However, under the introduction of a friend of hers, she became acquainted with this rich second-generation named Jim Davis.

It is said that his family is a new arms company that does second-hand contracting and trading for Zhanshi Company. In this era when the old chaebols are disintegrating, they can be called the new rich in the United States.

Under the attack of Duojin, Arya fell quickly and had a sweet love story with him.


Until that day, Arya was taken by Jim to his friend's party, a party of a group of rich second generation looking for fun...

Arya was imprisoned for three days, and she swore that during those three days she lost almost all her dignity and suffered unbearable humiliation.

For this group of rich second-generation, this kind of 'game' has not been played once or twice. They don't care about the children of these ordinary families at all, and they are not afraid of their 'resistance'

But Arya was lucky, or rather unlucky. She eventually found the opportunity to record the video, keeping the evidence for herself...

So she filed a lawsuit.

But then, she suffered a series of revenge. Her video was spread all over the people around her, her parents lost their jobs by them, and under the "slut humiliation" and pointing of others, she lived as if she had fallen into hell.

In the end, the law could not give her any justice at all.

In the confrontation between the big lawyer hired by the other party and the small lawyer who was even bought off on her side, her evidence was forcibly overturned, and even the judge accepted their bribe.

How does she win? what to win?

A desperate Arya fell to the ground, feeling powerless, knowing that Jim's next revenge would come soon.

What happened to her? She didn't know it herself, at this moment, there was only hopelessness and... fear in her heart.

At this moment, a dark yellow light suddenly flashed across the sky, a ring suddenly flashed in front of him, and a mechanical sound came from it.

"Arya Jane from Earth, you have the ability to instill great fear in others - welcome to join, Yellow Lantern Corps!"

At 2:36 this afternoon, this girl named Arya received a transformation of her life.

She caught up with Jim's car at the first time, along with his parents, his brother and sister-in-law, his six-year-old nephew, and his three-year-old niece...

He was tortured with the most brutal torture for three hours before the live TV broadcast in Los Angeles.

In the following three days, she searched and killed more than 436 related people, from the rich second generation, their families, judges and bailiffs, their families, etc.

After spreading the fear on a large scale, the fear that came back made her even stronger and more insane.

The more a person feels enough fear in his heart, the more fear he can instill in others.

Kindness is flexible. The more honest and kinder people are, the more terrifying they will become after giving up this kindness.

This is just the United States, or the first 'yellow light incident' in the world

This is just the beginning.


In recent days, the most talked about thing in the world is undoubtedly the "alien invasion" in New York

Compared with the hypocritical World War, which has gradually decreased in intensity, there is no doubt that the incident of alien invasion is obviously larger.

But those in power actually know that this is no longer an issue, and for them it may be more about...

"Is the Color Light Legion..."

Steve calmly looked at the yellow ring floating quietly in the palm of his hand, his eyes were very deep.

"Nine members with yellow light rings have appeared in the United States recently."

Nick Fury said wearily in a hoarse voice.

"Those members of the yellow light are almost all ... people who tend to be radical, and after getting these rings they tend to amplify their extreme emotions and cause massive damage."

"And the people who are admitted by the yellow light will increase their power as the fear spreads, which also leads to the fact that almost every one of this group of extreme lunatics is a huge living bomb."

Nick Fury's report could almost be said in a light direction.

The yellow lantern ring that has dissipated all the divine power of the Serpent of Fear is completely one after another powerful divine power seed, and almost no human beings who have obtained this kind of power gift are not addicted to this powerful power.

The only way to increase the energy of the yellow light is to obtain fear, the fear of others or your own fear, obviously the latter is easier to obtain.

There is no problem of survivorship bias at all. The target chosen by the fearful yellow light is almost always those who have been bullied too much, or those who naturally bring fear to people, squeezing anger and extreme Once the emotions are detonated, there is no possibility of pulling them back.

In fact, it would be easy to say that they are living bombs. Almost all of these guys who get the yellow light ring can become close to the average level of the Asgardian gods, and as the fear expands, the strength also increases. It will rise with it.

