And the exit of this timeline is that Stark, who returned to his body, went to the main universe, and has not been heard from since then.

This interesting time travel can be said to only exist in the overly large but scattered universe of Marvel.

Even in the entire multiverse there are not many such cases.

This system of continuous cycles of time but with a way out is entirely based on the fact that two universes are simultaneously snared and linked.

Just because the two universes are connected in series, fate and time are also tied into a connected Mobius ring, allowing fate and time to flow on the knot of this cycle.

But until now, Mu Feng didn't know who had collected the link between the two universes.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Mu Feng is outside the timeline, as long as he can make sure he sees the end of the current route.

In fact, this seemingly infinite loop of the story is about to come to a knotted end.

Just like now, right now.

The main universe has advanced the process to a stage near the end.


How difficult is it to slaughter a creature in the universe?

The vastness of the universe is far beyond the simple thinking of human cognition, from the solar system to the Milky Way, from the Milky Way to the Lanikea supercluster, even if it is only recognized that this stage is huge that human beings cannot imagine.

This is why when humans stand on the ground and look at the stars, many people still believe in the existence of aliens even if they have never seen aliens.

Because even just from the point of view of probability, such a huge world should not only have the existence of human beings.

But that's another concept for the Necrons.

This group of mad human souls contacted the dark knowledge of the abyss, and the species created by the final condensation is a complete existence that transcends any laws of nature.

Their individuals extend endlessly, relying on the solemn agreement to constantly transform and regenerate and shape new undead.

Even their individuals are immortal.

Not only can they rely on the active metal bodies that are constantly restored and remodeled in the tomb to maintain their physical immortality, the individuals among them, and even the immortality of the timeline.

Necrons are species that truly master time technology.

They killed almost all the cosmic **** groups in this universe in the ancient war in the sub-universe. How could they not have access to the magnificent multiverse after doing such a thing?

Although it is a borrowed name, it is obvious that the Necrons born in the Marvel world are more terrifying than their home in another world.

It is because of contact, understanding, and cognition that they have mastered this almost mythical technology.

Each Necronomicon is linked to their own selves up and down the timeline.

You can kill the undead at this moment, but the next moment they can call up the previous moment from the timeline, and even erase the fact that this moment was eliminated.

Their minds are infinitely linked, their wills are out of control, you can't really kill a Necromancer because they exist, past, future, and present at the same time!

On the contrary, they can arbitrarily exile your existence to the end of time and forget it in the corner of time.

For example, they have a special artifact 'The Confluence of Time', any existence that is touched by matter like a sea of ​​light that can fill the entire galaxy in an instant will be banished to the darkest corners of time, and the existence itself will be completely wiped out remove.

On the other hand, whether you wipe out a Necromancer physically or spiritually, they can easily return from the end of time or the beginning!

It can be said that the existence of the Necrons has become the final sample in the eyes of the "Yanggu people" that is most suitable for the competition game of garden species.

They started out as human beings, but they have become an extreme branch that is most in line with the concept of the abyss.

Plunder, assimilation, the essence of their existence is only these two. Taking everything from other species, conceptually and temporally, and then assimilating into one, this quality is more terrifying than any life.

The Necron, its existence has actually embarked on the conceptualization of the physical entity of the Celestial Group.

Stripping away the essence, the posture of the Celestials revealed in the physical universe is a 'mechanical' state in a certain sense.

The postures chosen by the Celestials to walk in the material universe are giant machines, or in other words, metals made of incomprehensible inorganic substances have become their bodies of action.

The living metal of the Necrons is already very close to these substances, and their behaviors are constantly approaching the existence of these gods.

Especially after they smashed the bodies of the gods and smashed their souls, the Necrons who got further experimental samples have moved towards this ultimate posture McKinley.

Of course, this was just the Necrons in their heyday.

It was the Necrons who came into contact with the power of darkness, wiped out the Cosmic Celestial Group, and finally repelled the heyday of the Dark Celestials and the Abyss.

