"You have been chosen to be the guardian, and you will fight for the... company!"

349. Commodity: Universe

People who sway between two forces stronger than themselves are generally called wallflowers—this is a derogatory term, no doubt about it.

And those who can freely sway the screening conditions in front of the two sides and shop around are generally called middlemen - this is a compliment.

Mu Feng is such a middleman.

He manipulated Nanuo Da's traveler, watching the countless selected Marvel aborigines become his first batch of 'employees' who can freely manage, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Then these people are your first 'employees'."

The Black Rubik's Cube was suspended in front of Mu Feng, and the sound of the 'system' came from it.

"Isn't the company giving any indication to a 'defector' like me?"

Mu Feng looked at this thing that had been staying in his body for a long time and kept him up at night with interest, and said softly.

"Where, the company would like to thank you for the cooperation bridge you built for us."

The system said frankly

"After the company's development plan for the Marvel universe was discovered by the five gods of the universe, the company planned to give up on this market completely. It is just to test the response of the local market to guide you and put you in this universe."

"So, I've become the guinea pig for your experiment?"

Mu Feng's tone is quite bad

"Of course, but only if you choose our hook for this benefit, otherwise how can you join our plan?"

The system is quite happy to say

"Friend, these are all business, don't tell me you don't understand!"

Although in theory, after being promoted to management, he does not need to accept the shackles of the company, but both the parallel world No. 0013 that was separated into Mu Feng's hands, and the world he came from are all within the jurisdiction of the company.

Perhaps a long time ago, the company adopted the same method as him or the reincarnation of the main **** space next door, changing and polluting those worlds through large-scale delivery of traversers, forcing them to cut out these dangerous worlds and hand them over to the company.

Unless Mu Feng completely abandons those two worlds, and completely abandons all connections between the Black Cube and the company, he will always be controlled by the company.

So, where does the pie fall from the sky?

Regardless of the system or the reincarnation, the essence is just a model of the 'company' casting a wide net and catching more fish. The seemingly loss-making expenditures in the early stage are just a training cost.

The world of One Piece, the world of One Punch Man, including the parallel world No. 0013 that he experienced, are all worlds under the control of the company. Interfering with those worlds, the company can't actually get any benefits.

Those worlds are nothing more than the cost of his trials. It was not until the start of the dungeon world that he could be regarded as an attempt to gradually gain profits. After training in a certain world, a formal evaluation of his business ability was conducted.

The result is naturally unexpectedly good, even better than expected. Not only did he use two worlds to get the company to certify him and he passed the training, but he used one world to make all the company's investment pay off—even where The department also slapped the next door hard.

Even if 10,000 resources are consumed, as long as an excellent seed like Mu Feng is cultivated, even if it is not as good as him, the company can earn back the cost hundreds of times!

From another point of view, the so-called detached partners, whether it is Mu Feng or those in the main **** space, are just wage earners of another company.

Even if they were exposed to the real 'core business' of these companies, the companies might clear their doors...

"I know what you're thinking, you don't have to look at us so scary."

As if seeing through what Mu Feng was thinking, the system was very dissatisfied.

"Your predecessor really died because of blindly developing the Marvel Universe market, and has nothing to do with the company."

Ha ha

Mu Feng smiled without saying a word, what he said was true or false, anyway, as always, he would not believe a word of this company.

But he doesn't have to care about that anymore.

Through the over-exploitation of the Marvel world beyond the company's imagination, Mu Feng has successfully reached a higher level.

That is the level of the five gods of the universe equal to the company.

Although the essence is still unattainable, he has the qualifications to negotiate transactions with them, and through this, he can be completely "independent" from the company.


Why would he do this?

If he wanted to be independent before in order to completely control his destiny, then in the current situation, complete independence is a loss-making business for him.

Yes, the company holding him is indeed an annoying target, but on the other hand, they are also the investors who have provided Mu Feng to the present day, and the headhunters and talent market owners who have a huge market and a lot of opportunities!

Anyone who does business must understand the most basic truth - there is no eternal enemy, only eternal interests.

Not to mention that the company is actually not a mortal enemy to him. Although they forced the investment in the potential stock of Mu Feng and planned to harvest it, Mu Feng also relied on their forced angel investment to get from a mediocre investment. of mortals have grown to where they are today.

This is a mutually beneficial relationship, and while it may be full of unjust elements, at the very least, they each get what they want!

And Mu Feng is very clear that if he wants to continue to develop, there is no reason to give up such a huge resource of the company and not use it!

Since the company does not intend to deal with Mu Feng, Mu Feng certainly does not want to deal with the company.

This has nothing to do with feelings, everything is interests, and there are only simple interests to maintain business people.

"So, have you drawn up a new contract?" Mu Feng whispered

From the initial employee contract, to the partnership contract, to the current business partner contract.

Mu Feng can be considered to have completely completed a kind of 'class jump'.

"Yes, you can see, this is the result of the unanimous formulation of all the decision-making levels of the company... You are really a miracle." The system produced a piece of parchment containing a huge amount of information, while admiring

"You're the only one who can officially become our partner from an employee since the company officially started operating profitably."

Mu Feng ignored him, and just quickly read through the millions of clauses and supplementary clauses above, as well as countless 'annotations'.

He was silent for a moment, considering the terms above.

He won't worry about the company cheating him at that time. Strictly speaking, this thing does not have any coercive effect - after all, there can be no devil's contract in this world that can bind them.

Their cooperation is based on a deep exchange of interests and trust that is almost nothing.

It is naturally impossible to explain these terms one by one, but to put it simply, there are only a few items in them.

The company agreed to the conditions proposed by Mu Feng.

