The Golden Palace of Luchuan Palace has a lotus-shaped base and a three-story Sanbao Dome. Not only does the exterior wall sparkle with gold, but the interior of the palace is also decorated with gold and red powder, with carved beams and painted columns. It is so resplendent that it makes people dizzy just looking at it.

All year round, the kings and ministers of Luchuan with gold teeth sat barefoot and cross-legged on the ground. Of course, in this season, a gold jacquard carpet will be laid out. Otherwise, if you sit directly on the cold floor tiles, it will become thin over time.

Sitting facing south is naturally Wang Silunfa of Luchuan. He is in his forties this year, at the age when he was at his peak and ambitious.

Sixteen years ago, after the death of Sihanfa, the first king of Lucchuan, he won the brutal battle for the throne. It took another ten years to integrate the huge Luchuan Kingdom and strengthen the army and horses governing Luchuan. Finally, he was ready to fight. , continue his father's unfinished business - to unify internal and external Yunnan and the entire Indo-China Peninsula, and establish a true Dai Empire!

Moreover, he was different from his father who had always focused on exploring southward and tried his best to avoid conflicts with the Central Plains regime. He believes that there is no strong enemy on the Indo-China Peninsula now——

The former overlord Bagan State, which originally ruled Myanmar, has fallen apart and completely surrendered to the Lucchuan State. The Kingdom of Siam no longer exists. The Annan Kingdom also declined to the point where it was destroyed by the Champa Kingdom. As for other small countries, they are even more insignificant. They will submit to whoever is stronger.

In this case, we should not continue to struggle with the weak chickens in Indochina, but should take advantage of the strong national power to go north to challenge the truly powerful enemy. As long as we can capture Dali and Kunming and become the master of the entire Yunnan, the useless and weak countries on the peninsula will naturally surrender.

So he planned to spend five years to get to Dali first and then go to Kunming!

But at the critical moment when everything was ready and all that was left was the east wind, there was a loud bang in the sky, and the Ming Dynasty made its debut. With the power of the wind and the remaining clouds, it wiped out the King of Liang and the Duan family in just a few months, and 'annexed' the entire inner Yunnan... ...The speed was so fast that he had no time to intervene even if he wanted to.

This feeling of having the fat in your mouth being snatched away is really terrible. That was also the first time in his life that he lost his temper and became angry!

Especially seeing how vulnerable Prince Liang and Duan were, he felt regretful.

Silunfa did not believe that the Ming army was too strong, but only thought that the Liang King and the Duan family were too idiots.

In the days that followed, the more he thought about it, the more he regretted it. The mantra he kept on his lips all day long was, 'I'm so stupid, really. If I had known that Kunming and Dali were ‘quick and slow’, I wouldn’t have wasted so much time preparing! ’

He dreams of getting back what belongs to him... even though he has never owned Nei Yunnan for even a second.

It was under the control of this mentality that he sent troops to capture Yongchang City on the pretext of taking charge of the local Dai chieftain, 'capture Wang Zhen alive and rob the city'... Later, he took the initiative to return Wang Zhen and returned the Hand over the seal of the Yuan Dynasty and request the canonization of the Ming Dynasty.

He did not want to submit to the Ming Dynasty. How could the great King Luchuan be subordinate to others? This was just a test to see if the Ming Dynasty was determined to go to war with him, and at the same time, it also blocked the mouths of the peace advocates in the country.

As a result, Mingchao really agreed. This made Silunfa overjoyed, thinking that the Ming Dynasty and the weak Yuan Dynasty were the same thing. As long as he took a step forward, they would take a step back. In this way, sooner or later the Ming Dynasty's power will be squeezed out of Yunnan.

However, he soon discovered that he had been tricked. The one who died was not himself, but the Ming Dynasty. Relying on their status as the suzerain, they began to ennoble the chieftains who had previously surrendered to him. It's okay to poach him in broad daylight.

Seeing the scope of control shrinking sharply, Silunfa realized that his rule was not as strong as he imagined. If he didn't fight back hard, the Luchuan Kingdom would definitely fall apart.

