Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1059 The prince really gave too much

"Is this true?" Chang Santou couldn't help but ask. All craftsmen have a dream to become bigger and stronger with their craftsmanship, to open a workshop and become the boss, and they, the mat craftsmen, are no exception.

"Are you doubting me?" Zhu Zhen glanced at him.

"I don't dare." Chang San quickly knelt down and kowtowed. It was fine when everyone was making trouble together, but now the prince is only targeting him. The feeling of oppression is really terrible.

"Haha, don't worry, as soon as I open my mouth, I will definitely honor it!" Zhu Zhen is not really as knowledgeable as a commoner. He puts away his aura as soon as he shows off his power, and resumes his smile:

"Yunnan is a treasure land with unlimited business opportunities and gold everywhere. You must have seen in the past year or so that the local natives are short of everything, but they are not short of copper coins. And you craftsmen with inland craftsmanship, as long as you produce If you have the right things, you don’t have to worry about selling them. And I can also tell you that the province will soon open the Ancient Tea Horse Road, and then you can sell your products to Tubo, Siam, and Tianzhu. Why not worry about it? Get rich?"

Most of the craftsmen were attracted by Zhu Zhen's beautiful money scene and their mouths watered, but some remained sober. For example, Chang San and others questioned:

"But Your Majesty, we are just weavers of straw mats. Those Siamese people from Tianzhu must also be able to weave straw mats, and they won't pay for our straw mats, right?"

"It makes sense..." Chang San's words seemed to be particularly effective, and the craftsmen quickly calmed down after hearing this.

"This shows that although you are a good mat craftsman, you don't understand business." Zhu Zhen shook his head and said calmly:

"Do you know what it means when one person attains Taoism, and chickens and dogs ascend to heaven? As long as the ancient tea-horse road is open again and business is booming, even if you open a tea shop by the road and sell fodder, you can make a lot of money. Not to mention that anyone can sell it. The mats are in use!”

"That makes sense!" the craftsmen said again, but this time they meant the exact opposite.

Inspired by Lao Liu, they suddenly became enlightened and their thoughts came to them like a fountain:

"The straw mats we made are soft and strong, and their caravans can use them in many places!"

"Yes, people need to shop, goods need to be covered, and those valuable pots and jars have to be wrapped tightly with straw mats, and they have to be replaced with new ones after one use. What a big deal this is!" the mat craftsmen thought excitedly, with a temper. The anxious one is already gearing up and can't wait to get started right away.

"How about it? I am right, right? This matter has great potential, right?" Zhu Zhen said with a proud smile:

"However, not everyone can do this kind of high-volume business. First of all, you must be large enough to supply large quantities. Secondly, you must be able to find buyers. Otherwise, if everyone has the goods, why should they use yours?"

"It makes sense..." the craftsmen repeated for the third time.

"This is where I can help you. I can provide you with funds and find the market. You don't need to provide money, you only need to provide people to be responsible for technology and management." Zhu Zhen continued to seduce the craftsmen:

"If you make money, we'll split it 30/70. If you lose it, I'll take it from you. You don't have to pay it back, how about that?"

"Can the prince give us 30%?" the craftsmen asked tentatively. Although the big head was taken away by Lao Liu, they all thought it was acceptable.

"No, it's you seven, and I, the king, are three." Zhu Zhen shook his head and said generously.

"What? Really?" The craftsmen couldn't believe their ears, and it was such a good thing that their boss paid them to get the big head?

If the person who said this had not been His Majesty the Dian King of Chu Hai, they would have sneered at him and spat in his face:

"It's a liar!"

But since the words came out of Zhu Zhen's mouth, there was no reason why the craftsmen didn't believe him.

"I just want you to know that I left you in Yunnan for your own good!" Zhu Zhen declared loudly:

"It doesn't matter if I buy horse bones for a thousand dollars, or if you lose money and make a profit, you, the first batch of immigrants, must live an unprecedentedly good life! Set an example for those who come after you, and let the world envy you!"

"Okay..." Lao Liu's words were so inflammatory that many craftsmen changed their stance after hearing what he said...

Of course, the main reason is because he really gave too much...

This prince gave them land and money, exempted them from taxes and forced labor, and also made them rich... The craftsmen were lying if they said they were not impressed.

Even the staunchest conservatives are not clamoring to go home like they did at the beginning...

However, Zhu Zhen is well aware of the principle that "catching up a child cannot make a deal", and he knows that he has to play hard to get, so that the mentality of the people can quickly progress to the fifth stage - acceptance.

So after he said this, he got up and left on the pretext of going to the next house to pay New Year's greetings.

Before leaving, he said to Chang San and the leading craftsmen:

"In addition to the conditions given by me, you can also sum it up to see if there are any other difficulties that need my help to solve, or if you have any conditions, feel free to ask for them. As long as I can agree, I will not be vague."

"Yes!" Chang San and the others were overjoyed when they heard this. Today is really auspicious, and the God of Wealth descends to earth...

"There is no need to rush to answer this king. You can make plans later and send a few representatives to the palace to talk to me. How about I wait for you until the end of the first year?" Zhu Zhen asked.

"Yes, yes, listen to the prince." Chang San and the others nodded in agreement.

"Stay here, I will go to the next place." After Zhu Zhen finished speaking, he left the Xizi Camp.


The next stop is the Tofu Camp. As the name suggests, this is a workshop that produces tofu for the army.

However, as a logistics workshop for the 200,000-strong army, the Tofu Camp not only produces tofu, but is also responsible for processing rice and noodles, making dry food and pickles, and even making its own vinegar and soy sauce... For such a decathlon food processing plant, the number of people is naturally larger than the mat. There are many more camps.

Zhu Zhen repeated the performance in Xiziying again, and as expected, he also appeased the civilians in Tofu Camp.

Moreover, their products were not worried about selling at all, so they did not worry as much as Xi Ziying and agreed to Zhu Zhen's conditions without giving him a chance to use his eloquence. However, Zhu Zhen still asked them to reconsider and send representatives to talk to him again in the first month...

After that, there is the Palm Tree Battalion, which is responsible for manufacturing rain gear such as raincoats, bamboo hats and other rain gear for the army; the Saber Battalion and the Bow and Arrow Battalion, which are responsible for making swords, guns, swords and halberds, and bows and arrows for the army; and the horse stable, which is responsible for taking care of the horses...

After completing the tour of these four camps, it was already completely dark, and the remaining thirty-two camps could only continue tomorrow. Even though there are only four of them, the craftsmen interact with each other with emotion and reason, stare at each other, and dig into their hearts. It really makes Lao Liu, who is as energetic as a bear, so tired that his voice becomes hoarse...

Pan Yuanming was really impressed by Lao Liu, and he finally believed that this top Tianhuang nobleman was a real man of action.

He finally believed that the prince's Yunnan business would be successful.

No wonder the emperor once commented on the prince in private:

This subcategory belongs to me.

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