The Deathblade General wielded his Soul Blade, and the sharp Death Blade cut through the bodies of those Reaper, erasing the black and white monsters from the world.

Dead Blade frowned as he looked at the Chitauri Soul Reaver, who was instantly cut into pieces by himself. This strange cutting feeling made him feel all kinds of unreasonable discomfort.

His Revenant Warblade resides in his soul, and in a sense, his weapon is closer to the concept of 'person' than him.

Because of this, the 'cosmic energy' of this blade made of dark energy can shred the medium through which these Soul Reavers are infected and linked by the abyss.

But in the same way, he also has to bear the consequences of killing with his own soul, which is almost equivalent to his own soul.

As if knowing that General Deathblade is the commander of these monsters, more and more Soul Reavers rushed forward like ant colonies.

These howling Chitauri Reavers were continuously killed by General Deathblade, but when Pym or even more Vanguard Reavers rushed up, Deathblade gradually couldn't stand it anymore.

He could feel the 'contamination' of his Revenant Glaive as the killings increased

The weapon that hosts his soul is being tainted, and manipulating his body also feels the drowsiness and the drowsiness of the soul.

"Father, save me!!!!"

Deathblade miserably chose to ask Thanos for help

"I've seen many spellcasters who are afraid of death and hide their souls in various places. I've seen a lot of idiots, some like to make their own phylactery into a precious and conspicuous treasure, and some put their own The box is hidden in a place where you can't find it."

With arrogance and playfulness, he watched the General Deathblade, who was gradually submerged by the Soul Reaper, and left his pride and face to ask Thanos for help, sneered.

"But the first time I've seen someone who uses a phylactery as a weapon, it's really... stupid beyond imagination."

Thanos didn't respond to the arrogant taunt, nor did he respond to Deadblade's cry for help.

He just watched coldly as his strongest generals were gradually being overwhelmed by those Soul Reaper, and even the wailing disappeared into the dark gap.

Thanos gave up General Deathblade and gave up his strongest men.

Because he is no longer fit to follow behind him.

In other words, his five obsidian generals are no longer suitable to follow him.

"What builds the material basis for the existence of these Soul Reavers is the material body they maintain and link the positive universe, and the source darkness that is attached to it."

Arrogantly explained with ease

"Killing the attached body is meaningless. The source of darkness will only try to attach itself to you or the surrounding along with the killed object. There is only the energy of the positive universe, and the purer the nature, the more it can neutralize these The source is dark."

From a certain perspective, this battle between the positive and negative universes is equivalent to a large-scale chemical experiment.

Two substances with completely opposite or even conflicting properties cannot coexist, each eager to erode the other to make all the substances in the laboratory its own.

It's just that this kind of 'transformation' is destined to not be carried out directly. Two conflicting substances will be neutralized and annihilated after contact, so the only way is to transform the 'container' that holds the substance.

Whether it's the **** group or a trivial ant, they are all 'containers' that hold the positive universe matter, and Yuan An indirectly achieves the goal of polluting the positive universe by polluting them.

"If the positive universe is completely eroded by it, then there is no problem of material output restrictions."

Looking at the pensive Thanos, smiling arrogantly and mockingly

"After all, the source and darkness representing the opposite of matter do not have 'production', they only have 'plunder'. Thanos, you hate life because life plunders the universe, so what if the universe plunders life?"

"That's not my purpose."

Thanos stared solemnly at the source of darkness that devoured his fleet, and said in a low voice

"Everything I do is for the living beings in this universe!"

He slaughtered planets, he weighed himself, he longed to kill half the life in the universe - but he knew he was a good man.

No matter what angle you criticize Thanos, Thanos always thinks so from his own point of view.

Even if he kills half of his life, his starting point is for a better continuation of life. He's just a paranoid lunatic, a powerful, idealistic, and action-oriented paranoid lunatic.

So those who say that Thanos is an 'environmentalist' is a misunderstanding of his starting point. If he is an environmentalist, then his desire is not to kill half, but to kill all.

"Yeah, it's not good for all of us to allow these negative sources to contaminate the universe."

Arrogance induces with a low voice

"Thanos, you are in destiny! You are destined to collect all the Infinity Stones, and you will have a chance to decide the fate of the universe. A wish, and how should you use this wish?"

