
empty empty empty empty

The tall magic mecha with the roaring sound of the Doomsday fire engine sprayed out the crimson magic fire from the gap of the mecha, like a moving volcano.

Undoubtedly, this pure and gigantic fel-powered machine is undoubtedly designed to destroy larger architectural targets than the Garothi Slayer that once fought Thor in the town.

For such a dark machine, size and destructive power are not necessarily proportional - but there is no doubt that it must be difficult to deal with.

"This machine... dammit!"

Thor's face changed, not only because of the troublesome machine, but because he seemed to see something in it.

Of course he still remembered the troublesome Garothi Slayer he had dealt with, but what terrified him even more was why this machine, which looked like the same series, appeared here?

The magical machine that once intended to obliterate itself on Earth also led and led to the subsequent turmoil in Asgard. There is no doubt that its behind-the-scenes promoters are eyeing the realm of the gods, and if these demons are also his pawns...

Asgard, there is danger!

empty empty empty empty ~~~~

The engine burning with the fire of doom rolled and roared, facing Thor and the berserker army of the gods, the icy mechanical sound emanated from the inside of the Annihilator.

"Detect the enemy, deploy the weapon, annihilate the barrage and fill it up."

In an instant, it was the one from the Annihilator who fired countless surging evil fire cannonballs to cover the entire area in front, and the surging evil fire covered everything within sight!

The building was completely flattened by the crazy cannon fodder that erupted in an instant, including some of the Berserker Legions who couldn't avoid it!

"You all spread out, go and deal with the monster in that tower, give it to me!"

Thor turned the Thor's Hammer in his hand, used the surging thunder to resist the terrifying barrage of evil fire, and roared at Sif.

In front of such monsters, these warriors can't play much role.

The division of Asgard's divine blood for their strength is huge. Although everyone is an Asgardian, the deep-rooted gap brought by blood cannot be erased.

A **** with a "noble bloodline" such as Thor, who inherited the bloodline of the king of the gods, was born holy. The lower limit of its existence is far from the upper limit of the "warriors" such as Fandral and Vorstage.

Asgard has always ruled by blood, and noble and powerful gods have been destined from birth, and the gap between them has been decided from the moment of birth.

Thor didn't expect these comrades to help him much, at least in the face of such a powerful enemy, they could provide too little help.

"We will wait for your triumphant return!"

Sif was not hypocritical, the Valkyrie instantly unfolded the Ulu shield in her hand, and led a group of Asgard warriors and berserkers into the fel tower in front of her.

"Red flag detected, low, attack on primary target."

"My danger is very low? Big iron barrel, you will soon understand what is 'dangerous'!"

Thor licked his dry lips, and the spinning warhammer threw upwards, smashing the Annihilator's head with Thunder and Thor.


"It will take fifteen minutes, and the legion's traces will be engraved on this land forever!"

In place of Jaraxxus, Mannoroth, who was leading the fel ritual at the top of the tower, muttered to himself in a voice that suppressed his violent desire for destruction.

Many people think that the Pit Lords of Annihilan are a bunch of ruthless men who only know how to destroy, but even with the nickname of the Destroyer, such as Mannoroth, it is also a very powerful Fel spellcaster.

Mannoroth is not only skilled in force, but also a powerful spellcaster. His magical knowledge and abilities surpassed that of the most gifted night elf wizards of the War of the Ancients, even Xavius ​​and Illidan. Among the Highborne, only Queen Azshara is better than him.

Therefore, he took over the job of Jaraxxus and expanded the radiation of the fel tower at a speed that accelerated several times the efficiency.

When the ceremony is completed, the brand of fel energy will be deeply engraved on the earth of this world, and will follow it and penetrate into the marrow of the earth.

Legion's vicious and terrifying scars will forever haunt the world, and even if something fails, these scars will eventually make the world a part of the Legion...

Just as Mannoroth continued to guide the expansion of the fel energy radiation, a figure slowly emerged behind him.

The dark green body is shrouded in the fitted dragon scale armor, the scarlet eyes are not violent but extremely calm, and the huge pitch-black warhammer in his hand is wrapped with runes of fear.

