Natasha nodded, turned and left the conference room. And almost as soon as she left, a portal opened next to Nick Fury.

"You're doing what he wants."

Gu Yi walked out of the portal and looked at Nick Fury indifferently.

"Just like his marionette, do exactly what he wants. What you want to do now is what he wants to see."

"But he at least gave me a possible choice." Nick Fury said impatiently.

"I know he turned Captain America into this look! But objectively speaking, without him, we will be finished immediately!"

"It's you, Master Gu Yi, why did Kama Taj jump out at this time? Where were you during our civil war? Didn't you say that you are the Earth Ball?"

Nick Fury sneered

"Kama Taj will never intervene in human civil war." Gu Yi said indifferently

"It doesn't matter whether you kill black people or Jews, even if you all die at the hands of Wakanda, I don't care, whether the demise of the United States, or the third world war, as for the invaders in New York, it is your own responsibility."

Gu didn't care much about Kama Taj's "quietness" in the Battle of New York, in fact she and the other mystic mages had more important things at that time.

She had to watch the two god-kings make sure they wouldn't do anything more outrageous, while the other mystic had to rush to repair the outer barrier of the three temples.

"Then don't interfere with my actions!" Nick Fury said coldly

Gu Yi looked at this black braised egg, which seemed to be very confident, and suddenly smiled.

"Nick Fury, do you know it would be reasonable for me to get rid of you now? It's up to you to bring those Skrulls to Earth."

"You think you're very talented and you have a lot of cards? You have Carol Danvers, but is she willing to listen to you and assassinate your president? Or, your credit is the green light in your hand Ring?"

Nick Fury immediately usurped the faint green ring in his palm.

"I don't care about your attitude, and I don't want to get involved in your infighting." Gu Yi picked up kryptonite in his hand and played with it, said lightly.

"I'm reminding you that bigger trouble is coming soon. Infighting... stupid."

"I can't let him turn America into a country ruled by machines!" Nick Fury said irritably

"So what? Nick Fury, do you know what your biggest problem is? You never really want to broaden your horizons." Gu Yi sighed

Nick Fury always seemed to feel mysterious, always with a special kind of vision. But actually, this guy isn't really a visionary.

There is a kind of petty persistence and perseverance in his bones, always trying to control things in his hands is the best embodiment. This is both a sense of insecurity and a sense of distrust and narrow-mindedness about the self.

He insisted on eradicating Steve, the dictator and tyrant, for the world's sake. She came here just to give advice.

She has found Strange, and even though the fate of the world has changed dramatically, Strange still embarked on the path of seeking the Supreme Mage for other reasons.

For Gu Yi, after these few years, she can 'gloriously retire' soon.

She has been in charge of the mess of the earth for thousands of years, and she has long been tireless. Now it is not bad to just quit without sabotage.

After cultivating Strange, Gu Yi promises that she will commit suicide without saying a word, and go to enjoy life with her real boss!

"So, is the Supreme Mage coming to say something bad prophecy again?" Nick Fury said rudely

"Two bad prophecies." Gu Yi said lightly, looking at Nick Fury with deep meaning

"The first one, there are many groups of alien murderous lunatics eyeing the earth."

" know better than anyone, don't you?"


"Today, the China National Space Administration announced the discovery of a special comet, according to..."

Wanda unskilledly stirred the mashed potatoes in the basin, and watched the TV program boredly, looking absent-minded.

After returning from Wakanda, Wanda did not seek revenge for Mu Feng or T'Challa, but returned to a small country in Eastern Europe, where he went incognito.

Looking at the uneven potato pieces stirred in the iron plate, Wanda sighed and looked at his right hand with a little concentration.

As long as she wants, a single thought can accomplish everything.

Let alone a bowl of mashed potatoes, if she wanted, she could even conjure up potatoes that could bury the whole town.

Magic is so convenient, and for Wanda, it is like a wishing machine. The gift of her talent and ability gives her an unimaginable authority.

In the past, she was said to be stirring this little mashed potatoes. As long as she wanted to, she could turn a table full of Han Chinese in an instant, and in an instant, the entire Eastern Europe could disappear out of thin air.

This is by no means an exaggeration. Wanda, who is 'blessed' by the three-dimensional demon god, possesses this incredible power.

But that's exactly what she's trying to avoid now.

Wanda always remembered what Casillas had said to her, the warnings with obvious mockery.

Magic and miracles are not free, they all come at a great price.

After confirming this, Wanda Equilibrium decided to temporarily seal his way of using magic.

Actually...she doesn't need to use magic, doesn't she?

Wanda's dream has never been to be a master of magic, or to be a superhero. The dream of this ordinary little Eastern European girl used to be very small, and it is not big now.

After her revenge, she just wanted to find a place to live a good life.

Avenging Wakanda is their driving force, but it does not mean that they have the ambition to swallow a country.

Wanda poured the mashed potatoes, and just put down the bowl, Pietro appeared like lightning.

"It's late, are you out to meddle again?" Wanda looked at his brother dissatisfied

"Oh my God, Wanda, can't you just go to the supermarket and buy ready-made?"

Pietro looked at the sloppy mashed potatoes in his bowl and wailed.

"I'll stop making mashed potatoes if you stop this meddling, Mr. Flash."

Wanda looked at the complaining Pietro and said lightly

Pietro didn't answer, just shrugged his shoulders and ate the mashed potatoes and disappeared. Looking at his younger brother, Wanda could only sigh helplessly.

