In the palace of Prince Dian of Chuhai, the windows of the pavilion in the waterside pavilion were wide open, and the laughter of the prince and the three marquises could be heard constantly.

In fact, all four of them had a lot of wine. From noon to noon, one of them drank a whole jar of wine and still talked about business.

"Your Majesty, how is the situation of my army in the Southern Conquest now?" Guo Ying and Hu Quan looked at Lao Liu eagerly. After leaving Yunnan, they could only learn about the latest military situation through Tang Bao. The news is delayed by at least half a month.

"It's going pretty well." Zhu Zhen dipped his finger in tea and drew the outline of Indochina on the table.

"At the beginning of May, our 150,000-strong army came to Mengmao. The remnants of the Luchuan regime had already coerced the people and fled to Mengyang, leaving only an empty city for us."

"After entering Mengyang without any bloodshed, General Zhengnan sent Marquis Jingchuan to lead an army of 50,000 people north to pursue the remnants of Luchuan. He personally led an army of 100,000 people to go south, leaving Wanding and marching directly from Mubang to Tinfoil to Awa!"

"Because there is no decent army in Luchuan anymore, and with the cooperation of the local prefect, the army is overwhelming. In half a month, it will arrive at the heart of Myanmar - the city of Awa!"


The Ava region is located in the center of Myanmar. The Bagan dynasty that originally ruled the entire Myanmar was based here. Later, the Bagan dynasty declined under the attack of the Yuan army. The Mon people, the second largest ethnic group, took the opportunity to rebel against the Dai people and established the Bago State on the Bago River in the south, which was later known as Yangon.

Since then, Myanmar has split into Upper and Lower Myanmar. Upper Myanmar still has its capital in Ava, called the Kingdom of Ava, and is still ruled by the Dai people. Lower Burma is the Bago country of the Mon people.

Both sides regarded the other as their number one enemy, and fought against each other continuously, depleting their national power, thus giving Sihanfa the opportunity to rise.

After Sihanfa emerged in Luchuan, he used his strong military power to force King Ava and King Bago to surrender to him, which was regarded as annexation of Myanmar.

After being merged into the Luchuan Kingdom, the destinies of the two regimes were very different. Because King Awa was the former co-leader of the Dai people, Sihanfa and his son naturally disliked him and tried every means to weaken their strength. Ava troops will be recruited as cannon fodder in every battle, and the Battle of Luchuan is no exception.

As a result, the 30,000 Ava troops were wiped out in one battle. Although King Ava still had some wealth, he was already frightened by the Ming army, so as soon as Mu Ying's army arrived, he opened the city gate and surrendered.

The situation in Bago is much better than that in Ava. First of all, Bago and Luchuan are the farthest apart, and there is Ava country in between. Sihanfa and his son cannot stretch their hands that far.

Moreover, they have to count on Bago to put continuous pressure on Ava, so that the Dai people in Ava who regard themselves as noble will honestly accept the protection of the Lucchuan compatriots. Therefore, the Bago Kingdom has not been weakened much. After the fall of the Luchuan regime, it became the strongest force in Myanmar.

King Bago may have felt that his country was built on the seaside, and the Ming army would definitely not be able to fight so far, so he refused the Ming army's surrender and only agreed to pay tribute to the Ming emperor as a king.

In the past, the Ming army would have probably just pinched their noses and recognized it. But it's different now. It's all their fiefdom. If King Bago doesn't want to give it up, he can only fight it down.


"But the damn climate has become a stumbling block for us." Zhu Zhen sighed: "In June, the heat in Indochina is unbearable, and the mountains and dense forests are densely covered with snakes and insects. Even with the escort of my fifth brother's military doctors, half of the soldiers are still suffering from the disease. Most of the illnesses were caused by heat stroke, and a small number were caused by malaria and cholera. Brother Wenying had to withdraw his troops temporarily and wait for the autumn to cool down before marching south again. "

"That's it..." The three princes nodded seriously. They all knew that when fighting in the southwest, the number one enemy was never the foreign troops, but the extremely sultry weather and the all-pervasive miasma.

If the climate and miasma in Inner Yunnan are a nightmare difficulty, then the natural conditions of fighting in Outer Yunnan are a hell difficulty.

All the Central Plains armies were defeated by this. The Mongol Yuan army, which had the best results, also lost more than half of its troops due to the plague after capturing Burma, and had to withdraw to Inner Yunnan.

They were really worried that the Conquering South Army would repeat the mistakes of the Yuan Army. Then their dream of a fiefdom will be far away.

"Don't worry, this is what Brother Wenying and I expected." Zhu Zhen reassured them: "In fact, it is safest for the army to send troops after Qiu Liang. It's just that the Battle of Luchuan was fought so beautifully. After destroying all the troops in Luchuan in one battle and leaving a huge power vacuum in Luchuan Myanmar, if we don't go south quickly, others will pick the peaches."

"Yes." Guo Ying and the other three nodded, and the former said: "Not only is he King Bago, but those chieftains are actually the same as Silunfa and Daogan Meng. Even if they offer their soil and surrender, they will never be honest. We must take advantage of every opportunity to expand our territory.”

"So I ordered Muying not to withdraw the whole army to the north, but to leave part of the army to garrison the city of Ava. Ava is the center of Myanmar. Only if it is firmly in our hands, the local prefects will not dare to act rashly." Zhu Zhen said with a smile. smiled and said:

"However, I am still too conservative. Brother Wenying does not plan to passively spend the summer in Ava City in the past few months. He is planning to personally lead 10,000 light cavalry to launch an eastern expedition. With the old sword in the car and the small knife from Chiang Mai, Attack Bangkok...that is, the Kingdom of Ayutthaya.”

He was very confident about Mu Ying's military ability, so he agreed to this eastern expedition.

"Mu Shuai is good at everything, but he's too fast." The three of them sighed after hearing this: "It's like this when fighting Yunnan and Luchuan. It's so fast that the brothers haven't even used their skills yet."

"Hahaha, this is because everyone's positions are different. From the standpoint of father and king, I love Brother Wenying to death." Zhu Zhen shook his head and smiled: "I hope he can conquer the entire Indo-China Peninsula in one year. Beat it down."

"That is, what others can do after winning ten battles, he can do it after one battle. How much less money can the court spend and how many fewer people die?" The three of them smiled bitterly and said: "Just following him would be a big disadvantage in keeping track of merit. ”

"Hey, you also need to change your thinking. This Indochina Peninsula will be your fiefdom in the future. It will take many years to fight, and the land will be destroyed thousands of miles, and the population will be wiped out. Is it better to do it quickly like Brother Wenying, with minimal loss to the people? "Zhu Zhen laughed loudly and said: "What is the spirit of ownership? It is the spirit of feeling distressed even if the pots and jars are broken."

"Hey, it's really..." Wang Bi and the others were enlightened, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Then it must be Mu Shuai who is the best. This place with people is valuable. If a deserted place like Mobei, we are blocked It’s not uncommon even if it’s ten thousand miles away.”

"Haha, that's the truth." Zhu Zhen nodded with a smile and had another drink with the three of them.

"Your Majesty, can you tell us how this fiefdom is divided?" Wang Bi asked impatiently: "I heard that it will be piloted in Yunnan, but I don't know what the regulations are."

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