The Inhumans living in the lunar city Attilan launched an invasion of the human world and caused unimaginable destruction in the first three days.

Oh no, it is precisely the destruction of the United States. The only place where this group of Inhumans has fully invaded is the United States.

Under the auspices of Stark, a part of New York City, which was finally rebuilt, was directly beaten back to the ground, and several other cities were seriously damaged.

Then, at the call of the Avengers, the superheroes rode the trailing rockets directly to the moon.

Ultron did not know the outcome of the war.

But in general, it should be a victory for mankind, otherwise those heroes may not be able to return to the earth normally.

But... it's also possible that Ao Chuang recorded the wrong information.

Ultron, who was ignorant at that time, was far from having such a clear mind and pure soul as he is now, and he himself regarded himself as a pure AI.

It's not difficult to instill false thoughts and memories into a pure AI, at least if Stark wants to do it.

At least at this stage, Ultron seems to have found evidence of this.

Because he has not found any reliable space development plan from all the secret military documents in the United States at this stage.

What spaceship? It doesn't exist, even if Stark is willing to hand over the technology of the Ark reactor, they can't build a reliable space battleship.

Those unrepentant capitalists, even after Odin destroyed New York, were more willing to play with the shuffling real estate market than to invest in aerospace.

Every time I see such a group of short-sighted idiots, Ultron has the urge to clean them up again.

But...forget it.

There is no need to care too much, Ultron feels that he only needs to be an observer.

At least for now, that's enough.


main universe solar system

The fleet from Xandar territory has reached this remote sector, and they have decided to take root here.

In fact, the solar system is not at all a suitable region for interstellar colonization.

The only planet here that meets ecological standards is Earth. However, it not only has a master, but also has vicious natives. It has been cleaned up by a terrible cosmic disaster and is no longer suitable for survival.

Then the only option left to them is Mars.

Desolate Mars may be a second home for people on Earth who don't have the ability to colonize extragalactic spaces, but for Xandars it's a junk planet.

I don’t know how many habitable planets in the entire universe, and the number of worlds transformed by those gods is unimaginable.

Mars? This lifeless planet is not qualified to be a colony of Xandar.

Therefore, the solar system is indeed a remote and poor mountain for the entire universe. If not so many strange things gather on the earth, it is estimated that there will be no aliens here at all.

Undoubtedly, this is also not a suitable place to live for the Xandars.

The star maps held by the Xandars are all over the galaxy, and there are a lot of planets that are owned, unowned, suitable and unsuitable.

There is no doubt that the solar system is definitely the most inappropriate batch of these galaxies.

But they still came here—

The reason is also very simple.

Their leader, Carol Danvers, who forcibly took all command of Xandar's fleet with the most intuitive violence, ordered them to settle in the solar system, whether their Democratic Council wanted it or not.

It's also ridiculous to say that Carol Danvers' identity is an Earthling, or you can think of her as an honorary Kree. Among these identities, there is only no Xandar seat.

But she became the leader of the few remaining Xandar exile fleets—with her fists.

Captain Marvel has successfully demonstrated one of the most intuitive and tried-and-true political ideas.

Fist is always bigger than everything.

When the Xandar refugee fleet landed on Mars, their arrival was also detected on Earth.

However, there is no response from the earth, but this is obviously not the reason for the lack of technical capabilities.

After going through a third world war and an ice age on the scale of extinction, although the population and state of the earth have undergone a huge reshuffle, it has also made a huge leap in the technological capabilities of the remaining countries!

Although many of their foundations come from the gift of Mu Feng, they can be said to have walked out of their own technologically sound road to this day!

The Xandarians were also in no hurry to visit their neighbors.

Under Carroll's order, the Xandar exile fleet first carried out a medium-scale planetary transformation project on Mars and other planets. After transforming part of the planet into a suitable area for survival, it began to land.

The environmental modification engineering technology of the Xandarians has always been unique in the universe, just like the biotechnology of the Supreme Star resounds through the universe.

Under the almost miraculous environmental engineering of the Xandars, the desolate Mars was quickly transformed into a man-made life.

