Coulson's face changed suddenly, and he immediately notified the headquarters that there was trouble here!

But S.H.I.E.L.D. would take three hours to get here at the fastest, and before that, Coulson felt that the child robbed by the monster might not survive.

Without hesitation, Coulson was about to break into the logging camp with a gun, but Desmond stopped him and pointed to a car approaching not far away and whispered

"Wait for your comrade, brave Midgard."

"Whether you're going to save your fellow citizens or solve current problems, go for it. I...will solve the biggest problems."

"I will witness your stories, and I think they will be recorded."

When Coulson blinked again, Desmond in front of him had disappeared without a trace.

Coulson smacked his tongue slightly, and complained in his heart whether these Asgardians could not speak normally, but only act as riddlers.

"I've brought the weapon you want!"

As the car approached, the panting black officer jumped out of the car and handed a large black suitcase to Coulson

"Come with me, I can't do nothing!"

Coulson glanced at the police officer's round abdominal muscles and serious face, and nodded slightly, suddenly said

"By the way, what's your name? I don't seem to have asked."

"I'm Korver."

The logging yard at night is as quiet as a quiet cemetery.

Coulson, who was holding an HKMP7 submachine gun, slowed down his breathing and tensed to the extreme.

To be honest, since he set foot in this small town, he felt that everything was very bad and wrong.

If according to the general plot description, remote closed towns, mysterious events, missing children, monsters in hidden and dark history...

All these elements add up, and Coulson is also a standard 'investigator', and the following plot is not very friendly to his life safety.

"How did I never find this ghost place so gloomy!"

The black police officer Corvo next to him wiped the sweat from his head and couldn't help but complain.

"Shut up, be quiet!"

Coulson scolded the seriously unprofessional helper next to him, sighed, and his unease became even stronger.

Generally, in such a script, although the investigator is an out-and-out high-risk occupation, the survival rate is not unimaginably low.

However, if you have a funny companion next to you, then the difficulty of your survival will probably skyrocket.

But luckily he's black.

If the black character in this kind of film is a good person, then the chances of surviving may not be very high.

Just when Coulson's thoughts ran wild like a wild horse, they passed through the quiet front door where a large number of abandoned wood blocks were piled up, and entered the dark and quiet interior of the logging farm.

Almost as soon as he stepped in, Coulson smelled an extremely pungent question.

It's like gasoline mixed with ammonia. It's a smell that you can't say it stinks, but it's definitely pungent and you're sad!

Coulson threw a pig's mouth to Corvo next to him, and put it on vigilantly to prevent himself from being knocked down by any poisonous gas.

The lumberyard was eerily quiet, but if he listened carefully, Coulson could hear the obvious sound of liquid dripping on the ground.

There was obviously nothing he was looking for in this slightly empty working room of the logging plant, where there were only discarded wood and facilities.

The construction of this lumber mill is also quite simple. If there is nothing he is looking for in the workshop at the front door, then what he is looking for is obviously in the wood stack at the back door.

His fear spread more and more, and his heart became more and more vigilant, and the quiet darkness mixed with the sound of dripping water seemed to be eating his courage.

There was a faint whisper in Coulson's ear.

It couldn't be captured, it was hard to tell if it was an auditory hallucination or a real voice-like whisper.

Even a vigilant Coulson couldn't be sure if it was his own hallucination under a lot of pressure.

But he only felt that he was very close to all the truth.

Taking two deep breaths, Coulson kicked open the iron door at the wood stack in front!

"Whatfack!!" Corvo exclaimed and scolded almost immediately!

What appeared in front of the two of them was a terrifying otherworldly magic scene!

In the spacious wood stack, the entire floor and walls are densely covered with gray-white sticky substances.

These viscous substances are like cement smeared on the walls, filled with countless small holes that make the patients with intensive phobia die on the spot, and they are still breathing gently as if alive.

