"What Howard said about me is the me I used to be, and the me suitable for that era." Steve looked back at Tony, as if seeing Howard through him

"But now I am the Steve Rogers of this era!"

"Well, what did Mr. President want from me?" Tony shrugged.

"Tony, how long do you think this war will last?"

Steve didn't rush to answer Tony's question, but instead asked

Tony looked at the map on the wall, was silent for a moment, and replied

"I don't know, it all depends on who can come up with the ultimate killer between us."

The beginning and process of this war are completely different from the previous wars.

He doesn't fight for resources, economy, or even population. He is completely fighting for who can come up with more black technology!

Who would have thought that they could perfectly occupy and utilize the natural resources of the whole of Africa before Wakanda, which is a tiger in Africa, and who could have produced so many omnipotent legions with the help of African resources?

The black STC automatic production technology is enough to shock people, and the nanoworm civilization reconstruction device in Wakanda's hands is even more terrifying.

It was completely a legion that could be called a new race. The omnic had no self-creation ability, but had a terrifying ability to learn. He may fail once or twice in human innovations, but soon they will imitate and surpass them.

Omnics do not have the complex and stupid political and economic environment of humans, and follow a will of omnic legions to fight humans with the most efficient thinking and social structure.

Even with the power of Kryptonians, even with the full help of Mu Feng and Tony, locking Wakanda in Africa is the limit.

But how long will it take Wakanda to hollow out Africa? And how many years will it take for humans to collapse on their own in this environment?

War will indeed promote the progress of technology, but it will be devastating to the economic environment and material production on which human beings depend. The time that human beings can survive in such a high-pressure environment is not very long.

That's why Tony doesn't object to Steve's suppression of those marching insurgents, you never know if your neighbor who graduated from a prestigious college near your house will be shot with a gun because he can't eat Kobe steak. Kill the police!

When it comes to comparing whether Wakanda hollowed out Africa or humans collapsed on their own, Tony undoubtedly leans towards the latter.

What's more, there are the Eurasian Union and Russia, which are secretly technically supported by someone. Although these two parties are neutral, who knows what they will think?

No one can stand their knife-wielding neighbor behind their **** for long, especially when they have to deal with a tiger.

"Actually, we all know where the biggest problem lies in all of this, don't we?"

Tony smiled self-deprecatingly, and Steve's mouth twitched slightly, but he couldn't smile at all.

They don't have any evidence whether this war was initiated by Mu Feng, but there is no doubt that the guy has both sides in the war, and it is an indisputable fact that he sells technology everywhere!

Celestial storm, vacuum implosion bomb, nano-worm plague, which of these taboo super weapon technologies was not given to Wakanda by Mu Feng?

Even if he didn't hand it over, he must have an inseparable relationship with him.

Just like he supports China, he supports Oros, and he supports the United States against Wakanda.

He created the monster cells, the genetic modification technology of the X-weapon, and the satellites of the space-based kinetic energy weapons were made and designed by Stark. How can the government turn against him?

That guy made it clear that he would use all this as a testing ground for weapons, but once this cruel arms race starts, even if they know this, they can't do anything...

"So that's why I came to you, Tony."

Steve said deeply

"We've got to put an end to this - wipe it out at the source before that **** warmonger knows!"

His fingers poked at the core of the blackened map, and he snapped.

"We must cut off their heads!"

96. Dangerous Pym Particles

Steve knew all too well how much damage this prolonged war would do to the country.

Now they and Wakanda are equivalent to holding a pile of earth's resources for meaningless internal friction. It's just that Wakanda lost only the natural resources of Africa, and they also lost people's hearts, economy, and population!

They have the majority of the advantages, but the fragile human beings are destined to lose more than half of the battle losses.

And the omnics will definitely be able to hit the last of them, which means that even if they win this war, they will most likely destroy Africa, they will gain nothing, and then everything will be blown up.

A war without benefits is fatally bad. After all, war is a way to transfer internal conflicts, but there are no benefits. How can we transfer conflicts?

What's more, there is Mu Feng... The ghost knows that even if Wakanda exhausts Africa's resources, will it suddenly point out the interstellar voyage technology and go directly to space for mining!

And the problem with this embarrassment and conflict is that if they don't have Mu Feng's support, they will be finished immediately. If relying on him, this war may not really end.

There is nothing more poisonous than this. When drinking poison to quench thirst becomes the norm that has to be done, then the country and even civilization will be finished.

So for Steve, the only thing he can do is to agree that there are only two ways to break the deadlock.

Assassinate Mu Feng, or assassinate Eric!

"The only way to end this endless war is to kill the source of all evil, but I prefer to break into Wakanda and kill Eric than Mu Feng!"

Steve clenched his fists and said solemnly

"I played against Eric once, and he used to be far stronger than me! But now, I am confident that I can kill him!"

