With the desperate appearance of those cheap laborers, it is difficult to hold back from digging the "branch lines" of the plot characters, so it only means that their tasks are not here.

According to the specific distance of observation, there are only a few positions where those guys can be locked.

So, why don't we get them out now?

Mu Feng took a sip of black tea, tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and then shook his head with a smile.

No, don't be in such a hurry. How pitiful those reincarnations are. They belong to the same department. Although they are already the management team and they are only temporary workers, they are considered to be one unit.

Anyway, 80% of them will be destroyed by their own ignorance.

In five minutes, Steve came back within a second. Although the battle suit was still spotless, there were definitely a lot of people who died in his hands.

"It's all sorted out? Then let Malik accept them, the United States can't completely break away from the chaebols yet."

Mu Feng smiled

"And the United States also needs some high-quality consortia, such as Stark, Osborn, Pioneer Technology and me..."

"What is your position in this war?"

Steve stared at Mu Feng and questioned word by word

He knows that his existence, and even the personality of the separated "Motherlander" is a gift from Mu Feng, including his current strength, it is a creation of Mu Feng.

But he will not tolerate a man who is full of danger to his country, and even if he may die, he will drag him to hell.

"What a horrible face. Don't worry, I'm not much interested in destroying America. I'm sick of it."

Mu Feng took a sip of black tea and said lightly with his fingers crossed.

"I will support the United States in this war, and I will not have any support for Wakanda. I sincerely hope that you can win the war. Of course, it is inconvenient to say other than that."

Steve gave him a deep look, then flew away, Mu Feng smiled and shook his head

"It's terrible, it's terrible, a patriotic superman is really terrible~~"

84. The Third World War

"Director Fury, I said that we need the full help of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Steve sits at Nick Fury's desk, the American symbol has a tough attitude, speaking to the 'beneficiary' who dug him out with unquestionable coldness

"The government cannot accept SHIELD's behavior of hoarding those alien technologies and immigrants!"

Nick Fury took a deep look at Steve, he didn't answer, he just thought about the answer to this question in his mind.

Is the Steve in front of him the Captain America during World War II?

The senses that all of this brought to Nick Fury are extremely fragmented. If Steve was dug up by them until some time ago, he was just a confused veteran wandering after 70 years, then the current Steve Husband, the senses for Nick are completely different.

It was as if he had completely changed.

The veteran's body seemed to be stuffed into another very different soul, the opposite of Steve Rogers.

Before that, even Nick Fury would never have imagined that Steve would one day be president of the United States.

Even if he has this ability and this qualification, all this... is too crazy.

He originally only hoped to dig out a golden monument, who knew that it was a Siberian alloy.

"SHIELD has the right to keep our things." Nick Fury took a deep breath and said solemnly

"Captain Rogers... I don't know which one is the disguise between you now and you seventy years ago, but now you are undoubtedly trampling on the freedom you have always believed in..."

"If we can't beat Wakanda, there's no freedom." Steve cut off Nick Fury coldly

"When I once fought against the Nazis, I knew that there is no absolute freedom in this world. The freedom of the golden age America that I admired and emulated must be based on victory! Freedom without victory is only self-comfort. "

"If we lose to Wakanda, it's like we lost to the Nazis. No matter how lofty the spirit is, without victory as a foundation, there is nothing left! We must win, and only the victors have the right to talk about freedom! "

Nick Fury was silent for a long time, then raised his head and said

"So, what do you want?"

"Open all research permissions of the Cube!" Steve said without hesitation

"I want all the technical information and research permissions about that alien creation. The Palm World Company, Osborn Industries, Naval Laboratory and Stark will all participate in its research!"

"America must get a technological upgrade or we can't beat Wakanda!"

This sentence is not alarmist, although it is very nonsense, but in the current situation, it is a possibility that everyone cannot ignore.

America really could lose this war.

Now is not World War II, not the era of landing with a bunch of battleships, transport ships and a large army of troops.

This is an era of high technology, information-based integrated operations, and over-the-horizon strikes!