It's not easy to make Thanos change his desires. It is his crazy paranoia that establishes the essence of this titan, and the driving force of this paranoia is his madness - so, only a deeper madness can stop all this.

"You think you are my companion, then, show me your skills!"

Thanos looked at the arrogance deeply and said lightly.

Thanos is a calm madman who can slaughter cosmic creatures for his own madness, but after seeing a more terrifying threat than his grand 'target', he finally gave up his 'ideal'

But that's just turning a bad goal into a dangerous one.

Thanos was never one to say impossible, after all how many people around the world told him his idea was crazy and impossible, but he did it - just like this time.

His madness remains, but so is his coolness.

Arrogance was an out-of-the-box guy for him, and while he showed Thanos a more terrifying reality and showed him a grander path - Thanos still didn't think he could be trusted.

If you are going to walk on this road of no return, then show your ability and will, Thanos will gladly accept a new partner!

"No, Thanos, I will not be involved in your war with the Abyss."

Arrogant shook his head gently and decisively rejected Thanos' proposal

What are you kidding? Involved in the war between the abyss and the positive universe? Twenty lives are not enough for him!

Unlike these guys, Arrogance knows too well who is standing behind the source and the abyss - that's a route that leads directly to the existence of the first celestial level **** creator level!

Most of the concepts in the Marvel universe don't seem hopeless or unsolvable, and it's hard to see a hopeless unsolvable problem like the Warhammer Chaos next door.

But is that because it's safe here?

No, it's purely because of all the seemingly inexplicable concepts here in the Marvel universe you can find a thread that solves him.

In this world of infinite nesting dolls and infinite ceilings, you can find the source of any incredible power. Seemingly invincible, you can always find bigger boxes in sets.

The same thing happens a lot, even if the situation is countless times worse than the Warhammer next door, you won't feel hopeless.

But the atmosphere belongs to the atmosphere. Speaking of which, the danger level of this ghost place is many times higher than that of Warhammer!

If nothing else, the source of this so-called source darkness is probably something that the First Firmament created when it fell to create the multiverse.

In short, it is definitely not something that Mu Feng can understand, even if he is involved in such a thing, he is not even qualified to be a chess piece!

He is not Thanos, he has no destiny, and for Mu Feng, the situation has been mixed up to the point where he is now, and if he ends up messing up, he will only increase his risk.

And even if the fate of the body is added, so what? It's not like Thanos hasn't lost his way.

Even the universe itself - destroying one or two is a common occurrence in the Marvel world, and it is not without it that it is countless times worse than here, what zombie universe, what cancerous universe, what old universe Barabara...

It's the little things, the little things.

But for Mu Feng, it was a terrible event. The series of events he caused had already involved many comic book villains. It can be said that the situation was almost completely out of his control.

But that's not a bad thing either.

He keeps the income that he can control firmly in his hands, and the 'change' beyond this can also be said to be 'extra income' for him.

Whether you can benefit yourself from these huge changes is a very test of operation, but in any case, taking the initiative to end the game is the stupidest and most reckless choice.

"However, I can choose a more suitable partner for you."

The arrogant conversation changed, and the fake reality gem suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Maybe there is no possibility of cooperation between us, but I think ... you will have a very common language with another Titan."

As soon as the words fell, I saw that the space above the black and white Soul Reaper was suddenly torn apart by a huge crack! ! !

The endless flame of entropy burned almost the entire space, and also completely decomposed all the Soul Reavers involved in it, and the next moment, a huge figure like a planet stepped out!

His body was cracked bronze, and fiery entropic flames spread over his body. This gigantic giant is dressed like an ancient Roman warrior, but has diabolical horns and flaming wings!

His posture is like a demon, but he also has a god-like posture!

He held an ancient giant sword in his hand, like a stone sword forged from a shattered star, burning with the power to destroy the Milky Way!

"Void - must be destroyed!!!!"

The mad fallen titan wielded the terrifying Goshlache, and the power far surpassed it, and the Sword of Star Destruction, which already had the power of annihilating stars, slashed downwards!