So powerful and so terrifying, it can almost be said to be the Necrons of the final species in the universe, and he has fought everything in order to barely defeat the cosmic gods who were hit hard by standing.

Because in essence, the war with the Tenjin group is not a war against some great concept of individual existence.

The war against the Cosmic Tenjin Group, in other words, the war against the universe itself.

The mighty power that shatters the stars cannot kill the gods, and even the wars of the ancient avengers are nothing more than repelling the physical entities of the gods.

The Necrons today are nothing but remnants of their heyday.

Countless dynasties fell and collapsed, and terrifying artifacts and technologies were buried with the gods, leaving only the remnants of the glorious light of ancient times.

They shattered the universe, but inevitably went into decline.

After 60 million years of slumber, after returning from the end of the ancient times, they have to face the attack of their former enemy.

However, this so-called war of return was nothing more than a clumsy skirmish compared to the past.

Although they have fallen, their enemies have not been better off.

All the deity groups have left this timeline, and the remnants of natural birth have even been reduced to the point where they need to devour intelligent life.

And the abyss...their tentacles were almost completely interrupted, but that was enough. As for the nature of counterattacking the abyss, even the Necrons in their heyday had never had such arrogant thoughts.

In this dead universe, the surviving undeads awakened from a long sleep of 60 million years and reassembled their remaining power.

And this time the enemy is a hatchling of a dark god.

A gift from the dark, received the message of the cancerous universe, and finally a degenerate baby of the gods.

Such an enemy, in their heyday, might just be an invincible opponent.

But in order to quell this threat, the awakened Necrons also took out what they had left.

As a result, in this too 'peaceful' universe, the undead have been cleaned up.

In this brand new garden, all the flowers ushered in an unprecedented natural selection.

Their enemies are the dark celestial juveniles that are undergoing the process of 'cosmic cancer' that is constantly multiplying geometrically in units of galaxies. The planets of countless galaxies and even the incomplete celestial embryos are forcibly awakened and revived into terrifying 'cosmic cancer variants'

Those cosmic cancer organizations that only know how to wantonly devour all cosmic matter can cause every destruction that the former three cosmic empires could not afford.

And such enemies are constantly being created all the time.

As a result, the Necrons had to deal with these threats in more extreme ways.

Their enemies are constantly creating cosmic cancer variants in galaxies, and they will sweep over them one by one in galaxies.

The Necrons chose to act as the surgeons of the universe, using their methods to remove these malignant tumors that would only absorb nutrients and divide for the universe.

Ignite planets, detonate stars, create black holes, these are just the most basic means.

These are not even the most terrifying 'excision surgery'

Like Breath of the Gods, the process of accelerating the star at every point in time to create a miniature Big Bang is only a normal weapon in the cleaning process.

The most exaggerated one, the Malphite dynasty even activated the artifact at the bottom of the press box, the "Confluence of Time", choosing to erase an entire galaxy the size of a river system in the dark corner of time!

Endless pruning, endless obliteration, endless hunting.

They chased and killed the hatchling of the dark god, erasing an unknown number of stars in the process.

Maybe the universe can't expand faster than they can erase it?

Maybe the life of the entire universe was wiped out by them?

In addition to the solar system with special significance, at least the galaxy outside the sun's rays has become completely 'empty'.

After spending so much energy and erasing countless planets and lives, they finally caught their opponent.

They finally blocked the terrifying dark **** larva in a galaxy.

322. The Hidden Dark God

What is the ultimate material form of the void?

The former Sataras, as the sixth ancient god, once thought about such a question.

She was cast on Azeroth as a parasitic species of light and darkness, and the end point of her shallow imagination at that time was nothing more than a simple model - to become the winner of the final competition, invading the planet as the strongest ancient god. The nucleus, eventually symbiotic with the planet, became an invincible void titan.

At that time, Sataras believed that the most magnificent existence of the Void in the material universe was nothing but a Void Titan. A godly evil across the sea of ​​​​stars, a parasitic body of a Titan, a void distortion body as huge as a planet.

