Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1053 Third in the world

The next day was the first day of the first lunar month of the 16th year of Hongwu.

On this day, Boss Zhu will hold a New Year's Day meeting in the Jinluan Hall to receive congratulations from civil and military officials and envoys from the vassal state.

Moreover, in September of the first year of Hongwu, Boss Zhu decided on the Zhengdan Dynasty Ceremony, which was slightly similar to that of Dengji... In other words, the standards of the New Year's Day Dynasty were extremely high, similar to the emperor's enthronement ceremony, and it was extremely grand.

At the same time, vassal kings from various places will also hold Zhengdan court meetings in the Yin'an Hall of their respective vassal palaces. At that time, all the civil, military, and royal officials from all over the province will attend the event ceremoniously in court attire. The etiquette is quite similar to that of the royal palace. Of course, they must be downgraded according to the etiquette system.

This was the first time Zhu Zhen held a New Year's Day court meeting. Although he was also in Kunming last year, he did not have the title of King of Dian at that time. He only served as the supervisor of the Southern Conquest Army as King of Chu and King of the Sea.

The reputation is not justified, and Yunnan has not yet been peaceful. Of course, he will not hold any court meetings to give those officials and scholars the opportunity to arrange themselves.

But this year is different. He is already the legitimate king of Dian, and he is the real powerful prince who controls the civil and military affairs of the province and rules the southwest on behalf of the imperial court.

Both emotionally and rationally, a grand court meeting must be held to announce to the native officials and people of the entire province that Yunnan has returned to the king of the Ming Dynasty!


In fact, Zhu Zhen was okay. He had participated in the imperial court meetings since he was born. Even since I started to remember, I have participated more than ten times. It's completely familiar and you won't be at a loss.

The officials preparing for the court meeting were at a loss. None of the civil and military officials in Yunnan had ever worked in the Ministry of Rites or Honglu Temple. They had never had any experience in this field. They could only refer to the "Yi Notes" and the memory of attending court meetings in the past.

But Shi Luo Guanzhong, the palace chief responsible for the layout of the venue, had never even entered the Forbidden City of the Ming Dynasty, let alone attended the court meeting. How could the two chief envoys not sweat it?

Lest he didn't understand the rules and made a joke, Pan Yuanming came to the palace at the first hour of the day and wanted to help Teacher Luo give instructions to prevent the venue decoration from being completely out of order.

But when he arrived in front of the Yin'an Palace, he found that he had been worrying too much. He saw Teacher Luo sitting on the chair of the imperial eunuch and commanding Ruoding. The eunuchs and officials were divided into more than a dozen groups, each performing their duties, busy but not chaotic, and even very orderly...

Some set up the prince's silver throne and bright fan book on the platform in front of the palace.

Some placed various musical instruments playing Zhonghe Shao music on both sides of Danbi. Those zithers, shengs, and chimes make people dizzy just looking at them. Luo Guanzhong actually knows the placement of each one...

In addition, there are various guards and eunuchs who are on guard, holding flags, and holding whips. They all have their own duties, and their positions cannot be wrong at all.

There are also eunuchs in the elephant room who are responsible for raising large animals. They will also be cleaned, covered with gold and armor, and then led to the square in front of the palace to line up to enhance their prestige.

Yunnan lacks everything, but it has all kinds of rare animals, and Your Highness is very fond of them, so last year the chieftains donated eight elephants, ten pandas, and sixteen rhinos...

When Pan Yuanming came in, he saw the eunuchs walking through the show holding elephants, rhinos, and pandas, so that the animals could get familiar with the environment in advance...

Seeing those elephants, which were as big as houses, walking past him step by step with heavy steps, Pan Yuanming was frightened for a while, fearing that these big animals would suddenly go crazy and trample him into a meat pie.

However, Luo Guanzhong calmly directed the eunuchs to move and stand, and also instructed them to make the elephant kneel to the northeast first, and then kneel to the throne...

