When the second bell was struck, a great city of Sovereign was destroyed.

When the third bell was struck, the Sovereign had all his spine broken and fell to his knees like a worm.

264. Adam the Magician

"It appears that my approach was successful."

Thanos looked at the five obsidian generals who were wanton massacres on the Supreme Star, his lips twitched slightly, and he smiled with satisfaction

"Have you spent so much time and wasted the best chance to conquer the universe just to regain your five useful subordinates?"

A playful voice sounded in his ears, Thanos turned his head slightly, and standing there was a middle-aged white man with white temples wearing a battle suit, armor and cape composed of green light, shadow and energy.

He seems to be very vicissitudes of life, seems to be a hero full of stories, or it seems that there must be a meme and bad taste unknown to Thanos.

"If I step into your game in such a hurry, I'm afraid I have fallen under your calculations now? God of fear."

Thanos squinted at the man next to him and said in a low, tyrannical voice.

"Don't call me the God of Fear, you should call me the Parallax Demon." Sloth said with dissatisfaction

"It's rare for me to change my outfit... Oh right, you Thanos, you probably don't know the guy in the DC universe next door, and you probably haven't seen him either."

Thanos is noncommittal about the words of laziness, and he has not encountered such a way of talking that breaks the fourth wall...

Oh shit, it **** to think about that broken-mouthed idiot Thanos in the red tights.

"Then what are you doing here?...Parallax Demon?"

"I'm here to see your performance, don't worry, I'll only be standing in the audience this time. If there are no accidents, my job is just to record everything that happens."

Sloth said softly

"I no longer need to create new messengers to sow fear."

After Sloth fully gathered the power of the yellow light, and used the world tree to completely integrate himself with the light beast parallax monster, and turned into a parallax monster, he no longer needed to support the yellow light agent.

He himself has become the source of fear through the realization of his own essence, and he has incarnated into fear itself. In a sense, as long as there is a concept of fear about him, he is immortal.

He is the fear itself, the source of fear. After achieving the self-proof of this conceptual body, he no longer needs the messengers of the yellow light to spread the shadow of fear to expand his existence.

"Then why did you go to great lengths to attack the Supreme Star?"

Sloth looked at Thanos with interest, pondered for a moment, and raised his eyebrows.

"You must be for that... the promising 'child'? But I remember, isn't he your mortal enemy? The relationship between the two of you seems to have always been very bad?"

"It is meaningless if the enemy is not the enemy. This kind of label will only be put on when there is a need." Thanos said indifferently, unmoved.

"Although he is very annoying, this universe... at the beginning of his life, he will be very useful to me, as long as this is enough."

"You really are completely different from Thanos in this universe!" Sloth exclaimed

Thanos is a complete villain and lunatic, a man who can wash his face with Ghost Rider's eyes of judgment every day, but he is undoubtedly a more qualified villain than Thanos in the movie universe.

He is fundamentally different from Thanos in universe 199999. He doesn't feel guilty or uneasy about anything at all. He only thinks that all his actions are gifts for the great goddess. He also has enough calm thinking and Unlimited style of behavior.

You can indeed laugh at Thanos for licking a dog, but only at the same level as death. For the common man and the weak, they are nothing more than gifts from Thanos to the goddess.

As for Thanos of this universe...a crazy environmentalist, a lunatic who thinks himself great, full of needless pity and thought.

No wonder Thanos disliked him so much.

"The battle is over, it's time for me to play."

Thanos said with his own hands, he shook the infinite gloves slightly, the whole person disappeared in place, and the next moment appeared directly in the center of the golden throne room!

On the throne on the stairs, the anxious ministers of the highest star are discussing countermeasures, while the highest priest above the throne is silent and sluggish.

"Priest, I'm here to take what I want!!!"

Thanos' cold and loud voice startled the entire throne room. Those ministers looked at Thanos with a mixture of fear and hatred, while Thanos turned a blind eye to them and stepped forward.

