Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1159 Your Majesty’s Message

The next day, Song Ne went to Bi Ci.

Ordinarily, officials below the fourth rank only need to kowtow outside the palace when they say goodbye, and are not qualified to say goodbye to the emperor in person.

Song Ne originally thought that as a fifth-level minister of Guozi University, he would naturally kowtow outside the Meridian Gate, hand over a thank you note, and then return to his hometown.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived, before he could carry his father-in-law, a eunuch wearing a python robe came out of the city gate, held his hands in front of him and said with a smile: "Are you Mr. Song, Mr. Siye?"

"It's the grassroots." Song Ne returned the greeting with difficulty. The emperor has given him permission to serve, so although he is still wearing official uniform, he is already a commoner. After his resignation, he will change back to civilian clothes forever.

"Our family is waiting for death." The eunuch smiled and said seriously: "There is an edict."

"Hurry and help me down." Song Ne quickly asked his son to help him out of the carriage, and knelt down to listen to the edict.

"I have received an edict from Song Dynasty to bring a carriage to the palace to pay my respects. I admire this."

"I obey the decree and thank you for your kindness!" Song Nadeng burst into tears. The emperor made an exception to receive him, which was already a special favor. It is even more of a great grace to allow me to sit and carry my father into the palace.

"Old Siye, please." The eunuch waved, and two soldiers came over carrying a carriage. The waist chair is actually just a chair with two extra bars underneath, which is very simple.

But in the palace, except for the emperor's concubines and the prince, even the princes had to go about their business without special orders. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, only the Duke of Han, Duke of Wei, and the old Duke of Cao, Li Heng, have enjoyed this kind of treatment.

Although this was only a one-time privilege for him, and it was entirely to take care of his mobility difficulties, it was enough to keep him boasting for generations to come.


Song Ne sat and carried his father into the palace, and came to Wuying Hall in a relaxed manner. After waiting for a while, Boss Zhu announced his meeting.

With the support of his son and the eunuch, he entered the Golden Palace, kowtowed to His Majesty the Emperor tremblingly, and thanked him excitedly.

"Oh, Old Song, you are leaving too. We really can't bear to leave you." Zhu Yuanzhang put down the memorial in his hand, stood up and left the imperial case, personally bent down to help Song Ne, and looked at him carefully. As if I wanted to see if I could keep it for a few more years.

I saw that the old man had lost weight to a handful of bones, and the signs of stroke were also very serious. When I came in, the corners of my mouth should have been freshly wiped. Just after I thanked you a few times, there was drool on the corners of my mouth again.

"But it seems that you really need to rest." He saw that Song Ne's thinking was okay, but after the stroke, he couldn't see clearly, his mouth was crooked, his eyes were slanted, and he was paralyzed.

How can a dignified secretary of the Imperial College have such a dignified appearance? Zhu Yuanzhang had no choice but to give up trying to stay, and sighed: "When you became an official when you were seventy years old, we kept you for a while. No matter how reluctant you are this time, I have to let you go."

"The emperor is too partial to the old minister." Song Ne said with tears in his eyes: "The old minister can't bear to leave the emperor. Alas, if the stroke hadn't been so serious this time, I would still want to serve the emperor."

"Oh, there is nothing we can do. We really can't bear to use your body any longer." Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head regretfully and asked someone to give him a seat. "We won't give you a banquet if you're like this. Let's just chat and reminisce about old times."

Song Ne was naturally flattered. Boss Zhu's time was very valuable and he never talked nonsense with others. Being able to take time out to reminisce about the past is definitely true love.

Then Boss Zhu emotionally recalled the past years between the two... Song Ne was a Jinshi in the Yuan Dynasty. In the second year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang recruited eighteen famous Confucians from all over the world to compile books on rituals and music. Song Ne was one of them, and he joined Zhu Yuanzhang from then on. With his discernment, he served as a scholar in the Hanlin Academy and was revered by scholars at that time for his exposition of scriptures.

"We remember that back then, you and Song Lian were called the Second Song Dynasty, and they were rivals in the literary world. They were very prosperous." Boss Zhu mentioned the past with a smile.

Song Ne also looked sad: "That is a long time ago. Over the years, the veteran has become a public enemy in the literary world and has been spurned by them."

"Yeah, isn't it all because we asked you to go to the Guozi School to serve as a sacrificial wine?" Zhu Yuanzhang understood clearly and said with a smile: "Since then, your reputation has gradually become bad. We remember the last time If you become an official, you will be manipulated by that group of people."

"Yes." Song Ne nodded. He still remembered what happened six years ago. It was only then that he completely broke with the civil service group. "The old minister himself was at fault at the time. He was too inhumane, so he was attacked by a group of people."

"But we don't see it that way. We always think you are not wrong, otherwise I wouldn't let you continue." Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head and said decisively: "Those people are poisonous. The poison they brought from the Yuan Dynasty, don't look at their mouths One thing after another, the words are high-sounding, but in fact they are full of selfishness. They consider this and that, but they do not consider their country and their emperor."

"That's all they did in the Yuan Dynasty. After all, they were serving as officials for foreigners and just making a living." Zhu Yuanzhang said with an angry look: "But they are still like this in the Ming Dynasty, which only shows that this is what they have in their hearts. Grow stuff!”

"This imperial examination fraud case has proved this again. They are the most openly and openly ostracizing dissidents and nepotism! Believe it or not, if they are allowed to occupy the court, within a few decades, the Ming Dynasty will have corrupt officials and lax military equipment. The signs of national subjugation are fully revealed?!”

"..." Boss Zhu could say this, but Song Ne dared not take the initiative and could only listen silently.

"The fact that you are ostracized and hostile by them shows that you are not on the same side as them! If we don't protect people like you, in the future, only people like them will be left in the court!" Zhu Yuanzhang continued: "Besides, you also You are not an ordinary official, but the head of Guozi University recognized by me and Lao Liu. Only by protecting you can we cultivate thousands of new scholars, and can we replace those dirty and poisonous blood with fresh blood. Lose."

"I am really lucky to have the kindness of the emperor and the prince." Song Ne choked up and said: "Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission and am not as full of regrets as when I took up my official post last time."

"Not only did you fulfill your mission, you did a great job!" Zhu Yuanzhang happily patted his shoulder and said: "We often say that Song Ne is our ideal model of an official. If all officials in the world were as dedicated as you... No, As long as I have half as much power as you, why should Ming Dynasty worry about not being able to cure it?"

So what people like most is always themselves.

Song Ne is like a small mirror of Zhu Yuanzhang, and the practical and severe aspects of their characters are exactly the same. Zhu Yuanzhang needless to mention that after Song Ne took charge of Guozi University, he sat in the Imperial Academy all day long, immersed himself in hard work, slept in the duty room at night, and could not return home twice throughout the year.

It is completely different from those old bureaucrats who are accustomed to laziness.

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