Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 108 Zhongdu, greatness and cruelty!

Coming out of Wuli Temple, you can see the tall Zhongdu City Wall stretching in front of you.

"This, this is not even five miles. Two, two miles can hold up the sky." The second brother commented.

As a result, the brothers walked along the city wall for a full five miles before reaching the nearest Nanzuo Jiadi Gate.

"Yuan, it turns out it's such a five-mile place." The second brother suddenly realized.

"Let's go to the city." Zhu Di looked at him with a look that cared for mentally retarded children.

After talking about Zhongdu, the fourth child became much calmer. I don’t know if I have become a role player and have the burden of being an idol. Still touched by something.

The guards at the Zhongdu City Gate conducted extremely strict checks. All pedestrians and merchants entering and exiting were required to show directions, were searched strictly, and their luggage and goods were carefully checked.

If anything goes wrong, they will be immediately arrested and thrown into prison, followed by interrogation, conviction, and sent to a construction site to serve in a one-stop process.

"Brother, grandma's, it's more strict than Nanjing." After entering the city, the second brother, who was touched all over his body, muttered in a low voice.

The fourth child couldn't comment on this, because he didn't know what it was like to go in and out of Nanjing.

But he knew why the third and sixth brothers didn't come, and they actually even checked that place...

Soon, the two people's slightly messy moods were shocked by the magnificent scene in front of them.

How grand is Zhongdu City? Let's put it this way, its design combines the advantages of Bianliang in the Northern Song Dynasty and Dadu in the Yuan Dynasty.

Bianliang was the most prosperous and elegant capital city in those hundreds of years. A picture of "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" is enough to explain it all.

The outline of Dadu in the Yuan Dynasty is as square as a chessboard, with clearly defined roads and straight and regular blocks, making the urban pattern particularly spectacular.

Zhu Yuanzhang held the belief of building a capital for all generations. He wanted both the prosperity and elegance of Bianliang and the grandeur of Yuan Dynasty.

And he must surpass himself in both aspects, so that he can be worthy of expelling the Tartars and restoring the great Ming Dynasty of China!


Of course, with the exception of the palace, most of the grand buildings have not yet been completed, and many of them are just foundations. At present, we can only feel the grandeur of Zhongdu City. As for its splendor and prosperity, we have to imagine it.

But it's not just imagination either. The newly cast Hongwu bronze bell that Zhu Xi and Zhu Di saw in front of the unfinished bell tower is the best proof!

The Hongwu bell is sixteen feet high and five inches tall, six inches thick, ten feet wide and five inches wide, and has a circumference of thirty-four feet. In later generations' dimensions, it is five meters tall and three meters sixty-three meters in diameter. Weighing hundreds of tons.

The bronze bell was built in winter by mounding soil into a slope as high as the bell tower, then pouring water on it to turn the slope into ice, and then the workers used manpower and animal power to pull it up little by little.

When the two came, the hoisting of the big bell was completed and the craftsmen were making final adjustments.

Suddenly, the worker struck it with a hammer, and the huge Hongwu bell emitted a sound of "faint Khotan, thunder and lightning, shocking the universe, and those who heard it far and wide were stunned", which dazzled the two brothers.

In the huge shock, Zhu Di couldn't help but murmured: "This is what a real man should do."

"Why, why, you will also cast a big bell in the future?" Zhu Xi asked after hearing this. In fact, he also likes this bell tower and is planning to build one when he becomes a feudal lord.

"Are you kidding? Can this thing be cast randomly?" Zhu Di shook his head and said, "I just lamented the greatness of Emperor Hongwu."

"Blocks cannot be cast randomly..." Zhu Xi remembered. I thought to myself, if I just build the bell tower but don’t cast the bell, then wouldn’t that be a problem?

I'm really smart...

After admiring the big clock, the two of them walked along the straight avenue in the city and looked at it.

In fact, the current Zhongdu City is really only suitable for viewing from a distance, not for close viewing. Because up close it looks like a big construction site!

Moreover, it is an extremely dirty construction site filled with stench, fishy smell, construction waste, domestic waste, human and animal excrement...

Throughout Zhongdu City, there were nearly 300,000 craftsmen and civilians, who were performing heavy labor all the time under the supervision of wolf-like and tiger-like officers and soldiers.

What they saw in front of them were all unkempt and ragged civilian men, carrying heavy wood and stone on their shoulders and transporting it from the stockyard to various construction sites. If you move a little slowly, the overseer's whip will fall mercilessly.

The bare-chested masons, sweating profusely, held up big hammers and jingled holes into the huge rocks. This is not only a physical job, but also a technical job. If you are not careful, you will cut off the stone. At worst, he would be severely beaten by the supervisor, and at worst, he would be beheaded.

There are also tampers, wall builders, ditch diggers, beam builders... Countless craftsmen and civilian workers, under the high pressure of supervisors and officers and soldiers, are like a group of submissive ants, performing their duties in obscurity.

Zhu Xi and Zhu Di's biggest feeling while watching the journey was that everyone was extremely tired. Even the officers, soldiers and supervisors were too tired to speak. They seemed to have no facial expressions and could only use their strength to crack their whips...

The skinny craftsmen and civilian laborers were so tired that their backs were bent and they lost their personality due to high-intensity labor.

They ate, drank and defecated on the construction site, and also defecated on the street, filling the construction site and the street with a foul odor. The two brothers covered their noses and were still in tears...

The dirty, hot and humid environment breeds an overwhelming number of mosquitoes and flies, spreading diseases wantonly.

Many craftsmen and civilians are visibly sick. In the shade at the base of the wall, many dying patients lay quietly...

There were no doctors to diagnose and treat them, and the government left them to fend for themselves. Many people died quietly.

After their death, a special corpse collection team would roll up their corpses in straw mats and take them to the cremation site and burn them.

Just like that, the corpse collection team doesn't come every day. The two brothers saw with their own eyes several highly decomposed corpses lying dead on the side of the road.

Fortunately, they grew up in the military camp. If it were Lao Liu here, he would have to spit out the gall.

What made them even more unbelievable was that the officers, soldiers and supervisors abused the civilian workers and craftsmen to the point of disregarding human life.

They saw with their own eyes that a motley group of officials, surrounded by a young senior official in a scarlet robe, were inspecting the future construction site of Zhongshu Province.

As a result, a group of craftsmen were found to have unqualified construction quality... Even though it was a high-quality project anywhere, they were still classified as unqualified under Zhongdu's strict standards.

The supervisors whipped the construction team composed of two craftsmen and six civilian workers until they were reduced to human form.

The two brothers thought that was the end of it. Unexpectedly, the young senior official whispered an order, and the officers and soldiers tied up the person and took him to the street.

Then the officers and soldiers pulled out their knives and chopped down the eight people with a click.

The two brothers looked at the eight heads in shock, rolling on the ground. The others turned a blind eye and did whatever they were supposed to do.

Obviously, they have long been accustomed to such scenes.

After killing today's people, the young high-ranking official was about to ride away when a human head rolled to his feet, and he kicked it away.

Then he mounted his horse with an expressionless expression, as if he had just kicked a ball.

ps. Fifth update, apology. Third update, apology completed. Continue to subscribe below for more updates...

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