Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1075: Boiling Frogs in Warm Water

Arriving at Kunming City at the same time as the winter training army were Etao, the prefect of Jingdong Prefecture, and Nazhi, the prefect of Yuanjiang Prefecture.

After the two entered the city, they did not bother to report to the Chief Envoy, so they went directly to the Dian Prince's Mansion in Chuhai to seek an audience.

The guards knew that the prince had been waiting for them, so they took them directly into the palace.

As soon as he saw Zhu Zhen, Otao grabbed the ground with his head, kowtowed and cried bitterly: "Oh, my lord, my subordinates are incompetent. I have lost Jingdong, and my family and clan members have all been captured by Sirunfa. The situation is now very bad. Please ask the prince to make the decision, woo woo..."

"I know, you get up and speak first." Zhu Zhen looked calm on the throne. It was completely impossible to tell that just the day before yesterday, he was so angry that he overturned the table...


Last year, the Luchuan Kingdom captured Yongchang City in a sneak attack, completely barricaded the city, and captured the commander Wang Zhen alive. After hearing the news, Mu Ying led 10,000 cavalry to rush for reinforcements and caught up with the Luchuan Army on the left bank of the Nu River, which was about to cross the river.

The commander-in-chief of the Lucchuan Army did not expect the Ming army to arrive so quickly, so he hurriedly formed a formation with his back to the water. At the same time, he sent an envoy to negotiate with Mu Ying, saying that the King of Lucchuan had no intention of becoming an enemy of the Ming Dynasty, but only hoped that the two sides would continue to use the Lancang River as their boundary. As long as the Ming army could not cross the Yangtze River, they were willing to hand over the seal granted by the Yuan Dynasty and continue to serve the Ming Dynasty as their master. To show their sincerity, they were also willing to release Wang Zhen and more than a thousand captured soldiers and civilians on the spot.

Mu Ying considered that the enemy was outnumbered and we were fighting with our backs against the odds. If we really wanted to fight, we might not be able to gain any advantage. In addition, Luchuan was so powerful that he didn't dare to specialize in whether it was war or peace. He agreed to the other party's conditions, and after taking back the captives, allowed them to cross the river.

After discussing with the prince after returning, they both felt that the attack on the Luchuan regime should be postponed. One is that the Ming army came from thousands of miles away. After more than a year of high-intensity fighting, the soldiers were at the end of their strength, extremely tired, and in urgent need of a long period of rest.

Second, the Ming Dynasty had not yet established a stable foothold in Yunnan, and the local chiefs were rebellious. The government and army had to put a lot of energy into guarding Yunnan. Once they fought outside Sanjiang, they would not only exceed the combat radius of the Ming army at that time, but also easily lose their rear. Stable, focus on one thing and lose the other.

Moreover, the Luchuan Kingdom is already a behemoth, with a population of millions and a military strength of 300,000.

Of course, it is an international practice to exaggerate military strength. When the Ming army dispatched troops, they would also include the accompanying soldiers and civilians in the total strength, in order to frighten the enemy.

But no matter what, there is no doubt that King Silunfa of Luchan has an army of hundreds of thousands. Moreover, in terms of terrain and climate, the outer Yunnan occupied by Luchuan is more dangerous than the inner Yunnan.

At least the climate in Inner Yunnan is pleasant, and the forest on the dam has been burned away, so at least the miasma is not that severe. Outer Yunnan is even hotter than Lingnan, and the mountains are crisscrossed with rainforests full of mosquitoes and miasma. If the army is not prepared, if they plunge headlong into it, they will probably die in an ugly way.

So the two of them withstood the pressure and went to the table to ask Boss Zhu to agree to canonize Silunfa first, so as to buy the army some breathing time, and then annihilate them in one fell swoop when the conditions were ripe.

This kind of conservative suggestion would have been scolded by the officials in the Ming Dynasty when I was the best in the world... But Zhu Zhen didn't care. He was scolded by the officials too much and he was already immune.

Boss Zhu assessed the situation and agreed to the two people's suggestions, so he sent an envoy to Luchuan and named Silunfa as Luchuan's envoy to Pingyang and Burma, a loyal and obedient general, and gave him a gold medal in python robe to keep him safe and avoid trouble again.