Pan Yuanming was amazed when he saw it, but he asked in confusion: "I see that the elephants at the palace meeting don't seem to kneel down?"

"They don't know how to tame an elephant." Luo Guanzhong said calmly: "We can only avoid this step..."

"That's true, there is no shortage of masters in elephant training in Yunnan." Pan Yuanming said with a smile.

"While the elephant is kneeling down and bowing, it also extends its trunk and calls. But the prince hasn't gotten up yet, so let's spare him this." Luo Guanzhong said again.

Pan Yuanming was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and he couldn't help but admire him. "I am so blind that I have worried for nothing. I didn't expect Mr. Luo to know etiquette so well..."

"Haha, no one knows etiquette better than the old man." Luo Guanzhong pushed up his glasses and raised his head proudly.

"That's right, Mr. Luo will have no problem being the Minister of Etiquette." Pan Yuanming said with half-compliment and admiration.

He thought to himself that the prince really does not have idle people around him... A person who has never attended a court meeting can prepare for the most solemn court meeting perfectly with just a thin book of "Etiquette Notes".

Pan Yuanming didn't know that Luo Guanzhong had never attended Boss Zhu's court meetings, but he had participated in Boss Zhang's court meetings. He had even presided over the preparations for several times, so he was naturally familiar with them.

And the more knowledgeable he is, the clearer he is that no one can grasp all the details of a court meeting with such complicated etiquette.

Even if the same person prepares two court meetings of the same specifications, they will never be exactly the same.

So as long as it's pretty much the same and looks like that, that's fine. As for the details, even if there are discrepancies, who can tell?

The key is to have strong self-confidence and let everyone believe that you know best. In this way, even if he finds that there is a discrepancy between the scene and his memory, he will definitely think that he has remembered it wrong...

This is the only method Luo Guanzhong learned from Lao Liu, and it has proven successful time and time again.


When everything was ready, it was already dawn.

After the melodious sound of bells and drums, the palace door with red lacquer and gold nails slowly opened. Fu Youde, Mei Sizu and other distinguished ministers, as well as the province's civil and military officials, royal officials, and representatives of Yunnan native officials, all filed into the palace. Classes were divided into groups and stood in the square in front of the palace.

Among the local officials attending the court meeting this time, in addition to Guizhou Xuanwei envoy She Xiang and Tongzhi Liu Shuzhu, there were also several people who had come to see him before.

For example, Mu De, O Tao and others did not go back at all, but stayed in the provincial capital waiting for this day.

These native officials also wore Ming Dynasty's vermilion court clothes and beamed crowns on their heads. They looked no different from the official officials.

Of course, there are no women among the exiled officials, but among the native officials, in addition to Shexiang and Liu Shuzhu, there are also several female chieftains...

But they were not very good-looking, so Zhu Zhen treated them the same as male chieftains.


At Mao hour, in front of the silver counter.

The four eunuchs lined up in all directions and waved their whips, which were about ten feet long, and sounded eight times. It means that the vassal king controls all directions on behalf of the emperor...

Another function of the crackling whip is to calm down the scene. As soon as the whip cracked, all the officials quickly stopped whispering to each other, straightened their Liangguan official robes, and held their heads high.

After eight whips, the square in front of the palace was completely silent...

Then the musicians from the Wangfu Dianyue Institute played melodious and solemn Shao music. Amidst the sound of Shao music, the majestic King of Dian of Chu Hai made a grand appearance.

Zhu Zhen wears a crown of twelve heavenly heads and a crimson gauze robe with a square heart-shaped collar. His leather belt, sword and sash are all the same as those of the crown prince.

In front of him is the official of the Palace Museum who is responsible for keeping the prince's gold seal.

Different from other vassal kings, Zhu Zhen's brothers only have one gold seal, but he has three gold seals, which are held by three treasure officers.

Each gold seal represents the identity of a Ming prince. Three coins represent that he is the unique third prince of the Ming Dynasty.

Between the two of them, the real number three in the world...

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