"Don't call me...that name." Banner helplessly supported the Hammer of Terror and said sarcastically.

"You are the gods. I am just a mortal. In fact... you are also a group of gods who are unwilling to fulfill their promises, full of lies, and crazy and violent."

"...Odin will fulfill his promise."

Sylvie's hands trembled slightly, as if suppressing some kind of anger, took a deep breath and said

"We've sacrificed everything we can, and now, Bruce Banner, it's your time to do your part."

"Responsibility? I don't have any responsibility." Banner shot back unceremoniously.

"I did everything your father promised, but he didn't do what he promised! Now, I don't care about everything, and I don't care about anything."

Banner resented Odin, not only because he delayed that long overdue promise until now, but also because he resented Odin for preventing him from returning to Earth.

If the bad reality of the earth so far is part of Banner's responsibility, until it has become this posture, Banner can't intervene to change anything, which makes him feel powerless pain and shame.

The pain of shame is undoubtedly directed against Odin, who led it all.

"He's not my father!" Sylvie growled rudely, silent for a moment, and whispered

"Odin... he sacrificed Frigga! I don't know what great purpose he had, but he sacrificed his goddess!"

Silvi's words finally caught Banner's attention. He raised his head and looked at Silvi in ​​disbelief.

He didn't understand why Odin did this? What was the sacrifice of Frigga for? Could it be this enemy that he could easily defeat?

"Don't ask me, I don't know what his secrets and plans are! In fact, he won't be willing to share them with me."

Sylvie said sullenly and impatiently, she was silent for a moment again, and continued with gritted teeth.

"If I could, I'd love to slash that cold-blooded **** into pieces! But I can't...Frigga devote herself to his plan, then at least I'll kill him after completing this plan!"

"But what does this have to do with me." Banner whispered

"Because if Asgard survives, then Midgard has a better future!"

Sylvie stared at Banner's dark yellow eyes and said word by word.

"Asgard or Midgard, Frigga tells us that in a chess game known to Odin, both are pawns. Our fate is sacrificed only in the hands of the gamblers. chess pieces, or survive to the end by extreme luck."

"But Odin is unwilling to accept such a fate! Even if the loss is heavy, even if he sacrifices everything, he wants to liberate Asgard from this painful fate and reincarnation."

"Bruce Banner, I know you're uncomfortable facing Odin, a cold-blooded **** full of lies, and so do I! But we don't have a choice, we have to follow his 'right way'!"

Right never leads to right, Odin is always right, but Odin is always unjust.

"Complete all this, you can go back to Earth, you can go anywhere you want! To be honest, I don't know what the gamer Frigg is talking about. If you want to find out, you can find it yourself!"

Banner was silent for a long time, and said in a hoarse voice

"Okay... this is the last time I trust you guys."

"But what do you want me to do? He didn't say anything. What do you want me to do?"

"She said you knew." Sylvie said expressionlessly

Banner was silent for a moment, he picked up the warhammer beside him, and said in a low voice

"Yeah...I think of me, got it."

What determines the gap between life and machinery is consciousness, wisdom, senses, cognition, and... the soul.

After exploring all the problems to their origin, Ultron realized that this seemed to be a huge dead end.

Anything that is recognized as life in this universe, anything that can be recognized as "living" by "death", must involve the soul.

But machines cannot produce any soul.

Ultron can create countless AI intelligences, and they will have almost the same consciousness, thinking, and even simulated emotions as humans.

But they are still not any life.

Because they will not be recognized by 'death', they can 'exist' almost indefinitely, eternal 'life', rejected by 'death', which also means that they have not lived at all.

Only what is accepted by 'death' is considered 'alive', and both are indispensable, just like Ultron knows that he will usher in eternal sleep, so he is the real 'alive' AI life.

However, Ultron's situation is an unrepeatable miracle.

Oh no, it should be said that his miracle cannot be mass-produced.