The fleet of the Chitauris - no, it should be said that the entire star system was wiped out by this terrifying sword!

All that remains is the annihilation and ashes of destruction.

232. Thanos the "Just One"

Thanos has spent thousands of years traveling the universe, hoping to find a solution to his own problems.

He has seen countless scenery in the universe, seen countless mysteries, and also knew some unknown stories.

But he had never seen how terrifying the real cosmic gods were.

Sargeras, Dark Titan, Star Soul.

Even in his past universe, this is a ruthless character that no one can match. Titan is the most powerful and terrifying existence in the physical universe, and Sargeras is one of the best.

Splitting a planet with one sword - this is by no means an upper limit for Sargeras, killing a titan hatchling eroded by the void with one sword is just Sargeras's act of liberating his compatriots.

And after that, the terrifying Dark Titan has mastered the two basic forces of the universe, possessing the arcane magic representing order and the fel energy representing chaos, and its terrifying power is unparalleled!

You must know that even the revived Pantheon had to forcibly capture Sargeras back in prison without giving up his body to gather together, and in essence, it is very possible that the 'prison cell' can keep Sargeras locked up all the time. low.

After Mu Feng intervened, Sargeras' tragic fate was changed.

He came to the Marvel Universe, where he was exposed to higher powers.

The power of the cosmic **** group.

From a certain point of view, Titan is very close to the nature of the cosmic god. They are all manifestations of the supreme power of the physical universe, and they all possess the ability to master the fundamental laws of the universe.

Of course, Titan's ceiling is destined to be incomparable to the Celestial Gods, but that's never been a problem for Sargeras.

If the strength is insufficient, go there to exercise, if the knowledge is insufficient, go to study there.

He once spent an unknown amount of time mastering the power of entropy and combining with arcane magic to create fel energy. In this case, the law and power of the universe gods are not a problem for him at all.

Sargeras' journey and adventures were unknown to Mu Feng, and the leader of the legion disappeared immediately after smuggling into the Marvel Universe.

But now, it seems that his journey is definitely smooth enough.

He has mastered terrifying powers that he did not have in the past.

Excluding the power of arcane magic and entropy, in the Marvel Universe, he has really come into contact with a more original power - the secret energy of the universe.

In fact, strictly speaking, the basic power of the six major factions of Azeroth can also be said to be a kind of cosmic secret energy, but the cosmic secret energy of the Marvel world is purer and easier to grasp.

An existence like Sargeras, after long-term contact and mastering this power, can quickly complete the self-sublimation.

Therefore, the Dark Titan was promoted to the Titan God here!

This power is certainly not able to dominate the gods in the monster group, but if he returns to Azeroth, now Sargeras has the confidence to single out the void forces of the entire universe!

However... After coming to this universe, Sargeras also noticed something.

Here, too, there is emptiness.

Although the nature of existence is slightly different, and the names and taboos are also different, the essence is the same.

The void here is far more terrifying than the void of his world. Sargeras is not even qualified to spy on the terrifying existence behind the infinitely retrospective darkness.

This made Sargeras deeply worried. He was a philanthropist, otherwise he would not be willing to destroy the entire universe to save the entire universe.

He is undoubtedly in pursuit of higher power, and the Burning Legion, who can't keep up with the dark titan's thinking, is actually about to be abandoned.

As for Mu Feng...he is an intermediary.

Although Fury has mastered the legion through this method, the demon legion is not the main problem here.

In this universe, the Burning Legion is really a bargaining chip that cannot be beaten—they who cannot beat Mu Feng will definitely not be able to beat them, and those who can beat Mu Feng can easily be strangled to death.

Sargeras is the most important, so Mu Feng is happy to be his middleman and arrange a 'job interview' for him

Interview with the Mad Titan Thanos

Mu Feng felt that they must have a common language.

After all, they're the best of the best in constructive massacres...

"Traveler, you summoned me, not just to slaughter this group of **** in the void!!!"

Sargeras' eyes that are enough to burn the sea are projected, and the scorching eyes are watching the arrogance, and even the arrogance that has completed the real mechanical ascension feels a little uncomfortable.

This guy probably did it on purpose, and this uncomfortable feeling made Arrogance even want to correct Sargeras's address to him.

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