After all, in the material universe of Azeroth, apart from the Titans, there is simply no more powerful and magnificent material universe to exist, and their imaginations have always been practically limited.

Sataras had to admit that his imagination was still too barren.

Coming to this terrifying universe, Sataras saw too many terrifying existences that subverted her cognition.

Among them, there is nothing more than this guy who was once 'parasitic' by her.

Sataras also laughed at him at the time, mocking this 'Ego', this incomplete and mutilated 'God's Baby' was an idiot whose brain was eaten by a donkey.

At that time, she simply equated Cosmic God with Titan. I also think that there is something wrong with the designation of a Titan who is in love with a mortal.

But now, she realizes she's terribly wrong.

Of course, it's not about falling in love with mortals, it's about equating the celestial group with the titans.

The Titans of Azeroth are very powerful. They are the incarnation of arcane power in the physical universe, the soul of the planet, and the most powerful entity in the material world. They can be called countless invincible titles, and they are also worthy of the creator. 's name.

But compared with the Heavenly God group, they still have a general difference.

The gigantic entity of the **** group is not everything to them. In fact, the so-called killing of gods in the understanding of mortals is only to destroy the little bit of an iceberg exposed.

The celestial group incarnated by physical matter can be said to be part of the universe, and although the Titans are the incarnation of arcane power, they are still a kind of 'life', and the celestial gods are the rules themselves - killing them is equivalent to subverting part of it with the fundamental operating laws of the universe.

Just like you killed a god, if he represents the concept of 'flame', then the universe will lose the concept of 'flame'.

From this point on, they are fundamentally different.

However, after entering this universe, Sargeras began the process of transforming into the **** group.

It is undeniable that the Titans incarnated by the Star Soul are indeed highly similar species to the Celestials in a sense, and even these incomplete Celestials and Titans are extremely similar today.

And Sargeras is undoubtedly an absolute 'genius'

He is the creator of the fel energy in the universe of Azeroth. He combined the power of entropy of destruction with the power of arcane magic, and finally collided with such a terrifying but relatively stable energy as fel energy.

He is not only the embodiment of arcane power, he can even be said to be the master of fel power!

Therefore, Sargeras, who came to this universe, seized the opportunity. He traveled all over the universe, found every incomplete **** who was sleeping, and finally used his method to upgrade himself to the **** group!

In a sense, this is also very inspiring.

For Sataras, the most shocking thing seen in this universe is not Sargeras's upgrade.

It's... what's in front of you.

"Finally caught him, these iron skeletons have destroyed how many planets in order to chase him..."

In the void, the fury who incarnated the Butcher of Truth observed the frontline battlefield of the Necrons from a distance. He did not dare to get too close, for fear of being discovered by those iron skeletons and making things worse.

The battlefield presented in front of him is undoubtedly the ultimate battlefield of the undead's war.

In a ruined galaxy, the central star has died, leaving only a black hole that devours everything.

Outside the galaxy, there are countless undead fleets that seem to fill the entire galaxy.

They finally caught their prey, their target, the terrifying hatchling of the Dark God!

That constant radiation of all things in the universe, the constant cancerous matter becomes the juvenile deity of life.

It's in that miniature black hole.

In the sub-dimension where the matter is compressed to the extreme and the wavelength is stretched infinitely, the Necrons have set up countless dimensional blockades to trap it there.

Next, is to kill it completely.

This is not a simple matter, even if it is only a juvenile, that **** has undoubtedly become a part of the incarnation of the universe.

And defeating the gods is one thing, and **** them is another.

In fact, even the Necrons are unwilling to kill a **** group completely-because that means collapsing part of the law of the universe, which will bring irreparable damage to the universe.

And the dying gods, especially the dark gods, will almost bring terrifying curses to the people who killed him and the surrounding universe...

So generally speaking, after tearing apart the metal bodies of the gods, the Necrons would tear their souls into countless pieces and imprison them as some kind of energy and weapons.

These celestial fragments are not even inferior to the lowest level of underworld constructions in the social status of their ethnic group.

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