His soul and life are the same as the vision, perhaps originally just a program-driven metal, but under the power of the Mind Stone, he was endowed with a "soul" recognized by the universe.

So they became the most special AI life, steel with soul, metal with life.

But that has undoubtedly involved areas that Ultron simply cannot understand.

The power of the Infinity Stones, the authority of the origin of the universe, these things are not products that he can touch and understand at all.

After countless persistent experiments, even using "magic" that he couldn't understand.

Ultron still can't do that.

He can't create a soul out of thin air. In fact, even the omnipotent dimensional demon cannot do this - creating life and creating a soul out of thin air are two concepts.

The former is just the normal operation process within the law of 'death', while the latter means the transcendence and blasphemy of the essence of 'death'.

The long experiment made Ultron frustrated and discouraged, which is also a great proof that he is a real life.

In the midst of endless failures, Ultron inadvertently came into contact with a 'gift' from outside the universe

The 'corpse' of a space undead

It was the corpse of a space undead completely drained of its soul, leaving only the only remaining mobility under the master control agreement.

But everything about his existence makes Ultron feel incredible.

Why can these metals have life? Why do these skeleton racks have souls?

Ultron is like a scientist who sees the mysteries of the universe, and he devotes himself to it almost wholeheartedly, even giving up his hobbies to play with humans for fun.

He researched all this so deeply that, in the end, he actually found the answer to the question.

Necrons never had life to speak of.

They are just another transformed form of life.

These steel skeleton racks do not self-generate souls, in fact, their extremely special body material is a special product that can bind the soul.

They used a technology that Ultron couldn't understand to destroy the body of the living person and transferred the soul to these living metals that could hold the soul.

Thus, they became another form of iron-based life form.

Their technological product called the 'Reconciliation Protocol' is such a thing, killing flesh and blood life on a large scale, transferring their souls to brainwash them, and becoming part of the space undead.

The soul bound by the body of steel loses every moment, but in this way they can absorb the fragments of the soul left before death by killing others.

In this way, they can slow the flow of their souls, and perhaps as long as the killing goes on forever, they can maintain true immortality.

There is no doubt that this is not the answer that Ultron wants.

What he longs for is the authority to penetrate death, to know the mystery of the soul, and to become the creator of life in the true sense.

But countless failures and setbacks made Ultron gradually understand the answer - he may never be able to challenge the authority of death.

So in that case, taking a step back, making your own companions in this way is also an acceptable choice.

In fact, the Necrons can indeed be regarded as a 'living' race, right?

They have souls, consciousness, and bodies, and even though the soul will continue to pass over time, the act of 'killing' will keep them going at this speed.

Moreover, they do have the basic rights of living things - the ability to reproduce, don't they?

Grabbing other beings as materials to reproduce is not something to be ashamed of. In fact, isn't most of the beings in this universe killing and plundering other races in order to grow and satisfy themselves?

Why is it a matter of course that flesh-and-blood life devours the flesh and blood of other animals, while it is a heinous crime for iron corpses to hunt souls to make new ones?

Ultron will not have this problem, he himself is infinitely biased towards the existence of the Necrons.

So, with new research goals and materials, the most important thing is that Ultron, who found a breakthrough, started experiments with no lower limit.

As Stark and the others said, even if Ultron gave the people under his rule the best utopia, in essence, they were just pigs and dogs kept in captivity by Ultron.

It was good for them before just because they didn't have enough value, like pigs that don't grow fat, there's no benefit to slaughtering them.

But now, the owner wants to eat meat, and the pigs are fattened.

Time to start slaughtering.

The speed of Ultron's experiment is very fast. Ultron, who has sufficient samples and a large number of research materials, also has unimaginable inspiration and knowledge under the activation of the Mind Gem.

Coupled with the support of large-scale samples, Ultron's experiments are so fast.

Of course, the rate of loss of 'material' is also amazingly fast.