"Low...Titans! You can't...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

An executive who couldn't wait to jump out before he finished speaking, his whole body ignited in the screams of incomparable pain, and there were several Supreme Star officials who were just about to move on the flames with him!

"What the **** do you want?!"

Ayesha looked haggard and painfully at Thanos, her eyes locked on his gloves, and the last hope in her eyes completely dissipated.

It's over, they are completely hopeless.

They know too well what the Infinity Stones mean. For those who cannot master them, it is a life-threatening curse. For those who master this power, he is the **** of the universe!

"I said, I want him!"

Thanos pointed to the golden incubator in front of Ayesha and said in a cold voice

"Dedicate him to me, priest! Otherwise, one of my Obsidians will disappear and you will be able to exterminate your Sovereigns!"

Ayesha's hands are shaking, she definitely doesn't want to give him up, this is all her hard work, her love, her children, her husband...

"...You can't hatch him. Except for the Sovereigns, no race in the universe has the technology to wake up the perfect him!"

Ayesha said unwillingly and desperately.

"That's because you don't have the real conditions to wake him up."

Thanos said indifferently, he raised his hand with the Infinity Glove, and then... buckled a gem!

The orange-yellow Soul Stone was held by Thanos in his hand, and then gently threw it towards the golden cocoon.

The moment the orange gem escaped from Thanos' palm, it could not wait to fly away like a freed prisoner, but just before that, the invisible power that extended from the yellow cocoon bound it tightly!

Thanos looked maliciously at the Soul Stone who was trying to break free from his control. Unlike those idiots, Thanos knew from the beginning that the Infinity Stones had their own will.

Forget the other gems, the Soul Stone is arguably the most 'evil' of all the Infinity Stones.

Whether it is his sacrificial ceremony or his own will, it is the gem that most disobeys the master's control. Even Thanos, who holds the destiny in his hand, always wants to attack his master.

However, it is not to say that the Soul Stone is a 100% 25% boy.

In the long history of the universe, apart from the existences whose personalities are far beyond the Infinity Stones, there is indeed one person who truly surrenders the Soul Stone to him.

In Ayesha's unbelievable gaze, the golden 'cocoon' that had not hatched for hundreds of years began to slowly burst.

An arm covered with golden mucus tore open the golden cocoon and came out, like a chick struggling to break free from the eggshell, slowly but firmly tore open this indestructible golden substance!

Soon, from the golden cocoon, a person with a flawless body and a person who would feel dazzling and stunned at the first sight, slowly stood up.

He looks very close to Ayesha, but is indeed a more handsome male. His eyes were incomparably empty, with the daze of a newborn.

"I, I, I am..."

His voice was hoarse and dry, like a traveler who hasn't had water for a long time in the desert. His memory was chaotic, his thinking was chaotic, and the shock of his birth plunged his brain into a brief chaos.

Just when Ayesha was about to tell his name, Thanos said in a calm and pleasant tone

"Your name is Adam, boy."

"You are Adam the Magician."

265. The Destruction of the Supreme Star

Throughout the history of the universe, the origin stories of almost all the planets with civilizations can always be inextricably linked with the Celestials. This law covers all well-known forces including Earth, Kerry, Shia, and Skrull.

But does that cover the Supreme Beings?

No one has a definite answer, because the Sovereigns would never admit it.

In the vast universe, there are only a few civilizations that can know the great creation-level existence of the Tianshen Group, and the few existences naturally include the Sovereigns.

What talents do the Sovereigns of the Supreme Star possess?

Natural longevity, subtle control of cosmic energy, accelerated thinking compared to ordinary cosmic life.

It can be said that they are like a group of Eternals degenerated for many generations. Although it cannot have the ability of the Eternals that is similar to shrinking the gods, it has the essence of a relatively ordinary mortal that is closer to the 'God'.

This should have been considered a natural gift and a symbol of nobility to them, but they still rejected such a statement.

They never admit that they are the creations of the Cosmic Deity Group, let alone that they are the blood of the Eternal Race, and they reject all claims that can place their bloodline and identity under a certain ethnic group.

