So how many souls did the Reaper of Souls plunder? How many Reavers were made?

That number is probably also a level that is difficult to measure with numbers, a level that is not at all rare compared to the swarm.

No matter how brave Thor and the others fought, it seemed that they could not escape the future submerged by these soul-reavers...

Odin let himself concentrate all his mind, he no longer paid attention to Thor's side, but concentrated all his mind.

His current condition is very bad.

His body, which was full of dark wounds, had been terrible for the past few years, plus Odin's sleep was interrupted, plus the sacrifice of his last eye.

Odin didn't know if his body could still be considered alive, maybe it was just a moving corpse.

Asgardians' divine power tends to increase with the growth of Asgardians, but physically, if they do not take special supplies such as golden apples, their bodies will inevitably face aging after entering old age. The problem.

From this point of view, the aging of Asgardians is far more terrifying than that of Earth people.

The aging of human beings is the simultaneous decay of strength and body. Even if it is powerless, it is the result of matching the body.

But the aging of the Asgardians only degenerates the body, not the strength, and even the strength will increase with age.

So the older the Asgardians are, the more warlike they are, and they need war to unleash the excess power within them.

Then, using too much power will bring new burdens on his body.

In such a bad cycle, Asgardians rarely end their lives.

This is why Asgard has such a fanatical martial style, because the older they get, the more divine power they have accumulated in their bodies will make them more eager to release them through battle. The more they fight, the more crazy they will eventually die. On the battlefield!

Even Odin can't escape this cycle, even if he is the immortal Asgard king, the huge divine power that is endlessly piled up in his body makes him more and more painful.

His flesh has reached the limit of its capacity, and even the golden apple cannot continue to strengthen. His lifespan is endless, but the power of endless growth makes him more and more miserable.

He chose to exile Hela and promote peace, not only for the future of Asgard, but also for him to restrain himself, and he did not want to let him push everything to the end in order to release this pain and desire...

And now, Odin is no longer restraining any desires or suppressing any pains.

He even chose to sacrifice an eyeball in exchange for the ability to 'true knowledge' once!

Some people say that Odin once sacrificed his eyeballs to ask the Fountain of Wisdom for the knowledge of runes. Some people say that Odin sacrificed his eyeballs to see the future. Others say that Odin sacrificed his eyeballs to save his brother and father. ...

These answers...are both correct and incorrect.

Because these answers are included in what Odin got by sacrificing his eyeball, he sacrificed this eye, and what he got in exchange was the true "knowledge" in the true sense!

That is, the ability to know all at once!

An opportunity for him to transcend the existence of his heavenly father and spy on the answer from a higher narrative perspective!

Odin raised Gungnir and let out a battle cry unique to the Asgardians in the face of the endless darkness!

The bell-like battle roar swayed in all directions, as if to dispel the boundless darkness. And Odin's 'Omniscience' is also activated at this moment!

The radiant golden beam of light enveloped Odin, and his body and soul were quickly dissolved in it, and at this moment, the last part of all Odin was sacrificed to the great existence above the gods, and he successfully 'see' himself. The answer you want!

That's not a nice answer.

Just like the scene he once saw, what he got was just 'Omniscience', and there was no 'Omnipotence' to match. He might be able to see the answer, but he couldn't complete him.

He can only do the 'best' of all this to the extent he can

"Get out!!!!"

Odin's body was almost completely dissolved in the splendid beam of light, and at the last moment, he held Gungnir high, the God King roared like a thunder, and under his divine power, he threw a long bolt of lightning towards the boundless darkness. spear!

The dazzling golden light seemed to illuminate this place in an instant, dispelling all the darkness.

This golden glow disappeared into the darkness, and Odin's body and soul were completely integrated into the golden glow.

Fighting in the distance, Thor and Loki used furious battle cries to cover up their grief and the reality of their father's total passing away.

At this moment, even Hela and Kool, who had a mortal hatred for Odin, offered him a moment of silence from the Asgardians.

No matter who they thought Odin was, no matter what incomprehensible things Odin had done.

When this body is integrated into the golden brilliance, there is no more right or wrong at all.

"coming soon."

Hela clenched the night sky and said in a low voice, the muscles of her whole body trembled wildly in this almost instinctive fear. As the goddess of death, she felt the deepest and deepest concept of death at this moment.

The darkness drained to both sides like a divided ocean.

The boundless darkness is like the Red Sea separated by Moses, moving toward both sides, and in the infinite darkness, a road composed of lightning, thunder, corpses, oceans, and mountains stretches out.

On that road, a figure that was darker than night and more frightening than fear itself came slowly.

His wings stretched slightly to cover the sky, his three eyes shone with a terrifying green brilliance, his terrifyingly twisted armor and magic sword, every walk interprets the true meaning of destruction.

He came from this road of destruction, and every step he took would make the road composed of endless matter go to extinction.

Oryx the Reaper of Souls

Hela's fear overflowing from the bottom of her heart almost made her succumb to her instinct and scream and flee, but she forcibly restrained this desire and suppressed this fear by cutting off her own arm.

Kur also felt unprecedented pressure, but he was a **** who had faced the Reaper of Souls on the battlefield with his father Bauer.

However, compared to those ten thousand years ago, Oryx became more terrifying and more powerful.

If he used to be just the spokesperson of the abyss, then now he seems to be as terrifying as the abyss and the darkness itself.

There is no need for any deterrence to interpret fear, because it is fear itself. There is no need for any destructive violence, because he is violence itself.

Oryx didn't say a word, and when he walked into the huge figure like a star, people saw it, an invisible golden wound on his chest.

