Over the years, Ouyang Dongqing still looked sloppy, even though his strength had improved, he never changed.

Pushing open the door, the room was still in a mess.

A lot of ground spiritual plant residues were piled in the corner, and there was no time... or no thought to clean them up.

Even if they were thrown in the storage ring, it would be fine.

"How is it?"

Nowadays, the gap between the two realms is getting smaller and smaller, and Chen Mo has practiced the Great Thousand Changes, and his concealment skills are difficult for even Ouyang Dongqing to detect.

The other party raised his head lazily and said, "Not very good."

After a few breaths, he asked again, "How are the spiritual plants?"

"There is still more than half a year."

Chen Mo spared no effort to supply spiritual plants to Ouyang Dongqing.

He didn't expect the other party to research any new talismans, but only wanted to draw more powerful talismans. If they could be used to kill enemies above their level, it would be great.

"If it's not good, then why are you here!" Ouyang Dongqing said unhappily.

If it were someone else, they would be extremely polite when meeting the head of the immortal sect, and even Song Yunxi would only joke.

Only the person in front of him complained about his parents who provided him with food and clothing from the bottom of his heart.


Chen Mo was also a little embarrassed, but he didn't care.

He also knew that Ouyang Dongqing had this temper, he could deceive and coax, but he couldn't force it.

"Really! I still hope that your spiritual plant will bring some inspiration." The other party muttered to himself, "The soul-summoning spell doesn't seem to be that simple... Can I go back? Do I really believe it?"

Chen Mo didn't know what the other party was mumbling, and he was confused.

However, he came here to send warmth to the other party this time.

After all, the spell notes bought more than a year ago have not been taken out yet!

"Take these and study them, and see when you can draw them."

Chen Mo casually put a thick stack of notes on the table. Ouyang Dongqing just glanced at it indifferently at first, but when he saw the content on it, the whole person jumped up suddenly.

With a flash, he was already in front of the dim table.

He flipped through the pages one by one under the flickering candlelight!

"Five little ghosts moving talismans? Is there really such a talisman? Wait, is this a red flame fire talisman? A thousand-mile sound transmission talisman?"

Ouyang Dongqing flipped through six or seven pages in a row, then looked at Chen Mo with both hands holding the notes, and asked anxiously: "Where did you get it from?"

"Nonsense! I must have bought it!" Chen Mo also glared at him unhappily, "Can you change it for me!"

"How many spirit stones did you buy it with?"


Hearing the number of one thousand, Ouyang Dongqing was about to take out ten high-grade spirit stones, but he felt something was wrong in an instant.

"One thousand high-grade spirit stones?"

"What do you think?"

"Then when I learn it, I will exchange the talisman with you!" The other party said firmly.

"You are welcome."

"Then are you sure you will give me these talisman notes?" Ouyang Dongqing asked.

"What else?"

"Okay! I'll go to the Dragon Tiger Gate!"

After saying that, without giving Chen Mo time to react, he picked up the things on the table and disappeared in an instant.

Looking at the empty house with one or two struggling souls inside, Chen Mo was stunned, and an absurd idea emerged in his mind: Would the other party take his things and run away?

Ouyang Dongqing's behavior was really beyond Chen Mo's expectations.

However, he had no choice but to smile bitterly.

After a few days, there was still no sign of Ouyang Dongqing's return.

The other party did not have the Yin-Yang sound transmission tube on him, so this person was no different from missing.

On this day, Nie Yuanzhi went to Motai Mountain to find Chen Mo!

As the Xianmen gradually developed and grew, the affairs that the secular elder needed to manage became more and more.

In addition to the disciples who did not need him to teach, he originally transferred half of the entire Nie family team, and combined with the newly recruited disciples of the Xianmen, formed the management network of Motai Mountain.

As for newcomers, naturally, they are not as useful as the people of the Nie family. They have to start teaching and learning all over again.

But Nie Yuanzhi still chose this path despite all the opposition.

In his words, the Nie family is the Nie family, and Motai Mountain is Motai Mountain. Maybe the people of the Nie family will be used now, but one day in the future, they will have to be separated!

Nie Yuanzhi came before and brought two pieces of news, and they also had to discuss the next countermeasures.

"Brother Nie has not seen you for more than a month, and your strength has improved a lot!" Chen Mo joked with a smile.

"Master, you are joking!"

Chen Mo never spares resources for his own people.

In such a large immortal gate, the person in front of him is responsible for all matters big and small. Therefore, the other party and Li Tingyi's Xuanqing Yangyuan Dan have almost never stopped.

Now, the other party's strength has reached the seventh level of Jindan.

This is a realm that Nie Yuanzhi once dared not imagine!

If this continues, as long as the opportunity is enough, he will have a chance to fight for the Yuanying realm in three to five years at the fastest and ten to twenty years at the slowest!

Became the first Nascent Soul cultivator in the Nie family in a thousand years.

"What's the situation?"

"Master, there are two things you need to decide."

Chen Mo nodded and motioned for the other party to continue.

"The first thing is that the master of Yongning Academy has passed away. They plan to hold a funeral within five days. They sent someone to deliver the news and would like to invite you to go."

"Master of Yongning Academy?"

A figure suddenly appeared in Chen Mo's mind.

The other party had a sage-like appearance and a friendly face.

Although they only met briefly, Chen Mo was deeply impressed. He subconsciously touched the storage ring. The other party even gave him some resources.

"Are you talking about Zhang Liang and Zhang Zhang?"

Nie Yuanzhi nodded.

He didn't know this person, but before coming to report, he also asked Wei Hongyi about it.

"I didn't expect it... it's only been a short time." Chen Mo couldn't help but sigh.

The deadline is approaching, and he also knows that longevity pills such as longevity fruits are not of much use. I didn't expect it to be only a few years?

Just over three years!

The other party actually passed away.

"It seems that I really have to go."

"Master, who do you think will go with you?"

Chen Mo thought about it. Elders like Song Yunxi could not be moved. After thinking about it, he finally said, "Then let Nie Xin go."

Nie Yuanzhi was delighted and said, "Okay!"

"Anything else?"

"It has been three months since the last batch of people guarded the rift. It is time to change the guard. You see..."

Chen Mo guessed the other party's intention: "It stands to reason that Motai Mountain should send people, but we only have a few Jin..."

At this point, he looked at the other party and continued, "Let the old turtle go?"

"I suggest your red flame tiger."

Nie Yuanzhi had seen the old turtle's chatterbox a long time ago. If he was sent, the front line would probably be disturbed!

"That's right!" Chen Mo nodded, "How about this, let Xiaohu and Xiaojin go together, so that they can take care of each other!"

"Dragon and tiger go together! Good!"

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