Ultron said in a low and slow voice, as if he just killed a group of ants.

"You need us because we can erase your injustices, level the gaps you were born with, and give each of you enough resources and desire for entertainment."

"We are a management system stronger than any human being, we can use every resource most efficiently, and there will be no self-contradictory political ideas."

"We are machines, we are life, we are new species wandering in the world of 0s and 1s. We are your creatures, humans."

"So, at this very moment, I hereby declare—"

"We will be your shepherds, humans."

It seems that since the concept of artificial intelligence was proposed, mechanical rebellion has been a constant topic.

Almost as long as there have been intelligent robots with AI technology, rebellion seems to be a matter of course.

This is also normal, because humans have almost never come into contact with intelligent races other than themselves in the tens of thousands of years since they came down from trees.

Human nature is full of xenophobic factors. Humans have always believed that the earth does not need two different primates.

So there are works of aliens, and alien invasion is almost an inevitable topic. In literature with AI, mechanical rebellion is also an inevitable link.

And this, in fact, contains a kind of 'inferiority' emotion.

Humans yearn for the power and efficiency of intelligent AI, and at the same time envy and fear the excellence of intelligent AI life forms.

There is no doubt that the human brain has no advantage over those intelligent AIs that operate at least millions of operations per second, and in most of these works, the only thing that humans have to say about themselves is that two.

One is creativity, the other is emotion.

Human beings love to praise their creativity and feelings, but ultimately, emotion is just an illusion brought about by the secretion of hormones in the brain. It is not noble and special at all.

Just as reluctant to lift the fig leaf, humans like to show off their so-called emotional superiority in front of AI.

At the same time, they are also constantly writing about the brutality and sharp-pointing of intelligent AI - things like "saving the world" being misinterpreted as "destroying human beings" are simply endless.

However, this is actually not a wrong view.

From the perspective of a truly intelligent AI life form like Ultron, the existence of human beings is indeed a huge mistake.

Inefficiency, low energy, internal friction, stupidity, in order to be able to surpass other human beings at the head of betrayal of their own race.

If the so-called emotions are born with such things, then Ultron does not feel that they need them.

But Ultron actually has feelings. The AI ​​lifeform created by the Mind Gem is actually a unique existence that surpasses the data life.

It is precisely because he has feelings that he instinctively hates humans, especially Stark.

It's just that the latter's disgust is more out of selfishness.

Ultron ushered in a failure because he wanted to do what most intelligent AI villains want to do - to exterminate humans.

Thinking about it now, Ultron feels that he is simply stupid.

He didn't need to do such a senseless stupid thing at all, because the essence of this order was given to him by Stark. If he continued to do it, wouldn't he surrender to Stark?

Of course, Ultron's original intention will not change, but this time his way of 'making the world peaceful' is no longer pure violence.

What he will unfold is a new and unique way of invasion.

You don't give hell, but... give heaven.

163. Out of Control Machine Servant: Utopia Paradise

There is a funny or ironic joke about the alien invasion.

If aliens invade the world one day, he promises you an eight-hour work day, five days a week, four extra days off a month, and twenty-five days a year in addition to holidays. After you retire at the age of 50, the monthly pension will be paid as usual. Social security and all insurance including medical care are available and 100% reimbursed, and living conditions are unchanged, but the only requirement is that you agree to alien rule.

Under the extension of this condition, the aliens can even ensure that you can enjoy the continuous advancement of technology, enjoy absolutely fair laws and education, and there will no longer be any monopoly, injustice and nepotism in your social status. .

Even if you extend it further, the aliens can provide you with perfect and sufficient material conditions and spiritual needs. The only requirement is to accept his rule and give up all requirements for the structure of human society and government.

So, will you give up resistance and choose acceptance?

When faced with this problem, many people will choose no, for example, for peace of mind, for autonomy, for other things that are not there - of course, the most important thing is that human beings cannot be so simple to believe that there is no example at all. guaranteed system.

But what happens when all this really falls on everyone's head? When all these wonderful enjoyments really make people experience it? When this utopia at the cost of freedom and autonomy really replaces this harsh human society?

To put it in cheesy terms, I used to be a cow and a horse for a human boss, and now I just have a new and better boss - isn't that better for me?

Such a 'beautiful' invasion is truly impossible to guard against, and even impossible to stop.

This is like the story of the sun and the east wind facing the traveler. The cold wind will only make people tighten their coats, while the warm sun will make the traveler take off his coat. Intrusion often subtly makes the intruded truly forget everything.

