No one can get a secret from Odin's mouth that he doesn't want to tell, and he does always achieve his goals.

"Then why did you come to me? Is it just to show your mercy as a diva?" Banner said in disgust

"I just sent someone who might be with you for a while."

The queen waved her hand gently, and the guard who had been waiting for a long time dragged the unconscious Loki up.

This unfortunate guy was slashed by the dead **** with the iron sword in Odin's treasury. Although the body of the **** Asgard prevented him from dying, it was definitely not good.

At least in a short period of time, he has no chance of making waves.

Being locked in the gate of Agil can be regarded as recuperating for him, and it also prevents this guy from being killed by someone seeking revenge.

"Do you imprison your son with your own hands? Your Majesty, you are truly terrifying and selfless."

"Loki must be responsible for his actions." Tian Hou whispered

"A little punishment would also help clear his hot head."

152. Viper that devours tree roots

"How long are we going to be here?"

Vorstag complained, and he poured out the fine wine stored in his golden cup, but unfortunately it was not deep.

"I never thought I'd be thirsty in Jotunheim," Vorstag muttered.

Their group of Asgardians wouldn't die of thirst, but they would still feel sad if they didn't drink water for a long time.

Sif threw a pot of water over, of course the water in it was completely melted. Snow water made by magic, I don't know if drinking it will make my stomach hurt.

"Stop complaining, shorty, we're almost there."

Fandral said angrily, the Asgard warrior didn't look very happy either.

But it's just unpleasant because of what I've seen over the years, a 'blasphemy' sight to Fandral, or to every Asgardian warrior...

They saw another side of the Father of the Gods.

It was not a glorious story, or the exact opposite of the story of the invincible and fearless father of the gods as told by the Asgardians.

An emperor who betrayed his father, overturned his brother, slaughtered his enemies, and finally ruled everything.

Thor has been silent all the time. If it was him in the past, facing such a slander of his father, he must be the most provocative one.

But now it is different, he is really not sure if his father can do such a thing.

Bruce Banner has no plans to conceal his encounter, and in the face of the magic of God's Domain, it is obvious that the probability of him lying is infinitely close to zero.

Those storms on earth really have the remnants of my father.

Even to a large extent, he can be regarded as the initiator of the current turmoil on the earth...

What is he going to do? What is the plan of the great father of the gods?

Thor didn't know, he found that he had never really known his father, and the image of the eternal solemn justice in his memory seemed to be slowly shattering.

Thor gripped his hair irritably, while Sif thoughtfully and gently combed everything for him.


With the sound of birdsong, the black magpie bird in the sky did not know when it appeared here. He hovered over the heads of Thor and the others, and the sound seemed to be calling them.

"We continue to follow."

Thor grabbed Thor's hammer and said in a muffled voice, Asgard warriors looked at each other in dismay, Fandral couldn't help but said

"Thor! Why are we following this bird? There's clearly something wrong with him! There's clearly a wizard behind him!"

"I know, but at least we can see something that's not stone and loess when we follow it!" Thor said irritably

"Just obey orders now!"

Thor's aura similar to that of the king of the gods made everyone shut up and follow Thor attentively.

They followed the black magpie bird, over the mountains, across the canyons, and walked for three days and three nights.

The journey seemed unexpectedly long this time, and even the most physically fit of them, Vorstage, was a little out of breath.

But they finally reached their destination.

The black magpie bird flapped on the shoulder of a man, who was wearing a black trench coat, holding a simple scepter in his hand, standing in front of a cliff.

In front of that cliff is a pitch-dark sea, with no end in sight, deep, ancient, but incomparably quiet.

"The sea without wind and tide really looks like it's dead."

The man opened his arms, relaxed, and said in a tone that seemed to be chatting

Thor was silent for a moment, he took a few steps forward, looked at the man, and said in a tentative tone


"If only you could recognize me so directly in other places."

The man turned his head and said with a smile, that handsome and bewitching face, especially the evil intent in those eyes, was undoubtedly Loki!

"How will you be here?"

Thor came up with a questioning question. He saw Loki who was seriously injured. He should be in Asgard or Wanaheim, but he should not be here anyway!

"I'm just here for see where I came from."

Loki leaned on the scepter and said easily, his tone and words, as if he really didn't care about his origin.

"Are you doing the magic along the way?"

Fandral stepped forward and asked in a bad tone

"I just presented the truth of the past." Loki said leisurely

"Very good, in order to defend the dignity of the father of the gods!" Fandral roared, grabbed the throwing axe around his waist and threw it away. Thor didn't have time to stop it, but Fandral didn't intend to kill Loki.

The electric flint-like throwing axe flew towards Loki's forehead, but he just raised his finger, and the axe was suspended in the air by itself!

"I never liked you, Asgard Four? Four muscle-thinking idiots—except my brother's mate."

Loki looked contemptuously at the so-called Four Warriors of Asgard, who were also the future leadership that Odin left to Thor.

In his opinion, they were just a bunch of muscular barbarians, mindless idiots.

