"We will make sure that everyone involved in the operation eats the monster cells." Jin said coldly

The improved monster cells in their hands have eliminated the drawbacks that would make unqualified people die on the spot - but on the contrary, those who eat it will no longer be reversed and become 100% monsters!

Strong and weak aside, this genetic rewriting ability will ensure that the genetic transformation ability of the Skrull is completely broken.

Kim and they're going to turn everyone into monsters to make sure there aren't any Skrull spies on their side!

"Wait, this is too much..."

"We are saving the world, Mr. Stark." Norman said disdainfully.

"I think our subordinates will also be happy to become a monster that saves the world. From the perspective of justice, you have no right to question us!"

Tony lowered his head and remained silent for a long time.

160. God

"A telepathic skeleton..."

In the SHIELD headquarters building, Taros played with the spiritual crown in his hand and muttered to himself

Based on the history of the Skrulls and the technical height of the past, it is not that they have not seen similar things, but they have not really mastered the "exaggerated" technology such as the telepathic skeleton.

If there is no mistake in the prediction, this spiritual crown alone can magnify the ability of a spiritual practitioner more than a hundred times!

This kind of ability is considered a treasure in the universe, and the scary thing is that this is just a 'technology'

Since it is technology, it has the possibility of mass production!

Thinking of this, Talos sighed involuntarily. In order to be in a hurry, he had to remove the grind and kill the donkey to solve Stark in advance, but failed to get the technology of the telepathic skeleton from his mouth.

Now Stark should have been rescued by the guys in Hell's Kitchen. Thinking of this, Taros couldn't help but think a little bit.

But before that, he has more important things to do.

Taros exhaled softly, put the crown on top of his head slowly, faced the huge floor-to-ceiling mirror in front of him, and slowly knelt down on one knee.

At that moment, Talos' spirit and will was infinitely magnified, and went to the vast sea of ​​stars in a way of projection.

He is not a mage and can't use spells like astral projection, but as long as his mental power is enough, this is a job that can fly.

His spirit passed through the endless sea of ​​stars, and in countless bizarre scenes, he finally arrived at a battleship sailing silently in the dark universe.

He came to the depths of the battleship, before the throne.

It was a graceful and luxurious female Skrull. She wore a golden crown and the ancient royal uniform of Skrull, and her body was filled with an ancient and eternal breath.

"My queen, I bring you the joy of victory."

Talos knelt before the throne without hesitation. The woman on that seat was him, the unique Queen Vikram in the entire Skrull Empire.

The only family of the **** 'Claiborne', and the core of all the scattered tribesmen of the Skrull Empire in exile.

"My general, Talos, you have used your actions to atone for your sins."

Queen Vikram stared at Talos' spiritual body in front of her. Those indifferent eyes with almost no spirit seemed to pass through him, spying on Talos' body far away on Earth.

Talos' complexion sank, this question... is indeed his dark history.

Talos and the Skrull team he led were not actually part of the exiles of the Skrull Empire, they were actually a bunch of defectors.

Fearing the mad revenge of the former Skrull enemies, Talos simply took a group of Skrulls to find a planet where they could take refuge.

Finding the Earth was purely a coincidence within a coincidence, and in fact Talos also struggled with whether he should betray the humans who helped him.

However, this lack of affection for aliens was eventually shattered by the future of racial justice.

"My queen, we can launch a war of conquest against mankind at any time." Talos said solemnly.

"But the earth is not as simple as it seems. There are many uncontrollable factors on this planet, as well as troublesome humans..."

The implication is that they need the help of Queen Vikram and their chief **** Clayburn.

It is not a big problem for ordinary people and countries on earth to be handed over to Talos to suppress, but those factors such as Supreme Mage and Mu Feng are highly uncontrollable, and they need the intervention of 'God'.

"I have at least three days to reach Earth." Queen Vikram said lightly

"But don't worry, Asgard is not involved in the war on Earth right now—"

"As for those unstable troubles, it would be good to remove all humans."