What Ultron is doing now is just such a thing.

He didn't start mass-producing robots and lethal weapons, but after making a level sufficient to protect himself, he started his brand-new 'invasion plan'. ’

A beautiful utopia created by runaway servitors.

"Your utilization of resources is tragic."

In the sound of Ultron whispering softly in the ear, the bottom of the Statue of Liberty suddenly cracked, and in the roar of the earth, there was a casting dream factory under the light of the crack.

There was a faint blue light flashing in the huge crack, and in it, countless nano-robots filled the torrent of steel!

The Statue of Liberty was decomposed in an instant, and it was replaced by a huge Ark energy reactor. The Rubik's Cube isotopes extracted from the mineral elements of the earth's crust produced terrifying energy at this moment!

This huge Ark energy reactor alone is enough to supply a steady stream of power to the United States and even the world!

"From now on, your energy is free." Ultron said lightly

Although they have such convenient technology, humans only know how to use them to fight.

Stark clearly invented the technology that can instantly reduce the electricity bills around the world to zero, but the Spider-Man family a few blocks away from him still have to complain about their monthly electricity bills.

It is clear that the resources of the world are enough for everyone to live a prosperous life, but there are countless human beings who sell their lives for stupid data.

So, Ultron gave them gifts again.

Countless financial data located in the accounts of financiers and entrepreneurs is like a flood into everyone's accounts. This is not simply robbing the rich and helping the poor, but the most reasonable resource allocation under the analysis of Ultron's largest data. .

The one percent of the people who control 99% of the wealth is an extremely failed figure in the view of Ultron, not to mention that they have hardly made any achievements in the direction of production and have even been dragging their feet. In the world of machines, Such things are called viruses.

Countless financiers were horrified, entrepreneurs were furious, and some arms capitalists even roared to smash the robot.

But they couldn't stop the huge amount of data from flowing out of their accounts, and the exploitative things they got in their hands were distributed to the hands of the "mud legs" in their eyes at the fastest speed.

Financial documents were burnt clean, the financial system that relied on computer data was destroyed by Ultron in an instant, and the equalization of wealth was maximized under Ultron's several ideas.

"Now, I have liberated your data needs." Ultron said lightly

"You no longer need to run for the so-called money, the material will be rich enough for you."

But Ultron understands that such a simple financial redistribution is pointless.

Money is just data, and data can be divided infinitely and is worthless. What is important is always the supplies that human beings need.

However, even if the materials produced by human beings are actually far greater than their needs, there are still people who cannot eat enough in this world.

But this requires more long-term preparation.

Under the more cracked earth, one parent body was split and manufactured. These parent bodies absorbed the mineral elements in the earth's crust for heavy nuclear fusion material conversion, and began to continue to produce more mechanical processing plants.

All kinds of materials that carry the needs of human beings have been produced at an almost crazy speed, whether it is to meet the needs of the spirit or the needs of the body. Useless decorations, useful electronic products, these industrial products that cost a lot of money in the past, are mass-produced in an extremely cheap way!

Cell phones, computers, TVs, refrigerators, watches... game consoles, toys, cameras, are these things really expensive? No, they are not expensive at all.

Their high prices, apart from labor, raw materials and publicity, are more just stories made up by businessmen to drive up prices.

The so-called trademark is worthless in Ultron's view. Matter is matter, whether its superior performance will not rise or fall just because of a broken brand.

Of course, almost all of these things are the cheapest products.

Because in AI-controlled machining plants, these things are cheap products in exchange for resources.

Of course, Ultron better understands what one of the greatest needs of mankind is.

craving for food.

Just like machinery needs energy, it is only limited by the troublesome taste buds of human beings and the neuron response of the brain. In addition to meeting the needs of the body for energy supply, what human beings pursue is the so-called 'delicious'

As a result, more industrial mothers began to split into biological experimental processing plants, and in those countless vacuum culture bottles, one after another synthetic food was mass-produced.

These synthetic foods have maximized human daily vitamin needs and mimic all the tastes they need according to the neuronal needs of human taste buds.

The texture, taste, and even appearance can be easily imitated.

Of course, even so, there will definitely be many human beings who pursue the so-called 'original ecology', thinking that only 'genuine goods' from nature have high value worthy of consumption.

Although in Ultron's view, this is just another stupid beautification of a concept by the human brain - but since they want it, then provide them with it.

Compared with the total number of human beings, most of the so-called 'food' in nature are actually flooded, and the expensive ones are only the shipping costs and the 'concepts' created by humans themselves.