"You seem to have forgotten that I am also the crown prince of Asgard. If you take action against me, you should be prepared to bear the price."

Loki's right hand swiped lightly, and in an instant a cold attacked and covered Fandral's body. This resolute Asgard warrior was frozen into a popsicle in just an instant!

"Loki, stop! Fandral didn't mean to..."

"Okay, okay, I've heard enough of you, you really haven't made any progress." Loki waved his hand, indicating that he didn't want to listen to Thor's nagging anymore.

Thor's words were directly held in his mouth, and this Thor, who had an uncomfortable face, felt that something was wrong.

This Loki is too mature!

"What I showed you along the way is the history of Odin's birth." Loki patted the dust on his body and said casually.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, Odin killed his father here, and the ultimate revenge is me! The cycle of cause and effect, that's all."

"'re not my brother."

"Finally know? You're really a dull ostrich." Loki laughed

"It's interesting that the other you met the me of this world, and the me of the other world met you of this world."

"Did you cause Fembull's winter!"

Sif took a step forward, the sword of the Valkyrie pointed at Loki in a pointless distance, and asked loudly

"Don't wrong me." Loki's face was full of grievances.

"Even in the prophecy about me, Fenbull's Winter has nothing to do with me. You are slander, and you need to receive a letter from my lawyer."

He pointed to the black ocean with no waves as if it was dead, and smiled maliciously.

"The culprit that caused this big winter, where is it."

What do you see? Vorstag hinted at Sif with his eyes like this, he only saw a sea, a very quiet sea like stagnant water.

"Ymir sleeps here." Loki smiled.

"The oldest life in the Nine Realms, and also the ancestor of the Frost Giant, completely died, and his corpse and remnant soul finally fed back the World Tree that has been nourishing him."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

Thor's eyes widened slightly, and although he didn't read much, he still understood what Loki's words implied.

With a malicious smile, Loki nodded, turned his right hand slightly, and a vivid World Tree graphic appeared in front of them!

The trunk of the World Tree with nine world bubbles hanging there is filled with abnormal silver white, and it is still slowly spreading and spreading.

"Ymir's body and everything are integrated into the World Tree, and the death of the first ancestor of the frost giant also took away the ice and snow of the entire Jotunheim." Loki said easily

"Finbull's winter is unavoidable. As long as the Nine Realms are linked with the World Tree Uktrahir for one day, then the cold will never stop!"

Thor clenched his fists instantly, and at the same time he felt a sense of powerlessness that could not be said to be transparent.

He didn't even meet an enemy this time, let alone a legendary, powerful one who was to blame for everything.

"What is that?" Vorstagg asked, pointing to a black mass at the root of the World Tree

"Ah, that, it's the poisonous snake that gnaws at the roots of the World Tree." Loki said easily

"You can call him Nidhogg."

154. The God of Stories and the Female Loki

"What did you do to Vorstage!"

Hogan growled excitedly and terrified. He was the only one among the warriors of Asgard who knew a little about magic, which was why he felt terrified.

He didn't see any trace of Loki's use of magic at all, it was like an incomprehensible 'phenomenon'.

"Me? I didn't do anything." Loki said lightly

"I just erased him briefly in this story, don't worry, he will reappear here in twelve hours."

"'re not my brother."

Thor said in a low voice

"Oh? How did you see that? My stupid brother?" Loki giggled

"You haven't lied since the beginning."

"Ha! That's right, lie, that's just like my instinct, isn't it?" Loki shook his head and smiled.

"When I was still the **** of mischief and the **** of lies, this position was more like a curse to me. Lies are not a need for me, but an instinct."

"But when I abandoned the **** position, I found out that without him, it seems to be nothing. But unfortunately... I also lost the position of the **** of the story."

Having said that, a sigh appeared on Loki's face, obviously he still cherishes that seat.

"...Why did you come here?"

"Why? No, no, I didn't 'come', but was 'sent' here."

Loki waved his fingers to correct Thor's fallacy and squinted.

"It's not too uncommon for us to have a very interesting guy breaking the 'wall' at the farthest end of the multiverse. It's just interesting that he broke that wall here with you."

Loki snapped his fingers gently, and saw a splendid picture emerge in front of him.

Countless similar universes line up, but there is only one shining star outside the universe.

"You live in a happy world." Loki exclaimed

"The universe you are in is a domain that is isolated from all universes, so you don't have to think about the messy parallel world invaders, the future people whose brains were kicked by donkeys, the evil gods who want to devour the universe all day long, and the occasional guest appearances. The guy from the studio next door..."

"But in contrast, you are also very weak! If you lose the opportunity to connect with the real multiverse, you will also lose this source of power to connect."

"I don't understand what you're saying at all!"

Thor expresses his ignorance with a righteous attitude

"...Okay." Loki seemed to be choked, he hesitated for a moment, and replied

"In general, it was a coincidence that I was thrown with you. I don't have much hostility towards you personally, but yours is a good place to be safe, so I'd be happy to vacation here."

"You only told half the truth," Thor said again.

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