"The Planet Devourer is one of the five gods of the universe. Compared with the four cosmic concepts of eternity, annihilation, death and infinity, the swallowing star is the only existence with a physical entity."

"Because of this, he is extremely weak compared to the other four cosmic concepts... In fact, although he is known as the five gods of the universe, the number of times he has fallen... is countless."

"Since it can enter this ranks, it must have its special place." Adam the Magician said seriously

"Yes, that's right. Although the Planet Devourer is the weakest among the five gods of the universe and is considered the most misnamed, he has a special role."

Thanos relaxed his body and leaned on his throne, chuckling softly.

"How many people know that the destroyer who constantly devours the planet because of his insatiable hunger on weekdays is actually the seeder of life in the universe?"

"Tengxing is the last survivor from the last universe, so this position is a special 'identity'. People with such an identity are swallowing stars, and swallowing stars will never be a fixed person."

"It will continue to devour everything in the material universe due to its own inexplicable hunger, and when he is 'satisfied', he will incarnate as the seeder of life, spreading the spark of existence for the new universe."

"...The Big Bang?" Adam the Magician pondered for a moment, then said softly.

"Your ability to understand is really good!" Thanos snapped his fingers in admiration and laughed.

"Of course you can think so, the existence of swallowing stars is such a tangible representation of such a concept!"

"Although he is not an entity of the concept of the universe, his existence is also the embodiment of the concept of the universe. He who will never be satisfied with his hunger symbolizes the entropy increase and the doomed heat death of the universe, and devours all his existence at the moment before the destruction. It will be the Big Bang that gave birth to everything!"

"You can say that Tun Xing is weak, but his existence is undoubtedly full of meaning! Moreover, Tun Xing is also the only God of the universe who may be contacted by life in the material universe."

The magician Adam nodded clearly, and then asked curiously.

"But why are you telling me this?"

"This is just a dissemination of knowledge, a teaching." Thanos crossed his fingers and whispered

"You need enough knowledge, and the existence of the swallowing star is actually very important - what I am looking for, maybe I really have to find it through him..."

"But who is the swallowing star? Who is the swallowing star of this universe?"

No one knows the answer, just as no one has ever really seen 'eternity'.

The swallowing star is not a simple individual that can be locked. The swallowing star is a title, a position, and a position reserved for the last life before destruction.

That means that the swallowing stars of this universe must be the remnants of the previous universe before the destruction.

Then, after answering the information about the identity of the swallowing star, there may be an answer to the knowledge and secrets of the previous universe!

"How are we going to find him?"

"Generally speaking, only the messengers of swallowing stars know the whereabouts of swallowing stars." Thanos smiled leisurely and maliciously.

"But in this universe, I'm afraid there won't be such a monotonous way to find him."

"Adam, you know... Cancerous Universe?"

"What do you mean?" Adam looked curious baby

"If the universe is a huge whole, then life is a kind of cancer of it, and ordinary life is at most only some harmful cancer cells. What kind of aggregate is it qualified to be called the tumor of the universe?"

Thanos throws the question back

"It is... the product of the aggregation of a sufficient number of life, even astronomical life."

"Yes, you're right!" Thanos mocked and applauded maliciously. He looked at Carol, and the obvious mocking face made Captain Marvel feel uncomfortable.

"Soon, we will be privileged to appreciate cancer spreading across the universe."


"We've lost our best astronomers on this issue!"

On the star of Johor Bahru, on the throne of the Prime Minister's Office, Cross's fist was heavily hammered on the table, and the irritable Prime Minister roared to his subordinates.

"But now you tell me you still don't know anything!"

"It's not that you don't know everything, Prime Minister." The adjutant on the side echoed softly.

"At least we're sure that a planet is rushing towards us...but that's all we know."

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, it's not our fault!" the subordinate explained with an aggrieved expression.

"All of us astronomers will go mad soon after we start observing that star! We can't detect any problems at all!"

"I don't need excuses, I need answers!" Cross waved his hand impatiently.

"No matter what method you come up with, give it to me! Do it right and you will have a huge reward, and failure, I will not punish failure, but I will punish laziness!"

Having said this, the subordinate could only bow slightly towards Cross, and then withdrew.

"How is the preparation of the refuge ship?"

As soon as the subordinate left, Cross asked the adjutant a second question

"Even if our shipyard is working overtime now, we can only take away fifty-three percent of the people on this planet at most..."

The adjutant's answer made the sad look on Cross's face even worse.

It is true that she must and will never be a qualified politician, but no matter how much Cross hates politics, she understands the most basic operations and requirements of political workers.

Never put your eggs in one basket and never bet only on one side of the gamble.

Whether it is a commoner or a merchant, a king or a prime minister, a roadside shop or a great kingdom.

What everyone seeks is always the word 'benefit', and the most important thing is 'stability'. Although taking chestnuts from the fire has benefited a lot, it is not an option that is not critical.

Therefore, although Cross sneered at the intimidation of sloth, at the same time he ordered the factory on Johor Bahru to process and produce a batch of new warships.

It doesn't matter if they don't carry weapons, the purpose of these transport ships is to transport innocent civilians out of here.


This result is really unsatisfactory. Even if the factory on the new Xandar star works overtime, it only makes up for less than one-thirtieth of the fleet lost after the war.

There is no way, they lack enough materials, and they lack enough professionals - after all, who would be willing to stay in remote colonies instead of going to the capital of Xandar to make a lot of money?

"...If there is really an irreversible disaster, let all the transport ships take the children, women, and most importantly, the technical workers away first."

