"I just have a... not so good feeling."

The domineering master of knowledge and knowledge often awakens his own special abilities when he cultivates to the extreme. Katakuri's ultimate knowledge and knowledge brings predictions of the future for eight seconds, and with it, there is also the strong hunch.

The hunch of the people of the knowledge and color is not that kind of mysterious and mysterious. For example, the Tarot card divination of Captain Hawkins, behind the extremely high accuracy rate is actually the prediction of the danger and the situation brought by the knowledge of the color. People often have to trust their hunch.

Just when the high-spirited BIGMOM was about to officially announce the all-army attack, a voice she was familiar with and hated to the bones resounded in the sky of Cake Island.

"Charlotte Lingling, you are dead!!!!"

The huge sound echoed in the sky above Cake Island, and there was silence all around. Whether it was the children of the Charlotte family or the people of Cake Island, they couldn't believe their ears.

Although the cultures of the world and the world are different, as long as you are not a fool, you can hear the strong malice and provocation from this sentence...

"What daring bastard..."

Angry BIGMOM looked at the sky with his bloodshot pupils. Among the echoing clouds, a huge steel giant sprayed cyan flames like wings from behind, floating recklessly in the sky of Cake Island.

"Mom, it's him!"

Katakuri's face was startled, and then he immediately entered the combat alert posture, full of domineering and domineering!

"Everyone, all disperse, and all the fleets are ordered to enter a state of battle!!!"

Perospero roared and immediately issued a battle alert order. A year ago, the Shattering Demon Sword almost knocked their Charlotte family children out of PTSD.

After all, that attack on any of them is a dead end, and if this guy really kills his mother this time, their nations will probably fall apart in an instant.

"Charlotte Lingling, you are a deformed child born with no mother, a murderer with a blocked sewer, a cerebral palsy child who is still pretending to be tender at an age..."

The steel giant above the sky kept echoing Podoldo's beautiful words. This kind of swearing words combined with his gentle voice caused further damage.


The furious Charlotte Lingling immediately turned Napoleon into a huge emperor sword, roaring and rushing to the sky to turn over that thing, but Katakuri and Perospero stopped her immediately.

"Mom, don't be impulsive, don't fall for that guy's tricks!"

"Mom, watch out for that weapon of his..."

The words of the two capable sons brought Charlotte Lingling back to her senses. Although she is a majestic and inviolable Pirate Emperor, she is still a pirate in the end, and she still has her senses.

Although she couldn't stand being insulted like this, if she was scolded for a few words and rushed up to die, she wouldn't be alive today.

"Sure enough, it's useless... It seems that we should add a little more material."

No. 4 looked at the indifferent aunt below and smiled maliciously.

"Miss An, it's time for you to appear."

Standing in the palm of GP02, An took a deep breath. The cold air in the sky made her lungs as cold as her heart. Under extreme fear, she released her ability tremblingly.

Phantom Fruit Projection Theater

A gigantic projection that was so huge that half of all nations could see it appeared on the sky.

It was a slowly unfolding picture scroll, just like those tourists in Wano who were carrying drawing boards and erecting brackets to tell stories.

"A long, long time ago, there was a girl named Charlotte Lingling."

With Anna's gentle and motherly voice, the picture scroll above the sky slowly changed, and finally turned into the appearance of a huge little girl.

"that is--"

BIGMOM's eyes widened, that girl was her!

"She has great power on her shoulders, but it is also accompanied by a curse of never being satisfied. Under the control of her appetite, she will turn into a demon."

"She was abandoned by her parents in the country of giants and adopted by a kind nun..."

Ann's story is told very well, her voice is very suitable for the role of telling fairy tales, her fruit ability is also very good, and the picture scroll across the sky is lifelike.

The story progresses little by little, from the abandoned BIGMOM, to her havoc in the giant kingdom, to being driven out, Charlotte Lingling's childhood past is all told.

"Lingling, happy birthday!"