That was the shot that Odin gave everything he shot, regardless of how much damage it caused, but this shot made Oryx no longer able to hide in his throne world.

Oryx didn't have any extra words, just pointed the twisted and deformed magic sword at them.

He is the environment, and he is the natural disaster that tests life.

Disaster, no words needed!

Only worship and accept fate.

341. Eternity and Oblivion

"Maybe I'm going to change my mind about the Asgardians, look at them, who gave me so many deaths at once."

On the Dark Order, bound for the endless dark battlefield, the woman that only Thanos could see leaned against his throne, provoking him with seductive whispers

Thanos' face was as black as ink, whether as a pursuer of death or a male, the feeling of being provoked like this made him not very good.

"Can you also receive the death of those bugs?"

On the contrary, the arrogant and interested person next to him asked.

Lady Death rolled her eyes at him, as if she could see through his mind, she said coquettishly and easily

"All death that happens in this universe belongs to me."

"Whether those things are eternal or annihilated, light or dark, 'Gardener' or 'Yanggu'. Because as long as it happens in this universe, he is the death of this universe."

arrogantly nodded thoughtfully

It appears that the function of death covers, perhaps, captures actions that ensure all 'death' in the entire universe.

I'm afraid even Mu Feng can't escape this kind of capture, but on the other hand, the words of death also reveal another meaning.

She cannot control and interfere with the life and death of the 'Gardeners' and the 'Yanggu People'.

That is to say, these two existences go hand in hand with death, at least above the energy level.

Mu Feng has always been curious about the existence of the two who created the dark **** group and the positive **** group to fight each other.

In a big way, it may be the level of the plot line involved in the first firmament. In a small way, it is very likely to be a battle between 'annihilation' and 'eternity'.

Well, that's not small at all.

These two are actually similar to gardeners and Young Valley people.

Among the five gods, eternity, which is second only to swallowing stars, represents the flow of time in the universe itself, which means that it is a part of him as small as an atom and as large as the entire universe.

And annihilation represents the exact opposite of eternity, it represents the process of the universe moving towards the heat death that is doomed to destruction, or it represents the status quo after the destruction of the universe.

What? Are you saying there is infinite?

This guy with the lowest sense of existence among the five gods can actually be regarded as a part of eternity in a sense, or the opposite of eternity. They together represent the time and space of the universe, and together, they can be regarded as a whole.

If the Gardener and the Young Valley mean eternity and oblivion, then it all makes sense.

Things like the Heavenly God Group also have different quadrants depending on the universe. Sometimes they are just an eternal dream, and sometimes they are the messengers of the first firmament.

In any case, such a thing is far beyond what Mu Feng can touch at present.

"When are you going to give me the last stone!"

Thanos suppressed his anger and madness, and looked at the arrogant and low-pitched questioning on the side.

"Only the last one!!!!"

"Don't worry, even if I give you the gem, you can't activate it."

Arrogantly stretched out his right hand, and the one lying quietly in the palm of his hand is the soul gem.

Stark handed him over to Mu Feng, because this gem was no longer needed for what he was going to do next.

He will also be the beginning of all "turnarounds" in this universe.

But Mu Feng didn't mean to give the gem to Thanos, not that he wanted to sell it, just like he said...

Even if this gem was given to Thanos, he would not be able to use it.

The reason is simple, because the universe still retains a time gem.

The time gem that was hidden in the world of the Throne of Oryx still exists, which means that there are two identical and usable gems in this universe.

This seriously violates the basic laws of the existence of the Infinity Stones.

There can only be one infinity gem in each parallel universe, and the gems of parallel time and space can indeed be used, but only if the gems of the universe "do not exist".

Two identical Infinity Stones are activated, and the result cannot be two - first, the gem cannot be activated, and second, the gem has a serious annihilation effect.

This kind of annihilation effect can be more exciting than the collision of people from parallel worlds pulled by a big president.

Arrogant doesn't want to bet on this possibility, let alone the current Thanos...

"You've lost the ability to judge things."

Arrogantly looked at the impatient Thanos and said softly

"You may have gained unprecedented power and further understood your destiny, but... you have lost your basic sanity."

Thanos is not stupid, Thanos is an extremely smart man. But once Lady Death is involved, this guy's IQ will plummet all the way.

Watching him kill countless lives to please death, it can be seen that this Thanos is getting closer and closer to himself in the main universe, and is also heading towards a crazy road of losing his mind.

Thanos narrowed his eyes, and the gem in his hand shone brightly, as if he was weighing whether to make a move.

Arrogant looked at him without any fear. He held the Mind Stone in his hand. This gem was destined to be unable to fight against the unity of the other five gems, but the gap created was enough for him to escape.


After staring at Arrogance for a while, Thanos snorted coldly and retracted the Infinity Gloves.

Although he has become a little brainless in order to please death, he still has basic logical judgment.

Now is not the time for civil war.


The ability of the Dreadnought Worldship was created from the corpse of the insect **** Akka.

This worm god's ability is the by-product of the combination of Oryx's humanity and the source of darkness. In other words, this is Oryx's corpse.

And he turned the corpse of his human self into this huge battleship, and then reversed his throne world to this.

The reversal was able to succeed so smoothly, to a large extent, it was indeed because Oryx used his own corpse as the reversal carrier.

This will be a case that cannot be successfully replicated at all, a feat that only Oryx can do!

So here, is it dangerous?

Of course that's crap!

As the mothership of the swarm, as the corpse of Oryx, there are countless gloomy defenses arranged here!

Directly linking almost all the swarms of the upper-dimensional world, which means that in the event of an accident, there will be countless swarms to support at any time!

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