Just like they introduced the Big Bang, recognized black holes, and deduced the death and death of stars. These are just 'guess', just a kind of vague thinking, a kind of inference, but also the thinking that human beings can make to the closest answer to 'creation'.

But even so, it is just an ant looking at the giant. Being able to see and recognize does not mean that it can understand. The inferred truth may be infinitely far away from reality.

Maybe this world is really created by a high-dimensional existence swaying the soil, or maybe everything here is just a picture, a piece of text.

But for the Necrons, they observe, they recognize, and they understand-human beings may only be able to record the Genesis in their minds, but the Necrons will turn these into reality and weapons!

They can artificially accelerate the death of stars, create black holes, and create the Big Bang. And for this proposition about the 'speed limit', it is also a practical weapon for the Necrons.

Its official name is the "Godsmasher", and as the name suggests, this is the ultimate weapon used by the Necrons to execute and kill the Celestials.

However, including the Silent King, many overlords are more accustomed to calling him by another name.

"Made in Heaven."

The dark **** Igoquil, who was madly trying to escape out of this universe at super-light speed, was getting faster and faster as he escaped.

From the very beginning, he had not been able to recognize this fact, but the next moment, this crazy speed blessing made Igoquil discover that it was extremely bad.

Everything is accelerating.

To be precise, with him as the center and the universe around him as the radius, the universe in which he is located is entering an extreme acceleration!

The first moment is double the speed, the second is twice the speed, the third is the quadruple speed, the fourth is the sixteen times the speed, the fifth is Instant, the speed increased by two hundred and fifty-six times, and the sixth instant, the speed increased by sixty-five thousand five hundred and thirty-six times!

Time, speed, everything centered on Igoquil is rising exponentially.

This is not a good thing, on the contrary, the extreme speed will be terrifying... despair!

In just a few short moments, Eagle Quill's speed has accelerated to a terrifying speed that cannot be matched by the speed force blessing of the Flash next door.

This is the speed blessing based on the speed of light as the starting unit. It can be said that Igoquil has been 'backward' from the first moment.

Time is constantly going backwards with his constant movement.

In just a split second, Igoquier moved the timeline backwards by more than a few hundred years! The next moment is a thousand years!

At this moment, Igoquier has witnessed countless major events in the universe, countless terrifying pictures, and countless time rewinds in front of his eyes!

I am afraid that only the Tenjin group can accept the information of the universe with such a terrifying and huge amount of data at this moment.

In this reversed time, only Igoquier who is in motion and the time and space around him are not affected.

He couldn't stop advancing at this speed.

Because the crazy acceleration has become a terrifying torrent that envelops him, it is not so much that he is advancing with the surrounding time and space, it is better to say that this crazy accelerating time and space has encased him into an insane torrent of madness. !

It's just that this torrent is going backwards, going backwards endlessly!

In the midst of extreme fear and despair, Eggquill kept uttering shrieks resounding throughout the universe, but no matter how the rage shredded the stars, it couldn't stop his speed even for a moment.

The speed of terror is regressing exponentially.

"help me!!!!!!!"

In the endless screams, Peter Quill's voice actually emanated from the endlessly regressing dark gods. The souls of mortals seem to have not been completely wiped out from the terrifying gods' souls.

However, this makes no sense.

Whether he whines or not, whether he begs or not, whatever he wants to do, whatever the destiny he has chosen for himself.

In the reversal of the cosmic time that keeps going backwards, he can't do anything, he can only be trapped and backward infinitely.

Endless speed means endless backwards.

Soon, after a few moments, Eggquill was unable to accept the message from the universe.

Because the information of the trillion-year retrogression in that instant has exceeded the upper limit that Igoquier, the **** group, can bear!

Even the **** group, even the incarnation of the origin of the universe, such a terrifying torrent of information has exceeded the understanding of their magnificent cognition.

Thus, fear entangles their consciousness.

It was the dread of facing the ultimate death, the ultimate annihilation that not even the Lady of Death could accept.

However, there was no begging, no wailing, no wailing, the previous wailing seemed like a dream.

Even if he wanted to do it, all of this was already impossible to do in the torrent of time that caught him madly regressing.

Soon, Eagle Quill's consciousness disappeared in this crazy backward time.

But it's not over, it's not even time for the actual opening!

The madly backward time dragged Igoquil through the period of the Great Inflation, and then, at the end, dragged him into the singularity where it all began.

The Big Bang

That moment before the Great Expansion, that first star, that infinitely small singularity before the birth of a star, that eternal zero hour!


At the moment when he was about to be dragged into that endless zero hour, Egg Quill was crying like a mortal. However, at the very beginning of the universe, before the moment of the big bang, nothing could hear his cry.

He returned to a moment when there was no concept of time at all, and everything was permanently stagnant at zero. The beginning of everything has not yet begun, the end of everything has been over for a long time...

He was dragged into the time before the birth of the Tenjin group.

This is the real and ultimate punishment for the Tenjin group. Since the concept of immortality and immortality cannot be killed, let him go back to the time before his birth, when he did not exist.

His existence will be annihilated in the paradox of the universe - this is the 'question' proposed by the Necrons

Since they are destined to be unable to defeat the gods who are the truth above the truth, then they use their own paradoxes and let them kill themselves.

Everything disappeared in this endless zero hour.

326. 喰tie all things

"They... won?"

Sataras's doubtful voice sounded in her furious ears. In her opinion, everything was just that Eggquill disappeared in an instant. There was no grand battle, no miracle beyond imagination, only a simple action. And then the process of disappearing.

"How the **** did they beat that...that, that, that...that what?"

Sataras' puzzled voice changed to a whisper, and then endless fear and panic filled her all.

