Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1073 The big one is coming

It's late October and it's already cool in the morning.

But Nuo still got up early, lit the fire, and set up a pot to steam rice.

After the rice was steamed, she first served it in a bamboo tube as her husband's lunch in the fields.

Divide the remaining rice into two plates, then pour two small plates of dipping sauce from the pots and jars on the wall, and dig out two pieces of fermented bean curd. Finally, make a pot of hot tea and breakfast is ready.

She then asked Yu Min to get up and wash her face, and then the couple sat cross-legged at the low table and started eating breakfast.

The bean curd is prepared for Yu Min. The dipping sauce was prepared for herself. The Baiyi people are known as 'without dipping, you can't be full'. You can eat without vegetables, but you can't eat without dipping sauce.

One of the dishes was her own plum vinegar, which was sour and sweet and went very well with rice. The other dish was her mother-in-law's mochi dipped in water. Through special means, the smelly sesame seeds are made into a brown-black sauce with a rich sesame aroma and a strong peppercorn flavor, which is also very delicious with rice.

It's a pity that when there is fermented bean curd, Yu Min always chooses fermented bean curd with rice...

But today, Nuo himself couldn't stand the taste of Ma Qian... After taking two bites, he suddenly covered his mouth and got up and ran out. After a while, the sound of her vomiting could be heard outside.

Yu Min quickly dropped her chopsticks and went out to pat her wife on the back.

After a while, Nuo finally recovered. Yu Min helped her back to the room and sat down. He poured her a cup of hot tea and asked solemnly:

"What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, just take a rest." Nuo said with a pale face and a forced smile.

"No, I have to find someone to take a look at it for you." Yu Min said solemnly. In a place like Yunnan, no disease can be taken lightly. Who knows what kind of disease may kill you.

After saying that, he hurried downstairs. Nuo couldn't stop screaming, so he had to let him go.

Not long after, Yu Min pulled and pulled the old man back.

In fact, there are no military doctors in Baihu Station, so for medical treatment, you have to go to the health station in Yanglin Town. But Wang Shibaihu's father was originally a doctor in the army, and after he was discharged from the army, he continued to practice medicine in the health clinic. Male, female, four-legged, winged, they can see everything.

After Mr. Wang came to Yunnan, he naturally became a famous doctor in Dashao Township.

"Slow down, kid, my old bones are about to fall apart." Mr. Wang shouted at Yu Min from behind, but Yu Min didn't care so much and carried the old man on his back upstairs.

"Uncle, please show my wife, there must be nothing wrong with her..." Yu Min put Mr. Wang down and begged.

"Really, your wife's life is life, but the old man's life is not life?" Mr. Wang rolled his eyes at him angrily, but he still quickly took out his wrist pillow and took Nuo Hao's pulse.

Yu Min didn't dare to breathe for fear of disturbing Mr. Wang's diagnosis. I saw that after checking the pulse, the other party closed his eyes slightly and said nothing for a long time.

"Uncle, what happened to my wife?" Yu Min finally couldn't help but ask. He is actually quite attentive, and at this time he did not forget to encrypt in his native dialect.

"It's hard to say..." Mr. Wang shook his head and sighed.

This frightened Yu Min, and he plopped down on the ground, his eyes turning red on the spot.

Unexpectedly, the old man said calmly:

"It's hard to tell whether the baby in her belly will be carried or not."

"What?" Yu Min was stunned, unable to turn his head around for a while.

"What, what, silly boy. Your wife is not sick at all, she is pregnant." Mr. Wang, who had returned from a successful revenge, burst into laughter.

"Really? My wife is pregnant? I'm going to be a father?!" Only then did Yu Min react and looked at the other party in surprise. After Mr. Wang nodded in affirmation, he jumped up and down with joy.

Nuo, however, had a confused look on her face. She couldn't understand a word they spoke in dialect.

Only then did Yu Min remember to tell his wife, and Nuo cried with joy when she heard this. No matter what nationality couples are, they all hope to have their own children, so that a family can be considered complete.


After that day, Yu Min has been walking in the wind and talking very loudly. No matter what topic you talk to someone about, you will definitely ask them within three sentences, ‘How did you know I was going to be a father? ’

He was still planning to celebrate the New Year, so he wrote a letter to his family asking his mother and brother to come to Yunnan together in the spring.

They arrived just in time for the baby to be born. Perfect!

It's a pity that the plan can't keep up with the changes...

On this day, he was leading his brothers and a large group of male military dependents to continue digging in the fields. A sergeant ran over and said loudly: "General Yu Qi, hundreds of households are telling you to go back to the house quickly!"

"Okay!" Yu Min dropped the farm tools and quickly returned to Baihusuo.

When they arrived at the place, they saw that in addition to Niu Baihu, the two test Baihu, and nine other general flag officers, they were all here.

There is no way, their Xiaoqi land is the furthest away from the Baihu Station...

"Everyone is here, let's start." Niu Baihu said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" After all the officers responded in unison, Niu Baihu went straight to the point and said:

"I just received an order. The Dusi Yamen is preparing to start winter training. Our Qianhu location is on the training list. Everyone packs up and reports to Yanglin Town with me tomorrow morning!"

"Yes!" All the officers agreed in unison, and then asked all at once: "Boss, what's going on? Why are you doing winter training at this time?"

According to the tradition of the Ming army, it should be performed in autumn and winter. After the autumn harvest, the army began to drill in the off-farm season. After the martial arts competitions in late winter, they all went home to celebrate the New Year.

Therefore, when they did not receive an order to conduct drills from above in September, the soldiers thought that they should be exempted from training this year so that everyone could work on the wasteland with peace of mind.

Unexpectedly, it was already the winter month, and he actually received an order for winter training again.

This made the grassroots officers feel a little uneasy. They were all experienced and knew that this kind of military training after long-term field work would inevitably last for a long time.

If the time is short, it will not be enough for the soldiers to transform from farmers to soldiers.

But now it is the winter lunar month, and when the army gathers in Kunming, it will definitely be the twelfth lunar month. A little training for two months will definitely delay spring plowing. Therefore, when issuing such an order, the superiors must be very cautious.

Therefore, the officer with a keen sense of smell already had a premonition and asked in a low voice: "Boss, is there going to be a war?"

"Do you think I, a Baihu official, am very big?" Niu Baihu said angrily: "I just received the order and I'm still confused."

"Hurry back and inform the brothers. It's been a year of disunity, and it's time to tighten the strings." Niu Baihu gave the final order in a deep voice, and then let them disperse.

When only he and the two trial Baihu were left in the room, Niu Baihu sighed and said, "It's probably going to be a war..."

"No wonder we are being urged so urgently to start a family and pick up a family. It turns out that when we were at war, someone at home was farming." Wang Shibai said angrily.

"That's really a good plan. We have just settled down and have family members in Yunnan. They immediately urged us to go to the battlefield..." Liu Shibai's family also complained in frustration.

"Why are you starting to say weird things too?" Niu Baihu stopped the two of them from talking and whispered:

"This is not planned, but an unexpected situation... I heard from Qianhu that it seems that Jingdong Mansion has fallen..."

"Hiss..." Seeing that the matter was so serious, the two trial households immediately stopped talking nonsense.

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