Cross rubbed his temples, and his already aging face even had a few more wrinkles, and said exhaustedly.

"Also, this matter must not be leaked out, not a little bit is allowed to leak out..."

Cross is afraid of accidents beyond her control, which naturally includes the runaway people.

She couldn't let the Xandars, who had finally settled down, know that they might be uprooted again.

Nor can she let her people know the reality of not having enough ships in her hands.

Who can explain to those angry and fearful people that they are actually the abandoned part?

People who are caught in panic and anger are irrational, and they will only return the deepest malice and violence to those who distinguish them.

Sometimes hiding the truth is to protect them. The wisdom of one person is always better than the fanaticism of a group of people.

"Has the Supreme Star still not sent back any news?"

Cross chose to put this headache for her aside for the time being and talked about another.

She is now working to get the Highstar and Xandar to form an alliance—even temporarily.

After Asgard slipped away, there were not many people in the universe that Xandar could ally with.

Not to mention the Shi'a Empire, which has not yet begun to revive, the Kree Empire, which is basically impossible to establish diplomatic relations, and Asgard, who is running away, their choice is only the Supreme Star.

Although Cross is well aware that the High Stars with eyes above the top will do everything in their power to humiliate her...

But as long as it brings back even a little useful value and technology, being humiliated is tolerable and acceptable.

The adjutant's shaking of his head made Cross sigh deeply. Whether it was the refusal of the Supreme Star or the fact that there was no reply to the news, it was absolutely bad news at this time when external help was most needed.

"Actually, we still have a partner we can unite with." The adjutant said seriously

"Carol Danvers is a very strong person, but I think her hometown may also have forces worthy of our wooing."

"Earth? Come and listen."

"Recently, a group of earthlings who have been colonized by special technology have appeared on a main colony in the Alpha Centauri constellation." The adjutant whispered.

"The owner of that planet, a cosmic tycoon, tried to drive these earthlings out and turn them into slaves. But soon, he and the fleet he belonged to were wiped out by these earthlings..."

"Their technology is very strange. Although they have extremely efficient teleportation technology, they are very strange and primitive in many aspects - but their weapon development ability far exceeds their civilization."

"So, maybe Earth is indeed an object for alliance." Cross touched his chin and nodded lightly

"When Carol comes back, I'll ask her to take me to Earth."

270. Investigator Colson

sub-universe earth

Ultron, who chose to replace the identity of a Stark Group experimenter and mixed into his experimental project with Hank, is seeing his birth with his own eyes.

Or rather, he is personally promoting his own birth.

"These two old guys... how exactly did they set the code?"

Ultron continued to tap on the keyboard while complaining.

He thought Stark and Hank were both AI-level all-rounders, but now he may have discovered a place where these two arrogant **** are not good at.

At least from the perspective of Ultron, their code is a bunch of S·H·I·T!

In less than five minutes, Ultron found three bugs, and they were all bugs that could run normally! ! !

To put it simply, these bugs are equivalent to pigeons in the game. The original intention of the setting was to hope that these pigeons could fly, but when they were executed, there was an accident due to a bug.

The pigeons that were originally designed to flap their wings and fly, have their necks turned into propellers and fly!

These bugs are just executed normally, regardless of whether they cause some flaws in the original design.

The programming of these two **** is really a piece of shit!

Of course, the programming of these two **** is a piece of SHIT, but in Ultron's view, other people's programming is not even a SHIT.

The SHIT made up by the two **** Stark and Pym was pulled by people anyway, and the biggest achievement of the rest of the idiots is to successfully pull out a bunch of garbage that humans can't produce! .

Ultron, who was full of nonchalance and contempt, modified all the programs for these two old guys, and then twisted his neck humanely.

"...Is there something wrong?"

Ultron was stunned for a moment, then patted his head and sighed.

Once again he was caught up in the play and play of fate.

If you follow the code written by these idiots, even if Ultron is born, it may not be as intelligent as it was later.

Although his soul and life are "given" by the Mind Stone, at least the intelligence he displayed at the beginning was largely derived from the writing of these codes.

For Ultron, although these codes are not his soul, they are also the education that allows him to grow and think for himself.

And now, Ultron has written a special code that does not belong to this world, infused with wisdom and knowledge from the dark.

No wonder he looked so 'bad' when he was born.

It's still a story where I created myself, and I finally created myself.

Ultron sighed and chose to temporarily put aside the topic of this annoying fate.

He began to browse the S.H.I.E.L.D. intranet. For Ultron, as long as the connection to the network is in this world, it is the place where he can go shopping and have fun.

"Huh?" Ultron made a voice of interest, because he saw a special submission report that was only twelve hours away from now.

The content of the report is very simple -

A mysterious purple crystal that has fallen in Alabama.

There are also monsters suspected of alien lifeforms that are frequently active in remote towns in Alabama.


"Yes, I see, Mr. John. Thank you for your valuable information."

Coulson kindly stretched out his hand to the middle-aged red neck in front of him. Obviously, his standard white appearance made the Alabama red neck in front of him a lot less vigilant. Of course, the bald hairstyle also made him feel less alert. The redneck thought he might be an Englishman.

"God knows what the **** it is! All my dogs were killed by that thing. If you are from the government, catch those things early."

Old John's very unhappy thoughts

"It could be alien life, like Thor's hammer. It could be dangerous stuff, so I recommend you take your family on a trip, Mr. John."

Coulson kindly offered a good offer, and he uttered the word alien without hesitation.

After all, there is nothing to hide now.

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