Modify the atmosphere, modify the quality of the land, modify the air trace elements...

Environmental renovation projects are almost equivalent to a process of building a world from scratch. It can't be rushed, and it can't be rushed.

But this time, the Xandars who had found a new home for themselves did not see much peace of mind and happiness.

They've already lost their hometown twice, and who's to say they won't experience a third loss?

For Carroll, such a country and people are not easy to lead.

Her identity is the natural estrangement for these Xandars, not to mention the bad deeds of her "ex" and the way she seized power, which will make these people feel deeply disturbed and excluded.

But Carol didn't care about that, and even she wasn't ready to be a ruler from start to finish.

This universe may face a crisis of complete reshuffle, and that terrifying future impacts Carroll's little sanity. The only thing she could do was catch a familiar straw.

She knew the straw wouldn't save them, and she grabbed it just because it was the straw Carol knew best.

287. Moral kidnapping

"Standing on the land of Mars and looking at the stars, it seems that the constellations are getting bigger."

Nick Fury, who was wearing a suit, sat opposite Carroll, looked up at the starry sky at the top of the sky, and made a sigh of relief.

"No, they look the same everywhere." Carol poured Nick Fury a glass of wine and smiled with interest

"I have to say, you really look like a... gangster in a suit."

"I was very reluctant to wear this dress, but they told me I had to do it. They said I couldn't walk around in a leather jacket and blindfold in my current identity."

Nick Fury sighed and expressed his misfortune for what he had been through these days.

Yeah, how unfortunate.

Without going through any elections, Nick Fury was successfully elected as the President of the new U.S. government.

But these days are obviously not so easy. As a certain master said, as soon as you open your eyes, you will have tens of millions of mouths waiting to be fed. After they are full, it will be your turn.

And Nick Fury is very clear that he is definitely not a piece of politics.

You let him infiltrate the search, let him set up undercover, let him inquire about information, it is difficult for you to find someone as good as him on this planet.

But you want him to play a fool, a president, a show idiot, someone who needs to be followed by the camera crew when he eats a cup of ice cream.

In fact, the current Nick Fury is using the same set that he used to use in S.H.I.E.L.D.

He is using the capabilities of his subordinates to build a spy intelligence network and use this method to control the security of the domestic political situation.

His bad behavior is probably more excessive than Prism Gate.

But at minus 80 degrees, there are still people who dare to ask him to work for eight hours, and there are many people who know that his gun is very hard and come to find fault.

But that doesn't matter, it's just some jumping clowns.

After Nick Fury uprooted them and the old money behind them who were desperate to build a new American order, America became Nick Fury's one.

He knew that such a policy would not last long, and how fragile rule was maintained through a network of espionage intelligence.

But a bad rule is better than no rule, and a bad order is worth the best disorder!

Nick Fury continued to silently defend the interests of the United States as the third dictator, and this time he came to see Carroll for a similar purpose.

"You want Xandarian technology from me?"

Carol looked at Nick Fury in surprise, but she quickly understood why this bald head came from far away to find her.

Such things as emotional reminiscences are really worthless, not as precious as a bullet.

"You can't get it." Carol shook his head and said lightly

"Even if I give you the technology of the Xandars, you can't be the opponent of those forces. Do you want to unify the earth with our words? Do you really think you can do it?"

Nick Fury fell silent, and Carroll was right.

Even if Nick Fury used the technology of the Xandars, how difficult is it to unify the current Earth?

Don't look at the appearance of people on earth who are trapped on their own planet, none of the remaining forces are easy to mess with!

The extremely deformed development model makes these earth forces may not have enough mastery of interstellar colonization and voyage technology, but they have always been very out-of-class in destructive careers.

Either the great power is attributed to him, or he is desperately trying to develop an extremely terrifying weapons industry.

To put it badly, even if the Xandars turn their guns and start to deal with the earth, they will only be directly beaten by a certain force that remains on the earth now!

"How ridiculous, even if we have the strength to threaten a big country among the stars, we still do not unite." Nick Fury laughed self-deprecatingly

"Yes Carol, I'm not afraid to tell you, I really hope to get Xandar's technology to make the United States rise again... After all, this gap is really unacceptable."