The kind nun holding a birthday cake appeared in the illusion of the sky. BIGMOM on the cake island widened his bloodshot eyes and stretched out his hand in a daze.

"Sister, Sister Carmelite..."

The style of painting suddenly changed again!

The picture scroll in the sky was suddenly dyed red with blood, and Ann stopped telling the story, and sang a strange ballad with a voice full of innocence

"Sweet and sweet, delicious puffs, snow-like cream puffs~"

"Caramel made the walls, coated with snow white cream, delicious, delicious caramel puff tower~"

"Eat, eat, and want to eat after eating!"

"Bread made of wooden planks of tables and chairs, smeared with Tataro blood red jam, sweet, sweet, really sweet."

"Eat, eat, and want to eat after eating!"

"Squeeze out the eyes of a fish and put it in your mouth, it's as delicious as a mint."

The song with a childlike voice is so weird, especially with the picture scroll that suddenly turns blood red, it is so creepy.

The huge girl, with greedy saliva, grabbed a murloc child who was screaming miserably, squeezed his eyeballs cruelly, and then ate him alive.

The girl laughed, with a mouth full of flesh and blood, and rushed towards the children who were screaming and fleeing.

The happy birthday party just now turned into a terrifying and **** slaughterhouse

"Mom, mom, mom, mom!!!"

As she ate, she let out a creepy, eerie laugh, a laugh that was all too familiar to BIGMOM below.

"How come, what is that, what..."

BIGMOM's face was full of wandering and dazed, those golden pupils were full of unknowable confusion, deep in his memory, as if something bad had been awakened.

"Not good - Brother Pelo, you must stop him!!!"

Katakuri's eyes narrowed. Eight seconds later, he had seen a future that could not be worse. Without hesitation, Katakuri threw his spear towards GP02 in the sky!

The triangular gun mixed with armed domineering shreds the air and stabs Ann in the air with supersonic power, but it is easily blocked by the prepared No. 4 with the huge anti-nuclear explosion shield of GP02.

He has missed his last and only chance.

Sometimes, even being able to predict the future is useless, you can only see the inevitable result twice.

"Hungry, hungry, hungry anyway, nun, go, go, I want to eat puffs!"

With Ann's increasingly elongated singing, the illusion changed again. Charlotte Lingling, who was covered in flesh and blood, grabbed the screaming Carmelite Sister with an innocent smile and opened her mouth wide.

"Sister, I'm so hungry."

Carmelite screamed and was torn off by Charlotte Lingling's arms, and then stuffed it into her mouth. Then, it was a terrifying chewing sound mixed with flesh and bones.

“Delicious strawberry puffs, thank you for your hospitality~~”

Ann's singing stopped in the last sentence of thank you, and the illusion dissipated, and Ann jumped back into the cockpit of the GP02 tremblingly.

"It's started!" No. 4 laughed happily

BIGMOM's eyes narrowed slightly, and when the wall of her mind saw the story, especially after seeing Sister Carmelite being eaten by herself, a kind of crazy horror filled her heart.

No matter how much his son tried to persuade him, it was useless, her confused eyes were completely sunk in.

Memories are never a solid and reliable thing, especially those vague memories, like when people grow up, they will always want to eat childhood snacks, those 'delicious snacks' are the psychological effects of vague memories The result of blessing.

That vague memory that even BIGMOM couldn't remember, with just a little guidance, would cause her to subconsciously generate false 'memory'.

It doesn't matter if she ate Sister Carmelite and the group of children, as long as she believes that she really did it.

“Mom mom mom mom mom mom mom!!!!!!”

BIGMOM suddenly began to cry loudly, and the terrifying sound wave shook Katakuri and Perospero from her side in an instant. passed out.

"No, mom's 'physique' has been lifted, Katakuri, protect mom!"

Perospero resisted the domineering oppression of the overlord, and yelled at his younger brother, Katakuri didn't do anything, he just picked up the triangle gun that fell next to him, and said solemnly

"He's not trying to kill Mom."