They will completely transfer the control of the parallel world No. 0013 and Mu Feng's home universe to Mu Feng's hands - of course, Mu Feng will immediately transfer the most valuable part of it to this one that has been controlled by him. in the universe.

On the other hand, the company also made a request to Mu Feng.

The universe he actually controls, he must transfer control to the company 100 years before the expiration of the deadline, and help the company "smuggle" some people into the Marvel universe under limited conditions.

Mu Feng sternly rejected this clause.

He hasn't lived enough. The premise of shopping around is that you have the conditions to talk to the three families. The premise that he can pull the five gods of the universe to cooperate with him is that he does not help the company continue to poison the universe.

The company deeply regrets Mu Feng's choice, and without hesitation, it is enough to practice the previous one.

Very old-fashioned opening the window first, but useful at any time.

Mu Feng has no objection to this. He doesn't know why the company wants to leave the Heart of the Universe a hundred years in advance, but for him, this is not an impossible deal.

Although there may be some unimaginable value in this universe, the result of handing it over a hundred years earlier is the same as being confronted with 'annihilation' head-on a hundred years later.

If he has the ability to default on his debts in the future, it will be the same as annihilation default or company default.

And then there are the terms of cooperation.

The company will open up all databases and business templates to Mufeng, provide him with all the information and free channels for the company to open up the market, and give him the power to select employees in all the worlds that the company actually controls.

And Mufeng will take this world as the foundation, carry out in-depth cooperation with the company, and deeply implement the company's basic business.

That is - invade the world.

Of course, the price to be paid for this is real. About every five universes Mu Feng actually controls, he has to pay the price of one universe.

He eats four, and the companies that provide channels and early business operation methods and profit realization take a share.

It may seem a bit harsh, but for Mu Feng, as long as he masters the method of developing the market on his own in the later stage, he can act on his own without resorting to the company's channels and ignoring the company's commission.

For this clause, Mu Feng still tried his best to negotiate and strive for it.

Eventually, he would split from 82 to 5/6 to 1/6.

This means that Mu Feng will be able to form a platform and group similar to the main **** space or magical props company by himself from now on, and destroy and colonize other worlds.

Then there's a whole bunch of miscellaneous and word-by-word explanations of all kinds.

Mu Feng didn't care what tricks the company played on it. As he said, to maintain the terms of their previous transaction, the devil's cleverness could not be used.

Mu Feng got what he wanted, and the company got a new object that could open up more interests and markets for them!

Moreover, at the end of the contract, the company solemnly launched a real invitation to Mu Feng.

They invited Mu Feng to join the company's decision-making level, and invited Mu Feng to officially become a member of the "shareholders' meeting".

In it, Mu Feng will become a 'high authority' in the true sense, and the new group and platform established by his universe will become the third largest department independent of the main **** space and the magical props company!

Mu Feng did not agree, nor did he immediately object. This may be a trap or an opportunity.

But even if he wanted to join this decision-making level, Mu Feng felt that it was necessary for him to gain more bargaining chips for himself.

They signed their names to each other's satisfaction.

Mu Feng saw many 'familiar' names on that parchment, such as Saint Tzeentch, such as Pepatua, such as Nyarlathotep, such as...

But it doesn't matter. Whether the name is real or not, and whether the company's decision-makers are these people, it doesn't matter at all.

"It's a pleasure to work together - as much as I'd like to say, but I'm afraid I'll be calling you 'boss' from now on."

The black cube turned into a light and entered Mu Feng's body again, but this time he would not reject him, because the relationship between them had changed from a puppet controlled by the system to controlling the system as a communication Terminal leader.

"Then boss, are we going to leave here for the handover ceremony of the two worlds next?"

"……Do not."

Mu Feng rejected the slightly flattering words of the system and said lightly.

"Let me witness the end of another cosmic story."

What's more, Mu Feng never thought that the universe would be handed over to him so easily.


The truth contained in this dark universe is sometimes darker and deeper than all of this.

Thanos has been chasing after what he desires.

Summoned from another world, Thanos will never forget what he desires, what he needs, what he pursues...

death, his death.

All he wants is death! All he desires is his own lady!

The mad, cruel, tyrannical Mad Titan loves the Lady of Death so much, he can't wait to tie her to his side forever, and can't wait to make the Lady of Death his only possession.

All love is classified as endless possessiveness at the end, and Thanos' love is so hot and pure, so it is so full of endless possessive desire.

But that in itself is an impossible thing.

How do you imprison death? How can you make the end of all life in this universe yours?

Regardless of how such a thing should be done, if Thanos were really done, it would be an irreversible disaster.

If the whole universe loses death, then the basic rules that make it up will collapse in an instant.

Life will never find rest in eternal pain, there will be no final destination, so no new life will be born, the basic concept of the existence of the universe will completely collapse, and all that will be left is a name. It's called the empty shell of the universe.

Death and life are concepts that are completely opposite but infinitely close. If there is no death, life will have no meaning. If death disappears, life will naturally have no conditions for existence. The opposition of duality is the basic law of the existence of the universe.

Imprisoning death, in other words, destroying the current universe, and destroying the universe in which it is located, death will inevitably enter the next stage with the reincarnation of the universe.

So that's a paradox in itself.

But what this world, this universe lacks most, is something like 'paradox'.

Thanos has to admit that he cannot and cannot completely bind death, but maybe he can do it in other ways.

Just like Thanos who summoned her, he has actually done the impossible.

He let death come to Hela's body, and made the infinite and invisible death into a touchable, existing goddess of death. Death has a body, which means that she has descended from a concept to a separate individual.

Maybe death can leave that body at any moment—

All Thanos has to do, then, is to keep death from getting out of there.

He would then imprison death and make his lady his only thing.

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