Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1068 Mr. Yu’s troubles

In June, heavy rains began to fall in Songmeng Prefecture. The soldiers really couldn't go to the ground, so they could only huddle in the shacks to hide from the rain.

It happened that everyone was very tired, so many people took the opportunity to catch up on their sleep and fell asleep.

But Yu Min couldn't sleep. She squatted in the shack, looking at the white rain curtain between the sky and the earth, and was lost in thought.

In the past few months, although he was extremely busy every day, his heart had regained peace.

Leaving the chilling environment of the original military camp, he carried his head to work at sunrise and rest at sunset every day, living an out-and-out peasant life, which made him gradually forget about the swords and swords on the battlefield and the cruel memories that continued to torture him.

He gradually stopped being nervous, stopped having nightmares, and began to smile on his face. He really enjoyed this boring life where although his body was tired, his heart felt relaxed.

But recently, he had something troublesome...

This trouble was brought about by officials sent from Dusi Yamen.

The purpose of these experienced civil servants, such as Dusi, was to measure the acres of land and then confirm and register the rights for the soldiers. Once this is done, the ownership of the land will be clear, and it can still be bought and sold after ten years.

This is supposedly a good thing, but when those annoying civil servants register them, they will take the trouble to remind everyone that the registration is only temporary.

Thinking of this, Yu Min's thoughts drifted back to the day of registration...


"Congratulations to Mr. Yu, this hundred acres of land is yours." The man named Tian said to him.

"Yes." Yu Min nodded. Although his general flag was at the seventh level and his experience was at the sixth level, he was a military attache with a low military status, so he extended his hand politely: "Bring it here."

"What?" Tian asked.

"Proof. If you don't give me a certificate, how can you prove that the land is mine?" Yu Min asked in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, this is guaranteed in Dusi Yamen, and no one else can take it by force." Tian Xingcheng first gave him a reassurance, and then poured him a bowl of heart-wrenching soup: "But I have to remind the general manager that these lands are now also It's just in your name temporarily, it doesn't really belong to you yet."

"Why?" Yu Min became anxious when he heard it. That was the land he had worked so hard to dig out. He would really fight for whoever dared to rob it. He said angrily:

"The prince himself said that as long as military households stay in Yunnan, each family will be given one hundred acres of land! Do you want to resist the decree?!"

"How dare you lower your rank?" Tian experienced a wry smile and reminded him: "But the commander-in-chief himself said that the prince's will is that every military household staying in Yunnan will be given one hundred acres of land to each family." Xie is now alone. , cannot establish a household, let alone be considered a family. Therefore, even the prince cannot grant you the land, and can only temporarily record it in your name."

"Hiss, it's really..." Yu Min is the second generation of the army. He is very familiar with military matters. Naturally, he knows that the Ming army has a rule of "no household registration for single persons".

This means that a single military officer cannot be counted as a military household. There must be at least two people in the family to be counted as a household.

In addition, in order to increase the population, Boss Zhu also stipulated that "anyone in the Guards without a wife will be dismissed at any time." Therefore, even if you have a household with your parents or brothers, if you don't marry a wife when you reach the age, you will be expelled from the military.

Of course, this latter one, like many of Boss Zhu’s wishful policies, is too idealistic. He, a pretty boy whose father-in-law takes the initiative to give away his daughter, doesn't know how difficult it is for others to find a wife.

Even if many people try their best to suck milk, they still only have five girls as companions. The imperial court doesn't provide a wife, so why should it really fire a veteran who has been a veteran for many years because of this?

Therefore, in actual practice, Dusi Yamen usually combines these two provisions into one - it is stipulated that sergeants must get married before they can establish a new military household. Otherwise, they only have military status and are not counted as military households.

This is nothing in normal times, especially for a second-generation military person like Yu Min, whose family is already a military household, so there is no deterrent.

But from this moment on, deterrence was established...

"According to the imperial court's stipulation that 'all sergeants who must be relieved must have their wives,' the Dusi Yamen has issued an order that all married sergeants must bring their wives and children to the garrison within one year before they can establish military households in Yunnan. Tian experienced it and said to him:

"As for the unmarried, they must get married within one year before they can establish a household. Regardless of whether they are married or unmarried, they can enjoy various stipulated benefits after establishing a household, and the one hundred acres of land will naturally belong to the household forever."

After a pause, he said quietly:

"If it's not done within a year, it's hard to say..."


When she came back that day, Yu Min felt anxious and couldn't even work hard.

While he was lost in thought, he was suddenly tapped on the shoulder.

Yu Min turned around and saw Niu Baihu sitting next to him at some point.

"Hundred households." He subconsciously stood up and saluted.

"Sit down." Niu Baihu said with a smile: "Don't damage the shack."

"Hey..." Yu Min was sitting on the edge of the shack. If he didn't pay attention when he got up, he could easily hit his head. He had to carefully sit back down.

"You've already become the general banner, and you're still very frivolous." Niu Baihu laughed and scolded, and then asked in a low voice: "You didn't answer my call just now. What, are you worried?"

"Really?" Yu Min scratched his head in embarrassment. He wanted to say 'no', but on the first day he joined the army, he was a soldier under Niu Baihu. In front of his old boss, he had nothing to hide, so he told his worries.

"Hahaha, what do I think?" Niu Baihu couldn't help laughing after hearing this. The laughter penetrated the rain curtain and spread far away.

"What's so difficult about this? Haven't you already mentioned your experience in the field? Those who have wives and children should hurry up and find one, and those who don't should find one quickly. No matter what the situation is, one year is more than enough." Niu Baihu said and pointed. Pointing to himself:

"For example, I have already sent a message to my family, asking my mother-in-law to bring the children over quickly. No matter how good Jinling is, it is no longer our home. We can't delay it in the city and the countryside."

"As for you, kid." He pointed at Yu Min and said, "Hurry up and get a wife. You are now a seventh-grade military attache of the Ming Dynasty. Marrying a beautiful wife is like pissing on a puppy."

"What kind of metaphor is this..." Yu Min muttered in a low voice, and after hesitating for a long time, Fang sighed and said: "What Baihu said is that recently, our single brothers in Xiaoqi are all looking for wives. Except for one person. Xin'er asked his parents to come over and bring him a wife, and the rest will be solved locally."

"It's too unreliable to ask parents to bring a daughter-in-law." Niu Baihu said with a smile: "The right thing to do is to solve it locally. It doesn't matter whether Han women or Yi women, they can have children and do housework. There is no difference."

After a pause, he whispered to Yu Min: "Besides, the superiors also encourage you to marry a local girl. Last time I heard from Qianhu that if you marry a local girl, their whole family will become ours. So I plan to marry a Baiyi girl as well." As a concubine, the mother-in-law should do her part for the imperial court's great cause of running Yunnan..."

As he spoke, his voice became even lower, and he whispered to Yu Min: "Bai Yi's women are so fair and tender. I'll tell you a beautiful one later, and I'll make sure you're satisfied."

"That won't work, I promised Li Laoba to marry his sister!" Yu Min was anxious.

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