Pietro is different from her, he does not need to pay the price, and he is not so willing to be ordinary, the most important thing is that he is more so-called justice than himself.

In fact, Wanda doesn't really object to Pietro going out to be a chivalrous person. If he likes it, just let him do it. Anyway... it's not a bad thing.

In this small Eastern European country where their siblings live in seclusion, he is the hero who has recently risen to maintain law and order, the legendary Flash who drags red lightning to strike criminals at an invisible speed.

It's also a good thing to let him clean up those scumbags. At least Wanda can make the place where he lives more pleasing and comfortable, and Pietro is also a temperament that can't be calm.

Wanda believes that she will have a new life in this country.

Start a new life in this small country called Latvinia!

143. Time is destroyed

Winter is coming earlier than usual this year.

It's only the end of November and there's been massive snowfall, and the silver-clad earth brings a little joyful color to this coming year's end.

Holding a huge teddy bear, Scott hesitantly walked into the community in front of him.

For Scott, this winter is also a good day for him to celebrate.

After breaking the law and going to jail for his daughter and family, Scott is either lucky or unlucky to encounter a one-year war with Wakanda.

Probably because they valued Scott's excellent resume, the military said that as long as Scott is willing to join the military, all his previous things will be written off.

Of course Scott chose to agree to this, and he actually didn't have the right to choose.

After serving in Madagascar for more than half a year, Scott was fortunate enough to retire unharmed. All the previous matters were written off. Not only that, he also received a large amount of severance pay.

With this money... Maybe his life can be restarted?

Scott laughed at himself, how could it be... how could it be so simple?

Now he just wants to see his lovely daughter at his ex-wife's side, that's all. Then I have to find an apartment and pick up the unlucky guy Louis, and talk about it...

Although he thought a lot at once, but standing in front of his ex-wife's house, Scott was still very hesitant and timid.

He was terrified of what might happen after pushing the door, after all he didn't feel like a father worthy of Casey's pride.

But he mustered up his courage and rang the doorbell.

With a ding dong roar, the door of the apartment slowly opened, but there was no warm light from the crack of the door.

It was weird, because Scott stood outside the door and saw the lights in the window, but there was only a quiet, suffocating darkness within the crack of the door.

It's weird and it's not right!

The habit and vigilance developed in the one-year service made Scott jump down the steps with the teddy bear without hesitation, so he narrowly avoided the attack that suddenly appeared from the crack of the door!

It was a weapon like an electric baton, with a strange red light flashing at the top. And the person who attacked him came out of the door, a guy dressed like a German soldier in "Return to Wolfenstein"!

Scott got up with his hands and feet, picked up a stone on the ground and used it as a weapon against the guy in front of him.

He can't run because he can't be sure his daughter is safe!

"Scott Lang."

The well-dressed soldier said in a low voice

"Your existence is a factor that interferes with the operation of the sacred timeline, so accept the fate of being eliminated!"

Scott didn't expect that a madman full of nonsense would suddenly jump out and want to kill himself.

But even so, Scott didn't dare to underestimate the other party - in a sense, a lunatic is more terrible than a normal person!

The soldier rushed up with the 'electric baton' again. Although he didn't know what that thing with the red light on the top was, he still rationally didn't let it touch him.

He seized the opportunity to pick up the stone and hit the soldier's forehead fiercely. Judging from the sound, it should be a concussion.

However, after receiving such a heavy blow, the soldier continued to attack Scott with this 'electric baton' like no one else.

What the **** is this weirdo!

Before Scott could attack the next time, the soldier suddenly pressed the watch-like thing on his left wrist.

In an instant, Scott's side was suddenly filled with no less than twenty guys who were exactly the same as the soldiers in front of him!

Scott was desperate for a moment. He threw a stone and rushed at the soldier closest to him, roaring at the house.

"Casey, run!!!"

But just before he was about to pounce, these soldiers suddenly began to disappear out of thin air.

Their bodies melted into fine black-gray dust in an instant and then blew away with the wind, and Scott even heard the original soldier's voice

"Damn it! How could this be—no, not now!"

Before the wailing sound was finished, they turned to ashes and disappeared on the spot, leaving only a confused Scott.

Just... what happened?


TVA, the Time Crisis Administration, is a super-sized organization with various high-level titles in the comics.

But...but now?

Mu Feng looked at the corpses lying everywhere in this huge 'office', either their necks were broken or their heads were crushed.

Someone grabbed this group of time servants ahead of him.

Mu Feng raised his eyebrows, glanced at the corpses, and squinted his eyes.

The way of death... can only be said to be strange.

It's probably not so easy to detect who did it. After all, this place is in the 'zero world', a special world that is completely isolated from outer dimensional energy.

But to be honest, it doesn't really matter who did it.

Mu Feng stepped over the corpses of these time servants and entered the time trial hall, where Miss Time on the electronic screen was still playing 90s-style promotional films in a loop.

Mu Feng chuckled and shook his head.

It was a waste of how much he prepared to deal with this TVA before, but he didn't expect that the one here is actually a fake with a crotch?

No, it can't actually be said to be a fake, but it can be said to be a self-righteous copycat organization.

Mu Feng casually played with the infinity rough stone taken out from the drawer, and decided to go back and give this stone to Yan Ye and the others as jewelry.

The Infinity Stones that have left this universe are meaningless. A drawer of Infinity Stones that looks bluffing is essentially a drawer of garbage.

The fighting power of this fake fake is true, but Mu Feng sees that the time guardians here are all ordinary people?

And... the news is obviously not so well-informed.

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