Before the Gulf War, how many people in the world thought that the United States would be plunged into the quagmire of war? But the victory in less than ninety hours proved that the war situation of the past has become a bubble of the past.

Now, it is the United States that is playing the backward side. And Wakanda has mastered technology that they can't understand at all. If nothing else, the technology that bypasses all radars and directly reaches the United States is a technological advantage that makes them terrified.

Not to mention that under Eric's crazy expansion, most of Africa has fallen into the hands of Wakanda. A large number of unmanned machines manufactured by the nanotechnology reconstruction device in Pandora's Box are like rolling stones, absorbing materials frantically, and transforming them into more weapons.

In a sense, Wakanda, which has completed local suppression, has been promoted to a real 'big country' in the shortest possible time.

Ironically, the Wakanda Treaty is a contract of the United Nations to limit Wakanda's reckless creation of giant meteorites to carry out extermination strikes on the surface, but it also restricts their possibility of using nuclear weapons to seize the lead.

This ironic tacit understanding is an extremely fragile balance, but at least at this stage, the weak United States cannot use any nuclear weapons or superweapons.

After all, they don't know if they can kill each other by throwing nuclear weapons, but Wakanda's meteorite must be able to kill them.

"Our enemies have the advantage over us in the sea, in the sky, and in the land. If we can't counteract technically, any spirit and doctrine will be meaningless!"

Steve's cold words once again convinced Nick Fury that either the former Captain America was an illusion, or the current motherland was a disguise.

At such a time, the uneducated but enthusiastic soldier will probably only say 'together with one heart', and will only say these unrealistic but inspiring words.

In terms of function and practicality, there is no doubt that the native people in front of him are more pragmatic, but in Nick Fury's view, such Steve has lost his most precious essence.

He is no longer the perfect man of God, but just an ordinary, not unusual hero.

"This world is not just us humans." Nick Fury clenched his fists and roared like a furious lion in an instant.

"We are not alone in the universe! Steve Rogers, the power of the cosmic cube is not used to help human infighting!"

Steve didn't answer, he didn't even do any extra retention, just stood up and left.

"You made your choice, Chief Fury."

In front of the door frame, Steve stopped, turned his head and said lightly.

"I hope you can keep going like this."


After announcing that it had entered a wartime state, the entire United States suddenly looked like a rusted machine that had been lubricated with lubricating oil. The dullness of the past was changed and it started running quickly.

Most of the resources related to the financial industry, information industry and entertainment industry have been withdrawn, and instead the banknotes with large printing presses flowed to the market of traditional industries.

The market value of these industrial giants such as Palm World Technology, Osborn Industries, Stark Industries, and Pioneer Technology is soaring like a rocket.

Abandoned industrial areas like the rust belt have also begun to be repurposed, and the autocratic U.S. government under the control of Stryker, Rogers, and Hydra has used the strongest acts to force the country to function.

And those manufacturing industries that were transferred out are also importing materials back home at any cost, and the huge war machine has been mobilized.

Of course, what is produced here is not warships, but batches of new weapons.

Zaku Type 1 heavy-duty power armor of Handworld Technology, equipped with a large number of weapons, MS supports the manufacturing plan. Bio-Armors and Demon Warriors from Osborn Industries, Palladium Nuclear Reactors from Stark Industries, and Low-Cost Extremis Virus Soldiers from Pioneer Technologies!

Just as Mu Feng thought, the United States in the Marvel world can indeed create unimaginable power when it is fully turned.

Two hundred and thirty-four research groups on vibranium were pulled up, thousands of research projects were put on the stage, and Ulysses Crow was exceptionally promoted to lead the director of the number one vibranium research laboratory in the United States, leading these People study the key to cracking vibration gold technology!

In the U.S. election that month, Rogers was undoubtedly elected as the forty-fifth president of the United States.

So far, Hydra has completely fulfilled their dream of controlling the first great power in the United States.

Even though this snake head was once their mortal enemy, in terms of results, the Hydra, who has fulfilled most of their dreams, completely surrendered to this second 'head of the nine snakes'

As President of the United States, President Rogers chose to ignore the law of international conventions, forcibly entered the eastern part of Australia, and built a new nuclear reserve base near the devastated Sydney Harbour.

