Yunnan, Songmeng Prefecture. It got its name because various tribes often meet here to form alliances.

The original name of its administrative seat was Shazhawo City, which was built by the former Wuman Dong clan. After the Ming army occupied this place, it was renamed Songmeng City. Because it is located in the middle of the official road from Qujing to Kunming, its location is very important, so a state government was established here, directly subordinate to Yunnan Prefecture.

In addition to the state government office, there was also a post house in the city, and a hundred households stationed there to suppress the barbarians inside and outside the city, maintain order in the city, and keep the post roads open.

The hundred households stationed here are from Jiujiang Wei, Jiangxi Province. Their surname is Tang. They are nearly fifty years old and are veterans who participated in the defense of Hongdu.

Veterans like this have some inexplicable intuitions. In the past few days, Tang Baihu has always felt his eyelids twitching and his mind uneasy. It felt like something was about to happen.

He went to Zhizhou and asked him what had happened recently.

The magistrate's surname was He. He was originally a governor of Jiangxi. After arriving in Yunnan with the army, he was appointed magistrate of the Song League on the spot. Everyone came from Jiangxi Dusi, so naturally there was nothing to hide. He Zhizhou told Tang Baihu: "Rebellions have been happening everywhere in Yunnan recently. All the generals and governors have led their troops to quell the rebellion."

As he spoke, he glanced at Tang Baihu and said, "Did you hear something in the post house that made you think wildly?"

"No." Tang Baihu shook his head and whispered: "This is the first time I have heard of these things you said."

After a pause, he asked again: "What about our Song League?"

"Song League is okay. The Yang family is sensible. With Yang Ju helping to mediate, there shouldn't be any trouble here." He Zhizhou said and sighed: "Oh, what is the imperial court pushing for the use of land and clearing land?" , and we have to compile a yellow book... If these measures are rolled out all at once, can those chieftains not rebel?"

"Alas..." Tang Baihu didn't understand the meaning of these new policies. Anyway, since it was what the emperor wanted to push, they just had to defend it resolutely. Then he accompanied He Zhizhou and sighed for a while, and told him not to run around in the near future. If he wanted to go to the countryside, he must ask the Hundred Household Office to send troops to protect him.

The two talked for a while before Tang Baihu took his leave.

It was already dark now, and people were still coming and going on the street. Tang Baihu took a few steps and suddenly felt something was wrong. He whispered to the men following behind him: "Why are there so many people on the street today?"

"That's right." The subordinates behind him also said strangely: "Usually these barbarians go home before dark and close their doors until dawn. There is no one on the street at night."

"Is today a festival?" Tang Baihu asked again.

"No." The subordinate said not very sure.

"Go back to the guardhouse quickly and let everyone be on guard tonight!" Tang Baihu felt more and more uneasy and quickly quickened his pace.

As soon as the few people returned to the guardhouse and issued the alert order, they heard a huge noise coming from the direction of the state government office.

Tang Baihu looked up and saw the fire shining in the night sky. Apparently a large group of people surrounded the state government office!

"Get fully armed and gather urgently!" Tang Baihu immediately changed his order and ordered people to go and check immediately.

Nearly a hundred soldiers immediately dressed up, holding swords and bows, and gathered in the courtyard.

At this time, the soldiers sent to investigate also ran in from outside with a sweaty official.

"Baihu, something bad happened, Wuman rebelled!" As soon as the official saw Tang Baihu, he shouted loudly: "They have surrounded the state government office and want to arrest Zhizhou. We, Zhizhou, ask you to go to the rescue quickly!"

"How many people are there on the other side?" Tang Baihu asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know," the officer shook his head and said with a look of fear on his face: "After the villain ran out, I saw that the street was full of people. By the time I ran to the end of the street, those barbarians had already surrounded the Yamen."

"Got it, let's set off now." Tang Baihu nodded, turned around and asked his brothers, "Did you all hear it?"

"I heard it!" the brothers responded solemnly.

"I don't know how many rioters there are, I only know that they surrounded the state government office," Tang Baihu shouted in a low voice, "We will never allow this!"

As he spoke, he raised his voice and said: "Anyone who wants to run wild in Songmeng City must step over our corpses first!"

"That's right!" the soldiers responded in unison.

"Let's go!" Tang Baihu waved his hand suddenly.

The soldiers lined up and filed out. Although there were only a hundred people, they had the momentum of thousands of troops.

"Feng Xiaoqi." Tang Baihu called another Xiaoqi at the end of the team.

"Hundred households!" Feng Xiaoqi stopped quickly.

"The situation here is very bad. Not only He Zhizhou, but also dozens of brothers like us will have to be involved in it." Tang Baihu pulled him aside, took off his Baihu waist badge, and handed it to him. Li: "Take your brothers and go to the post house next door. There are nine horses there. You can ride to Kunming City immediately to report the news!"

Feng Xiaoqi held the waist badge in his hand and felt it weighed more than a thousand pounds. He choked and said, "Baihu, you better go."

"Fart!" Tang Baihu scolded: "I am a hundred households guarding the city, how can I leave my brothers and abandon the city and run away? Get out of here now, you won't be able to escape until it's too late. Who can report the news to me!"

After saying that, he turned around and left without looking back, following his troops.

With tears in his eyes, Feng Xiaoqi watched as the brothers walked out of the gate and encountered barbarians who came to surround Baihusuo. The two sides fought without saying a word...

He knew that the situation was extremely critical and could not tolerate a moment's delay. He quickly wiped away his tears, turned around and said to his brothers: "Go to the post house quickly!"

"Yes!" The eight soldiers gritted their teeth and nodded, followed Xiao Qi through the side door, entered the post house, and went straight to the stables.

As soon as the horses were harnessed, they heard banging on the door outside the post house.

"After mounting the horse, rush directly outside the post house, then go out through the nearest north gate, and go directly to Kunming after leaving the city!" Feng Xiaoqi rode on the horse and ordered to his brothers who were ready to go:

"Remember, if anyone, including me, is injured or captured, don't worry about it. Everything is about reporting the news. Even if there is only the last person left, we must report the situation here to Kunming!"

"Yes!" The eight knights nodded heavily, all with determination on their faces.

"Let's go!" Feng Xiaoqi heard the sound of the door being knocked open and the barbarians rushing in with strange screams. He suddenly pinched the horse's belly and gave orders at the same time.

The soldiers mobilized their horses at the same time and rushed towards the entrance of the post house.

By the time he met the barbarian who rushed in, his horse had already picked up speed!

The war horse galloped into the crowd, knocking the barbarians in front of them to stagger. They hurriedly screamed and ran for cover.

But there were also those with quick eyes and quick hands, who used weapons such as iron chain spears in their hands to attack the Ming army rushing in front of them. The two Ming soldiers were pulled off their horses on the spot and drowned in the sea of ​​barbarians...

The other soldiers hardened their hearts and rushed out of the post house without looking back, rushing towards the north gate.

When they arrived at the city gate, they found that the city gate was open, and large groups of barbarians were still pouring into the city.

Obviously, the soldiers guarding the gate have also been killed...

The soldiers became increasingly aware of the seriousness of the situation and hurriedly urged their horses to rush towards the north gate!

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