"Five minutes is enough."

Doom said lightly, then stepped into the portal and entered the interior of the White House.

Now is the time when the top officials of the entire United States are gathered together, and a vote of high-ranking American officials, led by President John F. Kennedy, the unfortunate president who will be shot in the street by a neurotic gunman in two years, is gathered together.

They are anxiously awaiting the outcome of the war.

The Cuban Missile Crisis is undoubtedly something none of them would like to see, and now is a time when rumors of 'radiation soot' that nuclear physicists like Einstein can make up, including these highly educated of officials believe that in the event of a nuclear war they would have to hide underground.

But the two powers are not allowed to back down in the struggle for hegemony.

But the news from the Pentagon made them unable to believe their ears at all.

Yes, the Cuban Missile Crisis is over - at the hands of a bunch of CIA freaks.

That is a group of mutants, of course, in the eyes of the current US government, there is no name for this group.

The mutant gene research experts headed by Professor Boliwell have actually carried out research on the mutant population a long time ago, but due to the lack of samples and the resource inclination of the Cold War, there has been no real progress in the research on mutants.

And now, suddenly a group of mutants has popped up to stop the Cuban Missile Crisis.

"Mr. President, what should we do?"

Lyndon Johnson, then vice president of the United States, and Richard Millhouse Nixon, a congressman, sent a question to Kennedy at the same time.

"...Tell them to stop attacking these mutants, we need to contact their leader!"

President Kennedy thought for a moment before making this "merciful" decision.

It is true that since he has become the President of the United States, it is impossible to have the concept of kindness, but compared with his previous and future successors, Kennedy can already be said to be "good" or rational.

Otherwise, he wouldn't get a random headshot by a psychopath, isn't he...

"Mr. President, if those mutants really have that much personal power, I think we should control them!"

Nixon warned solemnly and earnestly

"The danger of communicating with these mutants is too great. If the report is true, they have the strength to resist a naval fleet, and we must defend..."

Before he could finish his words, Doom crossed the portal and entered here.

Looking at the guys who gathered almost most of the senior officials and managers in the United States, and looking at the faces in the history books, Doom tilted his head slightly.

"Who are you?! Police..."

Nixon, who just stood up and wanted to call someone, blew his head before he finished speaking. The thirty-seventh president of the United States called the curtain early before he could wait for the Watergate scandal.

"I heard you talking about mutants." Doom slowly moved his ten fingers and looked at these terrified senior officials softly.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm... just here to start a war."

His hands clasped together lightly, and in an instant, the entire room exploded except for Kennedy's head!

In the blood-stained room, the president, who was covered in the 'corpses' of his colleagues, looked in horror at the strange masked man in front of him, but he just gave Kennedy a wicked smile.

"Live well, Mr. President."

Okay, Doom has to admit that he has a little bit of a crush on JFK, the president who officially proposed the Stop Racial Discrimination Act and was headshot by a big business. Now that everyone else's heads in the room are blown up, he doesn't blow up. It's a kind of Bad taste.

Of course more importantly...

A living Kennedy is more useful than a dead one.

After killing all the high-ranking officials in a room, Doom immediately went to the next target, the Statue of Liberty, without stopping.

There is nothing better to declare war than to begin with the destruction of this 'symbol of America'.

179. The annihilation of freedom

Standing atop the Statue of Liberty, overlooking the island of Manhattan, New York in 1961 didn't seem much different from a few decades later.

Doom looked annoyed at the bustling New York Harbor, at the backward armies, at the backward humans, and this city that was full of decadence and fear, and had no technological content at all.

He was extremely bored.

Destroying America, or even the Statue of Liberty, was not a particularly new experience for Doom. On the left and right is just a statue sent by the French.

I've done it a few times, but that's what it feels like. For a country like the United States, which is skinless and shameless, if you smoke him a few times, nothing will change.

Of course, Doom didn't manage to really destroy America or even New York, because there were so many troublesome guys in his universe.

