Circumstances can change a person, and Tony understands that.

When he was a self-righteous playboy, it was the circumstances of living in a cave in the Middle East that transformed him into Iron Man.

And now, this earth, which is like the end of the day, has turned Iron Man into a tyrant of iron heart.

He put on a steel-like mask for himself, and he was unwilling to take off the silver-white mask.

His explanation for this is that it would be difficult to create a sense of distance and fear if those who were forced to accept his conditions and **** looked at the face of a man who used to be in entertainment magazines every day.

But maybe this is just his subconscious, and he doesn't want the name of the iron-hearted tyrant to contaminate the former Iron Man.

But no matter how much he misses the past, Tony also understands that what matters is the present.

What this world, this country needs, is not a billionaire wearing expensive toys, but a powerful tyrant with a heart of stone.

His people needed it, and that's what he became.

"Dispose of those who resisted, those who participated in the parade were punished for 100 hours of labor, those who took out their weapons were punished and their resource allocation was lowered by one level, and the leaders... all exiled!"

In Chicago, the temporary capital of the current US government-in-exile, the iron-hearted tyrant Tony Stark is calmly and ruthlessly dealing with the affairs in front of him.

One about the handling of parade personnel.

If it was the United States in the past, not only would those who marched on the streets not be punished, they would only be rewarded.

Resistance is a good habit, and resistance to power has always been a compliment.

But for Tony and America at the moment, protest marches are the stupidest thing to do.

In an era of serious scarcity of resources, such behavior does not represent fear of power or resistance to the powerful, but just stupid internal consumption of scarce resources.

Tony couldn't stand such behavior.

Are freedom and resistance really that important? Tony has no doubts that life is the number one priority.

The months in the cave in the Middle East made him understand the value of freedom and the weight of life. And under the end of Fembull's winter, he understands how heavy the weight of life is.

As a result, the freedom that was once worshipped becomes irrelevant, and only power can make this country live longer.

He also no longer gives those civilians the power to choose, because they don't deserve and shouldn't have the power to choose.

America once gave them the power to choose, because then they had stupid freedom and leeway, but not now.

At this time when I wished that every cookie had to be broken and divided into two meals, at this time when I didn’t know when the disaster would pass—

The people have no right to be stupid and questionable.

They only give all their power to live.

Of course, there is no doubt that Tony who did so was betrayed. Rod left him, so did Happy, even Pepper.

They both distanced themselves from Tony, who had changed into a different form.

But it doesn't matter, they will survive. Even if you don't like yourself, even if you hate yourself like those people.

If you ask him if it is worth it, he will tell you without hesitation - it is all worth it!

"I never thought that you would become like this..."

Steve, who was reorganized with a glow of green particles, looked at Tony in front of him and said with a complicated expression.

"...I just became you."

Tony said in a low and blunt voice

"That's not the real me." Steve said with a bitter face. In fact, is he the real Steve Rogers now?

He did find his mercy, the part of being God's perfect man, but the emotion that was aroused would not go away.

Captain America Steve Rogers has been destined to be a person who has passed away and survived, but only merged with the native Steve, the guardian Steve.

"But that's also the most reliable you." Tony's voice came from under the iron mask, and he couldn't hear any emotion coldly.

"How did you come back? I'll never come back one day."

He looked at Steve vigilantly, and even locked all his weapons on him.

Not because of a **** for power, Tony Stark knows exactly who Steve is now—one of the few satellites in low-Earth orbit.

Tony knew exactly what happened in Greece. He knew about the newly rising Green Lantern Corps, and he knew that their leader was Steve.

Although I don't know why it has become like this, Tony will never allow this so-called Green Lantern Corps to replace them!

To maintain such a dictatorial regime, is Tony really just trying to keep these people who are struggling to survive in this apocalypse?

There's nothing wrong with that, but it's not just that.

If it's just to survive, wouldn't it be better for them to directly vote for Ultron? Tony's choice is for more important - autonomy.

He couldn't bear it, and was unwilling to bear the price of having his fate in the hands of others.

A tyrant of iron heart has a heart of steel, and he will never allow anything other than human beings to control their destiny!

He does not fight for America, he fights for mankind! He doesn't expect the approval of the commoners, he does it for the race, not the individual!

"I'm not here to conquer you or replace you." Steve whispered

"I came to you to save this country and even the people of this world."

"Can you solve this ice age?"

"No one on this planet can solve the problem of Fembull's winter."

Accompanied by the opened portal, Strange, who succeeded the Supreme Mage, came out and said in a turbulent manner.

"Very good, another conjurer."

Tony spewed poison in his cold mechanical voice

"He's Dr. Strange, the current Mage Supreme. He's a professional when it comes to magic, you'd better listen to him." Steve said

"It's alright, Guardian, I don't care about the cynicism of an iron head." Strange said calmly.

"If you want to solve this abnormal ice age, the first thing you need to understand is - what exactly is Fembull's winter?"

"That's not pure cold air, but the beginning of the Ragnarok of the Gods established by the World Tree. The cold from the ancient **** Ymir and the entire Jotunheim invaded the World Tree, bringing endless cold to the Nine Realms. "

"This is not something that any dynamite or fireball can handle!"

Strange's expression was serious, and his head was bigger than both.

The troubles of Fembull's Winter are far more terrifying than trivial things like the Dormammu invasion. This is not a simple 'invasion' event at all, but a **** fate!

"In fact, even Asgard is considering a strategic contraction amid this disaster." Steve said solemnly

"So, don't you have a solution?" Tony said lightly

"We have two options - first, let the earth escape from the Nine Realms controlled by the World Tree." Strange raised a finger and said solemnly

"But it is extremely difficult, and leaving the World Tree also means leaving the protection of Asgard, and the earth will suffer unimaginably heavy damage..."