"But it's not such a simple question." Tony frowned.

"The core of the question is, how do we get our way into Wakanda?"

The war has dragged on for so long, and it's not that Tony hasn't tried decapitation, but all the plans and preparations have been defeated by Wakanda's unreasonable shield technology.

Since the prolonged war, the energy shield that Wakanda has protected its capital has also been upgraded several times. The shield that relies entirely on the phase space transfer technology has transferred almost the entire external defense layer of Wakanda to another. In space, unless it is a technological product proficient in space physics, it cannot be broken at all.

For Tony, it also takes a considerable amount of time to develop such a space physics weapon, and the more terrible problem is. Use this weapon of mass destruction, and the other side will have an excuse to attack your capital as well.

Tony is really unwilling to gamble the lives of countless people on whether he can defeat the enemy with one blow.

"Don't worry, I already have a plan."

As soon as Steve's words were finished, a cold old man with white hair and eyes who looked very energetic walked into the room.

"Hank Pym?!" Tony called out the other party's name in astonishment

"No manners, arrogant, and arrogant, you are exactly the same as that **** Howard!"

Hank came up with a vicious tongue, and he didn't like the Stark family very much, even if he knew that the person who tried to steal his Pym particle was not Howard - the Stark family was not likeable by nature.

Tony's face darkened, and just when he was about to fight back, Steve spoke up.

"Dr. Pym has the most terrifying weapon of destruction we have ever seen in America - the Pym particle."

"As long as we have this technology, we have a way to break Wakanda's shield at any time!"

"Heh, you mean put on a tights to shrink yourself and let the ants carry you?"

Tony folded his arms and looked at the first Ant-Man with disdain. Hank's mouth twitched, and he said unceremoniously.

"That's better than putting yourself in an iron coffin and holding a bunch of weapons to 'maintain peace'!"

"You two stop arguing." Steve rubbed his head and waved his hands helplessly.

"The main content this time is how to maximize the use of Dr. Pym's technology and let us break through the shield of Wakanda!"

"My Pym particles are not for you to make bombs!" Hank snorted coldly and said unceremoniously.

"The principle of the Pym particle... Forget it, you don't need to explain what you understand, and you can't explain what you don't understand!"

"In short, the ant-man suit is only a primary application to limit the true effect of pym particles! The technical essence of the ant-man suit lies in the life-sustaining device that adapts to various states of the human body. The real power of the shrinking and amplifying function of pym particles is not It's here."

Linking to a special dimension, the Pym particle that can freely transfer and absorb mass is essentially a terrifying dimensional space weapon. It seems the most incredible enlargement and reduction, but it is the most superficial of the Pym particle. How to use.

As Hank said, the use of Pym particles in the Ant-Man suit is only the most prudent way to use them. Hank knows all too well what kind of weapons uncontrolled Pym particles can be developed into!

He left S.H.I.E.L.D. not only because of the idea of ​​S.H.I.E.L.D. hitting him with the Pym particle, but also because he was afraid of the irreversible damage caused by the use of Pym particles by stupid and ignorant politicians - Einstein made a nuclear weapon I regretted it all day after, if the Pym particles were weaponized, maybe the entire earth would have to be wiped out by humans themselves before the outbreak of the Third World War!

"In other words, if you microscopically interfere with the principle of the Pym particle you discovered, you can bring the transferred mass into another dimension forever."

Tony said thoughtfully

The principle and essence of the Pym particle is equivalent to finding a bottomless black hole, and then transferring the mass of the matter interfered by the Pym particle to that black hole, or proportionally increasing the external matter through the particles of that black hole.

In this process, the Pym particle is equivalent to playing the role of a 'channel', and if the transfer of the Pym particle is cut off, or the function of the Pym particle is maximized...

"Material will be completely erased from the earth." Hank said blankly

Everything that exists on earth is fluid, water extinguishes fire, fire evaporates water, steam condenses in clouds, and finally returns to the earth as rain. There is no 'loss' in the process of all this. All energy and matter is simply transformed into another form to exist on Earth.

Even if you break down a thing into molecular units, its mass as a whole will not change in the slightest.

Matter will not disappear out of thin air. From the perspective of the microscopic world, the essence of all physical activities is just the decomposition and combination activities of changing a certain kind of matter into another kind of matter.

And Pym particles can directly wipe these substances from the world.

Erasing and transferring directly from the world of matter to another dimension is undoubtedly extremely dangerous, because if used in this way, the Pym particle can erase matter along with the most basic atoms.

For example, if a Pym particle is thrown into the air, then all matter within the interference range of the Pym particle will be forced to be transferred and erased on the earth.

So is only a portion of the air transferred? No, there are also molecules within range, every atom in air microbes, the transfer of all trace elements, and even the erasure of fundamental forces.

That's not a 'vacuum', a vacuum is just an environment without atmosphere and gravity, and the extent of the disappearance by the interference of Pym particles will be truly 'nothing'.