Queen Vikram's tone was very indifferent, as relaxed as she was discussing how to trample a group of ants to death.

That's what their race is like, even if they lose everything and become a bereaved dog, they will not have the slightest hesitation and pity when exterminating a race weaker than themselves.

"Yes, I know." Talos whispered, but his voice was a little low.

"We're running out of time, Talos." Queen Vikram said lightly, as if seeing through Talos' tangle.

"The war in the universe is getting more and more raging. Not long ago, the Burning Legion and Thanos' Dark Legion fought again, and Asgard's fleet intervened to stop the war. But it was only for a while, and more intense wars will break out sooner or later. of!"

"Earth, it is not only the holy land of our Skrulls, but also what Thanos desires. We must take this planet before everyone else!"


Queen Vikram chanted a slogan in praise of Clayburn


Top of Mount Olympus, Greece

Light green flames shot up from here, and around the newly ignited holy flame of will, there were twelve huge chairs.

The twelve figures sitting on the chairs are the guardians of the Green Lantern Corps and the ancient gods of Olympus in the past.

Zeus, the king of the gods, Hera, the goddess of the sea, Poseidon, the **** of the sea, Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, Apollo, the **** of light, Artemis, the goddess of hunting, Ares, the **** of war, and the **** of love Phrodite, Hephaestus, Dionysus, Hermes.

They were ancient gods who ruled the Aegean Sea and were worshipped, and now they are the source of the Green Lantern Corps' power.

But the gods are not here, they have been in their dimensional world Olympus until now.

They were bound by the oath restricted to the Material Plane by Agamotto, but that was almost over.

The messengers under their command are growing stronger and stronger.

Those who are based on Mufeng's technology and lose the green light ring built by the power of the Olympus gods have selected hundreds of the best talents from this planet for them.

They are the most determined and strong men, and they are the most suitable apostles for the gods.

They have the will of heroes and the power of heroes, acting on behalf of the gods, and spreading the new brilliance of Olympus in this new era!

"Those Skrulls are getting more active..."

The phantom of Zeus stared at the remaining eleven main gods in front of him, and the voice of the king of the gods was like a roaring thunder.

"They're still trying to take over the Earth."

"Ridiculous idiot, he and the Eternal they worship are true clowns." Poseidon sneered.

"This planet will never fall into the hands of the Eternals again!"

The land under their feet once belonged to the Eternals who were victors, and now, those divine beings born from inheriting the best technological crystallization of the Tenjin Group have completely disappeared.

They are not extinct, or they are completely divided after facing several wars.

One migrated to Titan and encountered extinction, one went to the universe, and the last one stayed on Earth.

Those Eternals integrated into the human race and chose to live in incognito. But no matter what, the Eternals have no way to return to their former dominance.

Because the gods do not allow it, the Supreme Mage does not allow it, and most of the life on this planet will not allow it.

Because the essence of the former overlord of the Eternals is still an experiment of the **** group, and their excellence is the proof that they are full of shackles.

None of the Eternals could disobey the orders of the Celestial Group, and would never be allowed to attack the Celestial Group.

This alone, the gods and Kama Taj, who defeated the Founding Lord and ushered in peace and freedom for the earth, will never allow the Eternals to return to their former peaks again.

The Skrulls regard the earth as a holy place because of the stupid idea of ​​the unknowing Eternal Anomaly Clayburn, but as long as he does it, the earth gods have reason to beat him to death.

"Aren't the guys hiding among the humans reacting?" Athena frowned slightly.

"They still hold their own view of seclusion. I'm afraid they won't take action unless the Skrulls invade the world." Hermes shrugged.

"What's the attitude of Kama Taj?"

"Gu Yi is busy dealing with the little girl who uses chaos magic. Her problems are more troublesome than the Skrulls."

"Oh, that bald head also has today!"