Doom himself couldn't figure out why so many superheroes gathered in New York at the same time. Basically, you could meet no less than ten heroes two blocks away.

To be fair, doesn't he feel crowded?

Therefore, Doom did not succeed in destroying New York once, and a large part of the reasons must be attributed to his old friend Reed and other miscellaneous heroes.

Doom also hated that annoying and neurotic guy, and said that he hated it now, and reckoned that he would hate Reed for the rest of his life.

But... he was bored and bored now.

There is no Reed and his three pendants in this world, there is no SHIELD that has a wide control, there is no endless straitjacket heroes, and there are just a group of mutants who have not yet reached the stage.

Boring, just too boring.

Doom can easily destroy this city, this country. Needless to say, he could kill all New York in two minutes.

No one can stop him, and that's where Doom gets bored.

As much as he hates America, Doom isn't one to get excited about stomping on ants.

And... a large number of deaths, although the task Mu Feng gave him is so simple, Doom still has his own cognition and understanding of it.

Obviously, it would be difficult to wake up sleeping Zagreb simply if it were just a dead ordinary person.

After all, even ordinary people contain the X gene, but without awakening, they probably won't give back much of the universe's secret energy to the world after they die.

If it's enough to just die ordinary people, why didn't the numbers from World War II wake up Zagreb?

Doom didn't want to try to kill more people than World War II, such as slaughtering half the world's population to see if he could awaken the fallen.

Not out of kindness, but simply a waste of resources.

Doom likes to plan and then act, he doesn't like rash actions, and he doesn't like unplanned development.

So... do it safely.

He wants to awaken more mutants, preferably replacing humans as a mainstream part of the future.

It is not difficult to open this plan, but the biggest problem is to grasp the degree.

Only when there is enough pressure can human beings have to move forward. No matter what leader or any social system, countries are just asses, and it is difficult to progress without a whip.

Doom knew this, but he also knew that if the whip was too painful, they would lie flat.

Don't underestimate the inertia and luck of human beings, as well as the so-called pursuit of human rights and freedom - for human beings, being a slave is much simpler than being a rebel.

So... the art of this time is how to grasp a degree of goodness, so as to ensure that mankind will not be overwhelmed by him while promoting mutants.

When an idea occurs, there is a charter for action.

Doom lightly stepped on the soles of his feet, and in just an instant, the Statue of Liberty, which the French gave to the Americans, was twisted into another posture in the blink of an eye!

From the goddess of liberty, to a Doom who opened his arms as if to embrace the whole world!

This sudden and huge change naturally attracted the attention of the entire New York Harbor, and soon a large group of people gathered, pointing at the suddenly changed Statue of Liberty and chatting.

Some of them are angry, some are cheering, but more is just a sense of wonder at what happened suddenly in a numb life.

Some people have noticed Doom on the head of the huge Doom statue, and the National Guard who received the order has also rushed here.

"Hey, sir! Get out of there!"

"What are you doing, come down!"

Facing the bustling New York Harbor and the chattering crowd, Doom raised his hand indifferently. The ubiquitous psychic energy penetrated into the microscopic world, warping the physical parameters of this space.

In an instant, everything from the Hudson River to New York Harbor flew into the sky like a slingshot, and then fell heavily.

There was no sound from the chattering crowd.

People, cars, and even tall buildings.

After Doom simply changed the gravitational constant in this area, the strong gravity of the earth's center turned into a crazy repulsion.

So, everything in the entire region was thrown into the sky like this.

In the sharp exclamations and screams, they fell again, and were bounced back by the repulsion in the area again.

But unfortunately, neither people nor buildings are flexible objects.

At the moment of the second fall, the repulsive force and the partial gravity preserved in the upper area collided with each other, the building suddenly shattered and bounced to a farther place, and the human beings became minced meat.

Tens of billions of tons of cement blocks mixed with steel, mixed with a lot of flesh and blood, fell to every corner of the city like a meteorite.