Just the complete 'disappearance' of one cubic meter of material, the chain effect brought by it is extremely terrifying, and its breaking power is completely beyond the concept of a weapon that can be simply described.

And if the Pym particle is not constricted, the chain collapse effect caused by the Pym particle escaping to the lower energy level is extremely terrifying. If an operation is careless, it will destroy not only themselves, but also their feet. planets, and even the entire solar system!

"A completely uncontrolled Pym particle is equivalent to a black hole that is turned on," Hanke concluded.

"But if we have particle interference controllers, we can control the bidirectional escape of Pym particles to higher and lower energy levels."

There is no doubt that Hank has the technology.

His ant-man suit is a kind of particle interference controller in disguised form. Whether it is zoomed in or out, the ant-man suit perfectly fits and controls the degree to which Pym particles escape to both high and low energies.

If it is not controlled, either the magnified Ant-Man will increase its mass infinitely and eventually collapse into a black hole, or it will shrink infinitely and directly jump into the microscopic quantum field.

And a further particle interference controller is Stark's improved and invented space-time shuttle, which can direct and enlarge the individual that has been reduced to the microscopic quantum realm, thereby realizing the time line jump in the quantum realm.

"But it's still extremely dangerous." Hank said seriously

"Unlike the Ant-Man battle suit, the battle suit itself has an inhibition mechanism derived from the human body itself. The human body that is amplified by escaping to high energy levels will fail after a threshold value is exceeded, and the human body will fail due to Oxygen demand is insufficient and self-destruction. The human body that escapes to lower energy levels will disappear naturally after entering the quantum realm, but if this particle interference controller is removed from the human body, its danger will not be able to have maximum controllability. "

Tony looked at Hank with a little more admiration and awe. This old man undoubtedly put on the Ant-Man suit for the safety of the whole world and even the whole universe.

Because even if he loses control, he can use his own death to end the disaster, and whether it is enlarged or reduced, the process of Pym particles interfering with mass will inevitably have huge damage to the human body and spirit-no wonder his father always said that Hank is a He has a volatile temper, and is suspected of being a **** with a tendency to domestic violence.

"Any technology has the danger of getting out of control, let alone we have no choice!" Steve said in awe

"If we fail, the whole of America and the world will be enslaved to Wakanda. That mad, out-of-control mechanical empire will take us all free! Dr. Hank, your technology is the only defense we can easily break through Wakanda. And you're the only way we'll end this terrible war without the technology in the hands of The World Corporation - Dr. Hank, if the war continues, I'm afraid we won't have another Christmas."

"I don't care about the high-sounding words in your mouth!" Dr. Pym said irritably

"I don't care about the ideology! I only care about the irreversible consequences of the Pym particle runaway! Yes, I can help you, because I don't want to be killed by your increasingly crazy super weapon development. The basement of my house, but I must ask you to make a promise! You must use all the Pym particles I handed you here, and even if there is any left, you must return it to me!"

"I promise you in the name of the President of the United States!" Steve said seriously

Looking at Steve's sincere eyes, Dr. Pym hesitated and sighed.

"Hey...that's it, Stark boy, come with me, let's discuss the problem of building a directed particle interference controller."

97. Expensive Treasures

"Dr. Pym and the natives and Iron Man, that's what they're thinking."

At the heart of Hell's Kitchen, in the huge casino built by Jin Bing, Mu Feng held a glass of champagne and looked at the drunken gold fans and the drunken dreamers below, and smiled at Jin Bing next to him.

"Bypass me and break through the gates of Wakanda with Dr. Pym's superweapon, and then carry out the decapitation."

"Then they will definitely fail." Jin Bian thoughtfully

"The secret plan has been known, so all preparations are meaningless."

"No." Mu Feng smiled and shook his head

"I'm not going to interfere in this matter - their assassination of Eric, I will not interfere in it."

"...You want to get rid of Wakanda?" Jin Bing narrowed his eyes, but he was not surprised

In a sense, Jin Bing, who can be regarded as Mu Feng's biggest confidant, is very clear that his boss has been manipulating the war behind the scenes, and Wakanda's power is almost always based on Mu Feng's support.

If he was going to get rid of Wakanda, Kim would definitely follow suit.

But he just didn't understand what Mu Feng planned after he left Wakanda? rule America? Rule the world?

What a joke, with his ability, even if he doesn't support Wakanda as a puppet to break out a war, he has this ability to rule it all.

In fact, Jin Bing has never been able to figure out what the purpose of Mu Feng's practice is. Is it to use the two major countries as a testing ground for his own experimental weapons? Or is there a deeper scheme that Kim doesn't understand?

Mu Feng smiled, but did not answer Jin Bing's question, patted him on the shoulder and said

"How many horses are your electromagnetic thrusts now?"

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