Sataras asked with some doubts. In her opinion, this battle was not exciting at all. These undeads were simply crushed scum.

"Don't worry." Furious smiled softly

"The fun has just begun."

282. Burning the sun to shape the world

"Your proud fleet has been wiped out..."

Cross looked at Thalassin next to him, and said in a cold and gentle voice

"It would be a bit disappointing to say that this is the power of the Necrons who once swept the stars and even killed gods."

"Are you inspiring? But it's a pity that I lost senseless shame and pride a long time ago."

Talasin smiled slightly, stretched out his bone claws, and a faint green light shone between his fingers.

"Don't worry, although my fleet is not a troop that is good at fighting, but they... won't be wiped out so easily."

The **** star that swallowed the entire undead fleet suddenly stopped moving forward.

It seems to reveal a doubt in its eyes composed of the scarlet iron sea, followed by a kind of pain!

The Necronomicon fleet is not dead.

The undead fleet that was entangled in it was torn to shreds by the extremely terrifying gravitational field inside the Hell Star in an instant - but in the next moment, the fleet under the resurrection agreement regenerated itself with the guidance of living metal. .

The immortality of the Necrons extends far beyond just their individuals, even their fleets.

Rooted in a living metal core made of a powerful necromancer as a living sacrifice unit, the undead battleships created will not be destroyed.

Each destruction will only make the living metal re-gather again, and then gather the broken parts in a thousandth of a nanosecond, and then turn on the remodeling module again.

Every technological product of Necrons seems to reveal a strong color of waste utilization and resource recycling.

This powerful immortality is why they are called Necrons.

This reborn undead fleet did not fire recklessly inside Hellstar, but started another weapon agreement!

"Do you know the World Engine?"

Talasin said to Cross very leisurely, and then answered the question before she could answer.

"That's a really interesting spectacle we make, first we'll hollow out a planet and then ignite a star or some other source of energy inside that planet. Our technicians will use a very sophisticated Technology allows the energy source to link every part of the entire broken planet, and then

We will use this planet as our mother ship or a residence. "

"For us, the world engine is actually more symbolic than practical. I am not a person with expertise in this way, and I will only use the simplest stupid method..."

The undead fleet that stayed inside the Hell Star opened a terrifying weapon agreement.

The triangular prisms at their tip are no longer shooting out those terrifying and cruel dissociation rays, but are beginning to spread an unimaginable microscopic material guidance technology to the surrounding gravitational field.

They collapse and break apart as they momentarily interfere with dense regions in the molecular cloud, until several smaller clumps with masses of 0.08-150 solar masses come to rest.

Those molecular clouds no longer split, and even began to gather more and more, and the terrifying gravitational pressure inside Hell Star ignited the thermonuclear reaction in the clump, preventing the collapse.

Then the next moment.

A star is born.

Perhaps for human beings, the sun is out of their reach, a great existence that has been regarded as the main **** in countless myths and accepted countless worship and reverence.

But to the Necrons, a star is nothing more than a simple plasma state.

It was nothing but a giant glowing plasma, a light sphere sending out nuclear fusion energy, a simple astronomical unit.

Every moment in the battlefield that the undead have experienced, countless stars will die and ignite, and the gods who control the truth of the universe will play with the stars like a urchin playing with marbles.

This is the same for Necrons.

They ignited a miniature star directly inside Hellstar, but that's just the beginning of their trick, far from the end.

After shaping a star with its own hands, this Necronomicon fleet opens another module of the protocol weapon.

Entropy increase rate protocol.

This newly born star started a crazy acceleration under the magic-like technology of the undead. Originally just a small miniature star, it expanded into a real behemoth in an instant!

Its existence almost filled the interior of the entire Hell Star, and when the terrifying gravitational field was covered by this star, all terrifying phenomena disappeared.

Because what will meet it next will be weapons that are more terrifying than bombs and swords.

When a star inevitably goes to his death, he collapses into a white dwarf -- but until then, the star will have his grandest funeral.

The terrifying supernova that spread in that instant spread unimaginable terrifying energy and gigantic gamma rays to the interior of the **** star, and the cosmic tumor that devoured dozens of planets was also on the cusp of silent pain. Smashing and dismantling its body!

The scarlet iron sea was melted in an instant, and the terrifying giant eye turned into a realistic pattern. The scarlet tongue melted like ice cream in a cool sun, replaced by molten light seeping from the cracked surface.

In his silent wailing, Hell Star was completely killed by the supernova explosion inside!

And this terrifying void creation across the universe has now become another kind of spectacle.

Inside the cracked, burnt-out shell is a doomsday star in the midst of a supernova explosion.

It is constantly releasing terrifying gamma-ray bursts towards the entire cracked planetary shell, and these powerful radiation energy is continuously focused but is bound within this range by the strong gravitational field of Hell Star.

And this strong gravitational field that works even after death also plays a role in constricting the shell of this **** star.

And those undead fleets that were integrated into the supernova explosion also incorporated their own living metal bodies and main carrier consciousness, and began to control the general operation of the entire system as the main guide.

Thus, a powerful and spectacular world engine was created.

Cross's expression is very silent. There is no doubt that she is a powerful military force with shock and undead. In every sense... they can be called a god-like race.

Using technology to play with the authority of the gods, how can such a race... be defeated?

They should probably be thankful that these Necrons still have a point after all.

But they should also feel sad, after all, the truth of these metal and steel skeletons is completely different from their universal values...