So he sent his top general, Dao Silang, with 50,000 elite troops, to attack Jingdong Mansion, which had betrayed him. First, he would kill the chickens and scare the monkeys, and secondly, he would prevent the Ming army from infiltrating beyond Sanjiang.

The result also made him very satisfied. Dao Silang's 50,000 troops quickly swept through Jingdong Mansion, and their troops approached Yuanjiang Mansion. The traitor Otao only escaped with his body and fled to Kunming City in embarrassment.

What made Silunfa even more ecstatic was that Dao Silang turned around and defeated Feng Cheng, the Yunnan capital commander of the Ming Dynasty! That was the highest military commander in Yunnan, the commander in chief who put down Yang Ju's rebellion! This once again proved that his Luchuan Army was invincible and the Ming Army was no match at all!

Realizing that their strength was beyond imagination, everyone in the Luchuan regime fell into ecstasy. Now their ideals are no longer limited to Yunnan. Some people have begun to fantasize about taking over the Central Plains like the Mongols in the future.

Fortunately, Silunfa still kept a clear head. He knew that he had completely angered the Ming Dynasty this time, and the legendary Emperor Hongwu would definitely take revenge on Luchuan. Only by withstanding this wave can the Luchuan Kingdom be truly established, and then can we talk about the Northern Expedition...

And just as Mu Ying expected, in order to deal with Prince Liang, he had placed many spies in Kunming. Although the regime in Kunming changed, his eyes and ears were not affected much, and he could still keep an eye on the troubles in the provincial capital, and even find out information about the top brass of the Ming army.

So he soon learned that Emperor Hongwu was really angry and had issued an order to mobilize another 200,000 troops into Yunnan to completely wipe out Luchuan.

He also knew that there were already more than 200,000 troops in Yunnan, but they just took off their military uniforms and went to farm. After the defeat of Jingdong, the Dian king ordered all the guards to return to the army and gather at the Dian Lake for training. It would take less than a few months for them to regain their combat effectiveness.

By then, once the 200,000 Ming troops who entered Yunnan are in place, there will be more than 400,000 Ming troops in Yunnan. And even if the Luchuan Kingdom is fully mobilized, it only has an army of 300,000, of which only 100,000 are soldiers... The disparity between the enemy and ourselves is too great, and it could overturn if not done, which is really worrying!

So during this period, his attention has been on Kunming, and he has not paid attention to Jingdong's situation for a long time.

As a result, Dao Silang gave him a big job...

"What did you say?!" Silunfa stared at Dao Silang's messenger in shock. The other party was actually his confidant and there was no way he could deceive him.

"Back to your Majesty, the Ming army has built a border fortress in the important area of ​​Nanjian Valley, cutting off our retreat. Marshal Zuo's 50,000-strong army has been unable to attack for a long time and suffered heavy losses. Now it has cut off food and grass, and its morale is low. We can only ask for help from your Majesty. Yes." The messenger had to repeat.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Before Silunfa could speak, one of his three giants, Peng Meng, Prime Minister Dao Ganmeng, shook his head decisively:

"We have been keeping an eye on the Ming army. They are still training in Kunming right now!"

"Indeed." Silun nodded and said, "Now the King of Dian, General Zhengnan, and Deputy General have all left Yunnan, and the Ming army cannot use troops on a large scale at all!"

"There are indeed not many Ming troops in Dingbian City..." the messenger hurriedly said: "Although Marshal Zuo insists that there are 20,000 enemy troops, I have carefully observed that there are no more than 5,000 at most."

"What?!" Silunfa was shocked again. "Only five thousand? Then the border city of Ding is so tall and strong that no one can open it?"

"On the contrary, the city wall is so short that you can climb up with bare hands, and it is also very weak. We have cut more than a dozen large holes and it is completely in ruins." The messenger himself said with a look of disbelief on his face:

"But we couldn't break through, and we lost ten or twenty thousand people..."

ps. I have made progress today, take a break and continue writing...

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