He just appeared behind Mannoroth so silently, and then without hesitation hit Mannoroth's head with a slash!

Almost instantly, Mannoroth felt a familiar chill on the top of his head. The powerful fighting instinct and rich fighting experience made Mannoroth choose to pick up Zutnash without hesitation and stand behind him!

Above the huge dragon body, the pitch-black Fear Hammer and the Spear of Destruction collided together, and the terrifying waves of power crushed the dense clouds above the head almost in an instant!

"No one can stop the Legion!!!"

Mannoroth roared but blasted an arrow of chaos from a sinister angle. The moment Zutnash pushed aside the warhammer of fear, the arrow of chaos that compressed the rich fel energy had already arrived.

The figure's master waved the war hammer and easily shattered the approaching Chaos Arrow. At this moment, Mannoroth also clearly saw who the guy who attacked him was.

A...green guy who looks a bit like those stupid orcs on Draenor.

"Everyone is afraid."

Hulk, the **** of fear, said in a faint voice

"Not even death can save you from me (Notevendeathcansaveyoufromme

125. Time Hijacking

Will Mannoroth be afraid?

Of course...of course.

Even the Destroyer of the Legion, second only to the two great demons, Mannoroth still experienced a failed death, whether in battle among the stars or after a tragic defeat.

Just like when he was blasted by Hellscream, the unbelievable, the unwilling to go crazy, and after that, the fear that the creatures could not avoid.

It is true that these naturally chaotic demons can satisfy their physical needs and desires for all emotions through the absorption and utilization of chaotic fel energy, but when this tidal gift fades away, the bare on the beach is still there. is the nature of beings.

And Mannoroth, the Destroyer at this moment, facing the guy who didn't look tall in front of him... actually felt a little bit of fear.

It was a shivering feeling that came from the bottom of the heart and spread from the bone marrow, just like the panic that arises spontaneously and spreads from the soul when facing the Lord of the Legion.

It is no exaggeration that this fear is the greatest insult to the Destroyer.

"Your soul and body will perish forever!!!"

Mannoroth rushed up with a roar of Zutnash, and the huge dragon body trampled the top of this fel tower-even though it was solid and spacious after being reinforced, it seemed to be too small a battlefield for the Destroyer. .

"Go somewhere else."

Gu Yi suddenly flashed to their side, the Supreme Mage sighed helplessly, opened a huge mirror dimension and threw the two monsters in.

Mannoroth quickly broke free from the Old One's shackles, but his vigilance was undoubtedly heightened to the extreme.

Not everyone can use space magic on themselves to force him to move so simply and directly. There is no doubt that the guy just now was at least an Azshara-level spellcaster!

This place is as weird as Azeroth!

"You...are a Loa?"

With such a hand from Gu Yi, Mannoroth was finally able to calm down and observe his opponent.

But I don't know if I don't see it, the Destroyer actually found out that the guy who made him feel fear from the bottom of his heart was actually a Loa god.

On the way of the Burning Legion's expedition to the stars, there is no shortage of encounters with various special enemies, and one of them is these loa.

Many of them are local and powerful native beings, who incarnate as spirits after death and let other creatures worship it by selling their beliefs, thereby drawing power from worship.

The most typical of these are the local trolls in Azeroth - trolls with dozens of loa beliefs pray to various gods for help.

But the funny thing is that the civilization with the most Xinyang gods is actually the most unbelieving group.

The guy in front of him gave Mannoroth the feeling that he was similar to those Loa gods. The only difference was probably that those idiots who claimed to be gods would be easily crushed by Mannoroth, while the guy in front of him was not so easy to deal with.

"Face your fears."

Hulk didn't answer Mannoroth's words, and didn't even pay attention to it. In that ethereal voice, the fear rune on his body shone even more dazzlingly.

"When I step on the ashes and wreckage of your civilization, I'll show you what real fear is!"

Mannoroth grinned and held Zutnash tightly, and suddenly shot a surging fel ray in the direction of Hulk.

Mannoroth has always been experienced in sneak attacks.

Under the surging fel energy ray, Hulk holding the Fear Hammer actually took it abruptly. After being knocked back dozens of meters, the Nur Boundary Breaker in his hand smashed directly to the ground!

boom! ! ! !