In the distance, the National Guard came to fire shells and bullets at Doom, but Doom just lightly tapped them, and the tilted gunpowder failed by itself under the chemical reaction that changed in the air, and transferred its kinetic energy. fall down.

He changed the air content, and the oxygen on which humans depended was instantly turned into a deadly poisonous gas.

The fragile life was instantly killed by the strong oxidation reaction, and the brought tanks and weapons, under the rhythm of Doom's fingers, the material decomposed enough to become new materials, and finally self-shaped one after another. of small destruction robots.

These killing machines, which meet the standards of human cognition of villains, were put into the slaughter of human beings for the first time.

The crowd screamed and ran, only to die one by one in the ruthless hunt.

Stepping on top of his own statue, Doom trampled on the dignity of the city, turning their freedom into a symbol of slavery, making despair and death the main theme here.

This act of challenging the world's largest country by one person, in Doom's view, is only endless emptiness and boredom.

Just like going to Novice Village full of plug-in game characters, even if you are happy to abuse vegetables, it will become tasteless if you abuse it too much.

The Pentagon was blown up by Doom out of thin air in an attempt to monitor the Pentagon by the passing and backward satellites. A nuclear bomb they hid in the ground exploded directly, taking away 90% of the senior military officers in the United States in an instant.

Oh, by the way, he also volleyed up the Washington aircraft carrier fleet by the way, and even with the Cuban one, he had already wiped out two American aircraft carrier formations.

It took less than two minutes for Doom alone to hit a huge loss that the United States did not have in World War II.

He opened the portal, brought Charles and his party over, pointed to the ruined New York Harbor, and said lightly.

"See? This is called a declaration of war."

"my Lord…"

Agent Mora, who saw the tragic scene in New York, covered her mouth in shock and was speechless, while Beast Hank looked at Doom and growled

"You devil? What have you done?!"

"I brought the war, that's all." Doom said lightly

"I killed five hundred and forty-three thousand eight hundred and ninety-two lives here a minute ago, and counting. I destroyed Washington's Second Fleet, including Cuba, which I have destroyed. two U.S. aircraft carrier formations."

"Oh, by the way, I also killed a total of 321 senior officers on the ninth floor of the Pentagon, and all officials in the White House except the president counted 79 people."

Whether it was Hank, Eric, or even Shaw—the way he looked at Doom changed.

This guy said the evil deeds he had committed as indifferently as if he was reporting the name of a dish, as if he was not erasing life, but not destroying the family after that, but pulling out a lot of grass.

ashamed? Feelings? Nothing but absolute indifference to its essence.

Xiao instinctively felt trembling all over his body. He thought he was bad enough as a **** remnant, but now...

Do not! Even if the Prime Minister is less than 1% as terrifying as the guy in front of him!

"What the **** are you going to do?"

Eric, who was half covered in blood, looked at Doom hoarsely. To be honest, he didn't feel that humans, especially Americans, had died so much. The only problem was that he didn't understand Doom's actions. reason.

"I'm here for the war." Doom floated slowly, embraced the world with open arms, and said indifferently

"I will bring death, cause famine, and end with plague. I am the apocalypse for mortals, the Messiah of a new age."

"You're just a murderous devil!" Hank growled

"Really? I'm just doing what God does." Doom looked at Hank and said slowly

"God wiped out the world with a great flood, leaving only Noah's family. The devils in the whole **** have added up to tens of thousands of years and haven't killed enough 1% of the people that God killed."

"If you want to judge who is more abhorrent in terms of murder, then you should curse God for being the devil."

"No amount of fallacy can change the fact that you are killing innocents."

Agent Mora looks at Doom with hatred

"You coward who slaughtered innocents! The scum of slaughtering civilians! You will be nailed to the pillar of shame!"

"Really? If there is no history, where is the pillar of shame."

Dumu said calmly, raised his hands high towards the far side of the sky, and clapped them together.

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