The fiery and majestic world engine drifted silently in the icy void, killing a family of a dark **** at the cost of destroying the entire galaxy.

But this is not a war at all, it is just a simple test by both sides of a war. Whether it is for the gods made of impermanence, or for these undead made of steel and death.

This doesn't deserve to be called war at all.

"Come on, let's go and see what he'll do."

The furious body disintegrated into the void, and then in the invisible darkness, his body, the husk of the Eldrazi titan, crossed toward the void in the distance.

He was chasing the whereabouts of the dark god, Peter Egg.

That terrifying **** star is nothing but a family created by the dark god, but a corner of the cancerous universe under the influence of his madness and disorder.

And now, the larvae of the Dark God are recklessly creating such 'tumors' in every corner of the universe

There is no doubt that in this coloring and drawing game that has affected the entire universe, darkness is the first to dye a part of the color black.

But what does this have to do with Mu Feng?

No matter who is the ultimate winner, no matter who is the last one standing in the ring.

He is always the winner.


"Having seen the shadow of deep fear in the universe, Carol Danvers, can you understand the importance of destiny?"

Thanos, who sat on the throne with his fingers crossed, looked at the silent Captain Marvel and said with a nasty taste.

"If you want, you can join my command and become my child! For a greater destiny..."

"I will never submit to a genocidal tyrant!" Carroll refused him righteously.

"Even after witnessing such darkness!"

"Okay okay, you superheroes always do that." Thanos shrugged, but he wasn't really mad at Carroll's ignorance.

After all, he really knows the nature of these Earth superheroes.

They never seem to be able to understand order, to understand power, to understand what a unified individual and the execution of consciousness can bring.

All they know is to talk about freedom with their mouths full of freedom, chanting about democracy, and the only thing they do is make things worse.

"But you must admit that in this future icy earth, you and your mother planet are just lambs without any resistance, and they are just slaughtered."

The magician Adam on the side said in a calm tone, and facing him, Carol opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't say a word.

What people say is the exact truth, there is no room for refutation or the possibility of refutation.

Not to mention that the earth has just recovered from the pain of war, even in its heyday... not to mention it!

"This is the end of your imprisonment." Adam the Magician said indifferently, and with a wave of his hand, the chains that bound Carol fell.

At almost the same time, the angry Carol rushed over like lightning, but stopped in mid-air like a pause!

"And this kind of stupidity, even if it's not the same world, you are not the same."

Thanos turned his gloves and sneered with the utmost irony.

Accompanied by Thanos' ridicule, his arm wearing the Infinity Glove slowly turned, and Carol in the air showed a painful expression, whimpering uncontrollably.

"Let her go, Thanos, she has a certain destiny just like us."

The magician Adam said softly, and Thanos also listened to his words, opened the door and threw her out.

Carol Danvers is worthless now, now Xandar has collapsed, the Kree Empire has absconded, the Shi'ar Empire is close to extinction, and Asgard is far away.

In the universe, there is actually no conventional force that can stop the footsteps of the Necrons.

Even those tomb worlds that are slowly awakening have been given enough time to regain their former status.

Because those who are capable and qualified to escape from this planet have long since left,

All they have left are the mortals who have been reduced to bodies of steel under the transformation of the smashing agreement.

Of course, the powerful Necrons, the bearers of the physical universe, are also facing huge tests and crises.

Peter Egg, who goes around creating the favored ones, will one day confront the Necrons, and at that time...

"It's time to fish in troubled waters and achieve the goal in one fell swoop!"

Thanos clenched his fists, looked at the four gems flashing above, and said in a low voice

"You are just short of the last two gems, and destiny will send them to you."

Adam the Magician looked at Thanos' Infinity Gloves and said ethereally

Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet is now only a space gem and a time gem, but the destiny belonging to these two gems has also been clearly revealed.

In fact, the space and time gems of this universe have 'disappeared'.

The Time Stone was brought to Thanos in another world by Strange, while the Space Stone was eventually picked up by the Necrons because of Carol's reckless summoning.

But it's nothing.

Just like all the Infinity Stones that Thanos now, they were not collected by Thanos, but sent by those who traveled through time and space.

He doesn't have to worry at all, the destiny of the last two gems will naturally guide them into the hands of Thanos, and he just needs to wait for the moment when the destiny comes...

Until then, he and his dark order just need to be a bystander in this crazy and depraved universe, and he shouldn't and can't intervene in the battle between the two overlords.

Do watching the Necrons fight against the endless darkness, from the angle of a fisherman, waiting for the result of the awakened fallen empire and the dark gods.

Of course, there may be another cosmic outcome...

"When you have collected the destiny of all the gems, what you are looking for, the destiny that you really desire will also appear in front of you."

Adam the magician's head shone with the light of the soul gem, and his voice was as ethereal as the ancient Greek prophet

"Then I will... conquer death!!!"

Thanos clenched his fists, grinning coldly and excitedly

283. Odin United Thanos

sub-universe w. alheim

This dwarf's forging world is the most powerful world in the Nine Realms. The dwarves bound a neutron star beside their own world's furnace, and used the terrifying heat of starlight to provide their artifact with the burning light of forging.

But now, Walter Alheim is in a state of decay.

The never-ending furnace of the past has fallen into the coldness and silence. The world of the furnace, which used to resonate with forging and melting all day and night, is now as silent as Jotunheim.

And those tall dwarves have all disappeared at this moment.

Not one remains, not the other, these dwarves who forged artifact after artifact for Asgard disappeared mysteriously like a puff of smoke.

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