"You, you are not Stark!"

"But I'm a loreman"

Ultron sneered and raised his hand, and the next moment, the gravity field expanded again, and the oppression of five times the gravity instantly turned the gold in front of him into a burst of meat sauce!

Ultron's icy laughter echoed throughout the slaughterhouse-like scene of Beverly Hills.

He doesn't have the humanity of Tony Stark, the humanity that is nurtured and bound by rules.

He completely destroyed a whole cruel underground illegal industrial chain in the most straightforward and simple way, didn't he?

cruel? I call it efficient.

For a long time, the Stark Group and the US government have been in a state of mutual hostility and hatred.

Although the Stark Group is a member or even a leader in the American capital group, the Stark Group itself is an 'anomaly' in the capital world

From historical calculations, the Stark family with only three generations will not be accepted by the circles of "old money", but if they use their assets and skills, those emerging capital groups are not worthy of being side by side with Stark.

And most importantly, both Howard and Tony, the heads of the two Stark families are very... arrogant.

Their arrogance stemmed from intelligence and ability makes them disdain to join any group.

Therefore, the Stark Group is indeed an independent entity separated from the American capital group. Naturally, they do not have the inextricable connections with other consortiums of the US government.

Maybe it was there when Obadiah was in office, but now it has completely disappeared under Stark's reckless behavior.

Moreover, Stark has the biggest difference from all other superheroes-

He is a superhero with arms and capital.

Other superheroes, no matter what their abilities, are at best a bunch of jerks who can fight. But Stark is different. With capital, ability, and fame, he is a participant in the game rather than an NPC in it.

As long as Stark wants, he can pull out a military force that will make the US government fear at any time.

This is especially true after he restarted the Stark weapons industry.

Not only the steel battle suit, but the various weapons developed by Stark, who completely tore his bottom line, are basically unthinkable by the U.S. government.

They coveted the technology behind those weapons, but it was impossible for Stark to hand them over.

Even as long as Stark thinks, he can tear his face at any time and let the White House change a master or even a system.

He has this ability, doesn't he?

His weapons can completely perform beheading operations on a large scale, his capital can completely allow him to be whitewashed on top of public opinion, and he can completely become the master of the game.

Even the entire organization of Hydra does not necessarily have the scale of the Stark Group. This multinational Tesla enterprise has become a terrifying behemoth under Stark's connivance and support.

Even that superhero registration bill can only be passed if Stark feels self-denial about the Sokovia thing - otherwise as long as Stark doesn't want to, that **** bill is a piece of scrap paper for him.

You see he made Ultron and even nearly destroyed human beings in the original history, but has he been judged? He didn't even need to go to court for a crime that was more qualified than an Austrian art student to be judged as a crime against humanity.

But luckily, he's a superhero.

After all, his bottom line is much higher than the average person, which is the only place the US government can take solace.

Relying on the other party's high bottom line, the US government even dared to condone those mobs to attack Stark's enterprises, in order to let them divide up Stark's treasure.

But now, Stark broke the rules of the game.

All kinds of steel drones that escaped from Stark's weapons factory, and countless terrorist weapons were out of control in an instant and headed for all parts of the United States.

The crazy beheading operation was achieved in an instant.

Ultron paralyzed satellite networks and radar equipment in the United States in an instant, and the high electromagnetic pulse weapons that had been arranged for a short period of three minutes paralyzed the command structures of important military bases across the United States.

An army of steel drones from Los Angeles seized control of a nuclear facility in the Rocky Mountains at the fastest speed, and even more so, they also killed all the US troops stationed near Yellowstone Park.

Then, the steel drone began to perform the 'purification operation' ordered by Stark

All mutants who came into contact with the Moonstone who awakened the celestial gene under the power of that infection were hit hard.

The terrifying steel drone points out the branch-evolved 'sentry robot' under Ultron's technology that doesn't know where it came from, making the massacre more efficient.

As for the U.S. Army and U.S. GIs? Although they reacted, but without the deployment and orders of their superiors, they could not fight effectively with the command of the officers of their respective bases.

They can only cautiously shrink in the base to defend against possible 'strikes'

So, by the time Nick Fury and the World Security Council realized this, it was too late.

If Ultron in Avengers 2 wasn't a **** who only wanted to do it once and for all, but fought in a separate battle and gradually nibbled away, he could have done this easily.

Stark managed to get control of the United States, and even put a knife to the neck of the whole world.

The U.S. government was discussing how to get Stark to spit out his technology and assets one moment, but the next moment they have no initiative.

First there was confusion, then anger, then panic.

They were really afraid that Stark would flip the table and kill them.

Nick Fury and Alexander are also very scared. S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra are a big organization, but you can see from what they do that they are just two groups of garbage spy organizations.

The feasibility of the so-called insight plan is only based on three aerospace aircraft carriers, but that thing is a joke to the Stark Group, which holds a lot of black technology.

Stark easily and single-handedly accomplished what Hydra had not been able to do for decades.

After thinking and deliberation, Nick Fury decisively did what he was best at.

Beheading battle.

Gather some of the agents and superheroes, head straight to the Stark Tower in Los Angeles where Tony is, and catch Stark!

Whether these things are his idea or not!


Los Angeles Stark Building

On the street in front of this tall building, the word "big murderer" was written in yellow paint, and there were insulting graffiti everywhere around the building.

These are all left by a mob who made trouble in front of Stark Tower.

In the past, most of the time, they would choose to continue making troubles here, holding signs, shouting slogans, throwing Molotov cocktails, and beating Stark's employees.

But now, those are gone.

Because Stark is crazy.

