The aunt was playing with the scissors in her hands and staring at the man's lower body with evil eyes. She dared to come to the store to make trouble. She was still young and had never committed any crime. She didn't know why the flowers were so red. It would be easy to handle. She would Teach these people how to behave!

The leader's face twitched and he took a step back. No matter how advanced his martial arts skills were, he was still afraid of kitchen knives. He was not afraid of kitchen knives, but he was afraid of the old woman's scissors. With one strike of those scissor hands, all his sexual happiness for the rest of his life would be over.

However, their purpose is to destroy the shop and prevent the owner from doing business. It is so simple. It is a piece of cake to ask him to do it.

"You have offended someone who shouldn't be offended, and you still ask me who I am. Don't you have any idea in your heart?" Gao Laosan was very contemptuous in his words. He looked at the shop and it looked pretty good. He could eat sixty-six cents for an hour. It’s not a scam, but the owner of the shop is not very popular and offends people, but the other party invites him with a lot of money to come and ruin the place.


He glanced at Wufu, who was bleeding profusely, and raised the corners of his mouth sarcastically, "Tsk, the boss's wife looks okay, but she found such a tall and thick maid, couldn't it be to set off himself?"

Fortunately, the maid herself doesn't look very good, and one more scar is nothing. If she hits a beautiful woman, Gao Laosan still has a compassionate heart.

Li Haitang took a deep breath. Even when she was being chased, she had never been so angry. But now, with the anger bursting out of her chest, she couldn't bear it anymore.

The shop is her hard work. Although there are people who carry out every step, it is the result of her long-term planning. She has always been kind in doing business, and her positioning is neither high nor low. It will not affect the business of the surrounding restaurants at all, and there is no evil competition. Business competition is usually a price war. Very few people come directly to do housework. She simply treats herself as a king. Lao Tzu


However, these days, businessmen only look at immediate profits and treat anyone who blocks their path as a thorn in their side or a thorn in their flesh.

"Beanbao, don't be afraid."

Li Haitang stepped forward quickly, held Xiaodou Bao in his arms, touched the top of his head with his hands, and coaxed him softly.

A group of vicious men made a loud noise and almost hurt Doubao. As a mother, she suddenly panicked.

Doubao blinked, stared at a few people, and then ignored them. He held his mother's hand with his little hand and felt that her mother was shaking and about to cry.

Doubao touched the back of Li Haitang's hand with his chubby little palm and said, "Mom, don't be afraid."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. They are bad people. After a while, my mother beat them all away."

Li Haitang hugged Doubao and wanted to send the person to a safe place so as not to hurt the little baby later.

The mother and son interacted, and seeing Gao Laosan's stomach hurt, the people in the shop didn't take their brothers seriously, right?

The strong dragon does not overwhelm the local cowards. He, Gao Laosan, is the boss of the neighborhood. He has a group of thugs who specialize in collecting debts for Duguan. Anyone who sees him is called Sanye without honesty.

"Brothers, come on!"

Waiters and chefs, holding kitchen knives, think they can do nothing to him? Then it would be useless for him to hang around in this land.

"Third Master, the food in the shop is pretty good and delicious."

A lean-looking little guy grabbed the fries from the bean bun plate, which were dipped in ketchup. Not to mention, they were sweet and sour and had the soft taste of potatoes. Unfortunately, there were too few and they were not enough to eat.

"You big-headed idiot, hurry up and get down to business!"

The veins on Gao Laosan's forehead bulged with anger. The way he entered the door was very impressive, but it was all lost by his idiots.

They took money from their employer, so why not eat? It’s a popular place to eat, drink spicy food, and you can even go to the Flower House to find some charming little girls in the evening!

The little boy thought for a moment that that was indeed what happened. He threw it away and the plate in his hand hit the smooth and clean ground with another crisp sound.

In the store, the two sides were fighting fiercely, and the shopkeepers were all a little nervous. Their business is booming, and they had a premonition before that they might be in trouble. However, the owner is familiar with Mr. Jing Zhaoyi and Zhang, and they all have a respectable position in Kyoto. Who ate the bear-hearted leopard? How dare you find trouble without asking?


Gao Laosan and his group were about to continue smashing, and Li Haitang threw a packet of medicinal powder to Wufu. When Wufu saw this, she grinned. There was still blood on her forehead that had not been wiped off, making her look particularly ferocious at the moment.

Wufu was big but flexible. Before Gao Laosan could react, she grabbed the powder and shook it...

"Brothers, not good!"

Gao Laosan was dumbfounded. When he found out that he had inhaled the white powder, he immediately realized that something was wrong and was about to remind everyone that he was dying faster than he was.

After a few thumps, the lobby made a sound like dumplings being dropped.

The lady holding the scissors indicated her position, and then kicked Gao Laosan in the face with the toe of her shoe. Seeing that he didn't react at all, she muttered, "Isn't this person dead?"

Several people in the kitchen, headed by Zhao Laowu, prepared ropes very cleverly and tied up the troublemaker.

Wufu looked at it and waved her hand. Originally she wanted to fight for her life, but because there was a bean bag behind her, she could only stand in place to protect her. Now that she saw people and dead pigs falling into her hands, there was no need to think about it. .

"It's a hot day. It's better to be calm. It's not good to use hands or feet. If there is a commotion in the store, who will be responsible for the loss of the tables, chairs and benches?"

Li Haitang felt very sad when she saw the broken plates. She spent a lot of money to customize these tableware, with the name of the store on them as a logo.

The porcelain produced in large workshops is exquisite, and each order cannot be less than 200 pieces. The cost alone is as many as dozens of taels.

There is an anti-scald marble slab on the table, which is expensive. Even if someone pays for it, it will take ten or eight days to order it.

"Madam, what kind of medicinal powder is that? Let's keep some in the shop?"

Cui Niang watched eagerly, admiring her wife so much that she took her daughter to sign a death deed. Mrs. Jing said that her wife was a girl, and she was very unusual.

At least, Madam said that Zhuang Ke’s child could not be saved, and he was better than Dr. Lin.

"It's just an ordinary drug, and people will wake up after a while." Li Haitang moved a chair and asked someone to hang a closing sign outside, and then said to the people in the shop, "If there are those blind people who come looking for trouble, everyone The first reaction was to resist, not to avoid. As the owner, I am very pleased and rewarded

Reward everyone, give everyone a red envelope! "

"Mrs. Boss, we are all working in the shop. We are just one member. These are what we should do. How can we get your reward?" Zhao Laowu took the lead in speaking. Since he arrived at the shop, although he has not been light-hearted, at least he has spent a lot of time. He is free. I am right behind the shop, and can also help with picking and washing vegetables. There is never any delay in taking medicine. If he is too late, there will be others to help him.

It's done. The people in the shop were very nice, and he was very grateful that he was with the right person.

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