Looking at Xiao, who had changed a lot in front of him, Tian Qi made a sincere voice of admiration.

"Then, let me see your strength."

Xiao nodded lightly, and his body immediately smashed towards Cairo like a missile, but at the moment when he landed with a roar, he easily transferred the falling gravity out.

He faced Cairo and slowly extended his hand.

In the entire city of Cairo, all the insects suddenly went crazy in the midst of agitation. These tiny, ubiquitous little things were under the influence of the restless biological energy in their bodies, madly biting all the creatures around them!

People are screaming and being bitten by the bugs and reptiles gushing out of the corners, these ubiquitous little things have brought extreme chaos to the entire city!

Under the sudden death of countless aquatic creatures, the Nile River was replaced by scarlet blood, and the Nile River, flowing with blood, flows through Cairo.

Xiao, who controls the bio-energy in countless small creatures, brings the first four plagues to the city - blood and frog plagues, lice plague and flies plague.

But this is just the beginning. He wants to bring punishment to the world for his own **** and his own god.

Xiao waved his hands gently, and the inscrutable weak electrical energy stored in the human body began to take effect. They began to purposefully stimulate the delicate and fragile organs of the human body. In an instant, countless acute diseases were instantly stimulated!

The animals of the whole city were whining in agony, their bodies suffered a plague, a plague of energy!

These are the fifth and sixth plagues—the livestock plague and the herpes plague.

Then, he raised his hand, the photosynthesis that the sun conducted on the earth was fully returned, and all the heat energy in the air was instantly deprived, so the entire Cairo fell into the **** of frost in an instant!

People shivered in the torment of sickness and insect bites, and experienced the seventh plague, the hailstorm.

Xiao chuckled and waved his fingers as if he was directing a musical, while the crops in the wheat field withered, and all the food was spoiled at the fastest speed under the breeding of internal microorganisms!

Eighth plague - plague of locusts

At this time, it seemed that people finally saw him, saw the sky in Cairo, and behind him was a cruel angel with wings!

Whether it is fear, anger, pleading, rebuke, faith.

None of this matters, as far as God is concerned, it's just a flick of a finger.

They soon lost sight of anything because Shaw brought down the ninth plague for them - the plague of darkness

Air is the medium that transmits light particles, and the fragile retina of human beings must rely on light particles to capture things and be able to "see". Therefore, in the space where the light particles are extracted, human beings can no longer see anything.

When Xiao took out all the light in this space, it was completely replaced by darkness.

Chaos and madness spread in the invisible hell, Xiao closed his eyes and enjoyed listening to the whining and prayers of those mortal creatures.

As an angel, deliver the last plague.

He raised his palm slightly, and then held it tightly.

The violent gravity instantly crushed the creatures of the entire city into meat sauce. In the flesh and blood of Cairo, which is densely covered in darkness, this is the tenth plague that destroys everything—the eldest son plague.

After doing all this, Xiao raised his hand and said loudly to Tianqi

"Praise thee, Supreme Lord! Your glory is higher than the heavens!"

184. The Reign of Tyrants

Kennedy's meeting with Charles was undoubtedly pleasant.

A professor with childishness and naivety, and a seasoned politician who is good at packing his name of benevolence.

When the two collided, it was natural that the politicians took all this childish child.

Charles basically gave Kennedy everything he knew, including every goal of his newly formed X-Men, and his mutant evolution theory.

Kennedy nodded slightly to this, and then in his heart directly sentenced Charles to death!

After solving DOOM, he will be the first to clean up this kid!

What is Kennedy's policy in American politics today? It's racial equality, it's the legal rights of minorities, especially blacks.

Although this awkward year has not yet seen such bizarre things as Black Lives Matter or LGBT, there is no doubt that Kennedy will not allow racism to rise again.

But Charles, what are his political demands and political stance?

Is it the legal rights of mutants? Do not.

What he is asking for is a higher racism, a racism that transcends skin color and is based on the awakening of abilities in genes.

Among his claims, better awakened mutants, not humans, should dominate the world.

Even if he doesn't say it so directly, that's basically what he's studying.

If he gets into politics, wouldn't that be the next Hitler?

Perhaps you would say that Hitler was such a cruel devil, and Charles was a good old man Barabara.

But Hitler was a standard patriotic youth before the beer hall, a fighter who survived on the battlefield, and his original ideas and goals were different from those later on.

Hitler's fascism was learned from the United States. Would Kennedy know what the real situation was like?

Not to mention, Charles is still a psychic.

That alone was enough to pronounce his death sentence.

Although Kennedy didn't say it, he actually had a plan in mind.

It doesn't matter if Charles knows about it, it's a big deal to make things clear. And from the current point of view, as long as he is not stupid, he will not try to pry into Kennedy's heart.

"Mr. President, your views on those mutants are undoubtedly correct and forward-looking."

The diminutive dwarf scientist Bolivar was struggling to stand on the footrest chair, pointed to the whiteboard covered with data values ​​behind him, and said in a high-pitched voice

"They are evolving mutants! Like Neanderthals! They are not our kind, but a bunch of aliens!"

Bolivar's views on mutants are actually highly similar to Charles's, but there are huge differences on the issue of traceability.

Charles firmly believes that mutants are descendants of Homo sapiens, like humans, and are more advanced mutants of humans, while Bolivar believes that mutants are the same existence as Neanderthals.

"I don't need you to flatter me, Doctor."

Kennedy said impatiently.

"I support you because you are the most researched scientist I know of mutants. I need a plan now! A plan to deal with DOOM!"

"Obviously, we don't."