She couldn't remember what this 'thing' that was fighting the Necrons was.

His presence, his shape, his name, everything and everything about him cannot be remembered.

Even rummaging through the catalogs of the universe couldn't remember everything about him. As if in a comic book, everything about him was dug up abruptly!

That is not the erasure of memory, but the erasure of existence, the erasure of being completely detached, destroyed, and destroyed from the timeline!

This, even Mu Feng could not avoid it.

Even Mu Feng, who was observing from outside the world, found that he could no longer observe and recognize everything about him.

That 'thing' was wiped out by these Necrons at the very beginning of its birth.

Using the paradox of the universe, his existence was completely erased from the world line of the entire parallel universe...

This is much more than a simple so-called existence that erases terror.

Everything he has influenced still exists, and the cause and effect of what he has done still continue, but he has ushered in the complete erasure of his essence!

He was taken out from the long river of time, or sent to a field outside the entire coordinate system, and was completely erased. As a result of being removed, everyone in the coordinate system may remember. There is such a general thing, but it is destined to be unable to observe and understand any details of it!

"...I think we'd better stay away from those iron skeletons."

Furious was silent for a moment, sighed, and said rather fearfully

He estimated that even if the four of them completed the fusion, the current stage may not be able to survive under the influence of that thing.

That weapon is far more terrifying than a stand-in!

The stand-in ability made by heaven is largely limited to JOJO's special universe, and that acceleration is also a very special case under the special rules of the base and that universe.

And the ability made by that heaven can't affect Mu Feng, but the 'God Crusher' of these Necrons is something of another concept.

This 'God Crusher' is completely a counter-time weapon that directly acts on the affected target and directly drags its existence into the beginning of the universe. It is a real link to the origin of the universe and utilizes the birth and A weapon to destroy this conception of origin and end.

It is rude to say that this group of Necrons are already a race that has mastered the rules of creation of the universe!

They have already stood at the theoretical end of what a mortal race can reach. Even if this group of scourges are placed in the comic universe, they can stand up to the villain protagonist of a major event!

Mu Feng now only feels that his scalp is numb. Although this chess game must have brought these unspeakable things to the chessboard, facing them directly will still feel the fear from the bottom of his heart...

However, Mu Feng quickly calmed down.

Such weapons are by no means free for these Necrons.

Not to mention, the Necrons observed by the fury hidden in the void, after using this extremely terrifying weapon, their existence has been 'weak' a lot.

They are being expelled from this universe.

Probably this is why these guys did not rest in their 'homeland' but came to this universe, because this is also something they have no choice.

Even though these Necrons who fought against the Celestials in the sub-universe won, but such a serious violation of the basic rules of the universe would definitely make it difficult for them to gain a foothold in the universe.

If such a weapon is used a few more times, it may be the siege of the universe itself that will welcome their entire race!

That is more exciting than something like 'Death is coming'.

This is the Marvel Universe, and being loathed by the Universe itself means you're probably going to be hit by more than just the Universe itself.

At that time, maybe the five gods will come in person, and then sacrifice a swallowing star first, or you will become the villain of a major event.

At that time... tsk tsk tsk.

And let's be honest, even though these Necrons look so scary, they...are not 'protagonists'.

In this drama raised by Mu Feng, there are countless characters more terrible than them.

Thinking of this, Mu Feng felt a lot more at ease. This group of iron skeletons definitely cannot be used frequently, and taking ten thousand steps back, his body is not in this universe at all.

The decision now seems far too far-sighted.

Mu Feng even felt that these cosmic skeletons have the ability to resist even in the face of the Infinity Stone's ability to erase from the cosmic level.

This has completely surpassed the thing with the same name as them in Mu Feng's memory.

What should I say, it can only be said that it is worthy of the Marvel Universe, and it is too 'remarkable' in every sense.


"Everyone, let's toast together! After 60 million years of sleep, another successful 'hunting'!"

At the core of the gigantic world warship, several pharaohs of the dynasty who participated in this hunt raised their crystal cups, and the blood of the gods glowed with ambiguous and colorful rays of light in the cups. For these iron skeletons who were no longer able to eat, this Maybe a consolation.

As the biggest contributor to this 'hunting', the Storm King seemed proud and calm, because he could add another head of the gods to his hunting record.

"This proves once again that even without the Trinity Council, we would be the greatest species in the world!"

The Storm King's speech was extremely proud, and between the lines, he also revealed his flaming ambitions.

Not every Necromancer yearns for the return of the Silent King, and not every Necronomicon will surrender to the Silent King.

"It's just hunting a cub. There's nothing to be proud of."

Mother Buckle shook her head, disdainfully and plainly.

"It would be a shame to say that it took us so much effort to hunt such a cub."

"The universe is a beautiful garden, but unfortunately our hunt has trampled the garden into this shape."

The Emperor of the Mephilite Dynasty, who hid his name, sighed and said lightly.

"And using the Gods Crusher once made me feel that the universe is even more repulsive to us..."

"It's just dust."

The Storm King said indifferently, in his opinion, all races except the same race are the same thing as the stars in the sky.

It's all the same trivial, the same worthless thing.

"We can reconquer the universe, in fact, it's not difficult at all. It only takes a squadron to crush the solar system without difficulty!"

"But then what?" Talasin paused the staff in his hand and asked sarcastically.

"You destroyed the solar system, then what? And the next moment we're going to be expelled from this universe?"

"This will not be our homeland, it will not be the place where we have risen. We must leave this universe and go to a farther place..."

"Homeland? Weren't we kicked out of our homeland?"

The Storm King smiled somewhat mockingly and self-deprecatingly.

They used to be so powerful and confident that they shattered the gods of the universe with endless hatred, but they also gave them a terrifying curse.

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