The power to kill this **** is a real power that belongs to the material universe, and is a real power that exists in the existence of this material essence.

Who did it? What exactly happened here?

Mu Feng was very curious. Although he had already made a rough guess about the answer, he was indeed very curious...

Arrogant approached the place of nothingness, his figure turned into a shadow that swept the sky, and quickly sneaked into the station of the Difan group. After quickly reading the memories of several guys, he quickly I found the collector of the three caves of the cunning rabbit.

And almost the moment he stepped into the tall building in the core area, a voice rang in his ears.

"Welcome, my friend!"

Arrogant turned around and saw that the collector opened his hands to him in an exaggerated gesture, and said in a very enthusiastic tone

"How long has it been since we met? Dear friend, did you bring me any special collectibles? Or some interesting antiques?"

"...We shouldn't have met before."

Arrogant narrowed his eyes and said playfully

"Oh no no no, my dear friend, have you forgotten that you sold me an interesting watch?" The collector looked at him with a smile, his eyes sparkling with desire.

"That's really interesting. Although I really want the second one, you won't give up your love for the time being, right? Well, I really don't mean to grab it."

He waved to Arrogance, and the two instantly arrived in a luxurious room

The collector sat down easily, picked up a brown bubbly drink next to him, and said with great interest

"Are you representing Thanos? Or yourself? Sit down, there's no need to be silly."

Arrogance showed a calm smile, yes, there is no need to play stupid.

Although I was mentally prepared before I came, I still felt a little surprised when I found out.

The collector, Di Fan, is the same entity spanning two parallel universes. And obviously, this collector is no longer the collector in the original plot.

The former is not surprising for a cosmic elder, but the latter...that would be very interesting.

Mu Feng knew that it must be some kind of result of the huge butterfly effect caused by his own advancement of the plot, and interestingly, he even guessed the identity of this collector.

"I represent myself." Arrogant sat down and said easily

"I just came to hear a story, Your Excellency Difan."

"Ah, a story. I have ten million stories, and each one can be told ten thousand times, so which one do you want to hear?"

The collector sips the brown drink of undulating foam in the glass, watching the arrogance play with the taste

"And, what can you give?"

"The army of Thanos may not be able to trot down your museum when you're not here." said arrogantly.

"You are really a robber, can you use it as a bargaining chip to rob me?" The collector rolled his eyes, but he didn't seem to care.

"Forget it, although it doesn't sound very good, can it be considered a bargaining chip. Then... I'm going to start telling stories."

"I haven't said which story I want to hear."

"But I know." Thalassin smiled.

"Then our story begins after we sold our soul to the abyss for the second time."


When the Necrons across the sea of ​​stars realized that even if their incredible technology could destroy the stars, they couldn't kill the Celestials, there were only two choices before them.

First, surrender the King of Silence and surrender to the Celestials in exchange for their tolerance and forgiveness.

Second, choose to pursue an existence that can kill these entities of the physical laws of the universe, but this process may take a thousand years, maybe ten thousand years.

For them, these two options are actually no different from having only one option.

Not to mention that it is impossible for the Celestials to accept the surrender of these ants who have rashly attacked themselves. Even if they show great kindness, the Necrons will have to bear the consequences of their war against other races for so long.

They must be greeted by a fate more tragic than death.

After a large race-wide vote, 71 percent voted to continue the war.

Once again, they put their fate in the hands of the Silent King.

And this time, the Silence King found the dark will outside the universe.

The fear of the source of darkness, the opposite of the bottom layer of the universe, the endless darkness, has reached a cooperation with the King of Silence.

"It gives us the dark technology, the incomprehensible, negative dark knowledge of the universe."

Thalassin spoke slowly in a low voice that imitated

"Most importantly, they gave us the technology to build the bodies of the dark gods lost in the abyss."

"So, what did you pay for?"

"What did we give? We gave...everything." Tarasim sneered.

"We sold our souls, we made our souls unavoidably stained with the curse of darkness. Our future was doomed to the bottomless darkness, and we gave everything and did nothing but Just become a slave of darkness."

"We built the metal body to hold the dark gods, and the Silent King plunged into the darkness with the rest of the dynasty. Our first war was fought at the edge of the solar system, where we truly killed a universe for the first time. God."

"But I guess you must be very uncomfortable." Arrogance plays with taste

"Of course, anyone who kills the gods of these physical universes will suffer the inevitable curse from the physical universe." Talasin said in a sinister voice

"The self-consciousness of our remaining people has become weaker and weaker, and we can feel that our soul is being sucked by the darkness. Killing can no longer satisfy the hunger above our soul, and we need more death to ensure that we The wholeness of the soul."

"This protracted war continued for a long, long time, until the end of the war, almost all the gods disappeared, and the darkness was also hit hard, and then..."

"We fight back!"

Talasin slammed the knife in his hand on the table, and said sensibly.

"Even if those darks helped us, they were what caused our race to be what it is. And he took away the future of our entire race."

"With our new bodies, we no longer have any hope for the future. The newly born compatriots of our race are destined to be only brainless machines, and our compatriots' souls are also becoming weak. Only a few overlords like us can Maintain the integrity of the soul."

"We tore up the dark gods and used the fragments that contained their unconscious as ritual props that were transformed into our souls. Thus, our souls were immortalized at the cost of the entire race being banished to another universe."