Bolivar admits that

"The ability of the mutant who calls himself DOOM has undoubtedly achieved the ability to control some of the laws of physics, perhaps gravity or something else."

"With our weapons, even if the all-American attack fell on him at the same time, it wouldn't make a big difference."

Although Bolivar targets mutants, he still has reason and knows what can't be done.

"If we use a nuclear bomb..."

"The superheat of a nuclear weapon exists only in the core, and only for a moment," Bolivar interrupted Kennedy.

"And the biggest destructive power of nuclear weapons is actually the shock wave and the nuclear radiation smoke they carry, and their direct destructive power is not as great as imagined."

"It's deadly for someone who has control over the basic laws of physics, and it might deflect the shockwave."

"Then give me a feasible plan!" Kennedy said with some collapse

He has been driven crazy by the pressure recently. When the DOOM incident came out, there was no one around him who could discuss it.

Those big financial groups made up their minds to let Kennedy be the culprit. As for them, they probably already embroidered the flag of surrender to DOOM at home.

"We can enable the Sentinel program..."

"Put away your trash robot." Kennedy covered his head in a collapse.

"That thing can't even handle a tractor!!!"

Bolivar's expression became very embarrassed, and although the president said it was very exaggerated, it was indeed the truth.

Although the sentinel robot he developed has extremely powerful and bright prospects, at this stage...

At most, he can locate mutants and simple flying ability. Although it is still a very powerful technique, let alone DOOM, it is not enough to fight a slightly stronger mutant.

Fortunately, he also has a partner.

"It is with this in mind, Your Excellency, that I am introducing you to a guest."

Bolivar coughed softly, and along with the opened door, a middle-aged man with gray temples walked in.

"Allow me to introduce you, Dr. Stryker."


Boring, really boring.

Standing on the throne at the top of the pyramid made of the entire Cairo, Apocalypse looked down at those who begged him for mercy, but there was only a deep sense of impatience in his heart.

Did he really enjoy this boring adoration?

Apocalypse couldn't help questioning himself in his heart, and even began to wonder if he really had the time to enjoy these boring pilgrimages.

It was a blow to him to rule all of Egypt, and even the other mutants of the Hellfire Club, augmented by his abilities, had conquered the whole of Africa plus half of Europe.

Of course, there were a lot of conflicts with those furry bears, but adhering to the policy of having a bowl of water on both sides, DOOM went to Moscow and spent three minutes successfully making the furry bears the mortal enemy of the mutants.

But like what DOOM said, stepping on ants is really unfulfilling.

"My God, I have brought you new results."

Xiao Qiao, who was wearing an armor like a crystal clear ice, came to Tian Qi's body without a trace, and bowed slightly.

"How's the result?"

"Raven Darkhall is a perfect experimental sample." Xiao said with admiration on his face

"She's like a gene pool of mutants! No, her omnipotent genes are the best samples of all life in this world!"

"Xiao, she is your sister and my child." Tian Qi said lightly

"All mutants are my children and should be united, I think you should understand that."

"Yes, I know, yes." Xiao put away his excited smile in embarrassment

"The study of the mutant genes in her body has successfully extracted the corresponding samples, and this kind of reproducible gene samples can be used to manufacture special medicines in batches."

"Because Ruiwen's genes contain almost all the characteristics of the X gene, anyone who uses it will stimulate the X gene in the body to the greatest extent!"

"So, what's the result?" Apocalypse said lightly

"I can't make specific standards without a large number of sample experiments." Xiao said with a smile

"But there is no doubt that he will be able to awaken the X gene in the human body, but after a short awakening, he cannot adapt to the gene collapse and die, or normal awakening, it depends on the individual."

"Then do it." Apocalypse said flatly.

"Go and make more, our people."

What Apocalypse holds for mutants is undoubtedly the kindness of a patriarch, and he loves his subjects - but the standards of this subject are limited to mutants.

Yes, the humans he rules are indeed his potential subjects, but only those who become mutants are real subjects.

Those vulnerable who can't become, are not worthy of another look at Apocalypse,

"Yes, my God, I'll arrange it now." Xiao showed a malicious and cruel smile

"I think they'll be happy...for the promotion ceremony."


Just when Doom was in the universe to which the X-Men belonged, there was no optimism in the current main universe.

The blizzard of Fembull's Winter has swept across the Nine Realms, and the cold that freezes everything is almost impossible to escape even the stars hanging in the sky.

Asgard and Wanaheim are too busy to take care of themselves, all they can do is to gather each other, use their rune magic to protect the two kingdoms, and then bring refugees from other worlds into it as much as possible.

But there is obviously no Midgard within this coverage.

The situation of the earth is not a good word today.

Humanity has ushered in an unprecedented ice age, and the terrible thing is that the earth still cannot get their unity.

Except for China, under the advance prediction and preparation of the Shenspear Bureau, it almost took the whole country to RUN directly to the new colony of Centaur, the Russians ushered in a cold that they have never experienced in their life.

With the technical support of Mufeng, the furry bear, who had rekindled his ambitions, had to forcibly shrink his sphere of influence, almost giving up the entire Siberian plain and the European region, and retracting his power back to the Russian mainland, relying on 24-hour non-stop work Tesla reactors to heat the entire country.

Fortunately, the Russians have the heavy nuclear fusion technology provided by China before RUN, which can extract trace elements into a nutrient solution that can be absorbed by the human body - of course, the taste must be unpleasant.

As for Africa, Wakanda doesn't need to protect anything when they almost wipe out Africa. T'Challa gathered all the tentacles and hid the entire Wakanda behind the phase space barrier after inheriting Eric's property.

He made up his mind that Wakanda would be sealed off for ten years.

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