"This shows that our country is not so fair."

Tony raised his eyebrows, crossed his chest with his hands, and said with a frivolous attitude.

"Absolute fairness itself does not exist." Steve crushed the yellow light ring and said in an indifferent voice

"The huge social collective of the country is destined to be exploited and exploited. We can only keep these things down as much as possible. To eradicate them, it is impossible to rely on human power."

As long as human beings are still progressing, the thirst for desire will not stop. Desire is the source of exploitation, but also the source of human progress.

Even those so-called noble aspirations are essentially another desire for self-realization. And this kind of noble emotion is undoubtedly a minority among human beings as a whole.

After all, it is undoubtedly easier for people to break the lower limit than to break the upper limit. As long as there is one more bad person who breaks the rules and gains benefits among a hundred good people, there will soon be more appearances.

"But these problems are real." Tony sighed.

It is undoubtedly a bad choice for the national order to let every civilian be equipped with weapons. Americans can make this virtue if they can legally take some semi-automatic weapons. If they get a surreal weapon like the yellow light ring... …

The turmoil in the United States is imminent, or if such a thing really spreads completely, it is estimated that it will not be long before the United States will be divided into more than 40 people.

"The world war has just been resolved, and the alien invasion has finally been quelled, and now there is another civil war of mankind's own."

Tony scratched his head irritably, feeling more and more powerless

This world's own experience is simply too wonderful compared to the other world. These terrifying troubles come one after another, and sometimes he really thinks it's better to destroy it.

"I'll be traveling as much as possible throughout the United States during this time to make sure I find every yellow light ring holder." Steve frowned.

"I will try my best to solve the problem at the source..."

Of course, they also know that how to solve the problem of social injustice is the source of quelling the unrest, but it is much more difficult to build a society without exploitation than to kill a group of lamp ring holders.

"So what about the green one?" Tony raised his eyebrows.

" light ring appears to have only had five cases worldwide so far."

Agent Hill added on the sidelines

"Unlike the selection of the yellow light ring, the emotions of the holders of the green light ring are not so extreme, but they appear very... ego."

"In short, each of them is extremely arrogant - just like Stark." Nick Fury pouted.

The Green Lantern Ring, set by Zeus, will only select targets with extreme willpower, but extreme willpower—in other words, extreme ego.

Absolute adherence to one's own beliefs, absolute belief, absolute self-confidence, that is, absolute arrogance.

In a sense, such a person is even more difficult to deal with than the holder of the yellow light ring, and unlike the yellow light ring, the way to obtain the power of the green light ring is simpler.

Practice yourself, build your own strength, and gain strength from the most direct worship and belief.

"Most of these holders work as vigilantes in their respective countries and territories, and it seems that they are ready to join forces with each other to form a superhero team, but we don't know where they gathered... …”

Many in the room, especially Stark and Steve, were somewhat silent.

Superhero... This term is really unfamiliar and familiar.

The outbreak of the World War with Wakanda made the superhero profession almost extinct in the United States, and these street vigilantes were basically deprived of most of their jobs under Steve's high-pressure surveillance scrutiny.

But now with paranormal events emerging around the world, these emerging superhero groups seem to be bringing back the craze.

"Then if there are such a group of Green Lanterns in the United States, do we... have to deal with them too?"

"Either incorporate them or solve them." Steve answered Stark's question in a cold voice

"National security and social order shouldn't be decided by a bunch of leotard clowns with alien weapons!"

Tony was silent, and it was hard for him to say it was Steve's dictatorial evil. After all, behaviors are explained by completely different angles from different angles.

"Almost all the power in these rings is the rune power of Asgard."

At this moment, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and Thor walked in with a faint slap print on his face. It seemed that his reunion with Miss Jane Foster was not a pleasant one.

"At least those yellow rings. That guy named Bruce Banner stole Asgard's rune power and then spread it out to other Midgardians."

Speaking of which, Thor is very rude.

Even if he is a very forthright character, it is very unpleasant for the Midgards to steal the core technology and power of Asgard.