No. 4 in GP02 happily looked at the crying BIGMOM. This steel balloon is now as fragile as ordinary people. With just one shot, he can kill this guy.

But he wouldn't do it, he didn't come here to kill BIGMOM, on the contrary, he just wanted to take her away.

"Get ready, let's get started."

No. 4 adjusted the engine angle, and Ann released her phantom fruit again, projecting a huge Carmelite nun in the air.

"Nun, nun! nun!!!!"

BIGMOM, who saw the phantom of the huge nun, murmured and walked forward. The phantom smiled and opened his arms to her, but quickly left her.

"Wait for me, nun!!! Zeus, Prometheus!!!"

The violent BIGMOM summoned her own Hormiz like crazy, the white Zeus instantly turned into a huge black sea of ​​clouds under her feet, and Prometheus attached to the top of her head, causing her hair to burn like flames.

Her eyes turned into an abnormal and strange golden color, and under the leadership of Zeus, she quickly chased the Carmelite in the sky.

"Brother Pelo, be careful when I'm not here, I have a very bad hunch, that guy's goal is not just his mother!"

As expected, Katakuri jumped on the thundercloud of BIGMOM one step ahead. After explaining the last sentence, he followed BIGMOM to chase the GP02 flying away in the sky.

"Target, Marin Vando!" Four pushed the engine to the extreme and laughed wildly

"Four emperors, gather all!"

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————

ps: daily ticket request

Section 93 57. Riot Advance City

Advance City lv6 Infinite Hell

There was no sound in the dark and silent cell. Ever since the navy took Ace and Luffy away, there has been an eerie silence.

"Time is up."

The golden lion slowly opened his eyes, a strange look appeared in his eyes, and his smile was extremely mysterious

"You're finally going to do it? I'm so impatient waiting."

The red earl in the cell next to the golden lion also opened his eyes at the same time, expecting but saying impatiently

"...Hehe, when did you find out?"

The 'Golden Lion' looked at the impatient Red Earl, tilted his head and smiled strangely

"From the first day you came in." Red Earl said lazily

"That old **** Skye always called me Ryder, or curled my eyebrows and pretended. The first day you came in, you called me Balloric. That's when I realized something was wrong with you, but then he It's back to normal."

"Then, you read out what happened to me with your knowledge and domineering - it makes sense."

'Golden Lion', no, it should be said to be the No. 9 Prayer Hand, and nodded clearly.

Before Golden Lion was imprisoned, Mu Feng planted a spiritual seed in his head, making him his No. 9 Prayer Hand without touching his soul and will.

This is an indispensable part of the transaction, and Mu Feng does not believe in the golden lion. Mainly because he doesn't trust his brain, and for the Golden Lion, he doesn't seem to have any other choice.

The red earl's domineering look is very special. It is also the top one. The ability brought by Katakuri is eight-second future prediction, while the red earl's domineering brings a natural reading of the mind and memory. Pick.

"So, you are the little guy who sent Shikey in?" The Red Earl asked with interest

"Of course, it's just that I made a win-win deal with Mr. Skir before sending him to Impel."

On the arm of the golden lion, the arm armor that returned to the cardinal's light appeared, aiming at the direction of the Hailou stone chain behind him, and the two light blades sprayed out slowly dissolved the chain, and then the two Hailou stone handcuffs, and the neck. The stone shackles of the sea tower above were all dissolved.

This was unexpectedly very smooth, and I thought that more means would be needed.

The broken Hailou stone shackles collided with the ground, making a tinkling sound. The golden lion rubbed his neck. As soon as he got out of the shackles, he couldn't wait to kick Mu Feng off the line. His face showed a hideous expression. smile.

"Father, resurrect!"

In front of his palm are his two beloved knives, Sakuragi Kushi, the beloved sword stored in Mu Feng's hand, and now they are back in his hands.

Once again, using the two beloved knives as his legs, the golden lion cut open the door of the cell and laughed loudly.

"Hahahaha, Lao Tzu is out again! How can this broken prison be locked up, Lao Tzu?"

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