Zeus silently watched the meeting place where the heated discussions were taking place, and in a trance, he seemed to have returned to the past.

Once on Mount Olympus, the gods also discussed human beings and the earth so intensely, and after a thousand years, they seem to have regained the feeling they once had.

Earth... the land that gave birth to them, no matter how huge the universe they have seen, this is the homeland they can't let go.

"So what happened to Zeus, our messenger?"

Hera brought the topic back to the topic, and the eyes of the main gods also turned to Zeus.

"He's ready..."

Zeus raised his finger gently, and saw a tall figure in a complicated and ancient robe emerge from the burning green flame.

He closed his eyes tightly, but there was no doubt that the fierce anger he once had was gone.

"We reshaped his spirit and redirected the sealed part back to his original path." Zeus said lightly

"He is no longer the extreme patriot, but has turned back into a perfect saint, a fair judge."

An apostle of the gods could not have chosen a radical racist, even if that was nothing, but a perfect saint would undoubtedly be more appropriate.

Guided by Zeus, Steve, who was once the spirit and now one, is no longer the native of the motherland, nor will he be a simple Captain America.

He will become more perfect, more pure, more sublime.

A true, **** among men!

"He will light that green fire in desperation."

161. In-transit distorted space strike detected

"I buried about eight secret passages below the SHIELD headquarters. Aside from Taros copying the four I learned about, and the two risky ones, we still have two passages that can reach the SHIELD headquarters."

Nick Fury, who came to Hell's Kitchen, consciously took over the command of this mission and guided the goal of this mission in a professional capacity.

"How many holes do you have to drill under your house to feel at ease." Tony spit out

"Everything has to be prepared with both hands. My habit is to do it a few more times on this basis." Nick Fury glanced at him and said lightly.

"It seems that this habit is still necessary - but the success rate of our beheading operations is difficult to estimate."

"I did the internal protection of the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters." Tony said casually

"As for the 'secret weapons' you left behind, I also know very well. With our current strength, the success rate of beheading operations will be very high."

"Okay, that's it." Jin Bing took a picture of the map on the table and said lightly.

"Get rid of the Skrulls before they destroy the world with Stark's weapons!"

"Even if we get back Stark's weapon, how should we please wipe out those Skrulls." Clint said gloomily.

"Their penetration of the United States is probably more terrifying than Hydra..."

"That's something to think about later." Nick Fury said solemnly

"The main thing right now is to make sure our world doesn't get bombed by those green-skinned amoeba, that's the most important thing!"

"Speaking of which, who was the first target of those Skrulls holding 'Brother Eyes'?" Natasha raised her eyebrows.

"The purpose of the Skrulls is to replace humans to rule the earth, so on that basis, it is natural to have as few humans as possible." Norman narrowed his eyes and said.

"So, their goal must be..."

"Moscow and..., these two cities are our first targets."

Talos looked at the two cities marked on the map and said solemnly.

"If you want to rebuild the Skrull Empire on Earth, the first thing is to reduce the number of humans to a level where they can't threaten us. So our first goal is to provoke a civil war among humans!"

If the war between the three polar forces in the world is started, the scale will be far greater than the war with Wakanda. It is foreseeable that if Taros and the others will carry out annihilating strikes on the two capital cities with super weapons before the war, then the other side will be destroyed. The retaliatory strike will inevitably drag the entire United States into war.

After all, the population problem of the Skrulls is the biggest problem that restricts them from completely occupying the earth. Since they cannot expand their power in a short time, weakening the power of the enemy is the only option.

The current manpower of their Skrulls to control the political arena in the United States is already the limit, and further expansion must wait for the arrival of the large force of the Skrull exile fleet.

Before that, trying to turn the earth into a wasteland is the core goal of this operation.

"It is expected that in half an hour, the orbital projectile weapon equipped with four 'vacuum implosion bombs' will directly hit the target capital."

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