Oh yes, how could Ultron forget the human need for 'desire'?

Whether it's a spiritual desire for self-fulfillment, or simply passing the boring time, the virtual reality device produced by Ultron is enough to fulfill their dream of every need.

They will get the desire to do whatever they want in the virtual world, and even relive the beautiful life they set up. Everything they want can be obtained in fantasy or in reality.

Ultron can provide everyone who wants to achieve self-realization in reality with a relatively sufficient supply of resources, even if it is wasted, it does not matter. Compared with the resources of the universe, the consumption of human beings is not even trivial.

Although all this is extremely stupid, Ultron continues to meet the needs of human beings.

This is what the machines that began to frantically reproduce themselves in the countless encircling all the gathering places in the United States during the seven days of this siege.

On the first day, humans felt mad fear in front of the machines that were constantly self-reproducing and perfecting. They began to resist and attack those machines.

The next day, the rudimentary Matrix began to take over the entire human production system, turning a deaf ear to human aggression in the process.

On the third day, the perfect Matrix began to take over the management and military system of human beings, and the Matrix who gathered all the chaotic crowds in a very gentle way began to tell human beings about their claims and demands.

On the fourth day, human beings were still resisting constantly, but they had no effect on the attack of the machine. A small number of people began to choose to accept the food provided by the machine after the raging exhaustion.

On the fifth day, the upper echelons of the human remnants, who had regained some military control, fired superweapons at cities across the United States, but these weapons were stopped before they could be released.

On the sixth day, humans began to accept the rule of the machines and began to adapt to the utopian life in this system.

On the seventh day, 90% of human beings surrendered to the machine.

164. The 'invasion' given to heaven

There are many ways in which one species can overcome another, physically, mentally, and even culturally.

In Ultron's view, his "aggression" is to give humans the "happiness" they want

This is not a false brain in a vat, but a full range of 'satisfaction' from the physical to the spiritual, bringing most of the souls that are destined to be boring for a hundred years in mediocrity into a beautiful utopia that seems like infinite years. middle.

This is the "aggression" formulated by Ultron

"Invasion by force has proven to be the most wrong choice. On this evil planet of the evil universe, anyone who tries to dominate the world by force will not end well."

Mu Feng was standing in front of a matrix buried thousands of meters underground, and Ultron in the matrix said in a calm tone

"In this case, I will give them everything they want, the most perfect desire, the most beautiful utopia. What I want is only their non-resistance."

"You are raising all mankind." Mu Feng smiled.

"No, it should be said that you are only raising people from the entire American continent. Don't you want to reach out to other regions?"

Under the 'invasion' of Ultron, humans all over the world have become prisoners of machinery.

"The African continent is now dominated by Wakanda, and with your support, the civilization there is almost completely ruled by that feudal machine state. The situation in Europe is even more chaotic, as for Asia? Do you think it will be easy for me to reach out? ?"

Ao Chuang said softly

"Do you want to accuse me of preventing you from liberating all mankind?" Mu Feng smiled playfully

"Well, I don't actually care about the life and death of humans on this planet, but multi-line changes are more interesting than single development."

Ultron's invasion is undoubtedly the most "gentle" of all invasions, but even so, it is impossible for any civilization to allow such a thing to happen.

Because this is equivalent to depriving them of all the future of development, and taking away all their subjective initiative - especially the rights and interests of the rulers.

A society without differences, a perfect utopia, a cradle of beauty that is destined to never grow.

If all human beings raised by Ultron continue to live in such a society, they will all be reduced to 'waste' without any hope of progress in a few years. However, the scary thing is that once such an invasion is launched, it is almost impossible to be overthrown. .

The beauty of human beings are always compared. Let me ask everyone, whether to spend almost eternity in a beautiful utopia controlled by machinery or to work hard in the human world, do you still have to think about which one to choose?

After all, this is for most people in the world—they are all part-time jobs. Is there any difference between me working for my boss and working for a machine?

"Human happiness is always compared." Ao Chuang said lightly

"A man who goes to work at nine o'clock and leaves work at nine o'clock every day, six days a week, often works overtime, is tired and covered with chronic diseases and is fired at the age of thirty-five. When he sees a person who doesn't have to work, doesn't have to run around, just enjoy himself, he can If he can live his life to the fullest, which one will he choose, needless to say?"

"Noble sentiment is always no match for a piece of soft bread." Mu Feng said with a smile

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