It doesn't really matter what the truth is.

Perhaps it was the ancestors of the Sovereigns who discovered the terrible relationship between the Celestials and the Eternals that maintains the Creator and the Creator, or perhaps the self-righteous Sovereigns aimed at the nobility of the universe gods.

But no matter what the truth is, the Sovereigns are now almost decoupled from the Celestial Group, and they are no longer the food that can only shiver in front of the creator of the universe.

But this is almost, full of ambiguous taste that can be redeemed.

Although the Sovereigns got rid of the control of the **** group, but their high priest Ayesha personally created an artificial eternity!

That is - the magician Adam.

Regarding the existence of the magician Adam, even in the Marvel Comics universe, it is a famous number one figure, because his upper limit - once served as the important task of the court of life.

And even if the high-light performance of this upper limit is removed, Adam the Magician is also a very difficult person to mess with.

Because of the relationship between the Infinity Stones, Adam always has a lot of linkage with Thanos, and in most of the linkages, the normal Thanos is basically beaten by the normal Adam.

The magician Adam can freely control the cosmic energy, whether it is to emit deadly cosmic rays or use him to travel through space, it is the ability that Adam masters.

From this point of view, Adam the Demon and the Eternals do have a lot of similarities.

But there is no doubt that Adam, the master of the genetic engineering of the Sovereigns, has definitely overcome the weaknesses of the Eternals on a genetic level.

Even in the face of the aloof cosmic gods, Adam the Magician has never been crawling on the ground.

To Thanos, Adam is actually an opponent... not very willing to bring it up.

Compared with himself, Adam lacks a special destiny, but if he uses the ability to use the infinite gems, Thanos is far inferior to Adam.

He didn't know why, it was as if those Infinity Stones had a secret affection for Adam. In Adam's hands, Infinity Stones always had the greatest effect!


Adam whispered his voice, his confused eyes were dispelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, replaced by clarity and wisdom

"You are my creator, my mother."

Adam turned his head to look at the extremely excited Ayesha and said in a soft tone

"You still want to be my partner, to unite with me..."

"Yes, only you are qualified to be my partner in this universe!"

Ayesha nodded excitedly. This High Priest, who was considered extremely noble by the Sovereigns collectively, was now humble like a licking dog.

However, Adam responded to Ayesha with cold and contemptuous eyes.

The icy coldness and contempt that towered above, like a bucket of ice water filled with ice cubes, poured down above Ayesha's head.

Without any inefficient words, Adam conveyed all his thoughts to Ayesha with one look.

He hates Ayesha and despises Ayesha, even if this woman is his creator, his mother, Adam has only deep contempt for her.

"No matter which universe you are in, you are such a **** who writes arrogance into your bones."

Looking at Adam who responded to his de facto mother with such an attitude, Thanos said in a tone of admiration or sarcasm.

"and who are you?"

Adam looked at Thanos and said in a low voice

"I don't see any hope in you. All that lingers around you are the endless wailing and prayers of the dead... You are a villain, even a villain that is unattainable for ordinary people in the universe."

"I would be delighted that you rated me of such a high quality."

Thanos crossed his chest with his arms and smiled maliciously

"Then, do you want to stand by my side? As long as I get it, I can give you half of it."

Adam looked at the hand that Thanos stretched out, and he could not perceive any lies from the emotions of the tyrant - this purple potato essence was 100% truthful.

"I don't think I need the ones you desire." Adam coldly rejected Thanos

"Perhaps your dream is to hunt for the skull of life and deprive it of the value of survival. I have no reverence for life, but I will not like everything you desire!"

"Facing people with such a stereotyped influence is not something worth advocating." Thanos narrowed his eyes and said.

"What I'm after is a greater business, and what I'm after is for a greater good."

"For all this, I have shown my sincerity, haven't I?"

With that said, Adam set his eyes on the soul gem in front of him. This perfect creation, who had almost always been expressionless, had an obvious change in expression for the first time.

"This, this is..."

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