Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1024 Experimental Field

"Human beings are greedy by nature. As long as they have power, they want to grab more wealth, and land is the most valuable wealth. Because possessing land will not only bring about an increase in wealth, but also means controlling the corresponding population. The more land, the more valuable it is. The more, the greater the power. Therefore, the desire of the powerful class for land is endless, and the problem of land annexation naturally intensifies. In the end, the poor have no place to stand and can only rise up. The riots in the middle and late dynasties are nothing like this." Zhu Zhen said.

"Yes, they are all uprisings of the poor." The prince nodded.

"So the reforms in the middle and later periods of the dynasty were all centered around cracking down on the powerful and suppressing mergers, but they all failed without exception." Zhu Zhen said solemnly: "Wang Mang wanted to restore the Zhou Dynasty's royal land system, but he was ruined and will be infamy for thousands of years; Wang Anshi wanted to To suppress annexation, it failed immediately after Shenzong died. Why is it impossible to suppress annexation? Because suppressing annexation depends on political power, and the bureaucrats and powerful people are the political power. How can the powerful people use the knife on themselves? They will only stab the reformers in the back. knife!"

"When you say that, it's quite depressing." The prince smiled bitterly and said: "But it seems to be the case. Alas, everyone is on the court's boat. If the boat sinks, they will all drown. What did you say? Why don’t the powerful bureaucrats understand such a simple truth? In the end, they still work hard to be like moths?”

"This involves another taboo topic." Zhu Zhen said quietly.

"Let's have no inhibitions tonight and let's talk everything!" The prince and Zhu Zhen entered the study. After the eunuch served tea, he ordered no one to disturb them. "It doesn't matter if you say so."

"Actually, it doesn't matter. It's just a matter of who owns the world." Zhu Zhen said: "Why does the emperor naturally oppose annexation? Because the world belongs to the emperor. If this ship is sunk, the emperor will be the worst offender. Why are the powerful people unwilling? Give up the annexation, because the world does not belong to them. If this ship sinks, the worst case scenario is to find another ship."

"According to what you say, this is an unsolvable problem." The prince said with a solemn expression.

"Yes, no one can solve it." Zhu Zhen said firmly: "Not even my father can change it!"

"Then you have to do what you have to do," the prince said with a bitter smile: "Just like everyone is mortal, but you can't just lie down and wait for death at a young age. You have to make a living when you need to, and you have to maintain your health when you need to. Who doesn't want to What about living better and living longer?”

"Big brother is worthy of being a big brother." Zhu Zhen praised hurriedly: "My younger brother is keen on expanding the territory, just to make the Ming Dynasty live better and live longer."

"Let Ming get more land?" the prince asked.

"Yes." Zhu Zhen nodded and said: "My brother is selective in opening up territories. What we want is a fertile land with warm climate, fertile land, vast territory and sparsely populated areas. My plan is to expand every ten years. It will take another ten years to digest and absorb the land of one province. In this way, the Ming Dynasty will have one more province every twenty years, which can just accommodate the people who have lost their land due to annexation in the mainland within twenty years."

"Twenty years is more than one generation. It would really be better if there was one more province at the same time." The prince mused: "Continuously move the extra population from the interior to the newly opened territories for cultivation, so that the new territories can be transformed into Cheng Han. And the old provinces can also control the population at a moderate level. It will not cause various problems due to overpopulation."

"Moreover, if people can continue to obtain land, the land will not be too valuable, and annexation can also be objectively restrained." Zhu Zhen continued:

"In addition, there is another issue related to the survival of the Ming Dynasty, which needs to be solved through continuous expansion of territory."

"Are you talking about the army?" Zhu Biao asked.

"That's right," Zhu Zhen nodded and said, "First of all, after pacifying Yunnan, the world has been unified, and only the surviving Bei Yuan is left to fight. We must consider the issue of annihilating Bei Yuan and bringing peace to the world."

"When the birds are gone, the bows are hidden; when the rabbits are dead, the dogs are cooked..." Zhu Biao said softly.

"But brother, what if all the bows are destroyed, all the dogs are cooked, and man-eating beasts appear again?" Zhu Zhen asked: "You don't think that the invincible master is like crops in the field, which can be harvested after just one crop." Let’s plant another crop, right?”

"Of course not." Zhu Biao shook his head and said: "Excellent generals and invincible armies are tempered by the flames of war. An army that has never fought is just useless."

"Brother is right, so if the Ming Dynasty wants to maintain an invincible army, it must let its officers and soldiers continue to experience wars and continue to be useful after the domestic war is over!" Zhu Zhen said solemnly:

"My father established a professional military household system and granted so many hereditary officers. We have to keep fighting for them so that they have the opportunity to establish military exploits. Otherwise, won't they become mere burdens?"

"It takes more than twenty years to build a province, so that one generation's achievements and one generation's land can be achieved. This is what a prosperous age should be like, right?" The prince was also fascinated by the prospects described by Lao Liu, and murmured : "It's just too idealistic. What if the war goes wrong and the country is brought down? Moreover, are there so many suitable lands waiting for us to conquer?"

"It really does exist!" Zhu Zhen walked to the globe he gave to the prince and raised his voice: "Over the years, the Hai Zheng Yamen has basically discovered the situation in the entire South and West Oceans!"

As he spoke, he drew a large circle on the map with his finger, including the entire Indochina Peninsula, Southeast Asian countries, the Indian subcontinent and even the Australian continent, and said: "Such a large area is either still in the primitive era of slash-and-burn farming. , or the Tubanfan countries established are all chickens and dogs, vulnerable to attack, in short, there is no one who can fight!"

"There must be four or five Ming Dynasties here, right?" the prince said in shock.

"Absolutely." Zhu Zhen nodded. He had not yet pointed out South America, North America and Africa to the prince, because the distance was too far and it seemed unrealistic.

"These territories surrounding the Ming Dynasty are all God-given lands to the Ming Dynasty. They are enough to support our two hundred years of prosperity!" Zhu Zhen said with enthusiasm on his face: "If God cannot take it, he will be punished by God! These precious lands will become The territory of foreign powers! It has even become a stepping stone and logistics base for them to invade China. We will regret it when the time comes!"

"There is no regret medicine in this world, you must seize the God-given opportunity, brother!" Zhu Zhen excitedly grabbed the prince's hand, trying to make him understand his determination.

"Yes." The prince nodded and said, "You first govern Yunnan well. If it really becomes Han territory in ten years, my eldest brother will support you in developing the next territory."

"Don't worry, brother, I will definitely succeed!" Zhu Zhen said firmly.

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