But all of this has such a meaning to life.

For the countless flowers in the garden, the gardener is responsible for their care. The gardener will sow the seeds of life, take care of the flowers that are born, and water and fertilize them.

On the contrary, the Yanggu people will cut off the branches that are brutally squeezed for the flowers, change the soil quality, and change the environment in the garden.

For the flowers in the garden, there is no doubt that the former represents justice and the latter represents evil.

The gardener only creates flowers, breeds flowers, and cultivates flowers, and although what the Yanggu people do is not malicious, he is indeed using everything at hand to 'assess' all the flowers in the garden.

Those flowers that do not adapt to the changes brought about by the Young Valley will die themselves, and even the Young Valley will restrict the gardeners to give them nutrients to ensure that all the flowers in the garden will compete for nutrients in the final winner. .

They represent the dualism of the universe, the white of the gardener is the birth and reproduction of matter, and the black of the Young Valley represents the annihilation and death of matter.

Such a story-like theory forms the basis of this universe.

But all this changed with the end of the gardener.

The gardener, who should not be involved in the game of life, and the gods derived from his will constitute the master of the creation of countless civilizations in the universe.

It began to intentionally affect the creatures of the universe, to supply more nutrients, and to provide a better environment for more flowers.

All of this is just to obtain a flower that is different from the one that was always the winner in the past.

The Young Valley could not tolerate such behavior, so he also entered the new garden.

He has brought assessments and tests to those civilizations that have been changed by the gods, so every civilization that has been interfered by the gods will always be tested far better than other normal civilizations.

But in this game, the Yanggu people do not have the advantage.

The gardener's constant creation of civilization occupies an absolute advantage in this positive universe, and everything that is created will resonate with more advantages in the created garden.

And the Yanggu, who represents the nature of plunder and environment, cannot gain an advantage in the universe.

His home is the nothingness after the annihilation of all things, and what he brings is only the process of change, but cannot intervene in the source of change.

Thus, the Yanggu people spread the teachings of darkness to the positive universe.

He contaminates some of the Dark Celestials, throws the Celestials into chaos, and in his never-ending game of fortune-making, ends up creating two dark races that fall completely to the Yanggu people.

Swarms, and Necrons.

They are Kee and the flower that will always be the victor—two flowers that evolved from the foundation of man.

They also succeeded in not meeting the expectations of the people of the Valley, and completely shattering the light represented by the gardener.

The swarms, who are well versed in the law of the evil sword to understand the dark truth of the Yanggu people, annihilated at the end of the universe the countless powerful civilizations in the universe that were created by the gardeners to change and create.

And the ruthless and crazy Necrons almost wiped out the helpers of those gardeners, the **** group of this universe.

Although in the process, the necromancers who were furiously retaliating also removed the messengers of the Yanggu people.

But so what?

For the Younggu man, as long as the universe returns to his ruthless righteous path, as long as the game of the garden is put back on track, it will be his victory.

This universe does not need the existence of those creator gods.

The only thing that determines the truth of the universe is adaptation.

Stark closed his eyes, and the story of the gardener and the Young Valley kept playing in his mind.

Like the apocalypse, or the inheritance of some ancient memory, Ultron has obtained these ancient and secret stories about the beginning of creation, and is convinced of it.

Because he now holds such power in his hand.

The slightly radiant soul gem was filled with a pale white aura that shone brightly, and as it spread, the mixed air turned into a shining mist.

This is light energy, the power of the gardener.

If the origin of Yanggu people represents the assessment of life, it represents plunder, and it represents extinction. So what light energy represents is undoubtedly its opposite power.

The light energy of the gardener represents the creation of life, the giving, and the birth.

It is existence, it is life, it is the source of power from the very beginning of the divine birth.

And such a great power is now being transmitted through the Infinity Stone in his hand...

Where does it come from? Is it the so-called 'gardener' who created the Infinity Stones in this universe?

The answer to this question is actually meaningless. Whether the gem is a remnant left over from the Big Bang, or a fragment of some supreme existence, it is meaningless to call it a taboo.

Stark only knew that through the Mind Stone, he had access to this power.

Put the gem to your ear, you can also hear the soft singing coming from the crystal.

"Tony, I brought people here."

With a confused and shocked face, Clint's Pepper came behind Stark, and the last moment, Hawkeye clearly remembered that he was standing in Times Square.

"I see, Pepper. Remember to help me supervise Morgan's studies, she hasn't handed in her homework yesterday."

Stark said very casually, his hands were tinkering with a mechanical structure like a Rubik's Cube, but the technology and the light energy overflowing from his hands made it all very fantastic.

"Look, do you like this style?"

After injecting the last light energy, Stark held up the thing he made. After a burst of rhythmic rotation, the Rubik's Cube-like thing turned into a structure suspended in the air.

"Are you my guardian?"

She spun beside Hawkeye and asked in a clear and curious female voice, but Hawkeye's eyes were always confused.

"What the **** is going on with all this? Is it a phantom of nothingness? Or..."

