"Take it easy, I'm just here to ask a question."

"Can you tell me that Thanos who ordered you to come to Earth... where did you find him?"

Loki was about to lie when he opened his mouth, but when he saw another malicious expression of his half-smile, he immediately shuddered.

He also likes to look like this when he digs a hole to hurt people.

"... Thanos found me, not I found him." Loki said depressedly

"I stumbled and fell from the Rainbow Bridge that day, but when I woke up, I was caught on the mothership of the Dark Order."

"Really?" Story Loki touched his chin and narrowed his eyes slightly

That tyrant really has a problem!

There is no doubt that he is Thanos from another universe, but the problem is that he probably didn't come here by taking advantage of the crack opened when Mu Feng used black magic to bind with the universe Rubik's Cube.

Because the story Loki can be sure that when the rift opened, no 'visitors' were sent to this universe except him and that computer data.

The cosmic barrier torn by the Black Cube is only for a short moment. After all, tearing the cosmic barrier for a long time is easy to attract a lot of strange things.

That Thanos definitely didn't come to this world at this time.

Loki can be sure that, after all, Thanos...is 'special' in any universe.

Thanos is the chosen one, the man of destiny. He is the only person in the universe who is qualified and has the possibility to collect all the infinite gems. He is even the only being in the universe who is qualified to master the heart of the universe.

His future, his encounters, and everything about him are all doomed by a higher level of power.

There are many factors that determine Thanos' constant future, and most of them are more powerful than the shadow gods that determine Ragnarok - at least as far as the story Loki knows, one of the existences that determines the destiny of Thanos is that supreme 'death'

Not Hela, the self-proclaimed goddess of death, but the real lady of death, the incarnation of the stillness and the end of all life in the universe.

Yes, there is some crimson talk between Thanos and death and that smashed undead bastard, and many people even think that Thanos is just a licking dog of death.

But...that's a wrong idea.

Thanos loves death deeply, but his existence is accompanied by death from birth to the end. There is death in his eyes, and death is involved in almost all of his decisions.

It is said that death encourages Thanos to destroy life, but this is not accurate. Death is an indeterminate meaning, the embodiment of the rules of the universe, and Lady Death's humanity is never doomed.

Just like the great 'eternity', death does appear to people in the form of life, but that is always determined by the observer.

The things involved in Thanos' "destiny" are too deep, and the Thanos of any universe is special to that universe.

The story Loki can escape his own destiny and run into this universe, but Thanos has no such possibility.

Unless... he is fulfilling his destiny.

The origin of this destiny is definitely not in the present tense, but is most likely completed from the link between the past, present, and future of the long river of time!

"Tell Freya and Thor, if you don't want to be unlucky, take the opportunity to expand into the universe as soon as possible."

Story Loki got up, and the throne behind him disappeared. Looking at himself who was nervous on the opposite side, he said lightly.

"The problem of the Nine Realms does not require Asgard's intervention. Odin is implementing his plan, and you... just do what you want to do."

He gently wiped his body, just like an eraser wiped a homework on a piece of paper, and disappeared without a trace.

"Tsk, these prophets are crowmouths and riddlers!"

Loki put away the dagger and complained unhappily


The old devil had no doubt seen himself.

When he first met Mephisto, Mu Feng had this hunch, and he and himself undoubtedly hinted at this in the next conversation.

But Mu Feng didn't take it to heart.

Because that's Mephisto, the most cunning dimensional lord in the Marvel universe.

He couldn't believe what he said, and he couldn't even act like it was real. He can only believe half of his words. The best state to face him is to be suspicious.

But with the arrival of a visitor from another universe, after opening the door with the Black Cube, Mu Feng seemed to understand something.

Never think of time in a multiverse-filled world like Marvel and DC as linear.

In a place where time is so chaotic, what is happening in the present doesn’t have to be shaped by the past, and what’s happening in the present doesn’t necessarily have to be the cornerstone of the future.

But Mu Feng can be sure that he must not have participated in the past.

Because he is part of the company, it is impossible for him to be caught in the time flow of other worlds.

He is the only one in the true sense of diversity, not to mention other universes, even the past and future will not have traces of his participation.

But he can't, his 'clone' can achieve this in disguise.

In order to prove this point, Mu Feng let 'arrogant' leave with Hawkeye who left with the soul gem.

He had already obtained the Pym particle and started research on the quantum field and multiple dimensions as a foundation, and just like Stark, all he lacked was the coordinates of the world.

Arrogance followed Hawkeye away, but the development of events also proved his first point.

This group of time shuttles did not go back to the past, but just shuttled through one ring-like parallel world.

Instead of returning to their own universe, they went to a plausible new universe.

And there, everything that happened proved Mu Feng's idea.

He did interfere in the past.

Because arrogance returns, is the 'past'

He didn't get to the moment when he crossed over. The time point he returned was July 4th, 1941, which is when the "plot" of Captain America 1 took place.


1941, Brooklyn, New York

Standing on this American street that was a little desolate due to World War II, I arrogantly looked at the building in front of me and narrowed my eyes slightly.

He shouldn't be here, but he's here anyway.

But there is nothing wrong with the situation.

He came to a parallel world, he arrived in the past decades ago, isn't this a commonplace and very normal thing?

What he needs to pay attention to is not that, but that...

What role should he play next?

