Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1173 The Wandering Story of Three Treasures

The sand boat arrived at the pier, but instead of docking, a sampan was lowered. Then someone was sent to pick up people from the shore in a small sampan.

It must be that it is too troublesome for large ships to dock frequently and leave the shore...

Lao Twelve, who was watching from a distance, was finally convinced and sighed: "There is really no way to ambush them like this."

"We cannot make any plans based on wishful thinking. The other party has no obligation to cooperate with our performance, so in addition to taking into account all unexpected situations as much as possible and making detailed plans. Another very important point is to fully mobilize people's enthusiasm and let the frontline soldiers Be adaptable." Zhu Zhen has also stepped into the role these days, teaching his younger brothers anytime and anywhere.

The emperor's grandson and Lao Twelve nodded vigorously, and Lao Eleven jotted down notes in his notebook.


While they were talking, the sampan docked, and a eunuch in casual clothes jumped onto the pier with two tall men.

"Blessed Brother Zhou." Eunuch Feng nodded quickly and bowed, stepping forward to say hello.

"Xiao Feng." Eunuch Zhou didn't blink an eyelid, obviously he didn't take him seriously. "How was the harvest in the past three days?"

"It's really unlucky, I just dug up a medicine guide." Eunuch Feng said cautiously, and also presented a blue stamp with a face value of two taels in his hand.

"Why so little?" For the sake of money, Eunuch Zhou didn't reward him, so of course he couldn't get away with a scolding. "You guys are so lazy, when can we meet again?"

"Brother Zhou, I'll take care of it." Eunuch Feng said with a grimace: "This job gets harder and harder the more you do it. It's now, who would leave the child at home, waiting for us to come to your door?"

"It has to be done even if it's difficult!" Eunuch Zhou took the sea ticket angrily. "Most people have no relatives outside Yanzhou, so they can only hide their children locally. If you think about it more, you will definitely find them!"

"Hey, I'm thinking of a solution." Eunuch Feng nodded, beckoned, and asked Deng Duo to take Ma Sanbao off the donkey cart. "Brother Zhou, take this one with you first, and I will definitely get a few more next time."

"Hmph, you told me we wouldn't come. We've spent so much effort just for such a broken kid." Eunuch Feng said, pulling off the sack covering the kid's head and looking at Ma Sanbao, who had a frightened face. He couldn't help but said in disgust: "Isn't this a bit old?"

"Not big, this child is only ten years old, but he looks a little anxious." Eunuch Feng hurriedly smiled and said: "Besides, it's just now, how can there be so many children over two and under ten? That's it. That’s fine, as long as you’re still a boy, right?”

"Oh." Eunuch Zhou nodded and said, "I won't do this next time. Don't mess with someone so old next time."

In fact, he accepted all the teenagers who were twelve or thirteen years old, but if he didn't say that, how could he rip them off?

Finally, he told Eunuch Feng: "Your Majesty's Sixth Brother is coming. Let's stop work for the next few days, but don't close the team. Keep an eye on the people for Your Majesty and don't let them talk nonsense."

"Hey, hey." Eunuch Feng responded, but his heart was filled with turmoil, and he secretly shouted, could that man really be the prince's brother?

Then, isn’t that child named ‘Eagle’ the emperor’s eldest grandson Zhu Xiongying?

At this time, Eunuch Zhou's sergeants had already carried Ma Sanbao onto the sampan.

Eunuch Feng helped Eunuch Zhou board the boat. The moment he approached the sampan, he wanted to step on it and run away... When he thought that he was actually going to castrate the future emperor, he was so scared that his crotch became wet. How dare you go back?

Unexpectedly, someone grabbed his arm from behind. Deng Duo said with a smile on his face, "You have to watch your step when you fuck me."

Eunuch Zhou didn't notice anything unusual at all, and said with a smile: "This subordinate of yours is quite discerning."

"Haha." Eunuch Feng endured the severe pain in his arm as if it was being clamped by pliers, and said with a smile: "Brother Zhou, have a good trip."

"What are you talking about?" Eunuch Zhou snapped and slapped Eunuch Feng so hard that he threw his face aside.

"Speak wisely." Eunuch Zhou said coldly, and took Ma Sanbao away from the trestle in a small sampan.

Eunuch Feng covered his cheeks and burst into tears, not because of this slap, but because of the terrible things he had done to himself...


Zhu Zhen didn't pay attention to his little move. When he saw Ma Sanbao being picked up, he said to the three of them in a deep voice: "Let's go too."

"Uncle Six, where are we going?" Zhu Xiongying asked hurriedly.

"Yanzhou City. Lao Shi didn't expect anyone yesterday, so he must have been very anxious." Zhu Zhen said calmly.

"Go find him now? Don't wait until you save someone?" Lao Twelve asked in confusion, but Lao Eleven pulled him and stopped him from asking any more questions.

There are some topics that are not convenient to discuss even among brothers.


Here Zhu Zhen and his party returned to their official boat parked in the lake, left Nansi Lake, and slowly went upstream along the Si River to Yanzhou City.

Ma Sanbao was also locked in a dark cabin over there, surrounded by the sounds of children sobbing. No one dared to cry loudly, because that would lead to severe beatings from the bad guys.

He felt that there were about twenty or thirty children in this cabin, and three or two more would be thrown in every once in a while. Obviously, this boat was collecting children from various towns along the lakeshore, and was not returning directly to its nest.

Such a unique ship's trajectory would definitely be exposed if followed, so he estimated that Deng commanded them to have probably lost track...

To be honest, he was a little scared, but at this point, he had no choice but to go on.

After wandering around in the lake for a long time, someone finally opened the hatch and shouted: "We're here, we're here, get them all out!"

Then some soldiers jumped into the bottom cabin and drove the children out of the cabin like ducks. Those who were too young to move were picked up like chickens and carried directly from the cabin. Throw it out.

Ma Sanbao naturally climbed out of the cabin without being thrown away.

Before he could adapt to the strong sunlight outside, he was kicked off the deck.

There is a sandy beach with extremely high mud content on the shore. Children cannot fall if they fall, but many children are so frightened that they cry loudly.

"Don't cry!" Eunuch Zhou scolded in a sharp voice: "Whoever cries will have his penis cut off!"

Except for Ma Sanbao, all the children were so scared that they covered their crotches and did not dare to cry. In order not to look too dazzling, he also covered his face symbolically.

"That's right." Eunuch Zhou nodded with satisfaction, and then said in a slower tone: "Don't be afraid. You can eat and drink here, and you don't have to work. You can play as you like. I will send you back during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Mom and dad are reunited. Do you understand?"

"I understand..." the children responded timidly.

"But there is one thing. You must be obedient. You must do whatever you are told! You can't just wait and see! If you don't obey, chop them up and throw them into the lake to feed the bastards!" Eunuch Zhou emphasized his tone and lectured: "Remember. ?!"

"Remember..." the children replied unevenly.

"Bring them in." Eunuch Zhou waved his hand, and several sergeants brought the twenty or thirty children into the camp like ducks.

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