In Dingbian Town, the two armies have been fighting fiercely for several days.

After Daodao Silang discovered that the Ming army actually occupied Dingbian County and cut off his retreat, he immediately sent troops to attack Dingbian City in an attempt to restore contact with Mengmao.

At first, he didn't take Dingbian City seriously and didn't go to the battle himself. He just sent his deputy general Peng Mailang and led 10,000 Xila soldiers to attack.

After all, Zheji Village, which was easier to defend and harder to attack, had been easily captured by him. This small earthen fortress, less than two feet high and with no more than five thousand defenders, is at best a stumbling block on the retreat. It can be kicked away with one kick.

Unexpectedly, Peng Mailang continued to attack for several days. Not only was he unable to kick away the stumbling block, but he was also caught off guard by the Ming army reinforcements who crossed the river at night. As a result, they were killed and lost. He could not stabilize his position and had to retreat in embarrassment. The one who arrived was Jizhai.

In addition, Etao, who had escaped, actually reappeared in Jingdong Mansion, and secretly contacted the chieftains in various states and counties in the ravines, asking them to cause trouble for the Luchuan Army.

The chieftains had long heard that the Luchuan regime did not allow outsiders a way to survive. As long as they were not Dai people, they had to surrender power obediently, otherwise they would be annihilated.

In fact, so what if they are Dai people? Mr. Etao is a Dai. Wasn't it the same that Silunfa took over his territory and killed his whole family?

The good guys in this world all come from comparison. Compared with Silunfa, the Prince of Ming Dynasty, who was originally an ordinary person, actually became kind-hearted.

At least they publicly promised that as long as they obeyed the court's orders, their status would remain unchanged.

Isn't this much better than Silunfa who only knows how to eat alone?

Therefore, the chieftains still listened to Otao. Not only did they not go to Jingdong City to meet Dao Silang, they also chased away the grain collection team he sent.

Anyway, as soon as there was a war in Jingdong Mansion, the chieftains hid in the stronghold. If you have the ability, go into the mountains and beat me.

However, Dao Silang's troops were more than enough to control key areas, but it was not enough to divide the troops to attack them. For a while, there was really nothing they could do.

This forced Dao Silang to give up his plan to conquer Yuanjiang Mansion in one go. He could only concentrate all his efforts to capture Dingbian City and open up connections with the rear, so as to get more troops to suppress the situation in Jingdong Mansion.

Therefore, he only left thousands of troops to defend Jingdong City and Zheji Village, and then personally led the main force to attack Dingbian City with all his strength!

Dao Silang ordered people to set up a throne on the hillside opposite Dingbian City. Da Ma Jin Dao sat on it and took charge personally.

In addition, he also arranged for the supervising team to suppress the formation and ordered all those who were afraid of the enemy to be killed! Anyone who escapes from battle shall be killed! Those who fail in battle will be killed without mercy!

Under the strict orders of Dao Silang, the Luchuan Army gathered all their strength, held up their shields and carried ladders, and poured out of the barracks, preparing to attack Dingbian City with all their strength...


The defenders at Dingbian City had already been prepared. Although they faced enemy forces several times larger than the previous day, they did not panic at all.

Because standing behind them were the defenders of Hongdu City, the eldest uncle of the Dian King of Chu Hai, Wuchang Bo, and the governor's fellow governor Hu Quan...

That day, Hu Quan attacked the enemy camp at night and led his troops into the city. He presented the order of the new southern conquering general Mu Ying to the guard general Ning Zheng and took over the defense of Dingbian City.

Ning Zheng, the original guard, became his deputy.

Ning Zheng still felt a little unreal looking at Wu Changbo, who had a tall figure and a beautiful beard.

He never imagined that the general who wielded a mace and led two thousand cavalry that day, smashed the Luchuan Army camp to pieces, temporarily relieved the siege and entered the city, was actually the prince's uncle!

But those two thick, black eyebrows carved in the same mold as the prince are the best anti-counterfeiting labels. They remind all the soldiers in front of them all the time that it is the prince and his uncle who are coming...

The arrival of Hu Quan also made the defenders realize the importance of Dingbian City... The prince actually sent his uncle to guard Dingbian City, which shows that Dingbian City must not be lost. This is a truth that even the dullest soldier can figure out clearly.

After entering the city, Hu Quan immediately inspected the city defenses, inspected the personnel and equipment, and then immediately ordered the soldiers to re-reinforce the city wall according to his requirements.

He also used local materials to prepare a lot of new defensive equipment; and most importantly, he rearranged the city defenses and withdrew half of the defenders, allowing them to take turns with the troops at the top of the city.

When the war is not serious, the soldiers under the city just rest and wait until the shift changes before going into battle.

If the war gets serious, they will act as a reserve team and immediately put out fires and fill holes. This is of course the meaning of the title.

Only those who have experienced a long and brutal battle to defend the city understand the importance of shifts.

High-intensity and cruel fighting will cause great consumption of the physical and mental strength of the officers and soldiers. Even if there is no war for the time being, the soldiers are buzzing and nervous at the top of the city, which will not let their spirits relax...

Excessive physical fatigue and excessive mental exertion of officers and soldiers will greatly reduce their combat effectiveness. If the enemy has the upper hand and can continue to invest manpower, then the number of casualties among the defenders will naturally increase.

Therefore, rotation must be strengthened to give the soldiers some breathing time to recover physically and mentally.

However, enemy troops several times larger than our own are coming in overwhelming numbers, and the defense lines are under pressure and crumbling everywhere. How many generals can endure it, and don't play all the cards in their hands, and don't pile all their men on top of the city?

This requires the defender to remain calm at all times, always have a correct evaluation of the battle situation, and have sufficient foresight. Wherever the battle line is tight and where it can be withstood, we must have a clear understanding of the situation and deploy our troops accordingly. Only in this way can the army at the top of the city always remain in just the right state, with no more and no less.

And the less we waste our troops, the more reserves we have on hand, the less panic the defenders have, and the more guaranteed their combat effectiveness is. Therefore, there is no need to waste troops, thus forming a virtuous cycle. Naturally, it can last longer.

Therefore, commanding a city defense battle is a great test of the general's determination and judgment. Without rich experience and excellent command and deployment capabilities, it is impossible to be competent.

Hu Quan obviously has these two advantages.

Of course, this is also because the city is full of Ming soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles. He knew their level and determination, and knew they would never give up before reaching their limit.

If it were the Turkish army that defended the city, he would only be harming himself by relying on him like this...

"Uncle is so powerful." Ning Zheng was a little angry at having the command taken away, but now he was convinced: "The troops in the city are really stretched thin, but uncle is able to deploy them in an orderly manner and make the defense line full of resilience."

"This is all under the supervision of the Metropolitan Inspector. Compared with the original Battle of Hongdu, it is just a small scene now." Hu Quan said lightly.

"Indeed." Ning Zheng nodded. The soldiers also secretly said yes, secretly saying that they are very qualified to say this.

Hu Quan talked about Hongdu not to show off, but to give the soldiers confidence, because sufficient confidence will greatly enhance combat effectiveness...

Everything is ready now, just waiting for the Luchuan Army to attack.

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