He already had a relatively clear outline in his mind about what happened next, in the past and now. There is no doubt that the arrogant 'traveling' will inevitably lead to the occurrence of certain things.

Even then he came to this world only to satisfy certain things in the future.

Some of his next actions will lead to the success of certain things in the future, but...you must first figure out which world it is changing.

This is a parallel world, and everything that happens here cannot directly affect the universe where the body is located.

And the main body and all his divisions have never traveled to the future of this world, so it can almost be said that the changes in the world where arrogance is located will not have much impact on Mu Feng.

But there must be some close connection between this world and the world where Mu Feng lives.

Maybe someone, maybe something, maybe some event... Anything is possible.

The arrogant eyes radiated a slight light.

What he is watching now is the "famous scene" that will take place four blocks away in five minutes.

But now, he's going to make a huge difference in the future that's happening.

"Hey, are you lost, yellow monkey!"

A few ill-intentioned, or rather malicious white Irish people sneered and surrounded them, gave them an arrogant and indifferent look, and the next moment, they fell to their knees and wailed.

Every piece of their flesh was peeled from their bodies with an average radius of 0.3 mm, and they rolled on the ground feeling the pain of Ling Chi.

"Ah!!! What did you do? What witchcraft did you use?!"

Don't get me wrong, he wasn't offended by what these people said, arrogantly and indifferently watching these white Irish people roll in pain.

He wouldn't care about the words of something more base than dust, just... He did another experiment.

One of this group of white Irish people will meet the present Steve Rogers in an alley four blocks away in five minutes.

He would punch Steve Rogers in the cheek. Then Steve would pick up the trash can lid next to him as a shield and be knocked to the ground again.

"I can fight you like this for a day!"

He would gasp for words like that before being saved by his good friend Bucky.

This doesn't look like much of a change for the future.

But in fact, in the shop one hundred and forty-six meters away, Dr. Erskine will have a panoramic view of everything that happens here, which is why he will take a fancy to Steve Rogers and give the grenade's name. trial.

The birth of Captain America is actually inseparable from this vile bastard.

Arrogant waited for five minutes, squinting under the skinned frog that the white man in front of him couldn't even let out a whimper.

The ontology did not undergo any special changes because of this.

Is the change too small? Or did the fate of Steve Rogers not change dramatically because of the butterfly's wings?

So... let's start from a different angle.

Arrogant raised his hand, and as soon as he flicked his fingers, Captain America would turn to ashes.

From the perspective of historical process, killing Steve Rogers may have a huge change in the future.

But that's just a possibility. In fact, it's hard for the course of history to change dramatically because of a person's life and death, especially in this world where there are a lot of time defenders.

Just as Arrogant was about to test his theory with Steve's death, his eyebrows twitched slightly.

He turned around and jumped into the subspace without hesitation, and at almost the same time, the familiar bald mage appeared here.

She looked at the four white people who looked like skinned frogs, frowned slightly, and turned the green magic circle with her right hand, and then they were 'resurrected'.

After doing all this, she left here as if in a hurry.

Arrogance has a panoramic view of everything, there is no doubt that the guy is Gu Yi, and she is probably here to maintain the accuracy of history.

It doesn't matter if the four little gangsters live or die, but their presence may provide a little help for a stable time.

Arrogance immediately dismissed the idea of ​​experimenting with forced intervention to rewrite time.

Even now, he doesn't have a 100% chance of winning against the ancient one. The most important thing is that it is too troublesome, no matter how big the advantage is, it has to fall into an inescapable result.

The risks outweigh the benefits, so don't intervene!

But perhaps Arrogant's current state, his thoughts and thinking, are also part of the doomed time.

This kind of feeling of being "appointed" is really not very good, but there is nothing particularly uncomfortable about being arrogant.

He is free, and the so-called destined destiny is also his own choice.

Next, Arrogant chose to wait and see.

He silently witnessed the birth of Captain America, the establishment of the Roaring Commando, the 'death' of Bucky Barnes, and Steve Rogers and the Rubik's Cube falling into the sea.

He watched the universe Rubik's Cube being salvaged, watched the maintenance of the secret magicians hidden behind time, watched one thing happen...

until a certain day.

A 'guest' came to this world and took away the cosmic cube.

Arrogant raised his eyebrows, there was no doubt that it was Tony Stark, and as far as the situation was concerned, it was most likely Tony Stark who appeared in the universe of Mufeng.

So, are they going back to Mufeng's world to save the future?

No, no, the reality of their "traveling" remains the same. What they save is only the next parallel world, and their world will only be saved by the previous one.

What they are going to is only the time point in this universe that they should be in.

The Infinity Stones cannot be used outside of this universe, so this is a given.

The first thing to determine is the specific process that this group of guys traverses.

World A uses the quantum dimension → arrives in world B to collect gems in the past → successfully returns to the future of world B to change reality and make the plot of Avengers 4 the future.

And because of Mu Feng's intervention, the original process of collecting gems in World B has changed. If these guys didn't reach the future of the universe where Mu Feng was located, they would have arrived in the current universe C.

What's so interesting is that they didn't completely skip the B universe where Mu Feng is located, at least if they and everyone don't know, there may be some connection between the B universe and the C universe...

And that variable and connection is what Arrogance is about to do.

Arrogant quietly waited for Stark to leave, and then... he didn't wait for Steve's return.

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