
"I have to admit that the **** group in this universe is a bit too... weak."

Mistress Buckle looked at the shrieking and roaring shard of the **** bound in the multi-dimensional labyrinth, and whispered to Talasin beside her.

"Compared to the cosmic gods we have fought, these gods are like a group of underdeveloped babies. Their fragility is unbelievable. They are the embodiment of the universe..."

"Because the **** group of this universe itself is the remnant after being severely damaged by our influence." Tarasin explained with a smile.

"Different from the Celestials we dealt with, the Celestials in this universe were incomplete from the moment they were born because of the impact of our previous war on their kind."

"Their complete self-awareness needs to devour a sufficient number of intelligent beings to awaken. For this reason, they aggregated the souls of a large number of psionicists with the ability to communicate with the demon gods to create an alternative eternal being to control the development of the local planet's civilization. "

"And after reaching a certain level, these incomplete celestial groups will awaken and devour the local intelligent life to make up for themselves. The wisdom and will of a celestial group can only be completed by eating intelligent life, which is enough to prove that Their depravity."

"They're more disgusting," Barker said coldly.

The Necrons hate all Cosmic Gods, and even if the current bad situation of this group of Gods is caused by them - it does not prevent them from continuing to hate the Cosmic Gods!

The incarnation of these cosmic rules, the gods of the physical universe are eternally cursed and hostile monsters by them!

"By the way, that dark **** larva..."

"We're about to catch his tail!" Thalassin exclaimed excitedly

"He chose to forcibly corrupt a sleeping **** group at this time, which shows that she hopes to use it to attract our attention and delay time, which shows that we are looking in the right direction!"

"As long as it does not exceed fifteen days, we can catch up with him, and then solve this unstable trouble!"

"Very well, Tarasin. If this is done, I will vote in your favor on your question."

Buckle said softly, holding the time staff in his hand and disappearing into the chaotic time flow.

Tarasin sneered disdainfully.

Perhaps the Pope of these councils thought he had his feet in his hands and could let them go.

But Talasin will never have any allegiance and loyalty from beginning to end. If he has to pick out a little of his loyalty, it will only be for the King of Silence!

But this time, the annihilation of the larva of the dark **** is indeed a major event that the entire race cannot interfere with.

But after that... it was just the beginning of this eternal war.

Suddenly, Talasin's hand on the long staff of time moved slightly, and he opened the time standstill in doubt.

There is no problem, could it be that there is a problem with his central processor, is it misjudged?

He seemed to feel the wavelength of time travel just now.


"The difference between the gods and the gods is an important knowledge to avoid conflicts with these guys to the greatest extent possible."

On the mothership of the Dark Sect, Thanos, as always, gave his good friend and good subordinate Adam a make-up lesson.

The content of this supplementary class is the **** group, or the knowledge about the universe **** group in the main universe.

As Thanos from the main universe, he has always done enough homework for the Tianshen group.

The first thing that must be understood is that although the Tianshen group is of similar origin in essence, there is a 'generation difference' in themselves.

From the colorful **** group and the dark **** group separated from the first firmament at first, to the **** group created by an eternal dream, the two sides are very different.

Because this is the knowledge point of wireless nesting dolls infinitely stacking boxes, so there is no need to say more.

Theoretically speaking, there are an infinite number of celestial groups, and each universe has its own relative celestial group, and they are different.

The correct understanding of the difference between each cosmic **** is the fundamental knowledge that will not conflict with these guys as much as possible.

In most cases, the Celestials are 'harmless'.

Although many of them are keen on racial cultivation and extinction, civilization experimentation and subversion, they can still be regarded as the existence of the order side.

But there are still some parts of the universe where the gods are chaotic by nature.

If you encounter a zombie universe, a cancerous universe that is not right from the root, then its corresponding universe **** must be a similar thing.

The celestial group is like a reaction to the nature of the universe itself, a bad universe must have a bad celestial group.

Of course, the situation is not always as simple as 'good begets good, bad begets bad'

In individual cases, there will be universes that are good and positive, and as a result, the gods will compete with one evil sect.

For example, the **** group of this universe.

"Due to some external reasons, the **** group of this universe was incomplete when it was born, so they began to think of the soul of the intelligent race."

When Thanos said this, he kept sneering and sneering on his face. It seemed that he looked down on these cosmic gods.

"They devour the souls of intelligent life to supplement their thinking ability. It can be said that they are a group of white blood cells that are too loyal to carry out their tasks."

In fact, from the perspective of the universe, these deity groups that actively devour the souls of intelligent life cannot be said to be wrong.

After all, life itself and the universe are a kind of 'cancer', so it makes sense for the Celestial Group to perform the work of its own white blood cells to eradicate these cancer cells.

But from the perspective of life, this is outright evil.

Thanos doesn't care about justice and evil, he only thinks that these gods are really LOW!

Degraded to the point where he needs to devour the soul of intelligent life to awaken his self-consciousness, Thanos has never seen such a low-level group of gods in his life!

Oh, by the way, he is also very LOW in this universe.

That's fine, if everyone is trash, then there's no trash.

"One thing that can be determined from the observation of these gods is that the areas where these sleeping gods are placed are inextricably linked with humans."

Thanos said playfully

It's as if a certain existence who created these celestial groups and cast them is deliberately erasing the existence of human beings in the universe.

"I want a **** group as an experimental sample!"

Adam raised his head and said in a tone of 'I want a toy car', the child begging the old father for a toy

"Stop dreaming, I won't be able to catch you a cosmic **** in a short time." Thanos rolled his eyes.

"That dark **** larva is fighting with those space skeletons. Now is not a good time to intervene."