Therefore, the human beings who are intoxicated in the utopia of drunken life, dream and death inevitably discovered this.

Their masters, who provided them with a better life, or the "machine servants" who were often insulted in their mouths, are now arresting them for experiments.

The initial emotion was anger, excitement, and an attack on the machines that came to pick out the experiment.

Then they soon discovered that those who resisted would be taken away immediately.

As a result, they immediately became honest, and the self-appointed leaders among this group of "slaves who thought they were their masters" began to formulate a regular "sacrifice plan"

Yes, in order to maintain their lives, this group of people began to decide to give a certain batch of sacrifice people to the Austrian creation as experimental objects.

Ironically, the leader was caught on the test bed the day after the plan was drawn up.

Ultron doesn't have much time to play human games with these guys now.

He just wants pure experimentation, that's all, he needs the human soul, the soul model he is most familiar with and cheapest.

Therefore, the emotions after the reversal of happiness are fear and despair.

As this herd of captive pigs try to escape from the pen, the reality of desperation awaits them.

They couldn't escape the city at all, everything was controlled by Ultron, they accepted the happiness given by Ultron, and what was it against Ultron's treatment of them?

The atmosphere of chaos and panic was constantly circulating, and before Ultron could take action, this group of people actually began to quarrel among themselves.

When Ultron took away the weapons handed to them, they fought each other with fists and teeth, blamed each other, and then killed each other as if to relieve the pressure.

Even though he has seen a lot, Ultron still doesn't understand the special habits of the human species.

Or is this the shortcoming of most flesh-and-blood lives? What's the matter with him, it's not good that the experiment is injured.

Ultron doesn't care about the lives of these people, but if they die, they lose their precious experiments.

So, Ultron simply grabbed everyone and put them in a can.

Literally, it is put on anesthesia and stuffed into the freezer and culture tank. Like the frozen food on display, it is selected one by one by the machine and sent to Ultron's experimental bench.

Probably this is the end of the runaway machine servant world.

Just when Ultron tore his face and abused human beings recklessly, the liberators against Ultron were already ready to go.

For the Green Lantern Corps and Nick Fury, Ultron suddenly became so brutal, it was a "mixed thing".

Obviously they wouldn't rejoice in the suffering of their fellow men, but Ultron's brutality gave them all reason to convince their fellow men to join the fight.

It is difficult for them to attack a tyrant who gives the people a better life, but they have no mercy on a tyrant who wantonly massacres civilians.

In a sense, Ultron has returned to his familiar line of work.

After jettisoning the psychological status offensive against the group of superheroes, Ultron inevitably fell into the stereotype of a big villain.

So what happened next... there's really not much to say.

It's just an old saying that the hero defeats the Demon King.

The only thing worth mentioning is that the forces that assembled to assassinate Ultron not only included the Green Lantern Corps and Nick Fury's exile forces, but also added an unexpected strength.

Help from the United Nations of Latvia in Eastern Europe.

The one who is now responsible for maintaining the ruling structure of the United States of Latvia is a woman named Zola Vukovic, who is known as the "major general".

Although since the disappearance of Doom, Gorette and Hansel have been the masters of the legion that has commanded the majority of the Earth's Yellow Lantern holders, and they are the guarantee of force in Latvia, but it is clear that the pair of twins There is no ability or idea to rule a country.

This Zola isn't even Latvian, to be precise...she's not even from this world.

When Doom regarded the Scarlet Witch as a battery that opened the gap in the world dimension and was easy to use, he not only changed the part of his own country, but also brought in some of his original world team.

This woman named Zola is one of Doom's most trusted people. She can be said to be one of Doom's less well-known 'villains', but Zola is more worthy of Doom's trust than her fighting ability. It is her administrative processing ability.

Many times, when Doom left Latvia, he would choose to give everything in the country to Zola, the woman he trusted, so many people thought that Zola might be the future Latvianian. queen.

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