The entire mirror space that was horribly destroyed and vibrated was trembling madly, and on the ground of the mirror space, a pattern of fear runes was slowly appearing, covering the entire land of the mirror space, as if in this piece of land A sign that belongs to him is branded on the land.

"I am the invisible darkness." Hulk stepped forward and whispered

"I am the shadow in your heart."

"I am... fear!"

Accompanied by his voice, the entire mirror space seemed to be occupied by endless darkness. In the darkness that seemed to be endless, there were endless unknowns and fears.

The fear of any creature comes from the unknown, from ignorance, and from strangeness.

The sense of insecurity brought about by the unfamiliarity is the source of fear.

"I am the destroyer of the Legion, I am fearless!!!"

Mannoroth roared angrily, waving his hand to attract the turbulent rain of chaos that descended from the sky, and the violent fel energy was radiated onto the world through his body, like a devil in a chaotic world!

But when he said this, he had already lost.

Only those who are truly afraid will say that they are not afraid.


"History... totally different!"

In Asgard King Palace, after talking with his mother, the Fat House Thor said in a low voice in an incredible tone

"How could there be such a big change! This... this is not the world I experienced at all!"

"The world may be infinitely close to the same, but there may also be unimaginable changes. Some small changes may make the future of the world reverse unpredictably."

Frigg looked at her son tenderly and pitifully, and said in a soft voice

"Thor, this world and your world are not necessarily the same. No one can really go back to the past, all you can do is to travel in parallel worlds that are infinitely close to the same."

No one can truly change the past, even with the Time Stone in hand.

Even Kang, the conqueror who traveled through the past most frequently, knew very well that time would never change, and the past could never be corrected.

A linear forward period of time will not change the entire development due to the fact that the existing matter returns to the past. The so-called 'returning to the past' is essentially just going to the past of another parallel world opened up by division.

They may be infinitely close to the same, but that is not a world after all.

No one can have a second chance of trial and error, even the five gods who are almost equivalent to the incarnation of the universe. They can create a new world line at will, but they can't change an already grown world line - of course, they can directly cut off the part of the timeline that has already happened, and then force the splicing directly from the place to be modified. .

So, are they really going back in time in Avengers 4?

This is actually a very ambiguous question, because Thor and the others rely on a feature called 'time hijacking', which relies on the discontinuity of time, that is, both time and space are discontinuous, with the smallest space and Units of time, do not affect each other.

It's like they killed Thanos at a certain point in time, but they only killed Thanos in this small clip, and after the next Planck time, Thanos will still exist.

What happened cannot be changed, they can only steal the Infinity Stones in these Planck times to influence and rewrite them in future times.

After all, the Infinity Stones can only work in their own universe, but this involves another problem. If this is really their past, then the unstable factor Mu Feng should not exist from the beginning.

If this is a perfect closed loop with an infinite loop, then the earliest Mu Feng can insert as a singularity is the moment after they cross.

Because once the closed loop has any errors or omissions in any link, the entire link will mutate as a result, causing the past and future to collapse directly from the root cause. .

Loki seemed to understand something, and then looked at his brother with pity.


They never saved their world.

126. The hero who never saved the world

The plot of the Avengers is essentially a perfect time loop.

From the very beginning of Iron Man to Avengers 4, everything is in constant loop to achieve a perfect closed-loop mode.

The heroes of the Avengers IV went back to the past wearing quantum armors, returned the gems after saving the world, and the original time continued to flow, developed to the plot of Avengers IV, and then continued to go back to the past, continuing an endless loop of perfect time closed loop .

Without this temporal loop, everything they do would have no meaning—if the past has changed, the future will not arise, and going back to the past will not happen. This is the absolute paradox of cause and effect.

When a time traveler can change the future by going back to the past, then the past he has experienced is actually his future.

But the premise of all this is that they really return to their past.

But in fact? Even in the original plot, their time loop was not perfect at all.

Loki stole the cube and escaped, and Steve went back in time to marry Carter. These things in themselves prove that the closed loop didn't form at all.

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