And above this terrifying creep, there are hundreds of gray-white 'eggs', and from the gentle tremor, it is not difficult to see that these are all alive.

"Is this a horde of face-hugging bugs? So our enemies are aliens?" Corvo spat.

"Obviously we need to destroy these things - whatever their value!"

Coulson took out a high-explosive time-delayed explosive and said while setting the time

If Nick Fury was here, he might ask Coulson to leave some samples, but Coulson, who was in the scene, felt that it was absolutely impossible to do so!

What he feels from these 'eggs', from these strange substances, is extremely bad...

And he also felt that he had to believe the words of the Asgardians. Maybe they were cruel and tyrannical, but they were indeed 'experiencers' in this regard!

After setting the three-minute timer, Coulson finished placing the bomb, and at this moment, Corvo, who was looking around with a restless face, suddenly aimed the muzzle at the shadow next to him, his face full of horror.


276. Coulson's Great Adventure (2)

"What kind of monster is the HIVI? Can you bring a book about them next time?"

Asgard, Loki, who was imprisoned in the cell, asked Frigga curiously, who came to visit the prison.

You are the second prince of Asgard. Although he has committed so many unforgivable felonies, Loki is treated very well here.

He can always get the books he wants to read. Although he is locked in this narrow cell, he can get most of the rest except freedom.

"You shouldn't have knowledge of these monsters, Loki, that knowledge won't do you any good."

Frigga shook her head softly, rejecting her son's request

"Please! Mother, I've been imprisoned here by you, are you still worried?"

Loki raised his hand to indicate that he was even wearing a pair of handcuffs, and said very dissatisfiedly.

"Knowledge is knowledge, so what is bad knowledge? What could be worse than the stupidity of knowing nothing?"

Frigga was silent for a moment, and the graceful goddess sighed softly and said

"Well, it's time to let you know some of the mysteries and horrors of the universe... Loki, I think you should know the knowledge of the King of Soul Reaper and his Reaper of Souls."

"I've seen it with my own eyes." Loki said with a worried expression.

There is no doubt that it infected the entire Chitauri fleet, and in less than a minute, it turned the entire Manhattan Island into a source of dark matter that flickered with black and white light and shadow, which made Loki extremely terrified.

"Original dark matter is a highly poisonous substance that creatures are destined to be unable to get rid of. Even gods who come into contact with this substance must excise the infected part to end the transformation of their own nature." Frigga said softly.

"But the source of dark matter and the Reaper of Souls is not the power of Oryx. The King of Reaper of Souls only summoned the part of the abyss to reality as an agent of the abyss, and it was the abyss itself that took away the souls of those lives."

"The swarms walk freely in the material universe relying on their upper-dimensional world, and their upper-dimensional world is the gap between the abyss and the real universe."

"So strictly speaking, this is not the power of Oryx. The power of the Reaper of Souls is something else, and the swarm...the same is true."

"Loki, you should be well aware of the Ascension Chain of the Insect Swarm. Following the Law of the Evil Sword, they claim to be the sifter of all things in the universe, the incarnation of the natural elimination of the weak. Their clan starts from the lowest level of resentful souls. One is implementing the absolute rule of the weak. The weak pay tribute to the strong, and the strong will continue to challenge unsuitable people to gain a stronger position."

"If you kill others, it is the truth that others cannot adapt to the universe. If you are eliminated, it is just proof that you cannot adapt. They strictly abide by this rule, and they continue to accumulate in the war. Conditions of victory."

"So, are these bugs very good at fighting?"

"Not necessarily." Frigg said softly

"Many times a single or small-scale swarm is not too powerful, their resentful souls are just wandering puppets, and the combat power of higher-level servants is only more than that of the Midgards, even if No matter how high the knights and wizards are, they are not the opponents of Asgardian warriors - of course, this is only when they are in the physical universe."

"So...then do they rely on numbers to win? Or do they have any special abilities?" Loki asked curiously

"Yes, they have the only ability." Frigg said softly after being silent for a moment.