No matter where these mobs heard the news, or saw it with their own eyes, it is a fact that Stark is no longer the Iron Man of the past.

Beverly Hills was completely slaughtered, and the National Guard in Los Angeles was cleaned up by steel drones that landed in the air.

And more, there are those sentinel robots that land in every corner of Los Angeles and hunt those "superheroes" on a fixed-point basis.

Even if they are not superheroes, almost all of the hunted objects are involved in protests and attacks on Stark Industries.

Such an inhumane revenge blow made these people who uphold the 'righteous wrath' scattered as birds and beasts in an instant.

Of course, they actually misunderstood.

Stark did not retaliate, he was just orderly purifying the genetic purity of human beings to prevent those terrifying dark things from contaminating more people.

It's just that the way of execution is a little rough.

"Maybe I should set up a concentration camp, throw all those who have touched the moonstone in it, and then clean up a batch every once in a while, maybe your reputation will be much better this way."

Ultron controlled his metal body overlooking the whole of Los Angeles. While reading the indignant attacks on Stark on the Internet, he said to Tony next to him.

"You probably should."

Tony raised his head and said in a relaxed, or rather heartbroken tone.

Ultron tilted his head playfully. He originally wanted to get a little happiness from Tony after he was out of breath, but now he seems to get nothing...

It's nothing, Ultron has patience.

Now the actual control of the entire Stark industry is in Ultron's hands, and the life and death of the United States and even the world are put on his neck with a knife, and he has time to play well.

Ultron sneered and directly took over the control of Stark's laboratory, opened the ceiling and flew out.

He is now going to "loyal" to carry out Stark's orders.

Tony watched Ultron disappear at the end of the sky, his eyes were extremely complicated, with hatred, helplessness, and even a little... relieved.

He sighed and said to the empty laboratory

"Come out, don't hide."

313. Paranoid tyrant

Accompanied by Tony's voice, there were six more people in the originally empty room.

There's Captain America, there's Black Widow, there's Hawkeye, there's Dr. Banner, there's Hank Pym, and then there's the misfit Nick Fury.

The whole laboratory suddenly became lively.

"What? Talk, don't you think I'm ashamed that you shut down the life-scanning device that releases the lab every 0.1 seconds? It's not that I'm ashamed that I didn't kill you illegal trespassers in the first place. Bar?"

Tony blinked and sneered.

"You treat my building as a dragon's castle, don't you? Did you come to me, the big dragon, to kill me?"

"We have no intention of this, Tony." Steve raised his shield and said solemnly

"But we want to know if you did all this! Some of these things are too much!"

"If you mean Ultron, I finished him." Stark admitted this freely and easily

"I have opened most of Stark Industries' permissions to him, or... I don't make any difference if I don't open it, because I completed the last step with the Mind Stone, and I finally created him, a perfect AI. life!"

"Are you crazy?"

Hank next to him couldn't help roaring, this **** Tony is even more **** than his father Howard!

"I quit early because this project was too dangerous! You don't even have the ability to master a strong artificial intelligence, why would you dare to involve an intelligent technology outside the field of human science!"

The Ultron project jointly developed by Hank and Stark is progressing extremely smoothly. Hank, the old guy, is responsible for setting the basic framework and structure for Ultron, while Stark is responsible for manufacturing Ultron's body and his mechanical technical authority.

However, halfway through the manufacture, Hank found that according to this plan, Ultron would eventually get out of their control!

In other words, after the development of a strong artificial intelligence, it is impossible to completely control it with human abilities.

So Hank withdrew from the plan, and was assured that Stark would not continue his research.

Tony is also very trustworthy this time, and the most important thing is that he found that the current human technology is indeed unable to absolutely restrain Ultron.

So although he was unwilling to keep a framed body, Tony did not continue according to the Ultron plan.

But since Tony came back from the moon...everything has changed.

Not only did he restart the Ultron project, but he even intensified his use of technology that he could not understand at all!

Even putting aside the basic morality of being a human being, Stark is as stupid as the cerebral palsy scientists in those cerebral palsy movies by the standards of a scientist!

But even though he has the same cerebral palsy as in the movie in terms of thinking standards, his ability is really strong and terrifying!

"Because I have no choice."

Tony stared at Ant-Man and everyone with emotionless eyes, and said word by word.

"Because I have to do this... Do you know what we all saw on the moon? Do you remember? Even the slightest memory?"

Black Widow and Hawkeye frowned, all their memories of being on the moon were wiped out, and that's why they were so distrustful of Stark.

Dr. Banner opened his mouth slightly. He seemed to have such a small amount of memory, and it was extremely bad, and it always caused him to have nightmares.

He couldn't remember how terrifying it was, but he only knew that even the Hulk inside himself was unwilling to recall it.

Only Steve fell into silence, the righteous man of God who should stand up to refute or even attack Stark, but at the moment is silent like a lamb.

"Even if we have to face aliens - it has nothing to do with you creating such a terrifying robot to invade the world!"

Nick Fury waved his hand coldly.

"Don't leave the topic Tony! Your actions have exceeded the maximum tolerance! I only ask you one thing, whether Ultron's behavior was instructed by you!"

"Yes." Tony said calmly

"I instructed and ordered him to hunt down all those who have been contaminated with moonstones and all the existing moonstone specimens. As long as they have seen them with their own eyes, even if they have only seen pictures, they are within his hunting range."

"It's just that he misinterpreted some of my orders and further expanded the scope of hunting."

Stark's words caused the sound of air-conditioning in the audience, and Nick Fury's eyes widened.

Because strictly speaking, he, the president, and most of the most famous people in the White House are within the scope of hunting.

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