this ancient era is no longer driven by a simple will. One head is cut off, and there are two more heads. This is to describe the huge but complicated internal structure of Hydra.

And after Alexander's death, the biggest mountain of Hydra lacked a person who could hold the ground.

Now, here comes the man.

His Steve Rogers, the Red Skull's sworn enemy, the thorn in the side of Hydra. But he is now a native of the motherland, a tyrant fighting for a peaceful and absolute world!

He wants to realize his dream at all costs, he can trample the bottom line without hesitation, or he has no bottom line at all now.

It is his only long-cherished wish to build a country like steel and return the United States to its golden age!

And his power, his strength, and his ability will also be the part that the Hydras are attached to under him.

"I know most of you don't care about America at all!"

"This is a weak country. Those greedy Jews play with finance and exploit the wealth created by the people, and those chaebols collude to trample on the dignity and power of the country for the sake of profit!"

"Weak and incompetent **** occupy 90% of the seats in the Capitol, and the stupid political views of legislating for the correctness of those minorities in pursuit of votes permeate every corner of this country!"

"A power that thinks it's righteous, but has attracted the hatred of this world with its unscrupulousness!"

Steve stood up, he looked at the core characters of these Hydras, looked at the agents who used to be S.H.I.E.L.D., and said in an unquestionable tone

"I don't care about your loyalty, I only care about your usefulness! Hydra will become a new part of this country, not because of how good your ideas are, but because you are useful enough!"

"So great people of the motherland, how do you plan to let us take over all this?" Jin asked with a bit of sarcasm

"Don't ask how? Because this country is already in our hands!"

The natives looked at Jin Bing coldly and said loudly

"More than half of this country's incompetent waste has been swept away, and the rest will never have a chance to take power!"

"In the current military, Stryker, who holds the most power, is our ally! And I will run for the throne of the 45th President of the United States!"

Yes, that's what he's aiming for.

Although the status of the president in the United States is somewhat strange, he is indeed a throne with enormous power in any case.

What's more, the next president will be elected during the war, which means that the war is not over, then the president will not step down.

Just like that President Roosevelt, who broke the rules because of World War II and became the third term president. It can even be said that if he hadn't died so early and "coincidentally", maybe the laws of the United States against the president would have been revised.

Steve must establish himself as a long-term dictator if he is to accomplish his dream recasting of the Golden State!

"I don't need any loyalty from you, but you will be my helper in creating a new world!"

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