"There are stories where the past determines the present, and there are stories where the future determines the past."

Arrogant sighed, as if to sigh for Tarasine and the undead race

"So, what do you want to do now?"

"My friend, we have to wait for our 'His Majesty' to come back." Talasin played the taste

"But at this stage, most of us are vicious, crazy, vicious souls, they are not like me, they have a soul that loves art and history. They will only turn the entire galaxy into space death Spiritual cultivation ground."

"Should I feel sad or angry about this?" Arrogant blinked, equally playful.

"Forget it, a vicious soul like me is not qualified to accuse you."

"After all, soon... this universe will become more lively."

253. Ultron defeat

"Your kingship has fallen, your troops are no more, your armies are gone. Cities are dust and people are dead."

"You paid your entire country for your arrogance, and you brought about what you are now for your brutality."

"You will get the fairest trial, but even the kindest judge will give you the worst possible ending."

In the Washington capital, which was almost completely blasted away, above the ruins of the former Pentagon, the guardian Steve is convicting Ultron's crimes with a high attitude.

They won, no doubt about it.

Aided by the Latvian Legion of Destruction, they quickly destroyed all of Washington's defenses.

The price, of course, was that all of Washington was razed to the ground, and the civilians who were still here were nearly wiped out.

Steve was very angry about this.

But no matter how deep the anger and hatred are, he can still face the culprit in front of him with a relatively fair attitude.

This attitude of treating all things equally may be the reason why the gods chose him to be the representative of the Green Lantern Corps.

Countless green light of will shrouded Ultron's body, and he, who had changed a body, said nothing on his throne.

His current failure is indeed self-inflicted.

Not only because of his atrocities offended too many people, but also because when his mechanical legion needed him most, he devoted his whole heart to another thing.

He replaced himself with a new body, but ironically, this new body became his new cage in the blink of an eye.

With this body made of living metal, Ultron's consciousness was imprisoned the moment he entered it.

It is as if a soul is stuffed into a body that fits, and the free and unrestrained AI life is locked in a prison exclusively for him.

He seemed to be a real life as he thought.

But the price seems to be failure.

But... he couldn't say that he didn't gain anything at all. If he lost something, of course he would gain something. This living metal body seems to have given him some kind of "inspiration" at the moment of combining with his soul

"Also, you persecuted my friend Tony and betrayed him! I will apply to be your judge, your executioner."

Steve landed slowly, looking at the steel skeleton in front of him, recuperating as if he couldn't contain the anger in his tone

"Do you have anything to say?"

"I didn't betray Stark, he just embarked on a predestined path, his destiny."

Ultron raised his head and said in an ethereal and sarcastic voice

"If you are stupid, you will never be able to understand the wonder of fate. Even now, I am lamenting the impermanence and drama of fate."

"You have lost everything you have, and your failure is your destiny!"

He looked around, swept over Nick Fury, swept over Zola, swept over everyone's faces, smiling mockingly

"What if I lose America to you? That itself is what I won from you. And you know what? After you, full of the 'potential' of fate, have been held on earth by me for so long, you are Something really important has been lost."

Ultron did not understand that they could understand their own words like a puzzle.

Even he, after learning the knowledge of time and destiny, will have a deep fear and an indescribable sense of desolation, just like now, that indescribable emptiness...

"Come on, is this the interesting robot!"

"It's a robot with a soul! So we can make him feel scared?"

"What is the robot afraid of? Is it a noisy child?"

"Maybe it's a vise~"

Gemini, you walked over with one word and one word, Zola acquiesced to their actions, and even Steve and the others did not intend to stop the next action of the pair of Geminis.

They are the leaders of the Latvian Yellow Lantern Corps and the most profound masters of playing with the power of fear.

If it is them, they must be able to create a scene that makes Ultron extremely frightened.

But this is what he deserves, this crazy robot, no matter how he is treated, it's just... self-blame!

The twins stretched out their rings to Ultron, along with the dark yellow light, as if an illusory shadow of fear was about to fall on him.

But at the next moment, the dazzling light that was originally shining suddenly... went out.

Yes, it was so abruptly extinguished, like a candle that was blown out, like a flashlight that lost its power supply, all the light and power were 'cut off' in an instant.

The twins looked at their ring in amazement and confusion, but it wasn't just him that happened, it happened to almost all the holders of the yellow lantern ring!

The yellow light energy they stored in the ring disappeared instantly and became invisible, not only that, but they even temporarily lost control of the yellow light ring.

"Hahahahahaha, the moneylender will finally collect the debt."

Ultron laughed unscrupulously, mocking these so-called fearful people.

"Then next, there will be a good show to watch."


My enemy this time is a sun that is about to enter the end of the year.

Banner floats weakly in the vacuum of the universe. Even though this body is theoretically the body of a mortal, he still can't die when he floats in the void.

He struggled to open his almost glued eyes and looked at the huge burning star.

Almost imperceptible, dark green light entwined around the star.

The evil energy injected into it is not worth mentioning relative to the size of this star. But these evil energies are like viruses that infect the human body, pulling them into the twisted void step by step.

The plane of nothingness, which is saturated with the power of entropy in the entire universe, radiates evil energy that is enough to easily cause the body of this star to explode in a supernova.

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