The archers and harpooneers of the two armies fired fiercely at each other across the city wall and the pit-filling troops.

Arrows and javelins flew above the heads of the troops filling the pits. They didn't care about whether they would be affected, and hurriedly took the time to fill the pits...

Unfortunately, after a brief stalemate, the more well-trained and condescending Ming army took the advantage.

In fact, the biggest difference is that the Ming army has twenty or thirty arrows in a pot, while each Luchuan army only carries a bundle of javelins on its back. The javelin misfired while shooting, leaving only the continuous rain of arrows from the Ming army.

The trench-filling troops raised their shields desperately, trying to help the harpooneers behind them withstand the showers of arrows shot from the top of the city.

But the arrows shot by the Ming army obviously had a certain inclination, and they just happened to go around their heads and land on the heads of the javelin throwers... This kind of small projectile seemed easy, but in fact it was not simple at all and required repeated practice by the shooters. , to master this skill.

However, everyone in the elite Ming army at the top of the city was able to use this move skillfully, causing continuous blows to the harpooneers outside the city.

Seeing the heavy losses of his ace troops, Dao Silang was very heartbroken. The harpooneers need to be trained, unlike ordinary soldiers who can just catch them and use them. If it's burned out, it won't be easy to recover.

He had no choice but to order the harpooneers to withdraw first. As a result, without the cover of the harpooneers, the hole-filling work that had just made some progress came to a standstill again——

The Ming army's continuous and precise shooting made it difficult for the Lucchuan army to get close to the trench. Every time the Lucchuan army dropped a bag of sand, it cost more than a dozen lives. If it weren't for the pressure from the supervising team behind them, they would have withdrawn long ago.

But it was certain to seize every opportunity and dilly-dally. As a result, on the first day of the war, Dao Silang's army still had not filled in the passage across the trench.

The only harvest was the corpses of thousands of Luchuan soldiers...

As soon as the horn sounded to withdraw troops, the extremely suffering Lucchuan army retreated like a tide as if they had been granted amnesty.

The swordsman on the opposite hillside looked livid. He didn't expect that the Xi La soldiers he was so proud of would behave so badly.

"Marshal, calm down. This Ming army is completely different from what we have encountered before. It is difficult to eat them in one bite. We must be prepared for a fierce battle." Peng Mailang on the side was relieved. These days, he has been living with the ridicule of his colleagues around him. They said that he had embarrassed the Dai people and the Luchuan Army. Now these guys finally understood that it wasn't because they didn't work hard, but this time they encountered a tough situation.

"Yes, I can see it." Dao Silang nodded and said happily: "I do look down on them."

"Yeah, it seems that the Ming army is not all idiots. I didn't expect to encounter ruthless characters." The leaders agreed one after another. Now no one dared to say harsh words, otherwise they would be in trouble if they were sent by the commander to attack the enemy tomorrow. .

"But it doesn't matter. There are only a few thousand Ming troops in such a small earth city." Of course Dao Silang couldn't let these guys gain other people's ambitions and destroy their own prestige, so he said solemnly: "We have an army of 40,000. No matter what, the advantage is definitely mine!"

"Yes, yes, I have the advantage." The generals hurriedly followed him and said, "Victory definitely still belongs to us, it just takes some effort."

"That's right. We can no longer be in a hurry for success and must proceed step by step." Dao Silang nodded and told Peng Mailang and others: "You go and capture some mountain people nearby and let them fill the holes tomorrow."

"Follow your orders!" Upon hearing that there was no need for their own men to fill the hole, all the Luchuan generals immediately became more energetic.

"But Marshal, we are mostly Dai people in Jingdong Mansion..." Someone couldn't help but remind Dao Silang:

"And the people guarding the city are all Han people..."

"I know." Dao Silang glanced at the general unhappily: "How about your people fill in the holes tomorrow?"

"Uh, no, no, no." The general immediately changed his attitude and said, "The general is just confused. Those mountain people are all from Otao, and they are the traitors we want to eliminate!"

"That's what happened." Dao Silang said coldly: "Go ahead."


So the next day, the Ming army waited until after noon, and the Luchuan army's attack came belatedly.

And this time, in front of the shining Lucchuan Army formation, many ordinary people wearing blue cloth were driving away.

"Damn it, use the common people as human shields!" Ning Zheng spat fiercely: "I thought Mongolians could do such a thing!"

"Chen Youliang did it too." Hu Quan said expressionlessly: "It was he who filled up the moat outside Hongdu City with the lives of ordinary people."

"Then what should we do?" Ning Zheng asked in a low voice.

"This is a battlefield." Hu Quan said without any emotion in his voice: "Being kind to others will only harm your own soldiers."

Wu Changbo's tone made Ning Zheng shiver in his heart. He suspected that even if the people being driven out were Han people, Hu Quan would order them to be killed without hesitation.

But he also knew that he would have given the same order in his place. Kindness cannot control soldiers, and it must be ruthless on the battlefield. There is indeed no room for a woman's kindness...

"Understood." Ning Zheng nodded heavily and gave a few instructions to the messenger, who then quickly conveyed the uncle's order.


Under Dingyuan City, the mountain people carrying sacks were driven closer to the trench.

The mountain residents were male and female, old and young, with fear written all over their dark faces. They were shouting something loudly towards the top of the city. Although the Ming army soldiers could not understand a word, they could still hear what they were begging for from their voices.

What are you begging for? Naturally, don't kill them.

But it's no use...

When they approached the trench, bowstrings rang out from the city, arrows flew, and scores of mountain people were shot to the ground...

They screamed and cried in terror, trying to turn around and run away, but what was waiting for them behind them was the cold butcher knife of the Luchuan Army.

The mountain people watched those who advanced were shot to death and those who retreated were cut down. They completely collapsed. Many people went crazy on the spot.

But more mountain people were still driven by the Luchuan soldiers. Facing the rain of arrows from the Ming army, they rushed to the trench and threw down the sandbags on their shoulders...

If they were lucky enough to escape unscathed, there would be nothing to be thankful for. Because there are still piles of sandbags like a hill behind the formation.

What awaits them is the next journey of death... until they are shot to death by the Ming army.

What a cruel hell is this?

But this is the normal state of war, so it is said that the battlefield is hell...


For several days, the Luchuan Army finally filled in eight passages with the lives of mountain people.

The soldiers of the Lucchuan Army, who had regained their strength, rushed through the ditch and towards the wall of Dingbian City, holding their shields and ladders, and stepping on layers of corpses of mountain people to the rhythmic sound of elephant drums. Launched a charge!

But what awaits them is an even more fierce attack from the defenders!

When the Luchuan Army came to the city and prepared to set up a ladder, the Ming Army soldiers severely cut off the tight ropes!

The rolling stone and wood fixed at the top of the city by ropes suddenly fell down, immediately smashing a large area of ​​the Lucchuan army, including their men and ladders, into a pulp.

However, there were many soldiers in Luchuan, and the follow-up troops still rushed up, successfully set up the ladder, and began to climb towards the top of the city!

The hell of blood and fire belonging to the soldiers of both armies has just begun...

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