"Everything here can be said to be true, Clint."

Tony interrupted Clint's words, he looked at the eagle eye in front of him, and said softly

"I sent the signal to Nick. Since he sent you here, he must not be able to support it."

"But before that, in order to dispel your doubts and curiosity, Clint, let me start the story from the beginning."


icy, shaking

When life is re-circulated to the moment when it was from nothing, returning to the last sense of this blessed body brings nothing but endless coldness and trembling.

Tony Stark, who was a corpse, raised his upper body in confusion. He looked at his unscathed hands, and his expression fell into a long hesitation.

He was resurrected.

It's just that it's not so much Tony Stark who appears here, but Ultron...

Putting one's soul back into this body also requires taking risks, not to mention a major event such as using the body.

However, considering the extreme situation, Ultron still prepared a resurrection for himself.

But now, it seems that this backhand is working...

"Clever, how long has it been since the moment I 'die'?"

Tony asked in a deep voice to the small drone hovering beside him

This is the backhand he prepared for himself, a special technology that is completely different from undead and human technology, using the powerful 'light energy' power.

To be honest, even Ultron has a very low understanding of this power.

He only knew that this was a force that could dispel the darkness of the swarm, and then bring it back to life to a certain extent.

It can give matter life, even unimaginable intelligence.

And where the light shines, wounds and illnesses will be covered by a powerful light, and eventually expelled.

Even Ultron knows nothing more than this.

Tony Stark, the kind personality who controlled this body, died of self-guilt before he could even investigate further.

So this is just one of the most efficient backhands for Ultron.

Now that he has played a role, there is no need to follow up on other follow-up plans.

"Based on the time of your last death, approximately forty-three days and twenty-one hours have passed, Guardian."

The cleverness surrounded Stark's body and said in a cheerful voice

"So it happened... Forget it, I got it."

Stark shook his head, and part of the memory linking to another Ultron had been transmitted after he woke up

He remembered everything that happened.

The invading demons and the Omnic Corps attacked, and the two sides fought against each other in just one month, and the surface was smashed.

Ninety percent of the land was replaced by terrifying nuclear radiation and fel pollution, and even if the demons retreated, the infected radiated fel creatures still roamed the surface.

The whole world has become nothing better than a radioactive wasteland.

But...why did his corpse stay here relatively intact under such circumstances?

Stark was in a trance for a while, it seemed that someone protected his body under certain circumstances...

No, not just his corpse, but...

Stark looked to the side with a complicated expression, and there was a well-preserved but extremely cold corpse lying there.

Pepper's body.

She was there, lying quietly, without any scars on her body, but her life was taken away.

Suicide or homicide? This answer doesn't seem to make much sense.

Stark stroked her cheek gently and whispered to the smart beside him

"Can you save her? Clever."

"A Guardian can only have one Wisdom," it replied

"The light we have can only resurrect one person, but...you can make a second Ghost."

"Then you can take the soul from the hands of 'death'?" Stark raised his head and asked softly

"I can't understand what the 'death' you know is." Clever answered honestly.

"My data and memory are based on your soul. I only know that light energy has the power to recreate life, that's all."

Stark was silent for a moment, his palms trembling a little, but he still stabilized himself.

He is actually very afraid that he is false, he is afraid that the current self is just a person who cleverly uses light energy to reproduce and recreate.

This fear even went beyond knowing at the time that he was actually Stark, beyond knowing that he was in a terrifying chain of fate.

Because he knows how strong an iron law the death of this world is, the return of souls is not heaven and hell, they will eventually belong to death.

Can the light energy of the 'gardener' take the soul's home from the mysterious and great god? Stark doesn't know, really doesn't know...

But perhaps there is only one thing that can prove it all.

"……Let's go."

Stark picked up the corpse of Pepper and walked silently into the depths of the mist.

331. Smart

"I went back to Manhattan Island, and luckily, I got back my hidden gem here."

Stark fiddled with the pale golden gemstone in his hand and said softly.

"My soul is special, stained with the torrent of fate and time. This gem will work for a soul like me... At least on this level, I have proved that I am a real living person. "

"Actually, Clint, so are you."

Stark stared at Hawkeye quietly, although he didn't say anything, the memory flooding in that moment still made Hawkeye full of fear in confusion.

He seemed to recall a lot of memories all at once.

Why does he believe that his wife and daughter are still in Manhattan, which is already a dead place?

Why would he be the only one who survived, out of this land of fear alive?

Even if he is a person who can survive in endless harsh environments, could his wife and daughter...

Hawkeye took a half step back in fear, he looked at Stark, and Stark's indifferent eyes allowed Hawkeye to confirm this terrible fact!

In those countless surging memories, all the warm pictures with his wife and daughter over the past year have become illusory illusions. Everything experienced, words spoken, are 'nothing'!

"It can't be - they, they can't be fake!!!"

The influx of madness destroyed Hawkeye's sanity like a wave. He grabbed Stark's collar and roared.

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