"We haven't settled the accounts with you yet. Privately spilling weapons of mass destruction on other countries is going to go to the International Court of Justice. What a shock!"

Tony folded his arms and sneered.

Even after reading the story of the other world, he still doesn't like Thor very much.

"Let's stop right and wrong about this matter, this is not the time to discuss." Steve stopped the two arguing and frowned.

"If the serious pollution problem on Manhattan Island is not solved, the United States will not be able to maximize the number of people to solve the problem of civil strife in various places. As for Prince Thor, I very much hope that you can leave the earth as soon as possible."

When Steve said this, he deliberately increased his tone.

Thor's face is not very good, of course it is not worth being happy under the fence, and he doesn't know what kind of situation Asgard is in now.

"Wait until Sif determines the Asgardian coordinates... we'll be leaving right away!"

"Don't open the door again and bring out a lot of monsters." Tony stabbed him faintly.

Thor left in disgust.

"Tony, I need you to expand the number of your steel drones." Steve turned back and said seriously

"We need more steel drones to maintain the current law and order in the United States under the control of artificial intelligence. As much as possible, put the trouble at the source."

Tony showed a hesitant expression, the Iron Drone Corps... His own experience in another world shows that this is not a good idea.

But Tony didn't think he would fall into the same pit twice, not to mention that he was not the only one playing omnic in this world.

Even if it is to prevent the technological expansion of Wakanda's Omnic Legion, the development of the Iron Drone Legion seems to be imminent.

Proud Tony Stark doesn't think he will repeat the same mistakes and create a Ultron for himself.

" there any problem with Stryker?"

Tony frowned and asked

What he was talking about was of course the army led by Stryker, to be precise, those who were stationed in the White House to replace a group of military personnel from the former political family.

After Steve and Hydra ruthlessly swept away all the American political families, the members of the Hydra and the military headed by Stryker were the ones who managed the country in their place.

To be honest, nothing has changed at all.

You expect the privileged class on top of you to step on your head to be enlightened and great in exchange for another, which in itself is extremely naive.

Tony has been dissatisfied with this group of military personnel and those related to those military enterprises for a long time. Look at what this group of **** said before they came to power, and how quickly they have fallen since they came to power!

"It's okay...they won't be the problem." Steve said with a cold face

"Tony, I'd rather trust you, and your machine, than them."

Tony froze for a moment, then looked horrified

"You... are you sure?!"

141. Repeat the same mistakes

Steve Rogers is a very bad political guy.

Even after being transformed by Mu Feng on his mind and soul, his personality was subverted, and after learning these powers and tricks according to the Kryptonian standards - Steve still hated all of this.

But the knowledge of governance itself is a scale-like structure.

The detailed classification of the functions of government agencies can ensure the dispersion of power and the effectiveness of things, but the subdivision of duties will lead to slower administration, and the bloated system of administrative officials will slow down all actions.

But on the other hand, efficient power is also full of drawbacks. If the duties are not subdivided, the transmitted orders will be distorted and run in the other direction without turning back, resulting in the deviation of the results of the affairs you want to complete. One hundred and eight thousand miles.

There is no perfect system and ideology in this world, only the most suitable ones.

Seeing all this dialectically and balancing the two sides in the middle of the scale is the job of a statesman, and especially a skill that leaders of nations need to master.

Without him, only balanced ears.

During the year Steve fought against Wakanda, not only was he constantly fighting with those omnic legions all over the world, but he was also dealing with these disgusting government affairs. It can be said that he was basically 24 hours a day. .

Tiredness is second, and the most important thing is to be exposed to so many politics, and have to compromise on some of them, which has caused Steve, who already hates politics, to be bored with this aspect has reached its peak.

He hated all this to the end, but he had to compromise in order to maintain stability, so he grew more and more tired. And now, Steve can't stand it all!

He can foresee a bigger crisis. The one-year war with Wakanda is just the beginning, and the crisis after that will only become more and more terrible, so he must liberate his energy - no longer waste time on boring And stupid political struggles.

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