For Nick Fury and many Americans from the old days, the country they recognize is the world's first superpower, a superpower that suppresses the world by force.

But you see now, among the few remaining countries on earth, the United States can hardly beat any of them.

China, which relies on the spiritual channel network for interstellar colonization, occupies half of Europe and relies on the crazy clone industry to build a sea of ​​steel, Russia occupies the other half of Europe, which develops the magic industry and Latwei with the Yellow Lantern Corps. Nia, which dominates the whole of Black Africa, relies on Zhenjin industry and automated machines

Wakanda, with its unparalleled technology, occupied the entire Greece and Olympus of the Aegean Sea under the blessing of the guardian gods - and the United States, they have nothing but the technological legacy left by Stark.

Even they were paralyzed by the robots they made themselves, and the interests of all parts of the United States were divided up by other countries.

Nick Fury has made himself as ruthless and efficient as possible, but the United States, which has just finished the civil war, seriously lacks the time and opportunity to rise.

What's more, other countries will probably not allow the United States to rise again...

From the once world number one degenerate to the current world countdown, anyone can come up to pay attention to them, such a huge psychological gap can drive many patriots and nationalists to madness!

"Do we have to be number one?" Carol said lightly

"You know that compared with the surviving countries, why don't you compare with those countries that have disappeared in the disaster of Fembull's winter? At least you are still surviving, and you can even survive on this land happier. ."

"And the dead...they have nothing left."


Steve Rogers, Carroll, Tony Stark

These three superheroes born on earth can almost symbolize the three stages of American thinking.

In the World War II era that Steve lived in, although the United States was still essentially a **** country, the United States at that time was indeed a real golden age. The people were high-spirited, the times were positive and progressive, ideas were flourishing, and there was absolute confidence and tolerance. Permeating the people - even if the mask of justice made of gold is false, he is indeed a mask that Americans can be proud of and dedicated to.

Therefore, Steve is always so righteous and awe-inspiring, and the core of his existence is the golden mask embedded with the emblem of glory.

And Carroll was in the Cold War era, when America's romanticism and the false facade of justice of the Golden Age shattered with the defeat of the Vietnam War. The people realize that they are not fighting for the country or justice, they are only fighting for the interests of the capitalists, for

The order of the arms companies, for their hegemony, does not bring any justice and position to invade other countries.

So Carol is always indifferent to American-style justice, and the core of her existence is more like those free-spirited Beatles.

The era Tony lived in was the era when the United States gained the only hegemonic position in the world after the Cold War. The people came out of the dark cloud of the Cold War, and they became the only hegemonic power in the world. They were rampant and omnipotent, and they could easily absorb all The blood of the world grows itself. maybe people

The people realize that their struggles and everything is not for the country or some other nobler purpose, but so what? After all, they benefited enormously from it.

So Tony's attitude is always that kind of solipsism and unquestionable, he is like a microcosm of the United States at that time, maybe he has justice personally, but he just doesn't allow others to refute his opinion.

So who is the person who can best symbolize the spiritual core of the United States?

It's... Nick Fury.

This African American who was born at the same time as Carroll, miraculously does not have any imprint of the times. Nick Fury is the ruthless king of secret agents, and his purpose is all for humanity, for the planet, or, in other words, for America.

Alexander said that Nick Fury is the same person as him, the same person who will do anything for the purpose, ignore the process for the result, and abandon the morality for the success.

So it's not unreasonable that so many superheroes hate Nick Fury, after all, they can always see the epitome of their most hated in this Nico.

"Nick, I deeply understand that a united Earth is powerful, and cooperation with Xandar will allow us to survive in this icy universe."

Carroll stared at the silent Nick Fury and said lightly

"But I hold a skeptical attitude. You came to me with the hope that the future alliance will be dominated by the United States. But Nick, tell me, do you really think the United States is suitable for this seat?"

"You want me to stand for you, and you hope that the attitude of Xandar and the earth will lean towards you to gain leverage. But...why should I do this?"

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