The nine worlds on the branches of the world are not solidified with the world tree. If necessary, Kama Taj also has a way to get the earth out of the world tree.

But as Strange said, such damage is too great, and it will directly break away from the military deterrence alliance established by Asgard, leaving the earth completely exposed to the fire of the universe.

"And the second option is to temporarily escape from this world."

186. Tickets for the Ark

There are people who lose their land, and people and places remain. In the end, people are lost, and people and land are lost.

This simple truth is not difficult to understand, and it can even be said that most people in this world can recognize such a simple and easy-to-understand truth.

But the reason why the big truth is the big truth is because everyone approves it very much, but it is extremely difficult to implement. I know it's right, but I always do it with a fluke.

Everyone knows the truth, but how much can really be done?

The disasters faced by the earth can no longer be solved by conventional methods. The ice age created by Fembull's winter is more terrifying than any cold period since the birth of the earth.

But Fembull's winter is just the weather after all, it's just the beginning of Ragnarok, so as long as you wait, it will pass by itself.

If there are no new participants in Ragnarok, Fenbull's winter will only need to slowly pass by with time. The cold winter will finally pass, and the new spring will inevitably come.

Of course, most of the life on this planet died in the extreme cold, and it became a dead planet in the terrible mass extinction.

But the earth will eventually be reborn, with new life and ecological environment.

In the long billion years of the earth, there have been four great ice ages, the late Precambrian great ice age, the Carboniferous great ice age, the Permian great ice age and the Quaternary great ice age.

Although these ice ages will not be as terrifying as Fembull's winter, they are still a huge reshuffle for life.

But that is nothing, life will still be reborn, continue to multiply, it may take a long and difficult time, but everything will start again.

But for humans, this is not the case.

Environmentalists always like to talk about the false Dakong's "save the earth", which should actually be said to be "save mankind". The extinction of mankind will not cause any earth-shaking changes to the planet.

The continuation of Fembull's winter and the years after that are enough time for humanity to die.

If they are still trapped in this small planet, they can only wait for the moment of demise.

So, isn't the answer left to humans very simple?

Escape, or temporarily leave their homeworld.

In this regard, the Chinese have done very well. Strange knew that there were many ancient institutions with a history similar to that of Kama Taj, so they were also clear about these things.

After confirming the winter of Fembull, they immediately expedited the construction of the Star Gate Lingqu, and now more than 90% of the population has migrated to the new colony star of the Centaur constellation.

They didn't abandon their homeland, they just left a choice for themselves. They just have to wait for the hard years to pass, and then go back to their hometown and rebuild this place.

And what they did, in Strange's view, was good - not good.

"We don't have the leap technology given by others." Tony smiled mockingly

"Even if a spacecraft is built with our technology, where can we fly? Mars? Or farther? How many of us can withstand the loss of this trip?"

"To be honest, I don't recommend that you take the spaceship to take refuge in space." Strange shook his head and said seriously.

"Trust me, that's just as dangerous."

The current cosmos environment can be said to be extremely sinister. The Burning Legion that swallowed the Kree Empire and destroyed the Xandar star is now fighting all over the cosmos, igniting the flames of war.

The Shi'ar Empire, which had high hopes, opened a portal in their capital because their queen was bewitched by a leader of the Burning Legion.

The Shi'ar Empire was officially destroyed a week ago.

Among the great empires in the universe, it can be said that no one is the opponent of the Burning Legion except a newly rising Spartan Empire and the Supreme Star Alliance led by the Solinvi High Priest.

Unless those transcendent powers take action, it will be a matter of time before those demons who only know destruction will swept across the earth!

Therefore, the Wizards of Strange believe that choosing to simply leave the earth is not a good idea.

Those demonic lunatics of the Burning Legion have smashed their halberds into the sand once on Earth, and they will definitely come a second time.

Strange was not sure that the three sanctuaries of the planetary defense system of the earth could block each other. After the Venerable left, the entire Kama Taj became unsure of self-confidence.

Strange, who was thinking hard, gave a very simple answer.

"If you can't escape to other planets, then go to other universes."

Strange said so

Although it sounds incredible, for them mystical mages, especially Strange who mastered the Eye of Agamotto, traveling through the universe may be really simpler than space travel.

Anyway, TVA has been smashed, and there are no annoying and troublesome time and space police officers everywhere. Strange believes that it is best to transfer most of humanity to another universe today, and leave Karma Taj and a few people here and wait for it to change.

"So you've thought about it for so long and made so many psychological preparations, but did you end up fleeing?"

Tony laughed in a low voice

"But it's the best way," Strange said flatly.

"Tony Stark, maybe you think you can protect your people in the winter of Fenbull. But the troubles of this planet are far more than that, you have read the Norse mythology, you know that the winter of Fenbull is only the beginning ."

"So what's next? Are Loki's three children going to destroy Asgard, and then the whole world is slashed by Surtur?"

"Surtur is dead, Hela and Fenrir are exiled to the end of the universe, the earthly python has nowhere to go, and the three of them are not Loki's children."

Strange frowned.

"But the horrors are far more than that, Stark. I have seen visions of the future, and all I see in the future is the long darkness..."

Strange's ability is indeed quite insufficient. Even with the Eye of Agamotto, he can't see a specific and accurate future.

But he was certain—there would be trouble, and many, many troubles!

"It's fine if you want to stay on Earth, but there's no need to drag everyone to accompany you to death!" Steve said solemnly

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