That wait, measured in units of at least ten thousand years, is all that Tony Stark has experienced since he stepped into the quantum dimension and entered this world.

This long time has worn away his humanity, and in fact, it should also have worn away another part of his existence.

Even steel and machinery have a lifespan.

The passage of time can erode the steel, and it can also allow the clutter of data to pile up in the processor to cause a system-wide crash.

It was... as it should be.

But Tony Stark didn't do that. The iron-hearted tyrant discovered this after an inexplicable long period of time.

He is not affected by the passage of time.

This metal body made of living metal and a telepathic skeleton seems to have undergone some indescribable mutation after he traveled through the quantum dimension.

He became a living metal, or rather, a machine with a soul.

It doesn't seem like a wrong title for the humans he created to call him the God of All Machines.

He is indeed not far from the gods mentioned by human beings.

Tony found the group of exiles based on the coordinates left by Oryx.

They lived on an asteroid several galaxies away, where the sun was even more 'toxic' than the temples, and their lifespans were shortened even further by renaming them the Death Fearers.

That's what Tony saw when he found them.

Short-lived, gloomy, crazy, pessimistic, and full of endless resentment for all things that are long-lived.

But what they resented even more were the gods of darkness.

Their mythology, the stories they handed down, completely misinterpreted the story of Oryx and the "worm", and evolved into an endless hatred and resentment for the flesh-eating Dark God and his monsters.

They thought it was the curse of the dark gods that robbed them of their life and their homeland.

This may sound a little unspeakably funny, but it's the norm.

For the insect swarm with an almost eternal lifespan, it is only a recorded history, but for the fear of death with a lifespan of less than 20 years, a hundred years of circulation is enough to become a legend and a myth.

Tony chose to come to this a helper.

But even so, the fear of death who struggled to survive under the short lifespan and the devastation of the environment still recognized him as a god.

This time, Tony defaulted to this title.

This isn't robbery, it's just a little consolation for a group of fragile beings struggling with torture.

In the face of hell-like reality, how can we ask fragile beings not to pin their last hope on fantasy?

Tony has been on this planet for three hundred years.

After sixteen generations of fear of death, he witnessed the original feudal dynasty flourished with his help, established higher civilization and technology, and spread their rule throughout the star system.

He left the world of the Necromancers after the first hundred years, because they had passed the most vulnerable beginnings of their lives and no longer needed the presence of gods.

However, the fact still did not execute according to Tony's expectations.

After witnessing the universe, the resentment and unwillingness in the hearts of the fearful of death did not weaken at all, and even became more persistent due to the expansion of their horizons.

They can't accept their 20-year lifespan and try their best to prolong their life.

They...get nothing.

As Oryx said, the source of the short lifespan of the fearful is neither the environment nor the genes, but the source of their manufacture was radiated by the 'abyss' when they passed through the quantum dimension.

They are existences that are incompatible with everything in the positive universe, and the opposites who should not exist in this bright world.

So, civil war broke out.

The mad war almost destroyed the civilization of the Necromancer, and after the demise of several worlds, a man found Tony.

He went deep into the ocean of his home planet and found Tony Stark at the bottom who was quietly observing everything.

He looked at this legendary God of Myriad Machines with joy, and insisted that it could solve the problems of their race.

Yes, Tony has a way.

He listed to the young man the story of Oryx, the Reaper of Souls, and told them that the cause of short lifespan was not something that the technology of this universe could solve.

Tony even said that he could help them guide the 'worm' out of their bodies and walk the path of Oryx once again.

But... the young man refused.

Their history and legends, and stories that have been passed down for hundreds of generations make them persistently hate those gods of darkness and those who expand their flesh and blood.

They are unwilling to accept such a tragic and abominable long life, unwilling to devote themselves to the darkness and flesh and blood that make them infinitely hateful.

They turned down the road to longevity, and Tony...he took out the second filing.

Like he said, there was nothing he could do to help these death-dreaders prolong their lives. The source of short life is the curse, the abyss, and their incompatibility with the material world.

The only thing that can save them is that which comes from the abyss, and what Tony the wisdom of the abyss.

How could Tony not be affected by the radiation of terrifying Zagreb, traveling through that endless quantum dimension?

His soul bound in steel and machinery is this influence, and the 'knowledge' that penetrates into the darkness in his mind is a gift.

Only this dark knowledge can save desperate lives, but Tony doesn't know what that will lead to.

He put the choice in front of this young man, and his answer was very straightforward.

He accepts this choice.

He and his dynasty, his people chose to accept the gift of the God of Machines. Become an experiment under this dark technology and become the first victim on the road to immortality.

So Tony implemented this technique.

The name of this technology is - living metal conversion technology.

What is the basis for judging the existence of a life?

Is it wisdom? Is it thinking? Is it memory? Or soul?

If all this can be imitated, if all this is so real that it is impossible to detect whether it is true or false, does the argument about the existence of life make any sense?

'Tony' silently looked at his hands, the black metal skeleton body, this body for the young fear of death.

Under the acceptance of Tony's grace, the young man made the only request.

He hopes to fuse his everything with the God of All Machines.

