When the Jinyi Guards were first established, Zhu Zhen also contributed several torture methods. They are all the kind that can destroy people's will without seeing blood.

One of the most well-received methods is the use of additional punishment. It has been tried and tested for many years, but no one has been able to survive it. It's just that the officials of Jinyiwei are more or less perverted and violent, and they all find this kind of extra punishment unsatisfactory, so they still retain various torturous criminal laws.

Usually people can't stand it until they stick it on the seventh floor. Eunuch Feng is obviously not an ordinary person, and he can't stand it until he sticks it on the fifth floor. Taking advantage of the opportunity to give him some air, he shouted: "Stop posting, stop adding. I'll move, I'll move, I'll move them all!"

Only then did Zhu Zhen wave his hand, asking the guard to step aside, and said in a deep voice: "Let's do it."

"Your Majesty, I haven't asked yet." Eunuch Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "What do you want our family to recruit?"

"Do you still need to ask? Why do we have any grudges? Why did they suddenly come to us?!" Zhu Zhen slammed the table. Of course, he couldn't admit that he actually forgot to ask.

"No injustice, no enmity." Eunuch Feng said hurriedly.

"In that case, why did you arrest my child?!" Lao Liu asked.

"This master misunderstood. We are not targeting your nephew, but all the little boys will be taken away..." Eunuch Feng quickly explained: "But your nephew is no longer needed."

"Who gave the order?" Zhu Zhen's expression turned cold. Anyone who knows him well knows that this is the expression that the prince is serious about.

"The villain... is actually just an errand boy. If he is really a big shot, how can he stay in such a small place?" Eunuch Feng smiled bitterly and finally told the truth: "So I don't know who gave the order. Anyway, it was from above. Orders, we just carry them out.”

"When did that start? How many children have been captured and taken to the palace?" Zhu Zhen asked again.

"This villain knows that it started in May." Eunuch Feng replied hurriedly: "It was easy to catch at the beginning, the streets were full of children, and a lot of them were caught at once. There must be at least a thousand, right?"

"So many?!" Zhu Zhen opened his mouth in shock: "Why did he catch these children and train them to be eunuchs from childhood?

"That's what I said, but it's just an excuse." Eunuch Feng replied: "In fact, the palace has all the palace people, so why do we need so many eunuchs? Besides, it's good for a five- or six-year-old child to be able to take care of himself. Still serving others?"

"Then what exactly is he going to do?" Zhu Zhen asked with a straight face.

"This matter has been kept secret, so I don't know exactly who the villain is. Some people say that the prince and princess are good at this. Some people say that Tao Zhenren, who comes from Laoshan in the palace, wants to use the penises of those children. Yao Yinzi made an elixir for the prince and the empress, but I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

After Eunuch Feng finished speaking, he emphasized: "But Xiao Xiao knows everything he knows and can tell you everything."

"It's been two months, haven't you completed the task yet?" Zhu Zhen asked again.

"This matter is not that easy." Eunuch Feng sighed and said: "A common person is not stupid. Just a few days after the palace took action, the news spread throughout Yanzhou. The common people must either send the boy out of Yanzhou quickly, or find ways to hide it. Let us not find it."

"Moreover, they went to Beijing to complain, and the officials also got involved. As a result, the emperor found out, and sent someone to scold the prince, and ordered him to send all the children out of the palace immediately. How dare the prince not do so? So? All previous efforts have been wasted.”

Zhu Zhen nodded. He came here nearly a month late just to give Lao Shi time to wipe his ass. Then he asked again: "Then what are you doing? Pretending to be Wang Chai to make money?"

"That's something you absolutely don't dare to do!" Eunuch Feng called out to Chong Tian Qu and said, "Young man really followed the orders from above!"

As he spoke, he explained: "The imperial envoy had just left, and he gave the order again, asking us to capture the child again. But this time we were more careful, and instead of arresting people in the city, we were sent to the villages and towns below to look for the child. . And we are not allowed to send it to the palace. Someone will come to collect it in a few days."

"..." Zhu Zhen heard the blue veins on his forehead twitching. If what the eunuch said was true, then Lao Shi was really too stubborn and stubborn. All the hard work of my eldest brother and myself was in vain!

After a while, he took a deep breath, calmed down and asked, "Do you know where to send the child?"

"I don't know where it will go." Eunuch Feng shook his head and said, "But it's a coincidence that a ship will come to collect the child early tomorrow morning."

"How many have you made?" Zhu Zhen asked.

"This gang of unscrupulous people is getting better and better, and now there are fewer and fewer of them. They only got two children in the past three days." Eunuch Feng sighed.

"Go and get the child back." Zhu Zhen ordered Deng Duo.

Then he interrogated Eunuch Feng again. He was just a low-level fireman. He really didn't know much about the inside story. If he asked too many questions, he would confuse the person.

So he was detained first, and then went to interrogate the green-skinned boss.

This man didn't need any support anymore. He stabbed his broken wrist bone and his soul flew away, leaving everything behind. But he knew even less. He was originally the leader of the gangsters in the county. The so-called gangsters were a group of green-skinned gangsters. Eunuch Feng came down from above and found them to act as his minions. They were also happy to have a backer to act as their boss, and the two of them hit it off immediately, and they started to commit crimes in Nanyang Town.


"According to Pei's explanation, someone did come to collect the children every three days, and tomorrow morning is the scheduled delivery time. In the end, they got two children. Eunuch Feng felt that he couldn't make the delivery, so he was worried about it. As a result, their The informant came to report and led them here..."

After the interrogation, Zhu Zhen informed Eleven Twelve of his results.

"The shopkeeper we asked knows even less, but everything he said is correct." Old Eleven looked at his notes with disappointment and said: "He also mentioned that there will be a ship coming to town tomorrow. Pick up the kids."

"Yes." Zhu Zhen nodded and said solemnly: "Now it seems that Lao Shi has not changed his ways. He is indeed still catching little boys everywhere, but he has just switched from public to secret."

"Could someone be messing around in his name?" Lao Shiyi is still kind-hearted after all, and is willing to think the best of others.

"Pull him down quickly." Lao Twelve disapproved: "We have been together in the main hall for so many years, and you haven't noticed it yet? He just pretended to be honest in front of his father and elder brother, and his true colors were revealed as soon as he left them. You don’t know what repentance is!”

"The truth is out there, and it will come out sooner or later. Don't rush to conclusions yet." Zhu Zhen slowly shook his head and said, "The top priority now is to find those children quickly and rescue them!"

When he talked about it later, his face turned livid: "I also have a responsibility here, I should have come earlier. I just thought about giving Lao Shi a chance, but I forgot what is most important!"

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