"That's the only law they follow - the law of the evil sword."

When the white shadow rushed over, Coulson, who was trained as a special agent, had already fired at the shadow.

The firepower from the MP7's muzzle carried all the 4.5mm caliber steel-core bullets into the white shadow with powerful kinetic energy, and the kinetic energy of a shuttle of bullets was all tilted on the body of the rushing thing.

In an instant, the white shadow was hit and flew out, and at this time, Coulson had the energy to observe the rushing monster.

It was a white monster that looked like a dead bone.

He had the shape of a human, but was short and thin, with white skinny bones that looked like white bones.

Most of the top of his head was parasitized by a strange white creature, leaving only a **** mouth full of sharp bone spurs. Zhong was still howling non-stop, as if he wanted to pounce on Coulson at any time and bite him into pieces.

Is this the culprit that has attacked this town these days?

Before Coulson could figure it out, three more pale monsters jumped out of the shadows.

This time, it was Corvo's turn to perform. The black police officer who didn't seem to have a high level of literacy first shot the one that came over with a shot from Winchester, and then picked up the barrel and smashed the other one. go out.

Then Corvo rode directly on the smashed monster, roaring and shaking his fist at him

"Damn beast! Asshole! Freak! You gave my dear Peggy to... shit! What the **** is this?!"

Corvo, who punched and kicked the monster, shook his hand in horror, which was stained with a milky white strange liquid.

He just punched the top of the monster's head with one punch, but now, looking at it, it was actually a living 'bug'!

The thing on his head was blown off, and the monster lost his breath all of a sudden. Coulson immediately did the same, blasting the bugs above the monster's head in front of him!

Everything became quiet.

Coulson breathed a sigh of relief, he seemed to have solved all of this, these monsters…

Coulson was suddenly stunned, three children were kidnapped, and three short monsters about the size of the kidnapped children appeared here...

As soon as he thought about this question, Coulson felt instinctively flustered and disgusted.

But can such a weak thing be considered a cosmic threat? The aliens who can be killed by micro submachine guns are too weak.

And just at this moment, the sound of rustling sounded constantly in this dark workshop, and those milky white eggs kept shaking.

"let's go!"

Coulson directly grabbed Corvo next to him and prepared to leave, and it was less than twenty seconds before the time bomb detonated!

But when they turned their heads and left the door.

What appeared in front of them was the factory building when they had just left.

Those milky-white eggs had already shattered, and countless weird bugs covered in sticky liquid crawled out of them, crawling towards them with a disgusting cry!

What's going on, Coulson and the others don't know, but the explosion is only the last—

boom! ! !

The roaring flames and shock waves filled the entire factory building, engulfing the two of them.

"For HIVI, the evil sword of survival of the fittest is not only their social norm and standard of conduct, but also their most terrifying ability."

"Loki, do you understand the essence of the law of the evil sword?"

"Survival of the fittest." Loki whispered

"They believe that only the life that can overcome the test has the value of continuing. He does not represent strength or weakness, only 'fit'."

Frigga picked up a gold cup and poured it down slowly. The lavender wine splashed on the ground, smearing the color of the ground.

"For the swarm, the land they defeated, infested, and occupied. In their philosophy, it symbolized the loser who was defeated by the 'law of the evil sword' and was not adapted to survive."

"Then the swarm after 'victory' will take for granted what they have defeated - transforming them into 'winners' like them."

"That is to say... they will infect and assimilate all creatures?"

"It's not such a superficial ability." Frigg shook his head and said.

"The assessment criteria for the Law of the Evil Sword are extremely broad. It is far from just life. For example, if the swarm occupies a piece of land, then they who win in the Law of the Evil Sword will mutate the land into their domain. Just let the abyss eat everything in the land to produce more 'worms' to let them control more everything. It's not difficult to evolve from land to planet, from planet to galaxy !"

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