This made Silunfa very proud, thinking that the Ming army and the weak Mongols were the same thing. He can also push forward like his father, driving the Ming Dynasty out of Yunnan step by step, and establishing a southwest empire that is even more powerful than the original Dali and Nanzhao kingdoms!

However, reality soon gave him a sap.

The Ming Dynasty canonized him not because he was afraid of him at all. In addition to being a slow-down strategy, it also had a very important purpose, which was to establish his status as king and minister!

From the moment Silunfa accepted the canonization of the Ming Dynasty, he was no longer an equal opponent of the Ming Dynasty, but one of the countless subjects of the Ming Dynasty.

In terms of the title of Xuan comfort envoy conferred by the Ming Dynasty, he was not even a vassal king. At best, he could only be regarded as a big chieftain conferred by the Ming Dynasty.

Then the Ming Dynasty could of course legitimately confer the title of chieftain outside the boundaries of Luchuan Pingmian Xuanweisi. In fact, these places have long been annexed by the Luchuan regime, or at least actually controlled.

In March this year, Weiyuan, Yuanqian and other places that originally belonged to Luchuan were transferred to Chuxiong Prefecture by the imperial court.

In May, Zhu Zhen changed Zhenkang Prefecture to a state and Wandian to a county, and set up local officials to administer it. These places were previously ruled by Luchuan.

What made Silun most dissatisfied was that in August, Zhu Zhen once again set up the Golden Tooth Guard outside Sanjiang, and set up a battalion every hundred miles from Chuxiong to Jingdong to station troops in the villages!

You must know that the Luchuan regime was originally just one of the six general administrations under the Jinzhi Xuanfu Division of the former Yuan Dynasty. After Silun discovered that his father Sihanfa had become prosperous, he in turn annexed the Golden Teeth Xuanfu Division.

Now that the Ming Dynasty has reestablished the Golden Tooth Guard within the Luchuan Kingdom's sphere of influence, its intention is obvious, and it is a direct export.

Silunfa felt very angry at the court's blatant poaching of his corner, and the arrogance and power of the court in front of his house.

Underneath the anger, there is also deep fear. Because the so-called 'Luchuan Kingdom' is too young and is expanding too fast. There are many ethnic groups in the territory, and there are as many large and small chiefs as there are cattle.

When the Luchuan regime was strong, those foreign chiefs naturally obeyed and allowed themselves to be slaughtered. But as long as they lose a battle or show signs of weakness, those guys will be ready to take action.

This is a serious hidden danger that has existed since his father's time. It's just that Sihanfa belongs to a fierce man descended from heaven. In his life, he conquered the north and south, conquered the east and west, destroyed more than ten countries, expanded the territory for 8,000 miles, and only had great victories and no defeats.

With such a monarch on the stall, who would dare to jump around without opening his eyes?

But after Sihanfa's death, his sons began to compete for the throne, and rebellions among various tribes began to increase.

Silunfa finally got the support of the Dai generals and finally ascended the throne. Then he relied on the Dai generals to put down the rebellion of the foreign chiefs.

After that, firstly to reward his merits, but also out of practical considerations of stabilizing the political power, he began to implement the Dai policy, abolishing all the chieftains in one fell swoop, and granted their lands as fiefs to trusted Dai generals, allowing them to rule. .

Although this increased the cohesion of the ruling nation, the foreign leaders who were deprived of their hereditary chieftain position were not happy.

At this time, the Luchuan regime surrendered to the Ming Dynasty again, which was actually a bad move. Because it severely weakened the insufficient legitimacy of the regime of the "Luchuan Kingdom".

You are a subject of the Ming Dynasty, and I am also a subject of the Ming Dynasty. Why can you accept the canonization of the Ming Dynasty, but I can't accept it?

The conditions offered by the Ming Dynasty to the chiefs of the local chiefs were also very generous - they neither had to pay taxes nor accept the management of the Yunnan Division. They only needed to accept the canonization of the imperial court and receive a large reward.

This is also the reason why Zhu Zhen was able to dig deep into the Luchuan Kingdom and win over so many people at once.

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