Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 986 Want to eat shit

"Yes. What the general originally thought was that since the Duan family is leaderless now, we can definitely try to force them to surrender and take Dali without a single blow." Mu Ying sighed again and said, "But after listening to His Highness's words, the general also understood. , accepting Duan’s surrender at this time is not a good thing.”

"That's right." Zhu Zhen sneered: "There is no such shop in that village. When my father promised to be the king of Dali, they didn't bother to pay attention. Now it's too late to surrender."

As he spoke word by word, he pronounced Duan's death sentence and said: "Dali has been subjugated for more than a hundred years, and Duan's rule over Dali should also come to an end."

"As ordered." Mu Ying hurriedly responded in a deep voice.


In February of the fifteenth year of Hongwu, the armies of Lan Yu and Jin Chaoxing arrived at Weichu Road.

The Can Yuan Ping Zhang, Yan Naimai, and Political Participant Liu Cheche Buhua, who were entrenched here, opened the door and surrendered without any surprise, not daring to withstand the front of the army.

At this point, all three roads, seven states and six counties in Central Yunnan have surrendered.

After the Ding in central Yunnan was settled, the army took a short rest and prepared to march into Dali.

At this time, Dali sent an envoy to deliver the credentials. First, they informed the Ming army that Dali now had a new king, the younger brother of the Dali general manager named Duan Shi who had just been killed by Lan Yu.

The second is to ask Ming Dynasty to grant Duan Shi the title of King of Dali according to the preface. Lan Yu and others read his book and said: "... Dali is a foreign country after the Tang Dynasty and Sui Dynasty. It is a remnant state of the Song Dynasty. It is difficult to form camps and troops. It is in vain." Please follow the stories of the Tang and Song Dynasties, be lenient to me, Meng and Duan, worship Zhengshuo, wear Chinese seal script, pay a small tribute every year, and a large tribute every three years. ’

The content roughly says that since the Tang Dynasty, Dali has maintained a friendly and non-aggressive diplomatic relationship with the Celestial Empire. By the Song Dynasty, the relationship between the two countries became even closer. Shanchan, also known as Kunming, is the country that Song Taizu's jade ax painted as an unwanted country.

Moreover, it is difficult to station troops in Shanchan or Dali. Even if you use force to defeat them, it will be of no use and it will be just a waste of effort. Therefore, please follow the old practices of the Tang and Song Dynasties, canonize our king, and let Dali govern Yunnan.

For this reason, we are willing to honor the Ming Dynasty as the first day of the Celestial Dynasty, wear the Ming Dynasty clothes, and pay small tribute once every two years, and pay great tribute once every three years...

All the princes laughed angrily after reading it, and cursed as they passed it around.

"Good guy, not only do you want Dali, but you also want Kunming!" Marquis Jingchuan laughed angrily.

"Working together with us for a while, just for the Duan family?"

"You want to eat shit?!" Xuandehou glared at the messenger and sneered: "You are dreaming, right? You are so awesome. I would never dare to have such a beautiful dream!"

"Dali has been dead for more than a hundred years, where did the king of Dali come from?" Wang Bi couldn't help but sneered.

"Dali was the master of Yunnan during the Tang Dynasty. Now that the Yuan Dynasty has fallen, we will naturally restore the country." The envoy said plausibly: "What's more, the Ming Emperor has promised to ennoble our general manager as the King of Dali and return all the land of Yunnan to Dali! Don’t you generals not know this?”

The generals felt disgusted with this face that was sure to defeat the sovereign state. Lan Yu, who had been silent all this time, said coldly: "That was a few years ago? Can it be the same then as now?"

"That's right!" Jin Chaoxing nodded and said: "At that time, King Liang was very powerful, and Yunnan was not owned by our Ming Dynasty. If you were really serious, you could have killed King Liang for the court and taken Yunnan for yourself, and the court would have entrusted Yunnan to you. them."

"Now we have 300,000 heavenly soldiers fighting fiercely all the way. We have defeated Qujing and moved down to Kunming. We have destroyed the king of Liang. We have conquered eastern Yunnan, central Yunnan and southern Yunnan. Northern Yunnan is also pacified. Only a small corner of your land is left. How dare you mention the Old Testament again? , How shameless!”

The envoy was told that he had no words to explain, so he had to repeatedly bring up old events from the Tang and Song Dynasties and promise to talk about them today. Lan Yu felt agitated after hearing this, and slapped the table and said:

"Stop talking nonsense to him, he's just a messenger who knows a thing?!"

"Here comes someone!" Lan Yu raised her voice again: "Cut out his tongue and drive him out of the camp!"

"Huh?!" The envoy was frightened and hurriedly shouted: "If the two countries are at war and don't kill the envoy, the high country must respect martial ethics!"

"Did I kill you?" Lan Yu sneered and said, "The purpose of cutting off your tongue is to warn the Duan family not to talk nonsense in their sleep. Tell that generation to kill himself quickly if he wants to survive. Bie Chu surrenders, otherwise when the heavenly soldiers arrive, he will be reunited with his elder brother!"

As he spoke and waved his hand, the soldiers pulled the struggling envoy outside the tent. Soon he heard a scream of "ah" and then died.


Dali City, located between Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake, not only has the beauty of wind, flowers, snow and moon, but also the city has Cangshan Mountain in its back and the Erhe River in the west. In the east, there is Longwei Pass built by Nanzhao Piro Pavilion as a barrier, which is extremely dangerous.

The famous Duan clan of Dali has been dominant in Yunnan for hundreds of years thanks to this city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Even when Kublai Khan, the founder of the Yuan Dynasty, personally led his troops to attack Yunnan, he only reached Kunming and did not try to attack this ancient city with dangerous mountains and rivers. After the Duan family became a minister, Kublai Khan only went to the throne of the Duan family and still granted Dali to their management.

Therefore, in the view of the Duan family, although the Ming army is coming fiercely, they can defend their basic position as long as they rely on the favorable terrain of Dali City and the deep foundation of operating here for hundreds of years.

Then by making a humble surrender, giving more generous gifts, saying some disgusting words, and expressing willingness to become a vassal and pay tribute, the independent kingdom of Dali can almost be preserved.

They are very familiar with this skill. They have used it from Nanzhao to Dali, from the Tang Dynasty to the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and they have tried it repeatedly. So from the perspective of the senior management of the Duan family, this time is no exception...

As for the letter of credence to the Ming Dynasty, which proposed the hope of restoring Dali's old territory and sealing the entire Yunnan to the Duan family, in fact, they themselves knew that there was no hope.

But people always have dreams. What if the emperor of the Ming Dynasty looked down on this remote and wild place and agreed to it as soon as he got excited? Then didn’t they make money with blood?

So under the strong support of Duan Shi's uncle Duan Ming, they decided to ask for a high price first and wait for Daming to pay back the money. Let's talk slowly...

Unexpectedly, without saying anything, they cut out the tongue of the envoy they sent.

Ming Jun's meaning is very obvious. Talking about this kind of dream is sinful, but talking about it is nonsense!

Duan Shicai was in his twenties. He had always been a young master who was inexperienced in the world. Suddenly he took over the position of his eldest brother and was proclaimed the king of Dali by his uncle. He was completely confused.

But now everyone in Dali was immersed in the ecstasy of the restoration of the country, and he was deeply affected, so he agreed to his uncle's idea and sent an envoy to test Ming's reaction.

Now that he saw the envoy whose tongue had been cut, he finally sobered up and couldn't help complaining to Duan Ming: "Uncle Wang, you think this is a mess. What should I do if I offend Daming?"

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