Adam showed a rather regretful expression and sighed deeply.

The current situation of their dark sect is that they are slowly growing their combat power in secret, and there is basically no chance to intervene in the war between the Necrons and the larvae of the dark gods on the main battlefield of the universe.

Thanos has always been in a calm state of being in no hurry, but it really doesn't work for them to be anxious.

Relying on the strength accumulated by oneself, wanting to fight against the Necrons and a young celestial body accumulated over tens of millions of years is a fantasy.

Can human beings be able to shine brighter than the sun? Sometimes you have to admit your innate inadequacies.

But that's okay, when they collect all the Infinity Stones, either side has the ability to go up and join in!

"By the way, I may have an eye on the whereabouts of what you are looking for..."

Speaking of which, Adam suddenly talked about the thing that Thanos was most interested in

As soon as Thanos heard this, he immediately became interested!

"He might be..."

304. False Eternals

"Mortal, you are about to face the most terrifying crisis!"

A woman wrapped in a gold and white tights suddenly appeared in Nick Fury's office and said in a heavy voice to the current US president.

Nick Fury blinked, he sneered, and didn't seem nervous at all.

He just took a sip of the cold coffee on the table and sighed.

"Does anyone dare to break into my office casually now? You superpowers, one or two... Don't you know how to write the word knock on the door?"

"I'm not kidding you!!!"

The woman in the gold and white tights stepped forward and warned loudly in a deep voice

"My name is Tina, and I am the eternal guardian of this planet! I am here to bring you the crisis that this planet is about to face!!!"

"We've suffered enough." Nick Fury waved lazily.

"We survived World War 3, we survived the Fenbull winter, and we fought off powerful alien enemies. We plundered their fleets and began our alien exploration program, even as our population dwindled by a hundred. Seventy out of ten, but we got through it all."

"Or miss, do you want to warn me that our earth is facing a crisis of destruction again?"

Tina suddenly stopped talking

She is a member of Earth's Eternals, the Unquestionably Old Ones. Their family has always followed the will of the **** group, hiding and lurking on the earth, waiting for the crisis to come and stop it.

And although the Eternals were not involved in the series of major events such as the Winter of Fenbull and the alien invasion, they still claimed to be the protectors of the earth!

The crisis they are about to warn about is the appearance of the 'abnormal', the great enemy of the Eternal Race.

These mortal enemies that devour mankind threaten the safety of all mankind, and the work of the Eternals is naturally to deal with these guys - of course, the fact that until now, those abnormal people seem to have not caused any decent crisis.

After all, this world has long since become completely different from what the Eternals knew.

Although humans are essentially a race that is trapped in gravity and can only look up at the stars, the weapons developed have been able to cleanse the solar system several times.

And even if Tina touched her chest, she couldn't tell the nonsense that the abnormal person was a big event like the Winter of Fenbull and a terrible crisis...

"Tell me, what do you want us to do?"

Nick Fury sighed and crossed his fingers. His attitude is very good. After a series of things, he has already seemed very patient.

"You'd better explain it within three minutes. We still have a summit meeting on our side."

"I don't like your attitude, mortal!"

An icy and angry voice sounded beside him, and then another Eternal appeared in the air.

It's just that he looks quite short, or looks like a schoolboy at all, but he looks at Nick Fury with contemptuous anger and a gesture of looking at lower creatures.

"Spirit, don't do this."

Tina gave a warning, and the little Eternal ignored her at all, looking at Nick Fury and said with a sneer

"Heads of other nations? Let me tell you, they should be at the feet of my countrymen by now."

"Oh? Is it? Is that so?"

Nick Fury suddenly seemed to be interested, looking at the dwarf Eternals with a smile, his expression was like looking at a confident and smug monkey

"You are going to assassinate the heads of other countries? That's great! I'll open a bottle of champagne for you!!!"

"……What do you mean?"

Tina, who noticed the obvious irony and ridicule in Nick Fury's words, was stunned for a moment, and asked with a solemn expression.

"What I mean is... where is the country bumpkin you special code!"

Nick Fury finally couldn't hold back his patient and kind gentleman's president, pointing at the two eternals and sneering mercilessly.

"It's okay if you attack me. How dare you attack other heads of state? Forget about that group of hairy bears, tell me you want to threaten Steve Rogers? Threatened Latvia? Threatened China? Threatening Wakanda? Oh, you guys are geniuses!"

"Shut up, mortal!!!"

A cosmic ray burst out from the elf's hand and shot towards Nick Fury, but before he could touch him, he was deflected by the scarlet energy shield that appeared around Nick Fury!

Half of the president's office was blown up, and at the same time, more than a dozen portals were suddenly opened here, and dozens of Cytorak's scarlet chains were thrown from the inside to bind the two Eternals firmly. of.

"It's not easy to get the help of these Kama Taj mages."

Nick Fury sighed and said that the mages of Kama Taj are now quite disintegrating after losing the leadership of the Supreme Mage, and now most of them choose to be hired by various countries to deal with these possible troubles.

After tossing and turning for so long, Nick Fury has his own magic advisor!

"Let go of me! Tiny people, woo woo woo woo!!!!"

The elf was angry and wanted to make some violent remarks, but Baron Mordo, who had half a scar on his face, covered his mouth expressionlessly.

"So, who are these hillbillies?" Nick Fury asked curiously

"The Eternals, a group of tool people made by the gods." Baron Mordo said with a blank expression.

"If you know our origin, you must know our mission, Mage!"

Tina looked at the expressionless Baron Mordo and said anxiously

"The anomaly is waking up, if we can't stop him, they..."

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