The motherland chose to put the final choice and threat of the United States in front of everyone, which was also a provocation for Wakanda.

After being silent for a long time, Eric, who has been digesting the African land he occupied, also responded.

The nuclear stockpile, named Turlington, was attacked by a Wakanda drop tank.

The automated slaughtering terrorist robot that came out of the airborne warehouse launched a slaughter-style attack on the Turlington base, but this time the attack was countered.

In this raid that spread throughout eastern Australia, the Zaku Type 1 heavy power armor demonstrated their powerful individual combat capabilities. Together with the enhanced human soldiers produced by Osborn's industrial green goblin potion, those Horrific automated robots stand in the way of Turlington.

The US government's first experimental MS machine, backed by Stark's palladium element nuclear reactor, performed mediocrely in the war.

The bulky mobile suit lacked sufficient propulsion and didn't show the ability to compete with Wakanda's large mobile fortresses, but even so, Stryker's investment in this area did not diminish.

Although the war was only a close draw, it was undoubtedly a shot in the arm for Americans who had lost some confidence.

Of course, the nearly battered eastern Australia served as the backdrop for that story and was ignored.

This war that has affected the world has officially started from this moment, and it is destined to drag the world into a deeper war.

On the other side, Mu Feng's attention shifted to another place after successfully causing this half-world war.

85. Guardians of the Galaxy · Meme Mystery

"It's not that I'm bullshitting, there have been many people trying to kill me over the years, so I won't be caught by a talking tree and a raccoon."

"Wait, what is a raccoon?"

"It's you, idiot!"

In Chien's high-security prison, Peter Quill quarreled with a few **** in front of him who had caused him to be imprisoned here. method.

Well, obviously he has no chance of escaping.

Qien's high-security prison, the most heavily guarded prison in Xandar, has never escaped since its establishment.

Star-Lord actually doesn't mind being the first in the legend, but it's too difficult to look at right now. And if he escaped, Peter also felt that he might be caught by Yongdu and torn to shreds.

But before that, at least he had to figure out what this thing that put him in jail was!

"This ball has blue light, and it's like the statue of the Raiders of the Covenant and the Eagle of the Horse. What the **** is that?"

Star-Lord murmured to himself—of course, the deliberately exaggerated tone was clearly speaking to Gamora in front of him.

"I'm Groot!"

"I don't want to talk to a rude thief," Gamora replied indifferently.

"Hey, what are you pretending to be? You're just an accomplice of a murderer." Rocket said with a sneer.

"That's the cosmic ball."

A voice suddenly entered Peter's ears. He froze for a moment and looked over, only to see a man sitting lazily at the starry sky outside the window on a distant observation window of the prison.

"What did you say? What is the cosmic spirit ball?" Star-Lord frowned, he wasn't even sure if the guy was talking to him.

"It's a power gem." The man put down his legs and smiled happily while watching Star-Lord

"One of the six Infinity Stones, I think the lady in front of you must be well aware of this topic—well, a not-so-beautiful topic."

"Hey! Do you know what the Power Gem is?" Star-Lord stopped Gamora in front of him and asked curiously.

Gamora's body froze suddenly, she turned her head back in disbelief, and the Star-Lord who saw her appearance was also certain, she really knew something.

Before he could ask any more questions, the man suddenly walked up to him with his Walkman in his hand.

"Have a crush on this, Blue Swede, 1973 single, do you have good taste."

"Hey, this is my stuff!!!"

The always cunning Star-Lord roared like a set of dynamite and was about to pounce. Of course, he couldn't do it. The prison guard next to him stuck an electric baton on him, causing him to tremble all over.

"Hey! Why didn't you catch him?!"

Even though he was screamed all over by the electricity, Star-Lord was still excited to get his treasure back.

"People? What? Are you so scared that your brain is broken?" Rocket looked beside Star-Lord, mockingly at Star-Lord


"They can't see me because only you know what I look like."

The man put down his Walkman, looked at Star Lord and smiled, but only now did he see the true face of this guy

"Flying Gordon?!"

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