What is the idea of ​​this fear of death, who is full of self-sacrifice and ambition? Maybe it's for the sacrifice of the race, or maybe it's just an over-the-top desire to take everything from Tony.

Tony agreed with him.

This is the first body, made of living metal from that dark knowledge, mixed with metals that are refined from knowledge that is incomprehensible to common sense.

He put his soul and memory, wisdom and everything into this body.

It's not simply building a robot and shifting consciousness, but a real... racial shift.

So, did he kill the man and create a metal with his soul and intelligence? Or really changed his existence?

Tony doesn't know...

Even if you have enough computing power to calculate stars, and have the knowledge and technology accumulated over tens of millions of years, how can you answer this philosophical question of the origin?

However, that doesn't matter anymore.

He inherited the soul and wisdom of this young man. Perhaps he should change his style and move forward with the purpose of continuing the new possibilities and future of mankind.

Yes, from this moment on, he threw Tony Stark's name and past into the dark abyss.

He will lead this new variant of mankind to survive with a new identity, a new name, and a new soul!

He will inherit the name of the young martyr - Szarak.

From today onwards, he is Sizarak, the Silence King.

This universe is so vast, so diverse, and the vast sea of ​​​​stars where countless kinds of life compete with each other, any more race is not something to be surprised by.

So, when the Necrons rose, it didn't make any waves among the stars.

Sizarak, the Silent King, has returned to his homeland, the prince of the dying kingdom, to announce to him and his subjects the gift he has brought from the depths of the sea.

The principle of immortality obtained from the great God of Myriad Machines.

His subjects were stunned when Szarak revealed his dark metal body under his cloak.

There is no doubt that most people... can't accept this undead body.

Not everyone has the perseverance to choose to turn their flesh into metal, which is almost the biggest subversion and test of existence and self-cognition.

The Silence King agreed to leave the last city with those who were unwilling to undergo biotransformation experiments.

Only a handful of those who were dying, and those who were willing to fight to the death, remained.

Szarak transformed the less than three hundred people into new Necrons, and at this moment, an army of a hundred times his size surrounded the last royal city.

That battle was Szarak's victory.

Transformed into this metal body of the ghost spirit, it brings not only endless lifespan and strong body, but also endless terrifying and unimaginable technology.

Although because of time, Szalac only had time to create a necromancy suspended tomb.

But that's enough.

Three hundred Necrons, valiant and bloodthirsty, and they will never die or even get hurt.

Any wounds caused to living metal will heal in the shortest time, and even if they are shattered into powder, they will be transported to the suspended tomb to repair themselves and return to the battlefield the next moment.

In this battle, Szarak showed the entire race of the Death Fearers, the power and tenacity of an immortal body.

This moment shattered the hearts of many fearful people who were on the verge of death.

They repelled a hundred times and their own enemies, transformed ten times the current number of Necrons, and received a huge supply of resources.

The scientific crystallization that comes from the scientific knowledge accumulated by Tony Stark for thousands of years and the dark wisdom obtained from the void can be realized with the supply of a large number of resources.

The turbulent underworld structures like ocean waves submerged the entire continent, and these mechanical swarms that can decompose and transform all matter establish their material foundation.

Tomb pilots wield their almost magical technology, reversing time, reconstructing matter, and reshaping reality.

Technology that cannot be understood by ordinary people is magic and miracles.

Even if the technology of the fear of the dead had developed to the extent that it could captive stars before that, it was so insignificant in the face of the dark wisdom accumulated from the abyss and endless time.

With the support of such terrifying technology, Sizarak, the Silent King, unifies the entire deathdread society with little effort.

But he abandoned the fact of dictatorship and instead established the "Three Holy Council" to elect the remaining two leaders to check his power.

In this way, Szarak gained the recognition and love of the whole family of Deathdreaders.

Once again, he proposed a biological transformation agreement, and this time, the entire family of the feared of the dead joined the plan.

So from that day on, the race that feared death became a thing of the past.

Newly born, forged in dark blood and bone, a cold and powerful Necronomicon!

But... is the wisdom of the abyss really so easy to watch?

Fate has marked the price before bestowing the gift.

As a branch of human beings, the Necrons embarked on another path opposite to the swarm, shedding flesh and blood, and mechanically sublimating!

But like the opposite of the swarm...

The swarm robs the soul, and the Necrons... lose the soul.

229. Liberation Collection

"For the vast majority of life among the stars, transferring the soul to another body is a terrible choice."

Talasin played with an ancient ornate cane between his fingers, telling the story of the race in a relaxed tone

"When the King of Silence led our entire clan to transfer our souls to this metal body, our species went to an unstoppable demise."

In this universe, death is not just a rule, it also represents a supreme will.

The great 'Death' does not hold grudges against those who escape from death, but her iron law is also destined to be difficult to achieve on a large scale such as 'escape from death'.

Even as great as gods, when the Asgardians left the earth and regarded themselves as a group, they inevitably lost the eternity that they did not need to maintain, and became dependent on the golden apple for longevity.

And the fear of the dead choose to transfer their souls to gain immortality... how can it be so simple?

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